Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 13 Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, being the second session of the Fifteenth Congress; begun and held in the City of Washington, November 16, 1818, and in the forty-third year of the sovereignty of the said United States. 1
Serial set 14 In Senate of the United States, January 20, 1819. Read, and ordered to be printed. The committee, to whom was referred the petition of Jacob Purkill, report: That in November, 1814, the petitioner hired a fine negro man named Arche, to a certain James Edwards...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting one from the Third Auditor of the Treasury, in the case of William King. December 21, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, January 14, 1819. Mr. Forsyth submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Judiciary Committee be instructed to inquire into the expediency of prescribing by law, the mode of quartering soldiers, during war...
In Senate of the United States, November 25, 1818. Agreeably to notice given, Mr. Goldsborough asked and obtained leave to introduce the following resolution, which was read and passed to the second reading: Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the President be requested to take measures to obtain permission of the Honorable Bushrod Washington, for Congress, to cause a suitable monument to be erected over the remains of his illustrious relative...
In Senate of the United States, December 30, 1818. The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Abner Greenleaf, report: That the petitioner complains, that in the year eighteen hundred and fourteen, he entered into a contract with the agents of the government, for supplying certain articles in building the United States' ship Washington...
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Acting Secretary of the Navy, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of the eighteenth April, 1818, in relation to the Navy Pension Fund. November 30, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, January 20, 1819. Read, and ordered to be printed. The committee, to whom was referred the petition of B. & P. Jourdan, report: That the petitioners' plantation, situated on the right bank of the Mississippi, was occupied during the campaign of 1814-15...
In Senate of the United States, November 26, 1818. Mr. Macon submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Committee on Naval Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of authorizing the President of the United States to cause a survey to be made of the shoals of Cape Hatteras...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting sundry statements from the Bank of the Unites States, of its concerns and transactions, in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 15th April last. December 7, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, December 2, 1818. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of George Stone, report: That the said petitioner sets forth that he served three years in the Massachusetts line...
In Senate of the United States, December 2, 1818. Mr. Goldsborough, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Richard H. Wilde, of Georgia...
In Senate of the United States, December 1, 1818. Mr. Goldsborough, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Samuel F. Hooker, of New York, report: That in the month of June, 1813, Mr. Hooker chartered a schooner rigged boat, called the Lady Washington...
In Senate of the United States, December 4, 1818. The Committee on Pensions report on the petition of Stephen Fuller, who states, that, in consequence of a wound received...
In Senate of the United States, November 18, 1818. Mr. Sanford submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Committee on Public Lands inquire into the propriety of amending the existing laws in such manner...
In Senate of the United States, December 2, 1818. Agreeably to notice given, Mr. Dickerson asked and obtained leave to bring in the following resolution, which was read and passed to the second reading: A resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as it respects the choice of electors of President and Vice President of the United States, and the election of representatives in the Congress of the United States...
In Senate of the United States, December 2, 1818. Mr. Leake submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Committee on Public Lands be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so amending the several laws providing for the disposal of public lands...
In Senate of the United States, November 24, 1818. Mr. Mellen submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire as to the expediency of establishing, by law, a circuit court of the United States...
In Senate of the United States, November 26, 1818. Mr. Burrill submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the President of the United States be requested to lay before the Senate copies of several documents and papers referred to in his message to Congress...
In Senate of the United States, January 7, 1818. The committee to whom was referred the petition of Charles Higgins, report: That in the year 1816, the petitioner entered into a contract with George Graham, then acting Secretary of War, for the supply of rations to the United States' troops stationed within the State of Pennsylvania...
In Senate of the United States, December 4, 1818. Mr. Lacock submitted the following resolution for consideration: Resolved, that no paper or document shall hereafter be printed for the use of the Senate, but by special order...
Message from the President of the United States, at the commencement of the second session of the Fifteenth Congress. November 17, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, December 4, 1818. Mr. Wilson submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that a joint committee of the two Houses of Congress be appointed...
In Senate of the United States, December 4, 1818, Mr. Lacock submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the message of the President and documents relative to Seminole War...
In Senate of the United States, November 24, 1818. Mr. Noble submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Committee on Public Lands be instructed into the expediency of continuing in force the act, entitled "An Act To Suspend, for a Limited Time, the Sale or Forfeiture of Lands for Failure in Completing the Payment Thereon..."
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the twenty-fifth of last month, requesting to be furnished with such information as may be possessed by the Executive, touching the execution of so much of the first article of the late treaty of peace and amity between his Britannic Majesty and the United States as relates to the restitution of slaves, and which has not heretofore been communicated. December 3d, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a list of such offices of the Customs, with the name of their officers, salaries, emoluments, and the places where held, as it may be proper to suppress and discharge, in consequence of their unproductiveness, the inconsiderable services rendered, or of any other cause. December 3, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, December 2, 1818. Mr. Sanford, from the Committee on Naval Affairs to whom the subject was referred, reported the following resolution, which was read and passed to the second reading: A resolution directing a survey of certain parts of the coast of North Carolina...
In Senate of the United States, December 2, 1818. Mr. Ruggles submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of making provision by law for clothing the Army...
In Senate of the United States, November 30, 1818. Mr. Sanford submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Committee of Finance inquire into the expediency of continuing in force the act of the 29th of April, 1816, regulating the currency of certain foreign coins...
In Senate of the United States, November 30, 1818. Mr. Tichenor submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of changing the present judicial system of the United States...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in obedience to a resolution of the 24th ultimo, directing the Secretary of the Treasury "to lay before the Senate information relative to the effect of 'An Act To Suspend for a Limited Time the Sale or Forfeiture of Lands,' of the 18th of April last, upon the receipts into the Treasury, and the probable effect by continuing in force the act aforesaid for one year, with a condition that if the purchasers complete their payments on or before the expiration of the period aforesaid, interest shall only be required on the installments due from the time that they became due until paid." January 6, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of the sales of public lands during the year 1817, and the three first quarters of the year 1818. December 21, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the Third Auditor of the Treasury, in the case of Lt. Adolphus Burghart [i.e., Burghardt]. December 21, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, December 17, 1818. The Committee of Finance, to whom has been referred the petition of Nathaniel Goddard, and others, formerly owners of the ship Ariadne, and her cargo...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting one from the Third Auditor of the Treasury, in the case of Capt. Frederick Brown. December 21, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, December 21, 1818. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Thomas Arnold, report: It is set forth by the petitioner that he was a captain in the Revolutionary Army during the whole of that war, and was, at the battle of Monmouth, wounded in the leg...
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of documents referred to in his communication of the seventeenth ultimo, in relation to the Seminole War, &c. December 4, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate, containing a plan for the adjustment of the claims to land in certain districts therein mentioned. December 11, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, December 7, 1818. Mr. Johnson submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of passing a law authorizing the President of the United States to take provisional possession of East Florida, or of such parts of it as he may deem essential, now or hereafter, to control the Indians...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting one from the Third Auditor of the Treasury, in the case of William B. Lewis. December 21, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, December 2, 1818. Read. December 3. Committed. December 15. Reported with amendments. December 16. Amendments agreed to, and made the order of the day for the first Monday in January next, and ordered to be printed, as amended, for the use of the Senate. A resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as it respects the choice of electors of President and Vice Prisident [sic] of the United States, and the election of representatives in the Congress of the United States...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement giving a comparative view of the duties which accrued upon imports and tonnage, during the two first quarters of the years 1817 & 1818. December 16, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in relation to the petition of Thomas Arnold, praying payment of the commutation provided by law for the officers of the Revolutionary War. December 21, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Memorial of the representatives of the Religious Society of Friends, in the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, praying the adoption of measures for the civilization and improvement of the Indians. December 23, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, December 28, 1818. Mr. Goldsborough, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Forrest, of the City of Washington, report: That in the month of May, 1812, the petitioner's vessel...
