Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Serial set 1633 | Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, being the second session of the Forty-third Congress; begun and held at the City of Washington, December 7, 1874, in the ninety-ninth year of the independence of the United States. | 1 |
Serial set 1634 | Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, transmitted to Congress with the annual message of the President, December 7, 1874. Preceded by a list of papers and followed by an index of persons and subjects | 1 |
Serial set 1635 | Report of the Secretary of War; being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the second session of the Forty-third Congress. Volume I. | 1 |
Serial set 1636 | Report of the Secretary of War; being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the second session of the Forty-third Congress. Volume II. Part I. | 1 |
Serial set 1637 | Report of the Secretary of War; being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the second session of the Forty-third Congress. Volume II. Part II. | 1 |
Serial set 1638 |
Report of the Secretary of the Navy; being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the second session of the Forty-third Congress. Annual report of the Attorney General for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1874. |
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Serial set 1639 | Report of the Secretary of the Interior; being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the second session of the Forty-third Congress. Volume I. | 1 |
Serial set 1640 | Report of the Secretary of the Interior, being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the second session of the Forty-third Congress. Vol. II | 1 |
Serial set 1641 |
Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the state of the finances for the year 1874. Report of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia; together with the reports of the Board of Audit and the Board of Health, transmitted to Congress with the annual message of the President. December 7, 1874. |
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Serial set 1642 |
Annual report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue on the operations of the internal revenue system for the year 1874. Annual report of the Comptroller of the Currency to the second session of the Forty-third Congress of the United States. December 7, 1874. |
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Serial set 1643 |
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of appropriations required for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1876. Tabular statements of disbursements made from the appropriations for the Indian department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1874, and of the salaries and incidental expenses paid at each agency in the Indian service during said period, showing the appropriations from which paid and the number of Indians at each agency. Annual report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year 1874. |
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Serial set 1644 |
Burlington and Missouri River Railroad. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, relative to the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska. December 10, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands and ordered to be printed. Heavy ordnance. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the future armament of permanent works, with an estimate for $500,000 to convert smooth-bore guns into rifles, and for an experimental and proving ground for heavy ordnance. December 18, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Military property at Pittsburgh, Pa. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to property belonging to the War Department no longer needed for military purposes in the City of Pittsburgh, Pa. December 15, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Hospitals. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to balances of appropriations for hospitals for 1872-'73 and 1873-'74. December 18, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Sugg Fort. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the claim of Sugg Fort, of Robertson County, Tennessee. December 16, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Military wagon road in Wyoming and Montana Territories. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the Bill (H.R. 2854) for the location and construction of a military wagon road from Green River City, Wyo., to the Yellowstone National Park, and to Fort Ellis, Mont. December 15, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Bridges across the Ohio River. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the Bill (H.R. 2521) to amend the act authorizing the construction of bridges across the Ohio River, and to prescribe the dimensions of the same. December 15, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Bridge across the Allegheny River at Pittsburgh. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the bridge over the Allegheny River at Pittsburgh. December 18, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Burlington and Missouri River Railroad. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, making further answer to House resolution of June 18, 1874, concerning the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska. December 18, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Railways and Canals and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses of the Department of State. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting statements of the manner in which the contingent funds in his Department have been expended. December 16, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Receipts and expenditures of the Post Office Department. Letter from the Assistant Treasurer of the United States, transmitting his adjusted quarterly accounts of receipts and expenditures of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1874. December 16, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads and ordered to be printed. Torpedo trials. Letter from the Secretary of War, calling attention to the omission in the Army appropriation bill of the item of $10,000 for torpedo trials. December 15, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Navigation of the Ohio River. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to obstruction of the navigation of the Ohio River. December 18, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Survey of Indian reservations. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of funds required for the survey of Indian reservations during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1876. December 15, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Printing report of Lieutenant Wheeler's expedition. