Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 11260 Annual report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1947. In two parts. Part 1, Vol. 2. 1
Serial set 11261 Annual report of the Chief of Engineers, 1947. Commercial statistics. Water-borne commerce of the United States for the calendar year 1946. 1
Serial set 11262 Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States: Advising the President and Heads of Departments in Relation to Their Official Duties. Edited by John T. Fowler. Volume 40. December 31, 1940, to December 31, 1948. Also opinions dated December 24, 1919, July 27, 1932, and August 20, 1940. 1
Serial set 11263 Annual report of the Postmaster General for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1947. 1
Serial set 11264 Minerals yearbook 1946. Prepared under the direction of E.W. Pehrson, chief, Economics and Statistics Division. Allan F. Mathews, editor. 1
Serial set 11265 Fourteenth annual report of the Farm Credit Administration, 1946-47. Letter from the Acting Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting the fourteenth annual report of the Farm Credit Administration, covering its operations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947. November 17, 1947. -- Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and ordered to be printed. 1
Serial set 11266 Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States for the calendar year 1945. Volume I -- Import and export statistics. 1
SERIAL SET 11267  
Serial set 11268 Statistical Abstract of the United States 1948. Sixty-ninth edition. 1
Serial set 11269 Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of the United States courts in patent and trade-mark cases. Compiled from Vols. 606 to 617, inclusive, of the Official Gazette of the United States Parent Office during the year 1948. 1
Serial set 11270 United States Meteorological Yearbook, 1942. 1
Serial set 11271 Collective bargaining provisions. Apprentices and learners. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 908-4.].
Directory of labor unions in the United States. National and international unions. State labor organizations. June 1948. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 937.].
Collective bargaining provisions, promotion, transfer, and assignment; lay-off, work-sharing, and reemployment. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 908-7.].
Collective bargaining provisions. Union-management cooperation, plant efficiency, and technological change. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 908-10.].
Collective bargaining provisions. Leave of absence; military service leave. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 908-6.].
Collective bargaining provisions. Discharge, discipline, and quits; dismissal pay provisions. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 908-5.].
Collective bargaining provisions. Wage adjustment plans. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 908-9.].
Economy of Hawaii in 1947 with special reference to wages, working conditions, and industrial relations, by James H. Shoemaker, U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D.C. December 1947.
Collective bargaining provisions. Incentive wage provisions; time studies and standards of production. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 908-3.].
Collective bargaining provisions, general wage provisions. [Bulletin of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics No. 908-8.].
Retail prices of food 1946 and 1947. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 938.].
Serial set 11272 Employee benefit plans under collective bargaining. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 946.].
Union wages and hours: Motortruck drivers and helpers. July 1, 1947. [Bulletin of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics No. 928.].
Workers' budgets in the United States: City families and single persons, 1946 and 1947. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 927.].
Wage trends and wage policies: various foreign countries. [Bulletin of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics No. 934.].
Work injuries in the United States during 1947. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 945.].
Employment outlook in electric light and power occupations. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 944.].
Cooperatives in postwar Europe. Survey of developments in Scandinavian countries and Eastern, Central, and Western Europe. [Bulletin of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics No. 942.].
Salaries of office workers in selected large cities. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 943.].
Supplementary wage practices in American industry 1945-46. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 939.].
Work stoppages caused by labor-management disputes in 1947. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 935.].
Economic status of registered professional nurses, 1946-47. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 931.].
Developments in the consumers' cooperative movement in 1947. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 932.].
Union wages and hours: local transit operating employees. October 1, 1947. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 933.].
Union wages and hours: the baking industry. July 1, 1947. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 936.].
Construction and Housing 1946-47. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 941.].
Union wages and hours: building trades July 1, 1947. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 930.].
Serial set 11273 Employment outlook in the plastics products industry. [Bulletin of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics No. 929.]. 1
Serial set 11274 Occupational Outlook Handbook. Employment information on major occupations for use in guidance prepared in cooperation with Veterans Administration Office of the Assistant Administrator for Vocational Rehabilitation and Education. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 940.]. 1
Serial set 11275 Report of the government of the District of Columbia for the year ended June 30, 1947. 1
Serial set 11276 First report to Congress of the Economic Cooperation Administration for the quarter ended June 30, 1948. Message from the President of the United States transmitting the first report of the Economic Cooperation Administration created by the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948... December 31, 1948. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed with illustrations.
Supplement to first report to Congress of the Economic Cooperation Administration for the quarter ended June 30, 1948. Message from the President of the United States transmitting the supplement to the first report to Congress of the Economic Cooperation Administration for the quarter ended June 30, 1948. December 31, 1948. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Serial set 11277 Twenty-seventh annual report of the Federal Power Commission. Fiscal year ended June 30, 1947. 1
Serial set 11278 Annual report of the Federal Security Agency. Section three. United States Public Health Service for the fiscal year 1947. 1
Serial set 11279 Annual report of the Federal Trade Commission for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1947. 1