In Senate of the United States, January 4, 1819. The Committee of Commerce and Manufactures have considered the memorial of Nicholas Brown and Thomas P. Ives, of Providence, in the State of Rhode Island, which was referred to them by the Senate, and they submit the following...
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, accompanied with a copy of a letter from Governor Rabun, which was not communicated on a former occasion from that Department. January 4, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report in obedience to a resolution of the 2d instant in relation to the memorial of the governors of the New York Hospital. January 5, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Memorial of Benjamin H. Latrobe, late surveyor of the public buildings, in the City of Washington, in vindication of his professional skill. January 5, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, January 11, 1819. Mr. Sanford submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Attorney General procure and lay before the Senate, at the commencement of their next session, accurate lists of all causes, which may be depending on the __ day of __ in the several district and circuit courts, and in the Supreme Court of the United States...
In Senate of the United States, January 12, 1819. Mr. Roberts, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of John Clark, report: The petitioner offers satisfactory evidence that he entered the military service of his country at the commencement of the Revolutionary War...
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of War, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the fifth instant, requesting him to "cause to be laid before it, a statement of the effective force, now comprising the military establishment of the United States; also, a statement of the different posts and garrisons, at, and within, which troops are stationed, and the actual number of officers, noncommissioned officers, and privates, at each post and garrison respectively; also, to designate in such statement the number of artillerists, and the number of calibre of ordnance at each of the said posts and garrisons." January 12, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, January 20, 1819. Read, and ordered to be printed. The committee, to whom was referred the petition of Alexander M'Cormick, report: That in the year 1814, when the City of Washington was taken possession of by the British...
In Senate of the United States, January 21, 1819. Mr. Williams, of Tennessee, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following estimate, with a bill for the better organization of the Military Academy; which was read and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, December 2, 1818. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of John Brown, report: That the petitioner states that he was enlisted in Paris...
In Senate of the United States, December 2, 1818. The Committee on Pensions report on the petition of Lucy Cotteneau: That the petitioner asks aid from her country...
In Senate of the United States, November 19, 1818. Mr. Sanford submitted the following motions for consideration: 1. Resolved, that so much of the message of the President of the United States, as relates to foreign affairs, be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations...
In Senate of the United States, December 4, 1818. The Committee of Finance, to whom has been referred the petition of John G. Brown, report: That the petitioner during the continuance of the late war between the United States and Great Britain...
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a return showing the organization and strength of the militia of states and territories; in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the seventeenth March, 1818. November 26, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, November 25, 1818. Mr. Williams of Tennessee submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of increasing the pay of the officers...
In Senate of the United States, November 24, 1818. Mr. Fromentin submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the President of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before the Senate, such information as he may possess, touching the execution of so much of the first article of the late treaty of peace and amity between his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America...
In Senate of the United States, December 3, 1818. Mr. Noble submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a post route from Jacksonburgh...
In Senate of the United States, December 2, 1818. Mr. Sanford submitted the following resolution: Resolved, that the Committee on Pensions inquire into the propriety of granting a pension to George Bell.
Serial set 15 In Senate of the United States, February 9, 1819. The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Harbaugh and Potter, report: That the petitioners allege, in their petition, that they never have been fully compensated for their services, as quartermasters, to Generals Bell's and Wadsworth's divisions of Ohio militia...
In Senate of the United States, January 29, 1819. The Committee on Pensions, on the petition of Rachel Sturgis, report: The petitioner states that Captain Bently, of the United States Army, died of a fever near New Orleans, in the year 1808...
In Senate of the United States, January 25, 1819. The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred a resolution to inquire into the expediency of prohibiting by law the exportation of the gold, silver, and copper coins, of the United States...
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of the Treasury in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 13th of last month, requesting him "to come to be laid before it a statement, showing the measures that have been taken to collect the balances stated to be due from the several supervisors, and collectors of the old direct tax of two millions; also, a similar statement, of the balances due from the officers of the old internal revenue, and to designate in such statement the persons who have been interested in the collection of said debts, and the sums by them respectively collected, and the time when the same were collected." February 2, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Acts of Parliament of Great Britain. January 27, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, February 19, 1819. The joint committee, on the subject of the public printing, report: That, regarding the subject committed to them, as connected with the convenience of the members, the information of the community, the economy of time and money, and the character of the country, they have given it all the consideration which their other engagements permitted. That three different modes of procuring the printing of Congress to be executed, have undergone their discussion and deliberation...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in reply to one from the Chairman of the Committee of Finance, respecting the coasting trade. February 5, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting documents in pursuance of the resolution of the Senate of the seventeenh [sic] instant. December 28, 1818. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, February 2, 1819. The committee, to whom was referred the petition of Pierre Lacoste, report: That the losses for which the petitioner prays indemnity, were losses occasioned by the destruction of the British...
In Senate of the United States, February 3, 1819. The committee, to whom was referred the petition of Christopher Fowler, report: That in the year 1787, Samuel Fowler, father of your petitioner, received two final settlement certificates...
In Senate of the United States, February 9, 1819. The Committee on the Public Lands being instructed "to inquire into the expediency of so altering the laws respecting the sale of the public lands, that from and after the __ day of __ next, credit shall not be given on such sales,"...
In Senate of the United States, February 9, 1819. The committee, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Lefebre [i.e., Lefebvre], report: That the petitioner was one of those who are said to have suffered by the invasion of Louisiana, by the British, in the years 1814, 15; and he states his loss at 1667 dollars...
Letter from the Postmaster General, to the Chairman of the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, as to the expediency of authorizing the Postmaster General to employ an armed guard for the protection of the mails of the United States, on such mail routes as he may deem necessary. February 16, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, February 16, 1819. The Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, to whom was referred a resolution of the Senate of the 4th inst. instructing them to "inquire into the expediency of authorizing the Postmaster General to employ an armed guard for the protection of the mails of the United States, on such mail routes as he may deem necessary..."
In Senate of the United States, February 19, 1819. The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Captain Biggars' company, report: That said company entered the service of the United States, as mounted rangers, on the 29th of May, 1813, and were discharged on the 13th March, 1814, by the order of Col. William Russell, of the United States Army...
In Senate of the United States, January 22, 1819. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Thomas J. [i.e., L.] Ogden, report: That the petitioner is represented the owner of certain real estate...
In Senate of the United States, January 25th, 1819. The committee, to whom was referred the petition of Robert Sewall, report: That on the retreat of the American forces from Bladensburg, on the 24th August, 1814, a party of Commodore Barney's men, then a portion of that force, threw themselves into the house of the petitioner, and made an attack from said house upon the advance party of the British Army under the command of Gen. Ross...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in obedience to a resolution of the Senate to "inquire into the expediency of continuing in force the act of the 29th of April, 1818, regulating the currency of certain foreign coins within the United States." January 25, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, January 26, 1819. The Committee on the Public Lands, to whom was referred the petition of Wm. N. Perry, and Mark Barnett, report: That the petitioners, being the legal representatives of Col. Wm. Perry, deceased, claim the right to a tract of land...