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to an omission in the act of June 23, 1874, making appropriations for sundry civil expenses in regard to the report of Lieut. George M. Wheeler. December 16, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Yellowstone Park. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to an estimate of appropriations for the purpose of enabling his Department to carry out the provisions of the act of March 1, 1872, relative to the Yellowstone Park in Montana. December 16, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Military post near Carlin, Nev. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the establishment of a military post near Carlin, Nev. December 16, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Pawnee Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to the removal of the Pawnee tribe of Indians from the State of Nebraska to the Indian Territory. December 16, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Registered seamen. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting an abstract of returns by collectors of Customs showing the number of seamen registered as having received certificates of citizenship during the year ending September 30, 1874. December 18, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Mouth of the Mississippi River. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the examination of the mouth of the Mississippi River. December 15, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Railways and Canals and ordered to be printed. Sioux agencies. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation required to meet obligations existing under contracts for transportation to various Sioux agencies during the remainder of the fiscal year. December 16, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Military roads in Arizona. Letter from the Secretary of War, in relation to the Bill (H.R. 2419) to provide for the construction of military roads in Arizona. December 11, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to an appropriation for the Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum, Washington, D.C. December 9, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Dempsey & O'Toole. Letter from the Secretary of War, recommending an appropriation to pay to the firm of Dempsey & O'Toole $588.66. December 15, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Public property in the Department of State. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting an inventory of property belonging to the United States now in his possession. December 16, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Northern Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation required during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1875, for the subsistence and support of northern Sioux Indians. December 18, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Fort Gratiot military reservation. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to granting the right of way through the Fort Gratiot military reservation to the City of Port Huron, Mich. for a public sewer. December 15, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Headstones in national cemeteries. Letter from the Secretary of War, recommending that the appropriation of $1,000,000 for headstones under the act of March 3, 1873, be made permanent and available until the work is completed. December 18, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Consular fees. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from the Secretary of State, with a statement of fees collected by consular and diplomatic officers of the United States during the years ending respectively December 31, 1873, and June 30, 1874, &c. December 8, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. New military post near Carlin, Nevada. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the establishment of a new military post in the Department of California, near Carlin, Nev. December 11, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Clothing lost by Company F, Third Cavalry. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the quantity of clothing lost by the enlisted men of Company F, Third Cavalry, during a flood in Blackwood Valley, May 31, 1873. December 15, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Montana Indian war claims of 1867. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the payment of the Montana Indian war claims of 1867. December 9, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1873. Letter from the Treasurer of the United States, transmitting, in compliance with law, his statement of general receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1873. December 9, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. George A. Cowles & Company. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of board of officers appointed to investigate the process of George A. Cowles & Co. for the preservation of clothing from moth and mildew. December 11, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Saint Clair and Carondelet bridge. Report of the Secretary of War, on the Saint Clair and Carondelet bridge. December 11, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Sufferers from the overflow of rivers in the South. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the issue of supplies to sufferers from the overflow on the Lower Mississippi, and on the Tombigbee, Warrior, and Alabama Rivers, under the act of April 23, 1874. December 10, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Fort Kearney military reservation. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the Fort Kearney military reservation in Nebraska. December 10, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 1645 |
Smuggling through the mails. Letter from the Postmaster General, relative to the smuggling of merchandise through the mails. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed. Amounts paid in certain cases for the transportation of troops. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the House of April 13, 1874, in relation to the sums of money paid to certain land grant railroad companies for the transportation of troops and property of the United States, transported since the first day of January, 1866. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses of the Navy Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, relative to the disbursement of the contingent fund of the Navy Department. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Indian depredation claims. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a list of claims for depredations committed by Indians, &c., called for by House resolution of April 30, 1874. -- January 11, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Pavilion hospital at Hyannis, Massachusetts. Letter from the Secretary of War [Treasury], relative to the expense of erecting a pavilion hospital at Hyannis, Massachusetts. January 11, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Amendment to the revised statutes of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a draught of a bill to amend section 2997 of the revised statutes of the United States. January 11, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed. Modoc War claims. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the claims of the States of California and Oregon, and citizens thereof, on account of the Modoc War. December 16, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims. December 17, 1874. -- Committee on War Claims discharged, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. December 22, 1874. -- Ordered to be printed. Employment of thirteen enlisted men in the Ordnance Bureau. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the employment of thirteen enlisted men in the Ordnance Bureau. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Additional messengers in the War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the employment of two additional messengers or laborers in his office. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. North Carolina Cherokee Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to the lands of the North Carolina or Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians, including a draught of a bill for the benefit of said Indians. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Indians Affairs and ordered to be printed. Coast Survey. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with the act of March 3, 1853, a statement showing the number and names of persons employed in the Coast Survey during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1874, &c. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Private land claims in New Mexico. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting ten reports of the Surveyor General of New Mexico on private land claims in said territory. January 8, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims and ordered to be printed. Education of Cheyenne captives. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, recommending that $3,000 be appropriated from the annuities to the Cheyennes for the support and education of the two white female children captured from said Indians. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Indians Affairs and ordered to be printed. Removal of Modoc Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation to remove the Modoc Indians from Oregon to the Indian Territory. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Indians of the Central Superintendency. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation required to aid and instruct the Indians of the Central Superintendency. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Charles O. Wood. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the claim of Charles O. Wood, of Vigo County, Indiana. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Liabilities of Choctaw Indians to individuals. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting certain information relative to the amounts of liabilities due from the Choctaw tribe of Indians to individuals. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Rock Island bridge. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the clause of the sundry civil appropriation act of June 23, 1874, which appropriates $23,400 to the Rock Island bridge. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses of the Post Office Department. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a detailed statement of the expenditures made from the contingent fund of his Department for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1874. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads and ordered to be printed. Timber for the use of Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to the necessity that exists for some remedial legislation in behalf of Indian tribes or bands living upon reservations who are, by a recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, prevented from cutting and selling timber from the land occupied by them. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Apache Indians in Arizona. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation for collecting and subsisting the Apache Indians in Arizona for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1875. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Freedmen's Branch of the Adjutant General's Office. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the Freedmen's Branch of the Adjutant General's Office for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1874. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Freedmen's Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Barracks at Pensacola harbor, Florida, etc. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting draughts of proposed joint resolutions for completing barracks and quarters at Pensacola harbor, Florida, &c. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed. Minnesota River. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the result of the examination and survey of the Minnesota River. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Public building at Auburn, N.Y. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the erection of a public building at Auburn, N.Y. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds and ordered to be printed. Louisville and Portland Canal. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report showing receipts and expenditures of the Louisville and Portland Canal from June 11 to December 31, 1874. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Clerks and employes [sic] of the Department of State. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a report of the names of the clerks and all other persons employed in the Department of State, or in any of its offices, during the year 1874, &c. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Reports of surveys. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in compliance with the act of June 23, 1874, reports of surveys and examinations, as follows: Wolf Lake Cut, Indiana; Sebawaing River, Michigan; mouth of Saginaw River, Michigan; Grand Marais Harbor, Lake Superior, Minnesota; Dakota River, Dakota Territory; the estuary in Santa Barbara Channel, near Point Muger, California; Sacramento River below Tehama; and Feather River below Marysville, California. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Deficiencies in appropriations. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of the deficiencies in appropriations required by the various departments to complete the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1875, and prior years. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Absentee Shawnee Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, recalling his report dated April 13 last, and the claims of absentee Shawnee Indians submitted therewith. December 23, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed Civil rights in Alabama. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a memorial of a convention of colored citizens assembled in the City of Montgomery, Ala., on December 2, 1874. December 22, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Alabama Affairs and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses of the Treasury Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a detailed statement of the expenditures from the contingent fund of his Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1874. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Hydraulic gates and dams in the Ohio River. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to a report upon the applicability of movable hydraulic gates and dams to the improvement of the Ohio River. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Fox and Wisconsin Rivers. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the lands required for improvement of Fox and Wisconsin Rivers. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 1646 |
Red Fish Bar, Galveston Bay, Texas. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to Red Fish Bar, Galveston Bay. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Geological and geographical survey of the territories. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to the estimate of appropriations heretofore submitted to the House for the continuance of the geological survey. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Construction of laws imposing Customs duties. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to alleged changes in the laws imposing duties on imports, or new constructions of such laws made by his Department. January 11, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Revision of the Laws and ordered to be printed. Catalogue of the Army Medical Museum. Letter from the Secretary of War, in relation to the Bill (H.R. 1831) to provide for the printing, at the Government Printing Office, of one thousand copies of the Descriptive Anatomical Catalogue of the Army Medical Museum. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Printing and ordered to be printed. Allen or Springfield rifle and metallic cartridges. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to royalty upon the Allen or Springfield breech loading rifle and metallic cartridges. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Ute Indians in Colorado. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to an amendment to the Indian appropriation bill for subsistence of the Ute Indians in Colorado. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Support of certain Indians in the Indian Territory. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation for the subsistence and support of the Cheyenne, Arapahoe, Apache, Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita Indians in the Indian Territory. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. James W. Terrell. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation to pay balance due James W. Terrell, as disbursing agent of the Treasury Department to make payments to North Carolina Cherokee Indians. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. The cholera epidemic of 1873 in the United States. Malheur reservation, Oregon. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, recommending an amendment to the Indian appropriation bill for Malheur reservation, in Oregon. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Refusal of the Louisiana and Texas Railroad to transport troops. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report in the case of the refusal of Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad to transport military supplies and troops for the United States over said railroad. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Removal of Weeminuche Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to the removal of the Weeminuche Indian agency to the Ute reservation. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Indians in Washington Territory. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draught of a bill to provide for the consolidation of certain bands or tribes of Indians in Washington Territory, and for the sale of certain reservations in said territory, and for other purposes. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. William P. Lyon & Son. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to the claim of William P. Lyon & Son for printing one thousand volumes of Choctaw laws. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. New safe for use of Interior Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation required for the purchase of a new safe for the use of the disbursing clerk of his Department. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses of the Interior Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a detailed statement of all the expenditures of the contingent funds of his Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1874. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Settlers on Fort Randall military reservation. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a draught of a bill to amend an act entitled "An Act for the Relief of Certain Settlers on the Fort Randall Military Reservation," approved May 18, 1874. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Indians of the Northern Superintendency. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a copy of a bill to amend the act of June 10, 1872, for the relief of certain Indian tribes in the Northern Superintendency. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Camp Cook military reservation, California. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to Camp Cook military reservation in Shasta County, California. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Cherokee Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an act of the Cherokee Legislature authorizing a loan to be negotiated for their benefit (subsistence) from the United States. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Creek annuities. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to an appropriation for Creek annuities. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 1647 | Report of the Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey, showing the progress of the survey during the year 1874. | 1 |
Serial set 1648 |
