Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Serial set 11554 | Thirty-sixth annual report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1950. Including technical reports Nos. 951 to 1002. | 1 |
Serial set 11555 |
Report on the progress and condition of the United States National Museum for the year ended June 30, 1950. Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution |
2 |
SERIAL SET 11556 | ||
Serial set 11557 | La Venta, Tabasco: A Study of Olmec Ceramics and Art, by Phillip Drucker, with a chapter on structural investigations in 1943 by Waldo R. Wedel and appendix on technological analyses by Anna O. Shepard. [Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 153.]. | 1 |
Serial set 11558 | River Basin Surveys Papers. Inter-agency Archeological Salvage Program. Numbers 1-6. [Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 154.]. | 1 |
Serial set 11559 | Annual report of the American Historical Association for the year 1950. Volume I. Proceedings. | 1 |
Serial set 11560 | Writings on American history 1948. Volume II of the annual report of the American Historical Association for the year 1950. | 1 |
Serial set 11561 |
Annual report of the Federal Maritime Board and Maritime Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. 1950. Annual report of the Farm Credit Administration, 1949-50. Railroad Retirement Board. Annual report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1950. Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, annual report for fiscal year ending June 30, 1950. |
4 |
Serial set 11562 |
64th annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission. November 1, 1950. 67th annual report United States Civil Service Commission fiscal year ended June 30, 1950. Annual report of the Federal Trade Commission for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1950. Thirtieth annual report of the Federal Power Commission, fiscal year ended June 30,1950. Sixteenth annual report of the Securities and Exchange Commission, fiscal year ended June 30, 1950. Thirty-fourth annual report of the United States Tariff Commission, 1950. |
6 |
Serial set 11563 |
Comptroller General of the United States. Annual report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1950. Annual report of the Postmaster General for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1950. Report of the President of the Commodity Credit Corporation 1950. Message from the President of the United States transmitting the report of the Commodity Credit Corporation for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1950, pursuant to section 13, Public Law 806, Eightieth Congress. February 26, 1951. -- Referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency and ordered to be printed. Annual report of the Governor of the Panama Canal for the fiscal year 1950. Annual report. Office of Alien Property, Department of Justice, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1950. Annual report of the Federal Security Agency, 1950. Public Health Service. |
6 |
Serial set 11564 | Journal of the Senate of the United States of America. Second session of the Eighty-second Congress begun and held at the City of Washington January 8, 1952, in the one hundred and seventy-sixth year of the Independence of the United States. | 1 |
Serial set 11565 | Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States. Eighty-second Congress second session begun and held at the City of Washington: January 8, 1952, in the one hundred and seventy-sixth year of the independence of the United States. | 1 |
Serial set 11566 |
John Kintzig and Tatiana A. Kintzig. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Restoring certain land to the Territory of Hawaii and authorizing said Territory to exchange whole or a portion of same. March 13 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Adjustment of land titles. February 6 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Giuseppe Valdengo and Albertina Gioglio Valdengo. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Demetrius Alexander Jordan. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Suspension of limitations. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Claire Phillips Clavier. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Luigi Morelli. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act regulating dentistry in the District of Columbia. March 10 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Securing the attendance of witnesses from without the District of Columbia in criminal proceedings. February 20 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Hawaiian Organic Act relating to qualifications of jurors. March 13 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Allen W. Spangler. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gray market in steel. Report of the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate. Impact of gray market in steel on small manufacturers and fabricators. January 31 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed with illustrations. Daniel Wolkonsky and his wife, Xenia Wolkonsky. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Louis Campbell Boyd. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act relating to the incorporation to Trinity College of Washington, D.C. February 20 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act creating a board of accountancy for the District of Columbia. February 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Act for the Retirement of Public School Teachers in the District of Columbia. February 20 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the law of the District of Columbia relating to forcible entry and detainer. February 20 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Granting the consent of Congress to a compact entered into by the States of Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico relating to the waters of the Canadian River. February 19 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the District of Columbia Teachers Salary Act of 1947. February 20 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Federal Credit Union Act. February 20 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Proceedings against Emmitt Warring for contempt of the Senate. February 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Joachim Nemitz. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the continuance of operations under certain mineral leases issued by the respective states covering submerged lands of the continental shelf and authorizing the Secretary of the Interior, pending the enactment of further legislation, to grant oil and gas leases on said submerged lands. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Panagiotes Roumeliotis. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Doreen Iris Neal. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Transfer of lands to police jury of Caddo Parish, La. February 6 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for recognition and endorsement of the International Trade Fair and Inter-American Cultural and Trade Center in New Orleans, La. February 27 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Exempting from civil service certain government employees. February 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Welfare of coal miners. February 27 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Presenting Merchant Marine Distinguished Service Medal to Henrik Kurt Carlsen, master, steamship "Flying Enterprise." February 27 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Yuriko Tsutsumi. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Elisabeth Mueller. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. William Grant Braden, Jr. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Eugene Richard Sushko. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Anna Maria Krause. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Wai Hsueh Tan, Mrs. May Jane Tan, Robert Tingsing Tan, and Ellen Tan. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 3 (a) of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gloria Wilson. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Marie Cafcalaki. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jerry J. Lencioni. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Elvira Zachmann. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Calcedonio Tagliarini. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Richard A. Seidenberg. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Carl Himura. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hisako Hanabata. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Else Neubert and her two children. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mering Bichara. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Charlotte Elizabeth Cason. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Increasing the annual income limitations governing the payment of pension to certain veterans and their dependents. March 24, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Utilization of manpower in the Federal Government. An interim report on the progress of the investigation into the personnel needs and practices of the various governmental agencies being conducted by the Subcommittee on Federal Manpower Policies pursuant to Senate 23... March 19 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Incorporating the Conference of State Societies, Washington, D.C. March 19 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Cost-of-living increase in compensation and pension rates. March 24, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the continuation of the study being made by the Subcommittee on Federal Manpower Policies pursuant to Senate Resolution 53. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing construction of a dam and dike to prevent flow of tidal waters into North Slough, Coos County, Oreg. March 25 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sisters Dolores Illa Martori, Maria Josefa Dalmau Vallve, and Ramona Cabarrocas Canals. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing Mount Olivet Cemetery Association to convey to Salt Lake City, Utah, a portion of the lands heretofore granted to such Association. March 13 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue to school district No. 28, Ronan, Mont., a patent in fee to certain Indian land. March 13 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the cloture rule with respect to the number required for adoption of a cloture motion. March 6 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed, March 12 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Name of Mr. Green added as cosigner of minority views, and report ordered to be printed. Designating the lake at Wolf Creek Dam in the State of Kentucky as Lake Cumberland. March 25 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Proceedings against Roger Simkins for contempt of the Senate. February 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia to establish daylight-saving time in the District. February 20 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing that the Board of Education of the District of Columbia shall have sole authority to regulate the vacation periods and annual leave of absence of certain school officers and employees of the Board of Education of the District of Columbia. February 20 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending Section 86, Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to the District of Columbia. February 20 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act of September 25, 1950, so as to provide that the liability of the Town of Mills, Wyo., to furnish sewerage service under such act shall not extend to future construction by the United States. February 20 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Caroline Wu. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Easements for rights-of-way. February 27 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Niccolo Luvisotti. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Barbara Jean Takada. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Transfer of certain lands owned by the New Mexico Rural Rehabilitation Corporation. March 12 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. May Hosken. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Adjustments to basis on account of excessive depreciation. February 6 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Federal jurisdiction to prosecute crimes on American airplanes. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Relief for the sheep-raising industry. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Prohibiting the transportation of lethal munitions in interstate or foreign commerce. February 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the appointment of qualified women as physicians and specialists in the medical services of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. February 27 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Making certain increases in the annuities of annuitants under the foreign service retirement and disability system. February 27 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. National Security Training Corps Act. February 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Shu-Ting Liu Hsia and her daughter, Lucia. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Rosarina Garofalo. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Joachim Volk, also known as Steven Craig Delano. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mound City Group National Monument. March 14 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Matheos Alafouzos. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Correcting a typographical error in Public Law 204, Eighty-second Congress (the postal pay bill). February 7 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Further exemption from reimbursement by public carriers for immigration inspections. February 11 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Repealing the 10-percent surcharge on postal cards. February 7 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ching Wong Keau (Mrs. Ching Sen). March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Adelaide Reyes. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. Manuel J. Casas and Mrs. Julia Nakpil Casas. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Stephen Gorove. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Fusako Terao Scogin. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. James Yao. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Maria Szentgyorgyi Mayer. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Lourdes Augusta Pereira Ladeiro Rose. March 17 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Rhee Song Wu. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendment to service-of-process section of the Interstate Commerce Act. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Bruno Leo Freund. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the return to their owners of certain property loaned to or subpoenaed by the so-called Special Crime Committee. February 14 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Helen Sadako Yamamoto. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Repeal of authority for growing peanuts for oil in excess of marketing quotas. March 4 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hanne Lore Hart. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sister Maria Seidl and Sister Anna Ambrus. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Misako Watanabe and her daughter, Irene Terumi. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 106 (c) of the Housing Act of 1949. March 24, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Malka Dwojra Kron. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Reorganization plan No. 1 of 1952, providing for reorganizations in the Bureau of Internal Revenue. March 10 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing extension of time for authorization of certain projects for local flood protection in the Tennessee River Basin. March 25 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Reviving and reenacting section 6 of the Flood Control Act, approved December 22, 1944. March 25 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing suits against the United States to adjudicate and administer water rights. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the acquisition by exchange of certain properties within Death Valley National Monument, Calif. March 13 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Proceedings against Mary Jane Keeney for contempt of the Senate. February 25, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Relating to the administrative jurisdiction of certain public lands in the State of Oregon. February 26 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing and directing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to make such studies and investigations deemed necessary concerning the location and construction of a bridge over the Potomac River. February 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Lubo Paskalovic. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Relating to certain construction cost adjustments in connection with the Greenfields division of the Sun River irrigation project, Montana. March 13 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Anneliese Barbara Vollrath and Mrs. Margarete Elise Vollrath. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Frederic James Mercado. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for issuance of a supplemental patent to Charles A. Gann, patentee No. 152,419, for certain land in California. March 13 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Repealing the act of August 7, 1939 (53 Stat. 1243; 48 U.S.C., sec. 353). February 14 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act authorizing the negotiation and ratification of certain contracts with certain Indians of the Sioux tribe in order to extend the time for negotiation for approval of such contracts. February 14 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Kathleen Cowley. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Certain cases in which the Attorney General has suspended deportation. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Teruo Uechi. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Exchange of lands located within the vicinity of the Federal Communications Commission's primary monitoring station, Portland, Oreg. March 18 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Anna Krueger, Jean Krueger, and Edith Krueger. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Armed Forces Pay Raise Act. March 5 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Periodic pay increases for temporary indefinite employees of the Department of Navy. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Investigating problems relating to economic mobilization and stabilization. January 15 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Chicago International Trade Fair. January 14 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Select Committee on Small Business to expend additional expenditures from the contingent fund of the Senate. January 10, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jeremiah Coleman. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing payment of certain claims for damage to private property arising from activities of the Army. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Francesco Fratalia. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Exempting textile machines and parts from duty when imported for instruction of students by educational, religious, or charitable institutions. January 24 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Zbigniew Jan Dunikowski, Karolina Dunikowski, Wanda Octavia Dunikowski, and Janina Grospera Dunikowski. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Yoshiyuki Mayeshiro. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Conferring jurisdiction upon a United States district court to determine the claims of William P. Novotny, Sr., and others. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. and Mrs. David H. Perkins. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Despina Hodos. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Master Sgt. Orval Bennett. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. William C. Reed. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Lorene M. Williams. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Titus Radulesco-Pogoneano. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Robert Joseph Vetter. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Anton Bernhard Blikstad. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Emelie Simha. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Joe W. Wimberly. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Harriet F. Bradshaw. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the employment of a chief counsel at a salary not to exceed $15,000 per annum for the Subcommittee of the Committee on the District of Columbia Investigating Crime and Law Enforcement. January 22 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Rosario Garcia Jimeno. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gregorio Brilovich. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare to employ temporary personnel and make certain expenditures. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for research into and demonstration of practical means for the economical production, from sea or other saline waters, or from the atmosphere (including cloud formations), of water suitable for agricultural, industrial, municipal, and other beneficial consumptive uses. January 22 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Buckman and Raff, Executors. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Investigation of cost of production of china. January 24 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sor Matilde Sotelo Fernandez, Sor Virtudes Garcia Garcia, and Sor Amalia Gonzalez Gonzalez. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Pauline J. Gourdeaux. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing an additional appropriation to enable the continuation of the investigation of crime and related problems in the District of Columbia. January 22 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending the time during which the Secretary of the Interior may enter into amendatory repayment contracts under the federal reclamation laws. January 17 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Carl Weitlanner. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. O.L. Osteen. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. John Tzanavaris. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mark Paul Crowley. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gordon E. Smith. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Thelma A. Nolen. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Edward C. Brunett. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for boundary adjustments of the Badlands National Monument, in the State of South Dakota. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing an investigation of storage and processing activities of the Commodity Credit Corporation and alleged dealings in gas and oil interests by employees of the Farm Credit Administration. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the conveyance of the Bear Lake Fish Cultural Station to the Fish and Game Commission of the State of Utah. January 23 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Antonio Corrao Corp. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Bernard R. Novak. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Maria Seraphenia Egawa. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Cindy Eberhardt. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Constantin Alexander Solomonides. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed "Smokey Bear." January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Marguerite A. Brumell. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Investigating the administration of the Trading with the Enemy Act since December 18, 1941. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. Ying Tak Chan. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. George H. Whike Construction Co. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. American Lithofold Corp., William M. Boyle, Jr., Guy George Gabrielson. Interim report of the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments made by its Senate permanent Subcommittee on Investigations pursuant to S. Res. 156, a resolution authorizing the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments to carry out certain duties. January 31 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Suspending the import duties on tungsten. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Madelaine Viale Moore. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Robert E. Vigus. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Alevtina Olson and Tatiana Snejina. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Margherita Caroli. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Investigation of airplane accident at Elizabeth, N.J., and matters relating to Newark Airport. January 31 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Elfriede Hartley. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Investigation of airplane accident at Elizabeth, N.J., and matters relating to Newark Airport. January 30 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Toshiko Konishi. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Citizenship Day. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Harrington & Graham. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Midori Akimoto. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Arthur K. Prior. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Owners of certain Finnish sailing vessels. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sister Maria Gasparetz. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Leslie A. Connell. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Matsuko Kurosawa. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act providing for the appointment by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia of special policemen. February 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act creating a Juvenile Court for the District of Columbia, approved March 19, 1906, as amended. February 20 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Transfer of land in Robinson Remount Station to Crawford, Nebr. February 6 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending Public Law 848, Eighty-first Congress, second session. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Abolishing the Appeal Board of the Office of Contract Settlement. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Implementing the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extension of agricultural conservation program. March 13 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Joint Economic Report. Report of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report on the January, 1952 economic report of the President with supplemental and minority views and materials prepared by the staff on national defense and the economic outlook for the fiscal year 1953. March 12 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed with illustrations. Alcide Orazio Marselli and Angelo Bardelli. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Hildegard Pielecki Kennedy. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Alexander Urszu. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Julie Bettelheim and Evelyn Lang Hirsch. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Pinfang Hsia. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Investigating the administration of the Trading with the Enemy Act since December 18, 1941. March 12 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Rudolf Bing and Nina Bing. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for medical services to non-Indians in Indian hospitals. March 13 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Farmer-debtor relief. March 13 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ziemowit Z. Karpinski. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Basil Vasso Argyris and Mrs. Aline Argyris. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mount Olivet Cemetery Association. March 14 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 302 (4) of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, as amended, relating to penalties. February 27 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Age requirements in competitive civil service appointments. February 11 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ernest Nanpei Ihrig. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hai Soon Lee. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Pay of civilian employees of the Navy Department. February 14 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Briti-Marie Eriksson, and others. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Wanda R. Barnett. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Detroit Automotive Products Co. February 19 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Boutros Mouallem. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing each of the States of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Washington to pool royalties derived from lands granted to it for public schools and various state institutions. February 14 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Certain cases in which the Attorney General has suspended deportation. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Martha Brak Foxwell. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Maria Sarandrea. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Osvaldo Castro y Lopez. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Pietro Meduri. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Wanda Charwat and her daughter, Wanda Aino Charwat. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend section 32 of the Trading with the Enemy Act. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Giuseppa S. Boyd. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. George Georgacopoulos. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Repealing section 104 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Patrick J. Logan. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Selma Cecelia Gahl. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Max Mayer Hirsch Winzelberg and Mrs. Jenty Fuss De Winzelberg. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Janice Justina King. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Inez B. Copp and George T. Copp. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gerdina Josephina Van Delft. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Vivian M. Graham and Herbert H. Graham. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Andy Duzsik. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Yukio Niimura. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Heidi Geraldine Connelly. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Harumi Kamiaka. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Establishing a special committee to be known as the Special Committee To Investigate the Problem of Overpopulation in Western Europe and Programs of Assistance of Refugees from Communist Tyranny. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ernest Daniel Davis, Jr. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jean Hamamoto, also known as Sharon Lea Brooks. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Signa Angela Maino Cristallo. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Michiko Ihara. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the appointment of a special investigator and not to exceed five deputies with power to investigate improper and illegal conduct in the transaction of the business of the government of the United States, and to prosecute such conduct where found. March 18 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Advance commitments by the Federal National Mortgage Association for the purchase of certain mortgages on defense housing and military housing. March 18 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 331 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended, concerning the care and treatment of persons afflicted with leprosy. March 18 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. David Yeh. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Naomi Saito. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Holger Kubischke. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Making additional appropriations for the legislative branch and the Motor Carrier Claims Commission for the fiscal year 1952. March 10 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Exempting from civil service certain government employees. March 19 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Excluding appliances or parts thereof for the blind and the weight and seize limitations of fourth-class mail. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hiram R. Gale Memorial Hospital. March 7 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Marie Y. Mueller. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Revision of immigration and nationality laws. January 29 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Setsuko Yamashita and Takashi Yamashita. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Anthony Lombardo. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Withholding of state income taxes by federal agencies. March 14 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Permitting Canadian vessels to transport merchandise and passengers between Alaskan ports and continental United States for a temporary period. February 27 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Committee on the Judiciary to employ additional personnel and increasing the limit of expenditures. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Designating lake at Chief Joseph Dam in State of Washington as Rufus Woods Lake. March 25 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Certain cases in which the Attorney General has suspended deportation. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Walter Duschinsky. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Certain cases in which the Attorney General has suspended deportation. March 11 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Assisting in preventing aliens from entering or remaining in the United States illegally. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Proceedings against Abram Flaxer for contempt of Senate. March 18 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing an additional appropriation for an investigation of crime in the District of Columbia. January 30 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Kane Shinohara. January 28 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mary Alice Floyd. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hilde Schindler and her minor daughter, Edeline Schindler. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hidemi Nakano. February 18 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing certain decorations for outstanding and heroic conduct or service by persons serving in the American merchant marine. February 27 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending the authority of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare to employ two additional assistants. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gladys J. McCarthy. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 709 of title 18 of the United States Code. February 4 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Edi Bertoli, Gino Guglielmi, Serafinio Ballerini, and Giuseppi Biggi. March 3 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for issuance of a distinctive service ribbon bar in recognition of the services of merchant seamen. February 27 (legislative day, February 25), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Relating to telegram, long-distance telephone, and special-delivery and air-mail postage allowances of senators. May 29 (legislative day, May 28), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Patricia Ann Harris. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Claude Foranda. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. Nicola M. Melucci. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. National day of prayer. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Eleftherios G. Kokolis. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jimmy Doguta (also known as Jimmy Blagg). May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Enabling the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii to authorize the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of Honolulu to issue certain public improvement bonds. May 21 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for national cemeteries in the State of Arizona. May 27 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Federal Aid Highway Act of 1952 -- authorizing appropriations for continuing construction of highways for fiscal years 1954 and 1955. May 26 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Making temporary appropriations for the fiscal year 1952, and for other purposes. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Additional funds for agricultural education in Alaska. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Approving contracts negotiated with irrigation districts on the Owyhee, Riverton, Milk River, and Frenchtown federal reclamation projects, to authorize their execution, and for other purposes. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gold miners. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States, relative to the taking of private property. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Transfer of grape experimental station to the University of California. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendment to Interstate Commerce Act by increasing amount of exempt securities for motor carriers. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Lowering of cash reserves of national bank located outside continental United States. June 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Tsutako Kuroki Masuda. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. George H. Soffel Co. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the President of the United States to proclaim Olympic Week. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Bernard J. Keogh. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mehmet Salih Topcuoglu. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Felix Navedo-Merced and Carmen Ramos-Baez. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Priscilla Ogden Dickerson Gillson De La Fregonniere. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ann Tobak and John Tobak. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Helga Richter. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ellis E. Gabbert. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Giovanni Rinaldo Bottini. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mary Osadchy. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mimi Fong and her children, Sing Lee and Lily. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ivo Cerne. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sisters Maria Salerno, Eufrasisa Binotto, Maria Ballatore, and Giovanna Buziol. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Silverio Salvatore Conte. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Creating an advisory committee to study and evaluate experiments in weather modification. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Kaiko Sugimote (Kay Fair) and her minor children. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. Albert Haas. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to convey to Commonwealth of Massachusetts certain rights of access in and to Chelsea Street, City of Boston. April 3 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gylda Raydel Wagner. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Col. Julia O. Flikke and Col. Florence A. Blanchfield. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Lydia Daisy Jessie Greene. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Miguel Narciso Ossario. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Conferring jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear, determine, adjudicate, and render judgment on the claim of John J. Snoke. April 8 (legislative day, April 2, 1952). -- Ordered to be printed. Extension of patents for World War II veterans. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Toshiaki Shimada. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Marc Stefen Alexenko. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Paula Slucka (Slucki) and Ariel Slucki. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Manami Tago. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Attorney's charging lien in an action or other proceeding. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing and directing the conveyance of a certain tract of land in the State of Mississippi to Louie H. Emfinger. April 17 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Code of Law of the District of Columbia in respect to the recording, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, of bills of sale, mortgages, deeds of trust, and conditional sales of personal property. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act entitled "An Act To Provide for the Recording and Releasing of Liens by Entries on Certificates of Title for Motor Vehicles and Trailers, and for Other Purposes," approved July 2, 1940, as amended. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. April 22 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Increasing the salary of the Administrator of Rent Control for the District of Columbia. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending the authority of, and providing additional funds for, the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, under Senate Resolution 53, to investigate personnel needs and practices of the various governmental agencies. March 26 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to transfer to the Department of the Navy certain land and improvements at Pass Christian, Miss. March 27 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending free mailing privileges to members of the armed forces of foreign nations serving under United Nations command in Korea and elsewhere. March 28 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Susan Patricia Manchester. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sister Stanislaus. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Barbara Ann Sheppard. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Leda Taft. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dorothea Zirkelbach. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hisamitsu Kodani. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. John Michael Jurecek. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Navy ration statute so as to provide for the serving of oleomargarine or margarine. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Federal Civil Defense Administrator to acquire, by lease or license, warehouse space for civil defense purposes at Sikeston. Mo.; Zanesville, Ohio; Downingtown, Pa.; and Paw Paw, W. Va.; respectively. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Stamp tax on certain deposits of securities by insurance companies. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Retroceding to the State of Illinois jurisdiction over 154.2 acres of land used in connection with the Chain of Rocks Canal, Madison County, Ill. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of Defense to lend certain Army, Navy, and Air Force equipment, and provide certain services to the Boy Scouts of America for use at the Third National Jamboree for the Boy Scouts. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Promoting the national defense by authorizing the construction of aeronautical research facilities by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics necessary to the effective prosecution of aeronautical research. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Wages and effects of deceased seamen. April 28 (legislative day, April 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendment of section 2800 (a)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for suitable accommodations for the Bureau of Customs and certain other government services at El Paso, Tex. May 7 (legislative day, May 1), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Retroceding to North Carolina concurrent jurisdiction over a highway at Fort Bragg. April 3 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing additional funds for supplemental direct home and farmhouse loans by the Veterans Administration. April 7 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Motoko Sakurada. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Elaine Irving Hedley. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Nigel C.S. Salter-Mathieson. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Holly Prindle Goodman. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. May Quan Wong (also known as Quan Shee Wong). April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Andrijana Bradicic. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Nobuko Hiramoto. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. Eleftheria Paidoussi. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the granting of permits to the Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies on the occasion of the inauguration of the President-elect in January 1953. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Giving the Secretary of Commerce authority to extend further certain charters to citizens of the Republic of the Philippines. March 27 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing vessels of Canadian registry to transport iron ore between United States ports on the Great Lakes during 1952. March 26 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Third supplemental appropriation bill, 1952. April 10, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing funds for a study of the Railroad Retirement Act and related problems. March 26 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing certain expenditures by the Joint Committee on the Navajo-Hopi Indian Administration. March 26 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Creating a commission to study relations between the United States and other North Atlantic nations. April 22 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act entitled "An Act To Regulate the Practice of Veterinary Medicine in the District of Columbia," approved February 1, 1907. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the maintenance of public order and the protection of life and property in connection with the Presidential inaugural ceremonies of 1953. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending certain tax laws applicable to the District of Columbia. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to sell certain land on the Chena River to the Tanana Valley Sportsmen's Association, of Fairbanks, Alaska. April 17 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the transfer of lands from the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior to the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture. April 17 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dulcie Ann Steinhardt Sherlock. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Clara Mulligan. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Expansion of the activities of the Department of Labor. April 3 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Kimberly Ann Cibulski, also known as Belle Lee. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hans Werner Brisco. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Midori Sugimoto. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Joseph Yukio. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mark Yoke Lun and Mark Seep Ming. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Rumi Takemura. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Eugene Kline. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Aiko Eijima Phillips. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Erika Bammes (Patricia Ann Cox). April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hideo Ishida. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Permitting the advance or payment of expenses of travel and subsistence to federal officers or employees by one agency and reimbursement by another agency. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 2151 of title 18, United States Code, relating to sabotage. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Loretta Chong. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ronald Yee. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Kazuyoshi Hino and Yasuhiko Hino. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Permitting free entry of articles imported from foreign countries for the purpose of exhibition at the Washington State-Far East International Trade Fair, Seattle, Wash. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Act of January 12, 1951 (64 Stat. 1257), amending and extending title II of the First War Powers Act, 1941. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the National Labor Relations Act. May 5 (legislative day, May 1), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Land transfer to State of Tennessee. May 7 (legislative day, May 1), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to convey to the City of Macon, Ga., a parcel of land containing 2 acres, more or less. April 3 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Anne De Baillet-Latour. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Karin Riccardo. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Toshiko Minowa. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Brenda Marie Gray (Akemi). April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Yoko Takeuchi. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Monika Waltraud Fecht. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Minglan Hammerlind. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Kunio Itoh. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sachio Kanashiro. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Rodney Drew Lawrence. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Senta Ziegler. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Edith Abrahamovic. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Relating to the transmission of poisons in the mails. April 9 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Administration of Public Law 921, Eighty-first Congress. Report of the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate. The administration of Public Law 921, Eighty-first Congress, by the Department of Defense, and its impact on small manufacturers and fabricators suffering hardships under fixed price defense contracts. April 16 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for quarters, in certain public buildings in the District of Columbia, for troops participating in the inaugural ceremonies of 1953. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Administrator of General Services to transfer certain real property to the Department of the Navy. April 28 (legislative day, April 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the transfer of certain property by the Administrator of the General Services Administration to the Secretary of the Interior. April 24, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Labor-federal security appropriation bill, 1953. April 24, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the transfer of hospitals and related facilities between the Veterans Administration and the Department of Defense. April 24, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Treasury and Post Office Departments appropriation bill, fiscal year 1953. April 22 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Michi Masaoka. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. and Mrs. Thanos Mellos, Michel Mellos, and Hermine Fahnl. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing and directing the Administrator of General Services to transfer to the Department of the Navy the government-owned magnesium foundry at Teterboro, N.J. April 1 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to convey to the Territory of Hawaii certain real property at Kahului, Wailuku, Maui, T.H. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Statute of limitations in case of criminal prosecutions. May 5 (legislative day, May 1), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jimmy Lee Davis. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extension of Rubber Act of 1948. May 15 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Deductibility of proceeds from sporting events conducted for the American National Red Cross and charitable contributions by individuals. May 16 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing that excess-land provisions of the federal reclamation laws shall not apply to certain lands that will receive a supplemental or regulated water supply from the San Luis Valley Project, Colorado. May 21 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Continuing the effectiveness of certain statutory provisions until June 15, 1952. May 22 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926. May 21 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Civil Aeronautics Act so as to permit the granting of free or reduced-rate transportation to ministers of religion. May 20 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Enabling the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii to authorize the County of Maui, Territory of Hawaii, to issue public improvement bonds for the construction of new public-school buildings. May 21 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Enabling the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii to authorize the County of Maui, Territory of Hawaii, to issue public-improvement bonds for the construction of flood-control projects on Iao Stream. May 21 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Making additional food rehabilitation appropriations for the fiscal year 1952. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Transfer of land to the State of Oregon. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Free importation by religious organizations of altars, pulpits, communion tables, baptismal fonts, shrines, or parts of the foregoing, and certain kinds of statuary. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing an increase in the limit of expenditures under Senate Resolution 366, Eighty-first Congress, relating to the internal security of the United States. May 29 (legislative day, May 28), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hsieh Ta-Chuan or Der Ott-Kuan. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Imposition of duties on tuna fish. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Erika Nicolo and her minor child. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Housing act of 1952. May 16 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Additional processing tax on coconut oil derived from Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. May 15 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Ann Morrison. May 16 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Altoon Saprichian. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the President of the United States to present the Distinguished Flying Cross to Col. Roscoe Turner. May 15 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Thorvald Nin. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Karen Christene Eisen Murdock. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing a $100 per capita payment to the members of the Red Lake band of Chippewa Indians, Minnesota. May 15 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Augusta Bleys, also known as Augustina Bleys. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. Guy Raiola. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Canceling irrigation maintenance and operation charges against land belonging to the Shoshone Indian Mission School, Wind River Reservation, Wyo. May 15 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Estate of Cobb Nichols. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Alaska railroads tax. May 15 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mutual Security Act of 1952. May 15 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sarah A. Davies. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Adele Frattini. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ruzena Stransky. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the printing of additional copies of the hearings entitled "Institute of Pacific Relations." May 29 (legislative day, May 28), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendment to extend Interstate Commerce Commission authority over discontinuance of certain railroad services. June 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ingeborg and Anna Lukas. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Elina Branlund. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Epifania Giacone. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hazel Sau Fong Hee. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ceasar J. (Raaum) Syquia. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Continuing the effectiveness of certain statutory provisions until July 1, 1952. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hisako Suzuki. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Lieselotte Maria Kuebler. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending the provisions of the Federal Credit Union Act, as amended, to the Virgin Islands. April 10, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Harumi China Cairns. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Susan Jeanne Kerr. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Cuban-American Sugar Company. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Act entitled "An Act To Provide for a Tax on Motor-Vehicle Fuels Sold Within the District of Columbia, and for Other Purposes," approved April 23, 1924, as amended. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Regulating the election of delegates representing the District of Columbia to national political conventions. April 24, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the construction and equipment of a geomagnetic station for the Department of Commerce. March 27 (legislative day, March 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Relating to the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia. April 24, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Investment of funds of federal credit unions. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing public assistance to needy persons in the District of Columbia. April 24, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the laws of the District of Columbia to regulate the practice of pharmacy and the sale of poisons. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Regulating the establishment of branches by federal savings and loan associations. April 10, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing cost-of-living increase in federal employee annuities. April 24, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Relating to the height of the building known as 2400 Sixteenth Street NW., Washington, D.C. April 23 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance of a patent in fee to Walter Anson Pease, a Crow allottee. April 16 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Northeastern Interstate Forest Fire Protection Compact. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Harvey T. Gracely. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Referees' salaries. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing blank ammunition for veterans' organizations. April 3 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Nagakubo (also known as Roy Mervin Nelson). April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Carl Schmuser. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. For the relief of certain displaced persons. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Debra Elaine Evans. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to sell and convey to Sam and George Arvanitis a parcel of land situated at the naval ammunition and net depot, Seal Beach, Calif. April 3 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Bankruptcy Act. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Making certain changes in laws applicable to regulatory agencies of the government so as to effectuate the recommendations regarding regulatory agencies made by the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government. April 3 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Kazumi Yamashito. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mutual Security Act of 1952. Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations on S. 3086 a bill to amend the Mutual Security Act of 1951 and for other purposes. April 30, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Career Compensation Act of 1949, as amended, to extend the application of the special-inducement pay provided thereby to doctors and dentists. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Additional funds for operating expenses of Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Aid for the education of blind children. May 9 (legislative day, May 1), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Civil Aeronautics Act to make unlawful certain practices of ticket agents engaged in selling air transportation. May 5 (legislative day, May 1), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the acquisition of a site for the new Federal building in Newnan, Ga., adjoining the existing Federal building there as an economy measure before land value has increased as a result of land improvement. May 7 (legislative day, May 1), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Importation of racing shells for the Olympic Games. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Machine guns and short-barreled firearms. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the excise tax on photographic apparatus. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Transferring of land to Florida State Board of Education for educational purposes. May 1, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Enabling the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii to authorize the City and County of Honolulu, a municipal corporation of the Territory of Hawaii, to issue bonds for acquisition of real property for public school purposes and for construction and replacement of buildings for public school purposes. May 21 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Enabling the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii to authorize the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of Honolulu to issue certain bonds for flood control purposes. May 21 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the conveyance of lands in the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation, Calif., for school purposes. May 21 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Enabling the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii to authorize the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of Honolulu to issue certain bonds for the construction of the Kalihi Tunnel and its approach roads. May 21 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mathilde Kohar Halebian. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Defense production pools. Report of the Select Committee on Small Business United States Senate. May 26 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. To amend and extend the Defense Production Act of 1950. Report from the Committee on Banking and Currency to accompany S. 2594, a bill to amend and extend the Defense Production Act of 1950 and the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, and for other purposes together with the minority views of Mr. Douglas, Mr. Benton, and Mr. Moody. May 27 (legislative day May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed with illustrations. Changing time for taking middecade agricultural census. June 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendment to Interstate Commerce Act to standardize rates on household goods shipped by United States Government for its employees. June 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendment to the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, and to section 5155 of the Revised Statutes, as amended. June 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendment to the Federal Reserve Act. June 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing that horticultural commodities shall be included within the term "agricultural commodities" for the purpose of the agricultural exemption for motor carriers in the Interstate Commerce Act. May 29 (legislative day, May 28), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Proposed amendment of Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act. May 29 (legislative day, May 28), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Agricultural appropriation bill, 1953. May 29 (legislative day, May 28), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sale of government-owned surplus tanker vessels. Interim report of the Committee on Government Operations made by its Senate permanent Subcommittee on Investigations pursuant to S. Res. 251 a resolution authorizing the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments to carry out certain duties. May 29 (legislative day, May 28), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed with illustrations. Marketing quotas for Maryland tobacco. May 29 (legislative day, May 28), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendments to section 20B of the Interstate Commerce Act, relating to modification of railroad financial structures. June 3 (legislative day, June 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Biancamaria Cori. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Michiko Okuda. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Walter Koelz. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. George Tus. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Nicholas J. and Elizabeth Miura. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Panaiotis Nicurezos. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Felix Kortschak. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Thomas E. Bell. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ying Chee Jung. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Chan Toy Har. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Stephan Joseph Horvath and Lucas Albert Horvath. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. George B. Henly Construction Co. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Kiko Oshiro. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Tom Tateki Iriye. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Yai Wing Lee. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Edward Charles Cleverley. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Pauline W. Goodyear. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Fumiko Higa. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sharon Elaine Frankovich. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mirko M. Bjelopetrovich. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Maria Weiland. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Norma J. Roberts. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Patricia Lauretta Pray. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Setsuyo Sumida. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Marian Diane Delphine Sachs. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sister Apolonia Gerarda Sokolowska. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Jeannette Thorn Pease. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway and power project. April 28 (legislative day, April 24), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sister Julie Schuler. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendments to the Natural Gas Act. April 17 (legislative day, April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed, with an illustration. Certain cases in which the Attorney General has suspended deportation. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Michiko Nakashima. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Jean (John) Plewniak and Anna Piotrowska Plewniak. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jan Yee Young. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Socorro Gerona De Castro. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Peter Penovic, Milos Grahovac, and Nikola Maljkovic. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Odette Louise Tirman. May 12, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to transfer, without reimbursement, to the Department of the Army, the Birmingham General Hospital, Van Nuys, Calif. April 24, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Independent offices appropriation bill, 1953. May 28, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Federal Airport Act and authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to acquire, construct, operate, and maintain public airports in and near national forests. May 26 (legislative day, May 12), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Isao Ishimoto. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Erich Anton Helfert. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Maude S. Burman. April 2, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Certain cases in which the Attorney General has suspended deportation. April 8 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed |
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Convey certain lands, improvements thereon, and rights-of-way to the town of Jackson, Wyo. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for a single supply cataloging and standardization agency. June 19 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Exempting certain recreational facilities for members of the armed forces from the tax imposed by section 3268 of the Internal Revenue Code. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Changing the name of Medicine Creek Reservoir in Frontier County of the State of Nebraska to "Harry Strunk Lake." June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the conveyance of the Centre Hill Mansion, Petersburg, Va., to the Petersburg Battlefield Museum Corp. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Payment of retroactive salary increases. June 23 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Department of Defense appropriation bill, 1953. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Columbia Basin contractors. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Collbran reclamation project, Colorado. June 10, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1952, providing for reorganizations in Bureau of Customs of the Department of the Treasury. June 12 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Margherita Gentile. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Edgar L. Dimmick. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Daniel Palusci. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending title IV of the National Housing Act, as amended-Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. June 20 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Additional compensation for federal officers and employees in the United States territories and possessions. June 20 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ratifying and confirming Act 291 of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1949, section 2 of Act 152 of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1951, and section 2 of Act 171 of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1951, which included Maui County Waterworks Board, Kauai County Waterworks Board... June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the sale of certain public land in Alaska to the Catholic society of Alaska to the Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska for use as a mission. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the conveyance by the United States to Fulton County, Ga., of certain land for highway purposes. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Granting the consent of Congress to the States of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming to negotiate and enter into a compact for the disposition, allocation, diversion, and apportionment of the waters of the Columbia River and its tributaries. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Participation of certain Federal employees in funerals of deceased members of armed forces. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Study of organization and operation of the Interstate Commerce Commission. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Legislative branch appropriation bill, 1953. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Relating to the rate of postage on certain publications entered as second-class matter prior to June 28, 1932. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Louis R. Chadbourne. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Finality clauses in government contracts. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Universal Military Training and Service Act. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Veronica Merita Ritson. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. For the relief of certain Basque aliens. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Wong Ng Chin Chun. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for sundry administrative matters affective the federal government. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act of July 16, 1892 (27 Stat. 174, ch. 195) so as to extend to the Secretary of the Navy, and to the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to the Coast Guard, the authority now vested in the Secretaries of the Army and Air Force with respect to withholding of officers' pay. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending subsections (c) and (d) of section 3 of the Postal Salary Act of July 6, 1945, as amended (Public Law 134, 79th Cong.). June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Prohibiting the interstate movement of highly flammable fabrics and articles of wearing apparel. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Chong So Yong. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. J. Ernest Ayre. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending the time for filing claims on behalf of certain persons. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Donald Lee Ferguson, Jr. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. State of New Hampshire and Town of New Boston, N.H. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Naturalization of armed forces personnel. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ayako Waki. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Printing, binding, and distribution of United States reports and Statutes at Large. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Leszek Kazimierz Pawlowicz. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Deliana Meulenkamp. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Granting of permanent residence to certain aliens. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Changing the name of the South Dam in the Columbia Basin project to Dry Falls Dam. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing certain land and other property transactions. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. District of Columbia appropriation bill, 1953. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. Manousos A. Petrohelos. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Enrique M. Orpilla. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Michiko Yamamori Wilder and her minor child. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Certain changes in the taking of the census of agriculture. June 17 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Anni Franchina. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Tsuneo Tanigawa, also known as David Lawrence Rogers. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Clarice D'Amico and Chiara Antonucci. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Angela Moniz McCracken. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gertrude Manhal. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Takae Nomura. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Victor de la Bretoniere. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jo Ann Fosberg. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Philip Fugh, Sarah Liu Fugh, and John Fugh. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ioannis Dimitriou Cohilis. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Alexander L. Wiesiolowski. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Urgent deficiency appropriation bill, 1952. June 17 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Margaret Frankel. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Civil functions, Department of the Army, appropriation bill, fiscal year 1953. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Elisabeth Rosalia Haste. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. James F. Spindler. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1952, providing for reorganization in the Post Office Department. June 12 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Clyde R. Sharp. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ethel White, Frankie Ezell, and Ralph James. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the removal of certain discriminatory practices of foreign nations against American-flag vessels, and for other purposes. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ichiro IIda. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Orazio Balasso. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending title 17 of the United States Code entitled "Copyrights" with respect to recording and performing rights in literary works. June 16 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Elimination of notarized oaths on certain documents. June 18 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Emergency assignments of postal employees to rural routes. June 18 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for granting to officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States Park Police force, the White House Police Force, and the Fire Department of the District of Columbia days of in lieu of regular days off suspended during emergencies. June 18 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extension of time for retroactive old-age and survivors insurance coverage of certain state and local employees. June 19 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Relating to mail-messenger contracts for postal employees. June 19 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Fixing the seniority rights and service of Albert O. Raeder as sergeant in the District of Columbia Fire Department. June 18 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952. June 19 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Relating to salaries of rural carriers serving heavily patronized routes. June 18 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the District of Columbia credit unions act. June 18 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act of June 6, 1924, as amended, relating to the National Capital Park and Planning Commission. June 18 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Relating to the unloading of mail from vessels. June 19 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. FHA mortgage insurance for sale of state-aided veterans' housing: amendment of section 610 of the National Housing Act, as amended. June 20 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance of a patent in fee to Erle E. Howe, a Crow allottee. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Approving contracts negotiated with the Gering and Fort Laramie irrigation district, the Goshen irrigation district, and the Pathfinder irrigation district, and to authorize their execution; to authorize the execution of contracts with individual water-right contractors on the North Platte Federal Reclamation Project... June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act entitled "An Act Relating to the Compensation of Commissioners for the Territory of Alaska," approved March 15, 1948 (62 Stat. 80). June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending sections 213 (B), 213 (C), and 215 of title II of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Promoting the rehabilitation of the Papago tribe of Indians and a better utilization of the resources of the Papago tribe. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance of a patent in fee to certain allottees on the Blackfeet Reservation, Mont. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Social Security Act amendments of 1952. June 23 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extension of investigation by Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance of a patent in fee to Eileen Ida Sanders, a Crow allottee. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Educational and other benefits for certain persons in active service in the Armed Forces on or after June 27, 1950. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the sale of land allotted to William Big Day, a Crow allottee. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act of July 26, 1946 (Public Law 551, 79th Cong.), relating to the issuance of general obligation bonds by the City of Anchorage, Alaska. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Continuing until close of June 30, 1953, the suspension of duties and import taxes on metal scrap. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance of a patent in fee to Viola Delaney, a Blackfeet allottee. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Attorney General to conduct preference primaries for nomination of candidates for President and Vice President. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Establishment of Veterans Administration domiciliary facility at Fort Logan, Colo. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 112 (n) of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to nonrecognition of gain from sale or exchange of residence) with respect to persons serving on active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the safe loading and discharging of explosives in connection with transportation by vessel. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Importation of wild-bird feathers. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending Section 3115 of the Revised Statutes. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing the United States Coast Guard with broader authority with respect to the apprehension and delivery of deserters, stragglers, and prisoners. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the sale of certain public land in Alaska to Victory Bible Camp Ground, Inc. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 67 of the National Defense Act, as amended, to provide for an active-duty status for all United States property and disbursing officers. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 165 (B) of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to employee stock purchase plans). June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending an act authorizing the conveyance of a portion of Fort Schuyler, N.Y. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Creating a Commission on Labor-Management Relations. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance of a patent in fee to Franklin Yarlott, a Crow allottee. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Robert Lee Williams. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sisters Adelaide Canelas and Maria Isabel Franco. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Peter Mihaly Berend. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. V.A. Verhei. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mary Fox. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Interstate Commerce Act to establish finality of contracts between the government and common carriers. June 6 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Health and safety of longshoremen and harbor workers. June 6 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of the Army to convey the sand, gravel, and clay deposits in and on a certain tract or parcel of land in Russell County, Ala., to W.T. Heard. June 6 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Bunker Hill Development Corp. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. James Nels Ekberg. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Stamey Construction Co. and/or the Oklahoma Paving Co. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Priscilla Crowley. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending sections 3182 and 3183 of title 18 United States Code. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Edith P. Powell. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Leonard Jesse Richards (Michio Inoue). June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Francis A. Gunn. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Approving the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. June 10, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 6 of the Air Commerce Act with regard to the entry into the United States of foreign civil non-common-carrier aircraft. June 10, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act of August 7, 1946, providing for the establishment of a modern, adequate, and efficient hospital center in the District of Columbia, as amended, so as to extend to June 30, 1957, the period for authorization for appropriations for carrying out the purposes of the act as amended. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the conveyance to the town of Dedham, Maine, of a certain strip of land situated in such town and used as a road right-of-way. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the suspension of the imposition or execution of sentence in certain cases in the municipal court for the District of Columbia and in the Juvenile Court of the District of Columbia. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act entitled "An Act To Define the Term 'Registered Nurse' and To Provide for the Registration of Nurses in the District of Columbia," approved February 9, 1907, as amended. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Administrator of General Services to transfer to the Department of the Navy, without reimbursement, certain property at Forth Worth, Tex. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending and extending the provisions of the District of Columbia Emergency Rent Act of 1951. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Investigating problems connected with emigration of refugees from western European nations. June 12 (legislative day June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Civil government for the Trust Territory. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 7a of the Act To Regulate the Employment of Minors within the District of Columbia. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending title 28 of the United States Code so as to provide for two United States commissioners for Great Smoky Mountains National Park. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending Army and Air Force Vitalization and Retirement Equalization Act for purpose of crediting certain service in the Army of the United States for certain members of the reserve components of the Air Force of the United States. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Granting of permanent residence to certain aliens. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gabriella Rubido Zichy. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sor Eufrasia Gomez Gallego, Sor Francisca Gil Martinez, and Sor Rosalia De La Maza. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Samuel Thomas Wong. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Kloman Instrument Co., Inc. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. School lunch amendments. June 5, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Deborah Jayne Engelman. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Lucille Hujima. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Clarence Sudbeck. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Lennie G. Clarkson and William E. Clarkson. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending subsection (d) of section 12 of the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 2952 [i.e., 1952]. -- Ordered to be printed. Military personnel claims. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the joint resolution of August 8, 1946, as amended, with respect to appropriations authorized for the conduct of investigations and studies thereunder. June 19 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Exempting from taxation certain property of the AMVETS, American Veterans of World War II, in the District of Columbia. June 18 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the conveyance to the Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum of certain parcels of land in the District of Columbia. June 18 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Equitably adjusting the salaries of auditors at central accounting post offices. June 19 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending the 1 1/2 cents per pound second-class mailing rate to publications of certain alumni associations. June 19 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Revision of reporting requirements for mail schedules. June 18 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance of a patent in fee to Winona Yellowtail, a Crow allottee. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Further amending section 202 (A) of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended, relating to membership on the Hawaiian Homes Commission. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 73 (i) of the Hawaiian Organic act. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance of a patent in fee to Donald B. Billedeaux. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Adjustment in the compensation of certain employees transferred pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 18, effective July 1, 1950. June 23 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and the Judiciary appropriation bill, 1953. June 24 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Interior Department appropriation bill, 1953. June 23 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending certain 10-year oil and gas leases. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the President to issue posthumously to the late William S. Cox a commission as third lieutenant, United States Navy. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance of a patent in fee to certain allottees on the Crow Reservation, Mont. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance of a patent in fee to John B. Cummins, a Crow allottee. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Steel emergency act of 1952. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Withdrawing and restoring to its previous status under the control of the Territory of Hawaii certain Hawaiian homelands required for the use of the Board of Water Supply of the City and County of Honolulu for the location of a water shaft, pump station, and tunnel, and amending section 203 of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920... June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending of section 457 and section 459 of the Internal Revenue Code. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 301, Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 to further limit the jurisdiction of boards of review established under that section. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the sale of certain land in Utah to the Bench Lake Irrigation Co., of Hurricane, Utah. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Removing inequities in compensation of certain federal employees of Japanese ancestry. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gordon Uglow. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Stephen A. Spilios. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Certain cases in which the Attorney General has suspended deportation. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Lease-purchase of property for postal purposes. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Establishing a policy with respect to the granting of special exemptions to organizations and corporations from taxes imposed by the laws of the District of Columbia. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Unauthorized use of aluminum in the storm-window industry. Report of the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for establishment and operation of in-bond departments of rectifying plants. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing payment for transportation of dependents, baggage, and household goods and effects of certain officers of the naval service under certain conditions. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. William T. Kreh, Sr. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Committee on the Judiciary to conduct a study of the problems of certain Western European nations created by the flow of escapees and refugees from communist tyranny. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Constantinous Tzortzis. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. To permit and assist federal personnel, including members of the armed forces, and their families, to exercise their voting franchise. June 5, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Isabelle F. Story. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Estate of Floyd L. Greenwood. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Carl M. Campbell, James R. White, and Frederick J. Powers. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Karel Vaclav Malinovsky. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Solveig Normanson. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Pacific Fruit Express Co. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jun Miyata. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Civil Aeronautics Act so as to authorize the imposition of civil penalties for violations of economic regulatory requirements. June 5, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sebastiano Bello, Dino Bianchi, Pierino Ciccarese, Vincenzo Dall'alda, Vittorio De Gasperi, Salvatore Puggioni, Giovanni Battista Volpato, and Leone Montini. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Chizuko Nakagami. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendment to the Interstate Commerce Act to provide for filing of equipment trust agreements with the Interstate Commerce Commission. June 5, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Beverly Brunell Roth. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Statutory award increases. June 6 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Migratory labor committee act of 1952. Report of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare to accompany S. 3300 a bill to establish a federal committee on migratory labor. June 6 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Agricultural extension work. June 6 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Iwanna Pryma and Roma Pryma. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. Leonidas M. Peppas. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Blanche Richards. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Robert A. Buchanan. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Act To Regulate Boxing Contests and Exhibitions in the District of Columbia. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the loan of two submarines to the government of the Netherlands. June 13 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the transfer of certain lands in the State of Idaho to the Idaho Ranch for Youth, Inc. June 12 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the granting to Kaiser Steel Corp, of rights-of-way on, over, through, and across certain public lands, and of patent in fee to certain other public lands. June 12 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Reorganization Plan No. 5 of 1952 -- Reorganization of the Government of the District of Columbia. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Emergency powers continuation act. June 12 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for a delegate from the District of Columbia to the House of Representatives. June 12 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the employment of attorneys for the Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, on a contingent basis and to repeal certain provisions of the acts of April 26, 1906, and March 3, 1911. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Establishment of a new commission to regulate public transportation of passengers within the Washington metropolitan area. June 12 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending Federal Trade Commission Act with respect to state fair-trade laws. June 12 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Continuing the effectiveness of certain statutory provisions until June 30, 1952. June 11 (legislative day, June 10). -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the District of Columbia Teachers' Leave Act of 1949. June 11 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Act entitled "An Act To Provide for the Establishment of the Coronado International Memorial, in the State of Arizona," approved August 18, 1941 (55 Stat. 630). June 12 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Peter Rousetos, also known as Panagiotis Roussetos, also known as Panagiotis Roussetos Metritikas. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance of a patent in fee to George Scott, a Crow allottee. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Validating certain payments for accrued leave made to members of the armed forces who accepted discharges for the purpose of immediate reenlistment for an indefinite period. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Bonnie Jean MacLean. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Modernization and enlargement of mail-equipment shops. June 18 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. William R. Jackson. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Parity prices of basic agricultural commodities. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. Alexander Symeonidis. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Interstate Commerce Act by authorizing the Interstate Commerce Commission to revoke water carrier certificates and permits. June 6 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mother Anna Fasulo. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Heinrich Von Biel, Margarethe Von Biel, and Doris Schumann. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 73 (1) of the Hawaiian Organic Act. June 25 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1952, providing for reorganizations in the Department of Justice. June 12 (legislative day, June 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Impounding of mail in connection with violations of fraud and indecency statutes. June 26 (legislative day, June 21), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Joseph Wynn Steel and William Peter Kruse. June 9 (legislative day, June 5), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Fred Augustus Snead, Jr. June 4, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Vera Sarah Keenan. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Granting the consent of Congress to a supplemental compact or agreement between the State of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania concerning the Delaware River Port Authority, formerly the Delaware River Joint Commission. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Johann Komma. July 4 (legislative day, June 26), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Secretary of Commerce to convey certain land in Richmond, Calif. July 5 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Act of February 7, 1905, as Amended, Authorizing the Kensington & Eastern Railroad Co., To Construct a Bridge across the Calumet River. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hoong Moy Lam. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Anny Scher. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sizuko Kato. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Margit Stolz Bohm and Klaus Seigfried Bohm. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Chu Bud Yick. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Helen J. Lumley and Kirsten-Jessen Schmidt. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Yuriko Nishimoto. July 1 (legislative day, June 27) 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Reimbursement for damage by federal agencies to public airports. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Toshiko Nakamuta Takimoto and her minor son. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Harris A. Bakken. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Baron Fred Alexander D'Osten-Sacken. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Mark Yen Hui. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jeanne Marie Miura. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Deborah Anita Hudson. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Katharina Hoffmann. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Vito Rizzi. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. John Michael Ancker Rasmussen. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Kenji Kusumoto. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Aldo Vallesa. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Malke Kresel Mohrer. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Franco Berardi. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jan J. Wojciechowski. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Lt. Comdr. Evan L. Krogh. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Linda Azar Karam Batrouny. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dimitra Gaitanis. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Professional Arts Building Corp. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Nahan Abdo Haj Moussa. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. Manuel Magtalis Geronimo and Dr. Rita Villaroman Geronimo. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Emi Yasuda and her minor son, Keichiro Yasuda. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Kunigunde Beldie. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Evelyn Campbell. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ruben George Varga and Mrs. Ilona Varga. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Flora Fung Wah Miu Wong. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fuxman and their two daughters. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Tony Marchiondo. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Mildred Lewis Morgan. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Paul Busbey. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Food Service of Evansville, Incorporated. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. George M. Sanger. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Antonio and Francesco Lo Schiavo. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Naoki and Yoshiki Sakamoto. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Reuben Krakovsky. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Fong Bat Woon and Fong Get Nan. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Suzanne Marie Schartz. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Miyoko Nakagawa. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Rahel Zakar Peters. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Henryk Kramarski. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. David M. Ju. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Arokiaswami Arumai Singh. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Copeyon. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Wong See Sun. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. John George Papailias. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Elvira Suzanne Oosterwyk. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Tomiko Munakata Millhollin. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Paul Tse, James Tse, and Bennie Tse. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Haruyo Takahashi. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Revision of Title 35, United States Code. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Louie Bon Kong. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Delma L. Mauzey. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. David Daryl Dalko. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sachiko Kanemochi. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Teh-Jen Lee. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ruth Ann Holecek. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Martha Bridges. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Paul D. Banning et al. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Investigating of crime and law enforcement in the District of Columbia. Report of the Committee on the District of Columbia pursuant to S. Res. 136 as amended by S. Res. 267 (82d Congress) a resolution to investigate crime and law enforcement in the District of Columbia. June 30 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Federal Deposit Insurance -- Puerto Rico. June 30 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Marie-Antoinette Kerssenbrock. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Phed Vosniacos. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Robert Royce Farkas. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Alfred Theodor Ex. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Foreign information programs. June 28 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Beverly Jane Ruffin. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hannah Crumet. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mekaru Tatsubo. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Stevan Durovic, Marko Durovic, Olga Wickerhauser Durovic, and Stevan M. Durovic. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Malica Macesich. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Harry Ray Smith. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Joseph Manchion. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jacob Gitlin. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Francis C. Dennis and Marvin Spires. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Granting to citizens of the United States who have attained the age of 18 the right to vote. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extension of the Veterans' Preference Act. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Angelina Marsiglia. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Commerce Trust Co. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. National Conference on Citizenship. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Josephine F. Garrett. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Edward J. Voltin. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Helga Eveline Matz. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Paul Gust Williams. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hitomi Matsushita. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Erika O. Eder and her son, James Robert Eder. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Rollins F. Baker and other employees of the Alaska Railroad. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Wong Yang Yee and Wong Sue Chee. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. William J. Martin. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Leu Wai Ung (Wong Wai Ung) and Leu Wai Chiu (Wong Wai Chiu). July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gaetana Giambruno Tomasino. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ilona Lindelof. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amalia Architetto. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Army noncombat activities claims. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Jose Luis Segimont de Plandolit and Fuencisla Segimont. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Mercedes Hernandez Saguar. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. George Prokofieff de Seversky and Isabelle Prokofieff de Seversky. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Legal guardian of William Mooney. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sister Anita (Vincenzina Di Franco). July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Dr. Alexander D. Moruzi. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Estate of Edward B. Formanek, deceased. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Luciano Pellegrini. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Inez Pryer (Sister Mary Carmel). July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Terminal Warehouse Co. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mikio Abe. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Charles Michell. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mary Bouessa Deeb. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Joyce Oerlemans Haug. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Norman E. Dole, Jr., William F. Smith, John G. Harris, and James E. Chamberlain. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Commander John J. O'Donnell. July 1 (legislative day June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Vito Aiuto. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Alma Cooperative Equity Exchange and others. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gallagher's Warehouses, Inc. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sandra E. Dennett. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Elias Papadopoulos. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Government-employee patentees. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the transfer of certain lands, and interests in lands, at Mill Rock Island in the East River, N.Y. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Carlotta Olimpia Forgnone. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Campbell. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Howard S. Lawson; Winifred G. Lawson, his wife; Walter P. Lawson; and Nita R. Lawson, his wife. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Homer C. Boozer, Terry Davis, Leopold A. Fraczkowski, Earl W. Keating, and Charles A. Paris. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing the basis for authorization of a study and report of irrigation works in connection with Chief Joseph Dam, to provide for financial assistance thereto from power revenues. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. National emergency labor disputes act. Report of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare to accompany S. 2999 a bill to amend the Labor Management Relations Act, 1947, as amended, so as to provide a more effective method of dealing with labor disputes which affect the national security. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Leopold Laufer and Elfriede Laufer. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Prof. Werner Richter and Prof. Max Horkheimer. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Military procurement. Report of the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate. Participation of small business in military procurement. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed with illustrations. Educational fine arts programs in Federal buildings. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mary Izumi. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gevork Zohrab Bandarian. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act of June 28, 1948 (62 stat. 1061), relating to the establishment of the Independence National Historical Park. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, in several particulars. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Study of storage and processing activities of the Commodity Credit Corporation. Report on the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry on the study of storage and processing activities of the Commodity Credit Corporation. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed with an illustration. Authorizing the Secretary of the Army to transfer certain land in the Virgin Islands. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Marine Luise Elfriede Steiniger. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Exchange of lands in Ottawa National Forest. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the loan of certain naval vessels to government of Japan. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Abolishing the positions of Chief Clerk, Superintendent, and Disbursing Clerk in the Department of Commerce. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Authorizing the Postmaster General to provide for the use in first- and second-class post offices of special canceling stamps or postmarking dies in order to encourage voting in general elections. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Further regulating interstate shipment of game fish. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Consolidation of insect laboratories. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed Minimum burley tobacco acreage allotments. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gerald A. and Lynn W. Roehm. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Supplemental appropriation bill, 1953. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Reported under authority of the order of the Senate and ordered to be printed. Young Wai Kit. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Giuseppe Biolzi. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Disposal of surplus property, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Interim report of the Committee on Government Operations made by its Senate permanent subcommittee on investigations pursuant to a resolution authorizing the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments to carry out certain duties. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Samuele Rossi (also known as Renato Rossi). July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending the time for use of construction reserve funds established under section 511 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended. July 2 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the alteration, reconstruction, or relocation of certain highway and railroad bridges over the Columbia River or its navigable tributaries. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Duluth-Superior Harbor, Minn. and Wis. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Public Health Service Act so as to provide for equality of grade, pay, and allowance between the Chief Medical Officer of the Coast Guard and comparable officers in the Army. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Joseph R. La Porta. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Milagros Aujero. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Supervisory selection in the federal government. A report with conclusions and recommendations made as a result of the investigation into the personnel needs and practices of the various governmental agencies being conducted by the Subcommittee on Federal Manpower Policies... July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sale of land to Hope, N. Mex. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 25 of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933, as amended. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for intensified research into the causes, hazards, and effects of air pollution. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Gisela Helen Snowdy. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Compact between State of New Jersey and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, authorizing the Delaware River Joint Commission to construct, finance, operate, maintain, and own a vehicular tunnel or tunnels under, or an additional bridge across the Delaware River. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Improvement of Gowanus Creek Channel, N.Y. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Hee Shee Wong Achuck. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Annalyn Earley. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Granting consent of Congress to the entry of certain states into compacts and agreements for improvement of navigation on the boundary waters of states within the Great Lakes-Saint Lawrence River drainage system. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the transfer of the Jeremiah Curtain [sic] home and underlying land to the Milwaukee County Historical Society. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across the Mississippi River at Bettendorf, Iowa. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the conveyance to Potter County, Tex., of certain surplus lands located at the Veterans' Administration hospital near Amarillo. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Tokusaburo Imamura Glasscock. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hildegard Hobmeier. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the President to appoint to the grade of general in the Army of the United States those officers who, in grade of lieutenant general, commanded the Army Ground Forces or commanded an army during World War II. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Incentive awards program in the federal government. A report with conclusions and recommendations made as a result of the investigation into the personnel needs and practices of the various governmental agencies being conducted by the Subcommittee on Federal Manpower Policies...July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending section 5 of the act of June 29, 1888, relating to the office of Supervisor of New York Harbor. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Maria Grazia Maranto. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing payment to the Empire District Electric Co., for reasonable costs of protecting its Ozark Beach Power Plant from the backwater of Bull Shoals Dam. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Reduction-in-force system in the federal government. A report with conclusions and recommendations made as a result of the investigation into the personnel needs and practices of the various governmental agencies being conducted by the Subcommittee on Federal Manpower Policies...July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Military and naval construction act. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Federal Equality of Opportunity in Employment Act. Report of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare to accompany S. 3368 a bill to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, National Origin, or ancestry. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Bozie Lincoln Donalson. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending the duration of the water pollution control act. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Martin A. Dekking. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Raymond Scott Hill. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for terms of court to be held at West Palm Beach, and at Fort Myers, in the Southern District of Florida. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing that the existing project for a navigation channel on the Guadalupe River, Tex., be incorporated with and made a part of the project for the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. July 5 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Health care for dependents of servicemen. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Jane P. Myers. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Humboldt Bay, Calif. July 5 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Land conveyance at Camden, N.J. July 5 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Relief of certain members of the naval service, with respect to shipments of household effects. July 4 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Albert O. Holland and Bergtor Haaland. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing funds for the acquisition and maintenance of a German embassy by the Federal Republic of Germany. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Morris Tutnauer. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Joseph Denekar and Mrs. Mary A. Denekar. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sister Angelantonia Diana. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Mrs. Katharina Luise Trenye. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Estate of Emil A. Peshek. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Rev. A.E. Smith. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Shizu Hasegawa Crockett. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Creating a Select Committee on Consumer Interests. June 28 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Francesco Cracchiolo. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Annemarie E. Peterson and Wilhelm Ernest Geisel. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Grants or loans to needy widows of Foreign Service officers. June 28 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Carol R. Gray. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Chiu But Yue. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Shelby Shoe Co., of Salem, Mass. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Estate of C.G. Allen. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Boysen Dam -- acquisition of lands which are subject to certain rights of the Shoshone and Arapaho Indian tribes of the Wind River Reservation, Wyo. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Federal construction contract act. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Lian-Tong Wen. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sadako Ishiguro. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Llewellyn B. Griffith. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ayako Sukiura. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Karen Ann Crowley. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Emma Gazzaniga, Cecelia Trezzi, Clelia Mainetti, Bonosa Colombo, Emma Baldisserotto, Lina Daldosso, Lucia Paganoni, and Regina Pagani. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Linda Lee Converse. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Margarite Mary Fujita. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. F. Archie Meatyard. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. John H. Vogel. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sadie Badir Ellis Nassif-Azar and George Badir Ellis Nassif-Azar. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Nogales sanitation project. June 28 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Miki Takano. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Olga Madsen. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Concerning Canadian meeting of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. June 28 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Machine-tool shortages. Report of the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate. The impact of machine-tool shortages on small manufacturers. June 30 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed with illustration. Mrs. Sumaki [i.e., Sumako] Egashira. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Silas B. Morris. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Michael Cosmo Zullo. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Ai-Ling Tung Tsou and her son, Moody Tsou. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Andrianne Luiz and John Luiz. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Andrew Alexander Nara and Mary Kimberly Nara. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. David Braithwaite and Orvin E. Wilde. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Hajna Sepsi. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sister Helena Ginal, Sister Anna Szoldrska, Sister Anna Gluchowska, and Sister Bronislawa Szewczyk. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sumiko Yamamoto. July 1 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act of June 21, 1940, relating to the alteration of certain bridges over navigable waters, so as to include highway bridges. July 3 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Sister Odilia, also known as Maria Hutter. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Fumiko Ito Stewart. June 27, 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 11570 |
Defense Production Act. Progress report - No. 14. World supply, United States production, consumption, imports and exports of steel, copper and aluminum, and domestic requirements and allocations, by the Joint Committee on Defense Production, Congress of the United States, Eighty-second Congress, second session. March 17 (legislative day, February 25, 1952) -- Ordered to be printed. Defense Production Act, progress report no. 20. Aluminum program by the Joint Committee on Defense Production, Congress of the United States, Eighty-second Congress second session. June 30 (legislative day, June 27), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Defense Production Act, progress report No. 11. Steel, copper, and aluminum allocations survey by the Joint Committee on Defense Production, Congress of the United States Eighty-second Congress, second session. January 15 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed. Defense Production Act progress report No. 15. Electric power study by the Joint Committee on Defense Production Congress of the United States Eighty-second Congress second session. January 15 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed, with illustrations. Defense Production Act. Progress report no. 13. Machine tools, by the Joint Committee on Defense Production, Congress of the United States, Eighty-second Congress, second session. January 23 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed with illustrations. |
5 |
Serial set 11571 | Annual report of the Select Committee on Small Business United States Senate. January 21 (legislative day, January 10), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed, with illustrations. | 1 |
Serial set 11572 | Newsprint for tomorrow. Report and conclusions of the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, including individual views of Mr. Thye and statement of Mr. Schoeppel. Presented by Mr. Humphrey, April 7 (legislative day, April 2), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed with illustrations. | 1 |
Serial set 11573 | Federal wildlife conservation activities, 1951. Report of the Committee on Government Operations. April 16, (legislative day April 14), 1952. -- Ordered to be printed with illustrations. | 1 |