In Senate of the United States, January 26, 1819. The Committee on the Public Lands, to whom was referred the petition of Wm. Bell, report: That it appears from the statement made by the petitioner that he purchased in the year 1789 a tract of land, lying in the seven ranges of townships which were surveyed and offered for sale under the ordinance of Congress...
In Senate of the United States, January 28, 1819. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Eli Hart, report: The petitioner was the proprietor of a house and store in the Village of Buffalo, State of New York, which, together with his merchandise and out houses, were destroyed by the enemy, in their predatory incursion into the United States, on the 30th of December, 1813...
In Senate of the United States, January 28, 1819. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Cornelia Schoonmaker, widow and administratrix, and Peter Marius Groen, administrator of Zachariah Schoonmaker, deceased, late paymaster of the Second Regiment of United States Volunteer Artillery...
In Senate of the United States, January 29, 1819. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the case of Peter Francisco, report: That they have examined the subject and from a number of certificates find it stated, that Peter Francisco served meritoriously...
In Senate of the United States, January 29, 1819. The Committee on Pensions, on the petition of William M'Farland, report: The petitioner states, that he is now on the pension list, at the highest rate of pension allowed by law for a total disability, but alleges that it should be increased in consequence of his having received, (besides the loss of an arm), several wounds in the head, which at times produces mental derangement...
In Senate of the United States, January 29, 1819. The Committee on Pensions, on the petition of Otho Stephens, report: That the petitioner asks to be placed on the pension list of the United States, in consequence of services performed in the militia service in the Revolutionary War...
In Senate of the United States, February 1, 1819. Mr. Barbour submitted the following resolution, which was read, and passed to a second reading: Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the President of the United States be requested to employ a skilful artist to ascertain the latitude...
Memorial of Noah Brown, and others, in behalf of the owners of the private armed brig Warrior, praying that they may be indemnified from loss in consequence of the mal-conduct of the late clerk of the district court of New York, to whom had been paid, by the order of that court, the proceeds of the brig Dundee, which brig had been libelled and condemned as lawful prize. February 3, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting to the Committee of Finance, an official statement of the gross amount of duties upon merchandize and tonnage which accrued during the two first quarters of the year 1817, and a like statement for the same quarters of the year 1818. February 3, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, February 15, 1819. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the memorial of Vincent Grant, of Buffalo, in the State of New York, report: That said Grant prays indemnity for a storehouse, (in the back part of which he resided), furniture, and merchandise, destroyed by the British in December, 1813...
In Senate of the United States, March 3, 1819. Mr. Lacock from the committee appointed in pursuance of the resolution of the Senate of the 18th of December, 1818, on the subject of the Seminole War, communicated the following additional testimony, which was read; and, ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, January 28, 1819. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of David Henley, report: That the petitioner had received, about the 23d December, 1797, a considerable quantity of arms...
In Senate of the United Stats [sic], January 26, 1819. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Rees Hill, report: That on the 23d of March, 1813, the Secretary of War addressed a letter to the Governor of Pennsylvania, making a requisition of one thousand militia...
Documents presented by the Committee on Finance, in relation to sundry estimates of moneys required for the expenses of the War Department, and military service of the United States, for the year 1819. January 22, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, February 2, 1819. The committee to whom was referred the petition of Benjamin Putny [i.e., Putney], report: That the petitioner states that he served the country during the Revolutionary War, both as a common soldier and an officer...
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of War, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 25th of January last requesting him "to cause to be laid before it a copy of the rules and regulations adopted for the government of the Military Academy at West Point; also, how many cadets have been admitted into the Academy; the time of the residence of each cadet at that institution; and how many of them have been appointed officers in the Army and Navy of the United States." February 5, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, January 28, 1819. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Gabriel Godfroy, of the Michigan Territory, report: That the petitioner was the owner of a large barn principally filled with wheat, and also a stable containing a considerable quantity of hay, timber, and other materials, situated on the River Raisin, in the Michigan Territory...
In Senate of the United States, February 24, 1819. Mr. Lacock, from the committee appointed in pursuance of the resolution of the Senate of the 18th of December last, "that the message of the President, and documents relative to the Seminole War, be referred to a select committee, who shall have authority, if necessary, to send for persons and papers; that said committee inquire relative to the advance of the United States' troops into West Florida..."
In Senate of the United States, February 16, 1819. Statements respecting the sale of public lands...
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a draft of a bill making appropriations to carry into effect treaties concluded with the several Indian tribes therein mentioned. February 3, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, February 3, 1819. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Dozet and Antoine Bourgoud, report: That on the 15th of August, 1812, a part of the Army, commanded by Brigadier General Hull, in the Michigan Territory...
Serial set 16 Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, at the second session of the Fifteenth Congress, in the forty-third year of the independence of the United States. 1
Serial set 17 Report of the Committee on Military Affairs, on the petition of John Cutter. December 4, 1818. Read and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Message from the President of the United States, at the commencement of the second session of the Fifteenth Congress. November 17, 1818. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Report of the Committee on the Public Lands, on the expediency of prohibiting the emigration and settlement of the Choctaw tribe of Indians on the lands of the United States west of the Mississippi, accompanied with a bill to prohibit the Choctaw Indians from settling or hunting on the lands of the United States west of the Mississippi. December 1, 1818. Read, and with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House, on Friday next.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting his annual report upon the state of the finances. November 23, 1818. Ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Committee on Pensions and Revolutionary Claims, on the petition of Edwin C. Brown. December 1, 1818. Read and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives of twentieth April, 1818, a report of the number and grade of the officers of the Army; where stationed; the number on duty; and those on furlough, with the period of furlough. November 20, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of the appropriations for the year 1819. December 2, 1818. Referred to the Committee of Way and Means.
Report of the committee, to whom was referred the memorial of the President and board of managers of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Color of the United States. April 18, 1818. Read and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next. November 26, 1818. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Constitution of the State of Illinois. November 16, 1818. Read and ordered to lie upon the table. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Report of the Secretary of War, as to the establishment of a national armory on the western waters. December 7, 1818. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House, on the bill "Authorizing the Establishment of a National Armory."
Report of the Committee on Pensions and Revolutionary Claims, on th [i.e., the petition] of John Clark. December 9, 1818. Read and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of a select committee, to whom was referred sundry petitions in behalf of the surviving officers of the Revolutionary Army. December 7, 1818. Read and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Report of the Committee of Ways and Means, on the subject of reducing the duties on certain wines, accompanied with a bill for that purpose. December 8, 1818. Read, and with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Report of the Committee of Claims, in the case of Jacob Dox, accompanied with a bill for his relief. December 7, 1818. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Report of the Committee of Claims, in the case of Joseph Janey (i.e., Janney). December 8, 1818. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Mr. Simkins submitted the following resolution. December 7, 1818. Read and ordered to lie upon the table. Resolved, that the Secretary of the Treasury be requested to lay before this House a statement of the sales, public and private, of public lands northwest of the Ohio...
