Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 11083 Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States for the calendar year 1944. Volume I. -- Import and export statistics, section B. 1
Serial set 11084 Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States for the calendar year 1944. Volume I. -- Import and export statistics, supplement. 1
Serial set 11085 Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States for the calendar year 1944. Volume II. -- Export transport statistics. 1
Serial set 11086 Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1946, sixty-seventh number, compiled under the supervision of Morris H. Hansen, statistical assistant to the director. 1
Serial set 11087 Merchant vessels of the United States 1946 (including yachts and certain government vessels). January 1, 1946. 1
Serial set 11088 Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of the United States courts in patent and trademark and copyright cases, compiled from Vols. 558-569, inclusive, of the Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office during the year 1944. 1
Serial set 11089 Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of the United States courts in patent and trademark cases. Compiled from Vols. 582 to 593, inclusive, of the Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office during the year 1946. 1
Serial set 11090 United States Meteorological Yearbook 1941. 1
Serial set 11091 Union wage rates of city streetcar and bus operators, July 1, 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 856.].
Injuries and accident causes in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry, 1943. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 855.].
Wages in the basic lumber industry, 1944. [Bulletin of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics No. 854.].
Serial set 11092 Impaired workers in industry. The comparative performance of impaired workers and their able-bodied fellow workers. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 857.]. 1
Serial set 11093 Employment situation in certain foreign countries. [Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics No. 864.].
Wage structure in the machinery industries, January 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 861.].
Organization and management of cooperative and mutual housing associations. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 858.].
Union wages and hours in the building trades, July 1, 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 862.].
Union wages and hours in the baking industry, July 1, 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 871.].
Wage structure in bituminous-coal mining, fall of 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 867.].
Extent of collective bargaining and union recognition, 1945.[U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 865.].
Wage structure of the fabricated structural-steel industry, January 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 866.].
Postwar outlook for physicians. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 863.].
Wage structure of the machine tool accessories industry, January 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 868.].
Trends in urban wage rates April to October 1945. {U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 860.].
Development in consumers' cooperative movement in 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 859.].
Workmen's compensation and the protection of seamen. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 869.].
Wholesale prices, 1944. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 870. Wholesale Prices Series.].
Serial set 11094 Union wages and hours of motortruck drivers and helpers, July 1, 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 874.].
Employment outlook in foundry occupations. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 880.].
General maximum price regulation. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 879.].
Wholesale prices, 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 877.].
Wage structure of electroplating and polishing industry, January 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 875.].
Work stoppages caused by labor-management disputes in 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 878.].
Factors affecting earnings in chemistry and chemical engineering. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 881.].
Workers' experience during first phase of reconversion. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 876.].
Injuries and accident causes in the brewing industry, 1944. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 884.].
Wartime wages, income and wage regulation in agriculture. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 883.].
Price trends and price control in foreign countries since VE-day. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 873.].
Changing status of bituminous-coal miners, 1937-46. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 882.].
Union wages and hours in the printing trades. July 1, 1945. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 872.].
Serial set 11095 Report of the government of the District of Columbia for the year ended June 30, 1945. 1
Serial set 11096 Annual report of the Federal Security Agency, section four. United States Public Health Service for the fiscal year 1945. 1
Serial set 11097 Toxicity and potential dangers of methyl bromide with special reference to its use in the chemical industry, in fire extinguishers, and in fumigation by W.F. Von Oettingen, Chief Industrial Toxicologist United States Public Health Service. [National Institute of Health Bulletin No. 185.].
Genera Boophilus, Rhipicephalus, and Haemaphysalis (Ixodidae) of the New World, by R.A. Cooley, senior entomologist, United States Public Health Service. [National Institute of Health Bulletin No. 187.].
Effects of aliphatic nitrous and nitric acid esters on the physiological functions with special reference to their chemical constitution, by W.F. Von Oettingen, chief industrial toxicologist, United States Public Health Service. [National Institute of Health Bulletin No. 186.].
Serial set 11098 Annual report of the Federal Trade Commission for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1945. 1
Serial set 11099 Annual report of the Comptroller General of the United States 1945, for the fiscal year ended June 30. 1
Serial set 11100 59th annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission, November 1, 1945. 1
Serial set 11101 Annual report of the Librarian of Congress for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1945. 1
Serial set 11102 Bulletin of the Pan American Union. Volume LXXX. [January-June 1946.]. 1