Fort Harker military reservation. Letter from the Secretary of War, in relation to the quantity of land included within the boundaries of the Fort Harker military reservation, Kansas. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Alluvial basin of the Mississippi River. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Commission of Engineers appointed to investigate and report a permanent plan for the reclamation of the alluvial basin of the Mississippi River subject to inundation. January 25, 1875. -- Referred to the Select Committee on Mississippi Levees and ordered to be printed. Balances required to be re-appropriated. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with the act of June 20, 1874, a statement of such of the balances of appropriations carried to the surplus fund under said act as are required to be re-appropriated for the service of the fiscal year 1872 and prior years. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Galveston Harbor. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to an appropriation for the improvement of Galveston Harbor, Texas. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Kickapoo Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriations to pay certain members of the Kickapoo tribe of Indians. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Lewis Hinely. Message from the President of the United States, giving his reasons for withholding his approval from the act granting a pension to Lewis Hinely. February 16, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions and ordered to be printed. Indian tribes in Kansas. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to the treaty of February 23, 1867, with certain Indian tribes in Kansas. January 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. 1. List of clerks and employes [sic]. 2. Inventory of property. 3. Contracts for mail locks, keys, &c. 4. Contracts for stationery, &c. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting, in compliance with law, certain reports. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads and ordered to be printed. Lieut. S.K. Thompson. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting copy of the record of the court-martial in the case of Lieut. S.K. Thompson, Twenty-fifth Infantry, and also application of Lieutenant Thompson, with accompanying papers, for the information of the Committee on Military Affairs. February 10, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Eastern Band of the Cherokees. Letter form the Attorney General, transmitting, in compliance with the act of July 15, 1870, an estimate of appropriation in relation to the duty of the district attorneys and the Attorney General of the United States to institute and prosecute suits against the present and former agents of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians. February 10, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. February 16, 1875. -- Ordered to be printed. Schedule of claims allowed. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting in compliance with the act of June 16, 1874, a schedule of claims under the act of July 4, 1864, examined and allowed since June 30, 1874. January 14, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Harbor of Saint Mary's River, Maryland. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting report of the board of naval officers appointed, in compliance with House resolution of April 13, 1874, to inquire as to the expediency of establishing at the harbor of Saint Mary's River, Maryland, a naval coaling station. January 18, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed. Contracts of the War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting in compliance with the act of April 21, 1808, a statement of contracts made by the various bureaus of the War Department on behalf of the United States during the year 1874. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Rock Island arsenal. Letter from the Secretary of War, in relation to an appropriation for Rock Island arsenal for 1876. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. War with Mexico. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report showing the number of regulars and volunteers employed during the War with Mexico, and the casualties incident to each description of force. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Indian service in Oregon. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation for the Indian service in Oregon. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Indian service in California. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation for the Indian service in California. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. United States troops in Alabama. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a detailed statement showing the number of United States troops stationed in the State of Alabama on the 3d day of November, 1874. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Louisa Haskins, a Choctaw Indian. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, in relation to an amendment to the Indian appropriation bill referring to the Choctaw. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Indian service in New Mexico. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation for the Indian service in New Mexico. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Contingent fund of the Army. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement showing the expenditures of the appropriation for the contingent expenses of the military establishment for the year 1874. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Alexander Burtch. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting his reasons for withholding his approval to an act for the relief of Alexander Burtch. February 1, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Jicarilla Apache and Ute Indians. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, transmitting petition of citizens of Colfax County, New Mexico, for removal of Jicarilla Apache and Ute Indians to their reservation, to be considered in connection with the treaty, or "agreement," with said Indians presented to Congress, with letter to the Speaker of the House, February 3, 1874. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Frank A. Page. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the case of Frank A. Page, asking to be reinstated in the Army. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation for the support and civilization of the Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1876. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Government Hospital for the Insane. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to the erection of a new building to be devoted solely to the detention and treatment of female patients at the insane asylum. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Roberts breech-loading musket and carbine. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the manufacture at the Springfield armory of the Roberts breech-loading musket and carbine. February 3, 1875. -- Referred the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Retired officers. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the effect that House Bill 2093, as amended in the Senate, will have on certain retired officers. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Harbors of Charlevoix and Monistique, Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the improvement of the harbors of Charlevoix and Monistique, Michigan. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce. February 3, 1875. -- Ordered to be printed. Sufferers in Kansas and Nebraska. Message from the President of the United States, relative to supplies furnished the suffering people of Kansas and Nebraska in consequence of the drought and the grasshopper plague. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Nez Perce Indian reservation in Idaho. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draught of a bill making appropriation for the purchase of certain improvements on the Nez Perce Indian reservation in Idaho. February 10, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Board of Audit of the District of Columbia. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the report of the Board of Audit upon the amount equitably chargeable to the street railroad companies, pursuant to the charters of said companies or the acts of Congress relating thereto, together with the reasons therefor. February 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Armament for sea coast defense. Message from the President of the United States, relative to the condition of the armament of our fortifications, and the necessity for immediate provision by Congress for the procurement of heavy cannon. January 20, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Grande Ronde Indian agency, Oregon. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to an amendment to the Indian appropriation bill for certain incidental expenses in Oregon. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Harbor of Saint Joseph, Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the present condition of the harbor of Saint Joseph, Mich., and an estimate of the amount required for its improvement. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce. February 13, 1875. -- Ordered to be printed. International Exhibition of 1876. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report giving a statement of what is proposed to be exhibited by each executive department of the government at the International Exhibition to be held in the City of Philadelphia in the year 1876, together with an estimate of the expense to be incurred. January 20, 1875. -- Referred to the Select Committee on the Centennial Celebration and the Proposed National Census of 1875, and ordered to be printed. Capitol building at Olympia, Washington Territory. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to an estimate of appropriations required for certain repairs to the territorial capitol building at Olympia, Washington Territory. January 14, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. New jail in the District of Columbia. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting estimate of appropriations required for the completion of the new jail in the District of Columbia. January 14, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses of the Department of Justice. Communication of the Attorney General, transmitting a detailed statement of all the expenditures of the contingent fund of his Department from January 1, 1874, to January 1, 1875. January 14, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in Department of Justice and ordered to be printed. Indian service in Colorado. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation required for the Indian service in Colorado. January 14, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Fond du Lac Indian reservation. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draught of a proposed bill to provide for the sale of a portion of the Fond du Lac Indian reservation in Minnesota, and for other purposes. January 14, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Lieutenant Frank Baker. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a memorial of Second Lieut. Frank Baker, Thirteenth United States Infantry, asking to be relieved from accountability for certain subsistence funds which were stolen from him while on duty as acting commissary of subsistence at Fort Fred Steele, Wyoming Territory. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Kaskaskia Indians. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, in relation to an estimate of appropriation required for the confederated tribes of the Kaskaskias, &c., in the State of Kansas. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Report of the United States Centennial Commission. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the progress made, to this date, by the United States Centennial Commission. January 26, 1875. -- Referred to the Select Committee on the Centennial Celebration and ordered to be printed. Survey of the mouth of the Mississippi River. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the act of June 23, 1874, for the purpose of making a survey of the mouth of the Mississippi River. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Railways and Canals and ordered to be printed. Columbia Hospital. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relative to an appropriation required for completing the purchase of the grounds surrounding the Columbia Hospital. January 25, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Modoc War. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting reports of the Quartermaster General and Commissary General of Subsistence, giving in detail the costs to those departments of the Modoc War. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Supplemental estimate for the Indian service. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriations required to meet liabilities contracted on account of the Indian service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1874, and prior years. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Militia force of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting an abstract of the militia force of the United States. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on the Militia and ordered to be printed. Destruction of Treasury and national bank notes in accident at Benning's Bridge. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the House of January 12, 1875, in relation to the destruction of a large amount of Treasury notes and national bank notes in the late accident on the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad, near Benning's Station. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed. Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting an amendment to Indian appropriation bill, asking an appropriation to extinguish rights to hunt, under treaty of April 29, 1868, with Sioux Indians. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Fines and deductions. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting, in compliance with the act of June 8, 1872, a report of all fines imposed upon and deductions made from the pay of contractors for transporting the mails of the United States for the year ended June 30, 1874, &c. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads and ordered to be printed. Fire at Fort Sanders, Wyoming. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to clothing lost by certain United States soldiers in their efforts to extinguish the fire which occurred at Fort Sanders, Wyo., April 23, 1873. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Surveys and reconnaissances. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the absence from appropriation bills of the item for expenses of surveys and reconnaissances in the military divisions and departments. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Ninth census. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an estimate of appropriation required to supply a deficiency in the appropriations for the expenses of the ninth census. February 10, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Reform School of the District of Columbia. Letter from the Attorney General, in answer to a resolution of the House of January 22, 1875, in relation to what action, if any, has been taken to recover from the late treasurer of the Reform School of the District of Columbia a certain sum of money involved in the bankruptcy of Jay Cooke & Company. February 10, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed. Channel of the Mississippi River opposite Saint Louis, Mo. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the improvement of the channel of the Mississippi River opposite Saint Louis. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce. February 13, 1875. -- Ordered to be printed. Sabine Pass, Texas. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the improvement of the navigation of the harbor and bar of Sabine Pass, Texas. February 10, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce. February 13, 1875. -- Ordered to be printed. Grand River, Ohio. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the survey of the old bed by Grand River, Ohio. February 10, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce. February 13, 1875. -- Ordered to be printed. Harbor of Black River, Ohio. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the survey of the harbor of Black River, Ohio. February 10, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce. February 13, 1875. -- Ordered to be printed. New Haven Harbor. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the widening and deepening of the main channel of New Haven Harbor, Connecticut. February 10, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce. February 13, 1875. -- Ordered to be printed. San Jacinto River, Texas. Report of the Engineer Department, relative to examination of obstructions to the navigation of San Jacinto River, Texas. February 13, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Shoal in the Hudson River, opposite Jersey City. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to a report upon the shoal in the Hudson River, opposite Jersey City. February 10, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce. February 13, 1875. -- Ordered to be printed. Holston and Tennessee Rivers. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the improvement of the navigation of the Holston and Tennessee Rivers. February 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce. February 13, 1875. -- Ordered to be printed. Lieutenant Wheeler's geographical surveys. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the continuance of the geographical explorations and surveys west of the one hundredth meridian. January 18, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Osage Indians. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, relative to an estimate of appropriation to pay Osage Indians interest on net avails of lands sold under the treaty of 1865. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Saint James Mission, Washington Territory. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the claim of the Roman Catholic mission known as the Mission of Saint James to the military reservation at Fort Vancouver, Washington Territory. January 19, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims and ordered to be printed. Prairie band of Pottawatomie Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draught of a bill providing for the investment of certain funds belonging to the Prairie band of Pottawatomie Indians. January 27, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 1649 | Annual report on the commercial relations between the United States and foreign nations, made by the Secretary of State, for the year ending September 30, 1874. | 1 |
Serial set 1650 | Annual report of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics on the commerce and navigation of the United States for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1874. | 1 |
Serial set 1651 |
Statistics of mines and mining in the states and territories west of the Rocky Mountains; being the seventh annual report of Rossiter W. Raymond, United States Commissioner of Mining Statistics. Portraits printed on currency and stamps. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the portraits of living originals printed upon any currency and stamps. March 3, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Reform School. Letter from the Attorney General, transmitting additional papers relative to the action of the Department of Justice to recover certain moneys belonging to the Reform School involved in the bankruptcy of Jay Cooke & Co. February 23, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. An account of the receipts and expenditures of the United States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1872. Western Judicial District of Arkansas. Letter from the Attorney General, relative to claims arising from expenditures of the marshal's office of the Western Judicial District of Arkansas. February 23, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Justice and ordered to be printed. Expense of sales of ordnance stores. Letter from the Secretary of War, relative to the expense of sales of ordnance stores. February 23, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Patents on medicines and chemical compounds. Letter from the Commissioner of Patents, relative to the issue of patents, under the law, for medicines and other chemical compounds, &c. February 23, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Patents and ordered to be printed. Rancho Panoche Grande. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relating to what is commonly known as the Panoche Grande Rancho, in California. March 3, 1875. -- Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Names of clerks and others employed in the War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a list of the names of clerks and others employed in the respective bureaus of the War Department. February 23, 1875. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 1652 | Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the year 1874. | 1 |