Report on the petition of Colonel de Vienne, accompanied with a bill making provision for his claim. December 11, 1818. Read twice, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the "Bill Making Provision for the Claim of M. Poiry," &c.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the Director of the Mint, of the result of several assays at that establishment, on the gold and silver coins of foreign nations, made current by the laws of the United States. December 9, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, made in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 16th of April last, of a plan for the final adjustment and settlement of land claims in the State of Louisiana and Territory of Missouri. December 8, 1818. Read, and with a draft of a bill for said purpose, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims, in the case of P.C.S. Barbour, accompanied with a bill for his relief. December 4, 1818. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.
Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims, accompanied with a bill for the final adjustment of land claims in the State of Louisiana and Territory of Missouri. December 4, 1818. Read, and with the bill, ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims, in the case of John Rice Jones, accompanied with a bill for his relief. December 14, 1818. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Report of the Committee of Claims, on the petition of Samuel Q. Richardson and John Haley. November 24, 1818. Read and ordered to lie upon the table. December 8, 1818. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Report of the Committee of Claims, on the petition of Colonel I. Clark, and others, accompanied with a bill for their relief. December 11, 1818. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Report of the Secretary of War, of a system providing for the abolition of the existing Indian trade establishments of the United States, and providing for the opening of the trade with the Indians to individuals, under suitable regulations. December 8, 1818. Read, and referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Commissioner of Public Buildings. November 26, 1818. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Public Buildings.
Mr. Spencer submitted the following resolution, which was read and ordered to lie on the table. November 25, 1818. Resolved, that a committee be appointed to inspect the books and examine into the proceedings of the Bank of the United States, and to report whether the provisions of its charter have been violated or not...
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting, pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives of 8th April, 1818, sundry statements in relation to the Navy Pension Fund. November 23, 1818. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Documents in support of the claim of Captain Giles Kellogg and a company of volunteers under his command. November 24, 1818. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of documents referred to in his communication of the seventeenth ultimo, in relation to the Seminole War, &c. December 3, 1818. Read and ordered to lie upon the table.
Serial set 18 Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the correspondence between the Governor of Georgia and Maj. Gen. Jackson, on the subject of the arrest of Captain Obed Wright. December 14, 1818. Read, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Report of the Committee of Claims, on the petition of Elias Parks. December 17, 1818. Read and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims, on the petition of the heirs, &c. of Alexander Montgomery, accompanied with a bill for their relief. December 14, 1818. Read, and with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Report of the Military Committee, on petition of Captain Stanton Sholes, accompanied with a bill for his relief. December 16, 1818. Read, and with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of lands sold northwest of the Ohio, the purchase money of which has not been fully paid, and the moneys received for said lands; also, a description of the paper which has been received, and is still receivable for the same. December 18, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of a select committee on the petition of John B.C. Lucas, and Clement Penrose, acompanied [sic] with a bill for their relief. December 15, 1818. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House, &c.
Report of the Committee of Claims, in the case of Bowie and Kurtz. December 14, 1818. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the sales of public lands in the Alabama Territory, &c. &c., in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of the third instant. December 16, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting information of the progress that has been made, under the act of Congress of the 3d March, 1817, entitled "An Act To Set Apart and Dispose of Certain Public Lands for the Encouragement of the Cultivation of the Vine and Olive." December 14, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Memorial of the Legislature of Missouri for a division of the territory, &c. December 18, 1818. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House, on the bill authorizing the people of the Missouri Territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union, &c.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the remainder of the documents referred to in his message of the seventeenth ult. December 15, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, transmitting information relative to the claim of Bickley and Clark. December 18, 1818. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Report in the case of Thomas Carr, and al., accompanied with a bill for the benefit of Thomas Carr and others. December 14, 1818. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Report of the Committee on Pensions and Revolutionary Claims, on the petition of Sarah Ingram. December 16, 1818. Read and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Secretary of War, upon the subject of the reduction of the expenses of the military peace establishment of the United States; on a change in the ration established, by law; and of a system for the establishment of a commissariat for the Army. December 14, 1818. Read, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Report of the Military Committee, in the case of Harvey Wakefield, accompanied with a bill for his relief. December 16, 1818. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting sundry statements in relation to the expenditure of appropriations to reward the officers and crews of certain vessels for captures made during the late war with Great Britain. December 17, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Serial set 19 Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements relative to the internal duties and direct tax. December 18, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table. 1
Serial set 20 Report of the Committee of Ways and Means, on the petition of John Gooding and James Williams, accompanied with a bill for their relief. January 5, 1819. Read, and with the bill, committed to the Committee of the Whole, to-morrow
Case of Thadeus Mayhew. January 6, 1819. Printed by order of the House of Representatives. Report of the commissioners appointed to examine and assess the damages occasioned by the troops of the United States, in the neighborhood of the City of New Orleans.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of December 24, 1818, of certain correspondence between the Department of War and the Governor of Georgia; and of the said Department, with General Andrew Jackson. January 4, 1819. Read and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Committee of Claims, in the case of John J. Johnson, Samuel Plumb, Ralph Patchen, Samuel Bouton, Hannah Debois, and Margaretta Duffield. January 5, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting reports of the proceedings which have been had under the "Act for the Gradual Increase of the Navy" prepared in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives of 7th December, 1818. January 4, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Committee on Military Affairs, on the petition of Robert Swartwout, accompanied with a bill for his relief. December 28, 1818. Read, and with the bill, committed to the Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed the bill for the relief of Joseph Wheaton.
Report of the Committee of Claims, to whom was recommitted the bill for the relief of Thadeus Mayhew, of the State of Louisiana. December 28, 1818. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report of the Committee on Private Lands Claims, on the petition of J.B. Regnier, accompanied with a bill for his relief. December 30, 1818. Read, and with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of the sales of public lands during the year 1817, and the three first quarters of the year 1818. December 21, 1818. Read and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the select committee on the petition of John Wells, accompanied with a bill for his relief. December 21, 1818. Read, and with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.
Report of the Military Committee, on the petition of P. Callan, accompanied with a bill for his relief. December 21, 1818. Read, and with the bill committed to the Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed the bill for the relief of Joseph Wheaton.
Letter from the Secretary of War, to the Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, relating to the military establishment of the United States. December 22, 1818. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed the bill making appropriation for the military service of the United States for the year 1819.
Report of the Committee of Ways and Means, on the petition of William Coffin and others, accompanied with a bill for their relief. December 22, 1818. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House, with the bill.
Report of the Committee on Pensions and Revolutionary Claims, on the petition of Oliver Pollock. December 21, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, to the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, on the subject of the appropriation for the military service of United States for the year 1819, accompanying a bill making appropriations for the military service of the same year. December 22, 1818. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Report of the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions, in the cases of Hannah Ring, and of Luther Frink, accompanied with a bill for their relief. December 24, 1818. Read, and committed with the bill to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.
Report of the Committee on Military Affairs, on the petition of Ezra Child, accompanied with a bill for his relief. December 28, 1818. Read twice, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.
Letter from the First Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of balances due the United States on the books in the office of the Second Auditor, by persons whose accounts have not been exhibited for settlement within the year, ending on the 30th September, 1818. December 22, 1818. Read and ordered to lie upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives, such further information in relation to our affairs with Spain as, in his opinion, is not inconsistent with the public interest to divulge. December 28, 1818. Read, and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copies of the instructions given to the several boards of commissioners appointed under the act of 2d March, 1805, for ascertaining and adjusting the titles and claims to land within the Territory of Orleans and District of Louisiana. December 28, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Attorney General, on sundry documents referred to him at the last session by the House of Representatives, in relation to the accounts of James Thomas, Quartermaster General in the Army of the United States, during the late war. December 28, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Naval Committee, on the memorial of Thomas Shields, accompanied with a bill concerning Thomas Shields and others. December 29, 1818. Read twice, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Report of the Committee on Military Affairs, on the petition of Jasper Bennett, accompanied with a bill for the relief of Malcomb Bennett. January 4, 1819. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs, on the memorial of Thomas Shields, accompanied with a bill authorizing the payment of a sum of money to Thomas Shields. January 4, 1819. Read, and with the bill, committed to the Committee of the Whole, to-morrow.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of the exports of the United States during the year ending 30th September, 1818. January 4, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a list made out by the Register of the Treasury, of those persons who have rendered their accounts for settlement within the year. January 5, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, to the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, explanatory of sundry items in the estimate of appropriations for the military service for the year 1819. January 6, 1819. Laid before the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting lists of the clerks employed in the Navy Department, and in the Office of the Commissioners of the Navy, during the year 1818, and the salaries paid to each. January 11, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of the names of persons to whom patents have been granted for any useful invention, from first of January, 1818, to first of January, 1819. January 7, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of the contracts made by the Navy Commissioners during the year 1818. January 11, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting statements of the expenditure and application of moneys drawn from the Treasury on account of the Navy for one year preceding the 30th September, 1818, and the unexpended balances of former appropriations. January 11, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred so much of the President's message of 17th November last, as relates to the proceeding of the court martial in the trial of Arbuthnott and Armbrister [i.e., Ambrister], and the conduct of the Seminole War. January 12, 1819. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of the debts, credits, and funds of the banks of the District of Columbia, incorporated by the act, 3d March, 1818. January 12, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting statements in relation to the Navy Pension Fund. January 12, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a proclamation of a convention between the United States and Spain, together with the translation of a letter from the minister of Spain to the Secretary of State. January 5, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Committee on the Public Buildings, accompanying "A Bill Making Appropriations for the Public Buildings, for the Purchase of a Lot of Land, and Furnishing a Supply of Water for the Use of Certain Public Buildings." January 7, 1819. Read, and, with the bill, committed to the Committee of the Whole, to-morrow.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting copies of the instructions which have been issued to Naval commanders upon the subject of the importation of slaves, made in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives of the fourth January, instant. January 12, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table
Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs, on the resolution concerning Navy agents, accompanying "A Bill Concerning Navy Agents." January 5, 1819. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Serial set 21 Report of the committee appointed on the 30th of November, 1818, to inspect the books and examine into the proceedings of the Bank of the United States, to report thereon, and to report whether the provisions of its charter have been violated or not. January 16, 1819. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union. 1
Serial set 22 Extracts from documents in the Departments of State, of the Treasury, and of the Navy, in relation to the illicit introduction of slaves into the United States. January 19, 1819. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House, on the "Bill in Addition to the Acts Prohibiting the Slave Trade."
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 26th ult., information in relation to the destruction of the Negro fort, in East Florida, in the month of July, 1816, &c. &c. February 2, 1819. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the twenty-sixth ultimo, sundry documents relating to the destruction of the Negro fort in East Florida, in the month of July, 1816. February 1, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information called for by the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 4th instant, in relation to ships engaged in the slave trade which have been seized and condemned, and the disposition which has been made of the negroes by the several state governments, under whose jurisdiction they have fallen. January 21, 1819. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed the bill supplementary to the acts prohibiting the importation of slaves
Report of the select committee, on the petition of Benjamin Wells, accompanied with a supplement to the act entitled "An Act for the Relief of Benjamin Wells." January 27, 1819. Read twice, and committed, with a bill, to the Committee of the Whole, on the bill for the relief of John Wells.
Report of the select committee, on the bill for the relief of Ebenezer Stevens and others. January 20, 1819. Read, and with the bill ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Secretary of War, relative to roads and canals, in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 4th April last. January 14, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the committee, to whom was referred so much of the President's message as relates to the civilization of the Indian tribes. January 15, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the annual statement of the district tonnage of the United States on the thirty-first December, 1817. January 14, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of the expenditure and application of such sums as have been drawn from the Treasury from the 1st October, 1817, to 30th September, 1818. January 14, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Committee of Claims, on the petition of William M'Donald, adm'r of James M'Donald, accompanied with "A Bill Authorizing the Settlement of the Accounts of the Late James M'Donald, Captain 14th Regiment United States Infantry." January 18, 1819. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole to-morrow.
Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims, on the petition of Josiah [i.e., Josias] H. McComas. January 18, 1819. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House, on the bill for the relief of P.S. Barbour.
Report of the Committee of Claims, on the petition of John M'Causland, accompanied with a bill for his relief. February 2, 1819. Read twice and committed, with the bill, to the Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed the bill for the relief of James Orr.
Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred the report of the recorder of land titles of the Territory of Missouri, in obedience to the act of Congress of 20th April, 1818, for the relief of James Mackay, of said territory, accompanied with a bill for his relief. January 18, 1819. Read, and, with the bill, committed to the Committee of the Whole House, on the bill for the relief of P.C. Barbour.
Memorial of the trustees of Hancock College, by their committee, A.R. Ellery and E.W. Ripley. January 20, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of debts, credits, and funds, of all the banks in the District of Columbia, not embraced in the terms of the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 7th of January, instant. January 20, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Committee on the Improvement and Organization of the Militia. January 22, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Resolutions submitted by Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky. January 29, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table. 1st. Resolved, that it is expedient to establish a military academy on the western waters, upon the principles of the academy at West Point. 2d. Resolved, that it is expedient to establish a school of practice of artillery, in the vicinity of the City of Washington.
Report of the Secretary of State, of the names of the clerks employed in the Department of State during the year 1818, and the compensation allowed to each. January 29, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, to the Chairman of the Military Committee, upon the subject of an additional military academy, and a school of practice. January 29, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the eighteenth instant, information relative to the occupancy of Amelia Island, St. Marks, and Pensacola, &c. &c. January 30, 1819. Read, and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, of applications by certain of the independent governments of South America to have a minister accredited by the United States, and the answers of the government of the United States to such applications. January 30, 1819. Read, and ordered to be upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting sundry statement and papers showing the provisions which have been made for the accommodation of seamen; the number of persons accommodated, and the expense attending the same. Prepared in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives, of April 17, 1818. January 14, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, transmitting the names of such persons as have settled their accounts at the Treasury since the report of the 18th ultimo, of naval agents, whose accounts then remained unsettled. February 2, 1819. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims, on the petition of James Hughes, accompanied with a bill for his relief. February 3, 1819. Read, and, with the bill, committed to the Committee of the Whole House, to-morrow.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of payments made according to law, at the Treasury during the year 1818, for the discharge of claims not otherwise provided for; of payments made during the same year for the discharge of demands of a civil nature, not otherwise provided for; of contracts and purchases made by the collectors of the revenue service, during the year 1817; and of expenditures for the relief of sick seamen, during the same year. January 18, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement showing the expenditure of moneys appropriated for the contingent expenses of the military establishment of the United States for the year 1818. January 19, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Committee on the Public Lands, upon the subject of granting to each state one hundred thousand acres of land for the endowment of a university therein. January 18, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting information respecting the adjustment and payment of the claims of the friendly Creek Indians, under the treaty of the 9th August, 1814. January 18, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a list of the clerks employed in the Treasury Department during the year 1818, and the compensation allowed to each. January 19, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the committee, appointed on the 27th November last, to inquire into the expediency of amending the laws which regulate the coins of the United States, and foreign coins; accompanied with "A Bill, Supplementary to the Act Establishing a Mint," and "A Bill Continuing for a Limited Time, the Currency of the Crowns and Five Franc Pieces of France." January 26, 1819. Read, and with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Mr. Spencer's resolutions. February 1, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table. Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause all the public deposits in the Bank of the United States, and its several offices of discount and deposit, to be withdrawn on the first day of July next; that after the said day, the bills or notes of the said corporation shall no longer be receivable in any payments to the United States...
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting lists of the names of the clerks employed in the War Department in the last year, and the compensation allowed to each. January 20, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Views of the minority of the Committee on Military Affairs, on the subject of the Seminole War, and the trial and execution of Arbuthnott and Armbrister [i.e., Ambrister]. January 12, 1819. Presented by Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky, read, and referred to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of payments made for labor upon roads, and other objects of fatigue duty, to soldiers of the United States' Army. From 1st October, 1817, to 1st October, 1818. January 15, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of a select committee, upon the subject of fixing a standard of weights and measures. January 25, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Serial set 23 Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of the importations of goods, wares, and merchandise in American and foreign vessels; and an aggregate view of both, from first October, 1816, to thirtieth September, 1817. February 10, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting applications from the resident minister of Prussia, and the Senates of the Hanseatic Cities of Hamburg and Bremen, to have extended to Prussia, Hamburg and Bremen the advantages secured by the act of Congress of the twentieth April last, to the Netherlands. February 8, 1819. Read, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Memorial of George Williams. February 15, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table. Printed by order of the House of Representatives of the United States.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, transmitting a statement of the gross amount of duties on merchandise and tonnage for the two first quarters of the year 1817. February 5, 1819. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of applications by the British minister, in behalf of certain subjects of Great Britain who have suffered in their property by proceedings to which the United States, by their military and judicial officers, have been parties. February 5, 1819. Read, and referred to the Committee of Claims.
Annual report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. February 5, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of moneys, transferred during the recess of Congress, from sundry specific appropriations to other specific appropriations, by authority of the President of the U. States during the year 1818, and the application of the same. February 5, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from Gov. Bibb to Gen. Jackson, connected with the late military operations in Florida. February 6, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the twentieth April last, a statement calculated to show the effect of changing the charges of specific duties on certain imported articles to duties ad valorem, &c. February 8, 1819. Read, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the Fourth Auditor of the balances on his books, which appear to have been due more than three years prior to the thirtieth September last, to have remained unsettled on that day. February 10, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a list of the names of the clerks employed in his office during the year 1818, and the compensation received by each. February 9, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Memorial of William Jones, late president of the Bank of the United States. February 8, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the committee, appointed on the 10th day of April last, to inquire into the official conduct of William P. Nan [i.e., Van] Ness, judge of the Southern, and Mathias B. Tallmadge, judge of the Northern Distric, [sic] of New York, and of William Stephens, judge of the District of Georgia. February 17, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Serial set 24 Report of the committee, to which was referred the petition of the Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb persons. February 22, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting sundry statements in relation to the Mint of the United States. February 25, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating information, pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 22d instant, in relation to the balances due by the state banks to the Bank of the United States. February 25, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Memorial of sundry persons residing in the Town of Boston and its vicinity, stockholders in the Bank of the United States. February 9, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the joint committee of the two Houses of Congress, appointed to inquire and report what business it will be necessary to act upon during the present session of Congress. February 22, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the committee, on so much of the public accounts and expenditures as relate to the Post Office, accompanied with a bill to amend an act, entitled an "Act Regulating the Post Office Establishment," passed the 30th of April, 1810. February 10, 1819. Read, and, with the bill, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on Monday.
Report of the joint committee, on the subject of the public printing. February 19, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting an abstract of moneys advanced prior to 3d March, 1809, and which remain to be accounted for on the books of the Third Auditor of the Treasury; a statement of balances standing to the debit of individuals on the books of the Third Auditor, on advances prior to the 30th September, 1815, which still remain unsettled; and, a list of those persons who omitted to render their accounts for settlement to the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury within the year 1818. February 18, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an abstract of the official emoluments, &c. of the officers of the Customs, for the year 1818, so far as they have rendered the statements required of them by law. February 24, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a list of balances on the books of the Register, which appear to have been due more than three years prior to thirtieth September last, or to have remained unsettled on that day. February 24, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting statements of contracts made by the Commissary General of Subsistence, the Ordnance Department, the Commissary General of Purchases, and the Engineer Department, in the year 1818. February 25, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting information of the sums of money paid to the Attorney General for extra services. March 3, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the report of the Commissioners of the Navy Pension Fund. March 2, 1819. Concurred in by the House of Representatives.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating information, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 22d instant, in relation to balances transferred from the Treasury to the United States' Bank, under the second proposition of its agreement with the receiving banks, of 31st January, 1817. February 25, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Serial set 25 Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, being the first session of the Sixteenth Congress; begun and held in the City of Washington, December 6, 1819, and in the forty-fourth year of the sovereignty of the said United States. 1
Serial set 26 In Senate of the United States, January 10, 1820. Mr. Roberts, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Thomas Hightower, submits the following report: The petitioner alleges he sent his negro to assist in getting out a stalled wagon...
In Senate of the United States, February 28, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Robert Newsom, of Kittery, Massachusetts, praying a pension, report: That the petitioner states that he served in the various New Hampshire revenue cutters between twelve and thirteen years...
In Senate of the United States, March 2, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of a number of citizens of the United States, inhabitants of Michigan Territory, submit the following report: The petitioners set forth that they suffered great losses of property by the presence of the American Army...
In Senate of the United States, January 12, 1820. Mr. Roberts, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Edward Barry and George Hodge, submit the following report...
In Senate of the United States, February 17, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph McNeil, report: The petitioner claims compensation for damages done to a dwelling house...
In Senate of the United States, February 9, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the application of William G. Serviss to be placed on the pension list in consequence of his having been wounded while serving as a second lieutenant of United States' Rangers, during the late war, report...
In Senate of the United States, February 9, 1820. The Committee of Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Peter Larkins praying that he may be placed on the invalid pension list, report...
In Senate of the United States, February 9, 1820. The Committee on the Public Lands, to whom was referred the petition of the heirs and executors of John O'Connor, deceased, report: The petitioners pray for a confirmation of their claim to a tract of land containing 800 arpens, lying within the State of Mississippi...
In Senate of the United States, February 9, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Jonathan Crawford, of Bridgewater, in the State of New Hampshire, praying a pension, report: That the petitioner states he served, at different periods of the Revolutionary War, as a private...
Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Philadelphia, respecting the present state of the commerce and navigation of the United States. February 14, 1820. Read, referred to the Committee on Commerce and Manufactures, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 16, 1820. Mr. Leake, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the resolution of the Senate respecting the trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, made the following report...
In Senate of the United States, December 29, 1819. Mr. Roberts, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Noah Brown, for himself and others, submit the following report, which was read and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate: The petitioners were, during the late war with Great Britain, owners of the private armed brig Warrior...
Report of the Secretary of the Navy, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate, in relation to the rules, regulations, and instructions for the naval service. January 3, 1820. Read, referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the President and board of managers of the American Colonization Society. February 2, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States
In Senate of the United States, January 12, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Phineas Cole, of New-Hampshire, report: That no documents in support of the petitioner's statement were before the Committee...
In Senate of the United States, January 13, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of John Charlton, 2d, and Elisha Douglass, of the District of Maine, praying pensions, report...
In Senate of the United States, January 19, 1820. Mr. Sanford, from the Committee of Finance, made the following report: The Committee of Finance submit to the Senate their report upon the petition of Henry Ingraham, Robert Hazlehurst, and William Smith, Junior...
In Senate of the United States, January 17, 1820. The Committee on the Public Lands, to whom was referred a memorial from the Legislature of the State of Indiana praying for the establishment of an additional land office in that state, report...
In Senate of the United States, January 20, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Samuel F. Hooker, submit the following report: The claim of the petitioner is now, for the third time, submitted to Congress, amounting to more than 8,000 dollars...
In Senate of the United States, February 17, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Theron Freeman, make the following report: The petitioner represents himself to have been appointed wagon master, during the late war...
In Senate of the United States, February 17, 1820. Ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate. Report of the commissioners appointed to examine and assess the damages occasioned by the troops of the United States in the neighborhood of the City of New Orleans...
Report of the Secretary of State, on the memorial of Joseph Krittman, referred to him by a resolution of the Senate of the 15th February, last. February 18, 1820. Read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
Memorial of Major General Andrew Jackson. March 6, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, February 23, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the joint petition of Richard Butler, Zalman Barritt, Barnard Worden, Samuel Baley, William White, and John Fenton, praying pensions, report...
In Senate of the United States, February 25, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Ebenezer Stevens and others, submit the following report: The petitioners entered into a contract...
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the petition of Henry Remsen and others. Made in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 23d ultimo. March 3, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, March 3, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Margaret Clark, relict of the late Major John Clark, an officer of the Pennsylvania line in the American Revolution, (now deceased), praying Congress to grant a renewal and continuance to her of the pension which her late husband received, under the act of 18th March, 1818, report...
In Senate of the United States, February 2, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Benjamin Mortimer, of Connecticut, praying a pension, report: That the petitioner states, that he entered on board the schooner Spy...
In Senate of the United States, February 7, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Vincent Grant, of Buffalo, in the State of New York , praying to be indemnified for damage sustained by burning of his dwelling...
In Senate of the United States, February 24, 1820. Mr. Smith, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the memorial of John Bioren and Fielding Lucas, Jr., booksellers, report: The memorialists propose to furnish Congress with a volume...
Petition of a convention of the Friends of National Industry in New Jersey. February 7, 1820. Read, and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Manufactures, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, February 11, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Martha Youngs, Samuel Youngs, and others, submit the following report: The petitioners represent that their father, Joseph Youngs, deceased, was the owner of a house and farm at the commencement of the Revolutionary War...
Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Sixteenth Congress. December 7, 1819. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, December 14, 1819. Agreeably to notice given, Mr. Dickerson asked and obtained leave to introduce the following resolution, which was read and passed to a second reading: A resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as it respects the choice of electors of the President and Vice President of the United States, and the election of representatives in the Congress of the United States...
In Senate of the United States, December 20, 1819. Mr. Sanford, from the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures, made the following report: The Committee of Commerce and Manufactures have considered the official statements which have been hitherto made, of the commerce of the United States with foreign countries...
In Senate of the United States, December 20, 1819. Mr. Roberts, from the committee appointed on the 16th instant, who were directed to ascertain whether convenient apartments could be had in the north wing of the Capitol, for the accommodation of the committees and officers of the Senate, reports...
In Senate of the United States, January 10, 1820. Mr. Roberts, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of James Wood, reports: That having submitted the case to the Treasury Department...
In Senate of the United States, December 27, 1819. Mr. Burrill, from the committee appointed to arrange and report the rules for conducting business in the Senate; and, also, such amendments to those rules as they may think proper to be adopted, report...
In Senate of the United States, December 28, 1819. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Roberts, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Benjamin Putney, submit the following report...
In Senate of the United States, December 28, 1819. Mr. Logan submitted the following motion for consideration, which was read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate: Resolved, that, as the content and happiness of the people cannot be expected under collisions and the want of harmony between their governments, that, therefore, the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire whether provision may not be duly made, by law, for the removal from any state of the branches of the Bank of the United States, upon the request of the legislature of such state...
In Senate of the United States, December 28, 1819. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Roberts, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Jasper Parrish, submit the following report...
In Senate of the United States, January 4, 1820. Mr. Sanford, from the Committee of Finance, made the following report, which was read, and ordered to be printed: The Committee of Finance submit to the Senate their report upon the petition of Joshua Nevill...
In Senate of the United States, January 5, 1820. Mr. Van Dyke, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred a resolution of the Senate of December 20, 1819, instructing the said Committee to inquire into the expediency of reviving the act of 1806, entitled "An Act To Provide for Persons Who Were Disabled by Known Wounds Received in the Revolutionary War," which expired at the close of the last session of Congress, report...
In Senate of the United States, January 6, 1820. Mr. Roberts, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was recommitted the Bill for the Relief of Christopher Fowler, submits the following report...
In Senate of the United States, January 10, 1820. Mr. Van Dyke, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Lathrop Davis, praying an increase of pension, reports...
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of War shewing how far it may be expedient, or not, to provide, by law, for clothing the Army with articles manufactured in the United States. January 11, 1820. Read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, January 19, 1820. The Committee on the Public Lands, to whom was referred the petition of Rhoda Crawford, report...
In Senate of the United States, January 19, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of John Williamson, praying a pension, report: That the petitioner states that he served in the First Company, First Regiment in the New-York line...
In Senate of the United States, January 26, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of John Taylor, of the City of New York, mariner, praying a pension, report: That the petitioner states he was a regular entered mariner on board the revenue cutter Active...
In Senate of the United States, January 26, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of James Warren, submit the following report: The petitioner states he was a lieutenant on board the Alliance frigate...
In Senate of the United States, January 26, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the report of John Nichols, submit the following report: The petitioner claims payment for horses and wagons, which he alleges were lost in the public service...
In Senate of the United States, January 28, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Cornelia Schoonmaker, administratrix, and Peter Marius Groen, administrator, of Zachariah Schoonmaker, deceased, late paymaster of the 2d Regiment of United States Volunteer Artillery, report...
In Senate of the United States, February 24, 1820. Mr. Smith, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the memorial of John Bioren, of the City of Philadelphia, and Edward De Krafft, of the City of Washington, report: The memorialists state, in their memorial, that they have in contemplation the publication of an edition of the Journals of the Old Congress of the United States...
In Senate of the United States, March 3, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Lefebvre, report: That the petitioner claims compensation for losses and damages sustained in consequence of the occupation of his house...
Report of the Secretary of War on the memorial of Robert Swartwout. Referred to him by a resolution of the Senate of the 24th ultimo. March 2, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, March 6, 1820. Mr. Sanford, from the Committee of Finance, made the following report: The Committee of Finance submit to the Senate their report upon the petition of William C. Kausler...
In Senate of the United States, February 23, 1820. The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Robert Purdy, report: That, in the year 1809, the petitioner was a lieutenant colonel in the Army of the United States, and in command of the troops...
In Senate of the United States, February 22, 1820. The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the memorial of the Legislature of Indiana on the subject of pay, &c. due Captain Bigger's company of rangers, report...
In Senate of the United States, February 28, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Alexander M'Cormick, of the City of Washington, praying indemnification for losses sustained by the plunder and destruction of goods and merchandize by the British troops in 1814, report...
In Senate of the United States, February 23, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Aquila Giles, of the City of New York, report: That the petitioner prays the allowance of interest on a balance which he expects in his favor...
In Senate of the United States, February 21, 1820. The Committee on the Judiciary to which was referred the petition of Marc Marie Du Plat, report: The committee have examined the same and find the petitioner is a foreigner who wishes to have secured to him by law the exclusive benefit of an invention...
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the petition of Jacob Barker, referred to him by a resolution of the Senate of the 7th instant. February 21, 1820. Read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, February 21, 1820. Mr. Sanford, from the Committee of Finance, made the following report: The Committee of Finance have considered the petition of Andrew Low, Robert Isaac, and James McHenry; the petition of John Tanner; the petition of J.E. White and company; the petition of Gaudry and Dufaure; and the petition of John Shillman; and they submit to the Senate their report upon all these cases...
In Senate of the United States, February 21, 1820. The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Edward Baker, praying compensation for an improvement in gun locks, report...
Resolutions of the Legislature of Louisiana. March 2, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, March 6, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Catharine Shapley, of Portsmouth, in the State of New Hampshire, widow, report: That the petitioner states that her late husband, Captain John Shapley, of Portsmouth, served the United States in the Revolutionary War...
In Senate of the United States, December 15, 1819. Ordered, that the resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as it respects the choice of electors of the President and Vice President of the United States, and the election of representatives in the Congress of the United States, be referred to Mr. Dickerson, Mr. Trimble, Mr. Brown, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Logan, to consider and report thereon...
Statement of the trade between the port of New York and Bermuda, for one year, ending on the 30th September, 1819. Submitted to the Senate by Mr. Sanford. December 29, 1819. Read, and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, January 12, 1820. The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Thomas Chapman, collector of the Customs for the District of Georgetown, in the State of South Carolina, have had the same under consideration, and report...
In Senate of the United States, January 3, 1820. Mr. Wilson, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Ann Vreeland, Stephen Vreeland, and James Van Boskirk, surviving executors of Nicholas Vreeland, deceased, report...
In Senate of the United States, January 20, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Bowie and Kurtz, and others, submit the following report: The petitioners were owners of the ship Alleghany (sic)...
In Senate of the United States, December 29, 1819. Mr. Roberts, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Rebecca Hodgson, submit the following report: This claim is for the value of a house, estimated to be worth six thousand dollars, the property of the petitioner's late husband, situated in this city, which was destroyed by fire while occupied as an office by the Secretary of War, in the year 1800...
In Senate of the United States, January 26, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Michael Pepper, of Preston, in the State of Connecticut, praying a pension, report: That the petitioner states that he was employed in the privateering business, from the commencement of the Revolutionary War...
Serial set 27 Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 16th of February, last, abstracts of the bonds, or other securities, given under the laws of the United States by the collectors of the Customs, receivers of public moneys for lands, and registers of public lands; paymasters in the Army, and pursers in the Navy, who are now in office, or who have heretofore been in office, and whose accounts remain unsettled; together with a statement of such other facts as may tend to show the expediency, or inexpediency, of so far altering the laws respecting such officers that they may hereafter be appointed for limited periods, subject to removal as heretofore. March 21, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Message from the President of the United States, communicating translations of letters from the minister of Spain to the Secretary of State, received since the message of the 9th instant. May 12, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the memorial of John M. Chapron and others. Referred to him by a resolution of the Senate of the 17th inst. April 21, 1820. Ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, March 10, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Potter, submit the following report: The petitioner acted as sutler to the 45th Regiment of Infantry...
Report of the Secretary of State on the memorial of James Smith and others. Referred to him by a resolution of the Senate of the 16th February, 1819. March 22, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of sundry papers having relation to the treaty of 22d February, 1819, between the United States and Spain, which have been received at the Department of State and have not before been communicated to the Senate. March 9, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, March 20, 1820. Mr. Smith, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the memorial and documents of James Brown, a citizen of the State of Tennessee, and Town of Nashville, reports: That the memorialist states he purchased in the City of Philadelphia about the last of October, 1818, a number of German redemptioners...
In Senate of the United States, March 21, 1820. The Committee on the Public Lands, to whom was referred the petition of George Mayfield, report: That the petitioner is one of those whose claims were presented to the consideration of Congress, by the President of the United States, in his message of the 18th of January, 1816...
In Senate of the United States, April 26, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Dean Weymouth, praying an increase of pension, report: That the petitioner states, and the documents accompanying his petition satisfactorily shew, that he served, with fidelity, as a soldier...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 17th inst., statements shewing the amount of capital subscribed and paid to each bank in the District of Columbia; particularly specifying the time and mode of payment, the parts thereof which have been paid, or which consist in stock notes, or in any other species of nominal capital; and to report whether any, and if any, which, of the said banks have, by themselves or their agents, purchased in the stocks of their respective banks; and if any, the amount so purchased. April 26, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Memorial of John M. Chapron and others, in behalf of the French emigrants to Alabama engaged in the cultivation of the vine and olive. April 4, 1820. Ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, April 13, 1820. Mr. Leake, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An Act for the Relief of Jacob Konkopot, and Others, of the Nation of Stockbridge Indians, Residing in the State of New York," reported the same, without amendment, accompanied by the following report...
In Senate of the United States, April 24, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of John Dougherty, praying a pension, report: That the case stated by the petitioner entitles him to be put on the pension list...
In Senate of the United States, April 5, 1820. Mr. Smith, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill for the relief of John H. Piatt, with instructions to make a detailed statement of facts connected with the claim of John H. Piatt, presented the following report...
In Senate of the United States, March 23, 1820. The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Harriet Shackerly, Sarah Shackerly, and Mary Shackerly, children of Peter Shackerly, have had the same under consideration, and submit the following report: The petitioners state that their father, Peter Shackerly, was acting as a carpenter on board the United States' frigate Chesapeake at the time she was attacked...
Report of the Secretary of State, on the petition of Eliphalet Loud, and others. Referred to him by a resolution of the Senate, of the 13th instant. April 18, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, April 11, 1820. The committees of conference upon the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill entitled "An Act Making Appropriations for the Military Service of the United States for the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty," have met...
In Senate of the United States, April 5, 1820. Mr. Leake, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, who were instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing for the abolition of the system of Indian trade, established by a law of the 2d of March, 1811, which has been continued in force until the 3d of March, 1821, and for the disposition of the goods and property of the United States; and for the payment of the proceeds thereof, and of the funds vested in this trade, into the Treasury, made the following report...
In Senate of the United States, April 8, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Lemuel Bent, report: That the petitioner, formerly a paymaster in the Army...
Documents accompanying the bill to authorize the building of a certain number of small vessels, laid before the Senate by the Chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs. March 27, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, April 24, 1820. The Committee for the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the bill from the House of Representatives, entitled "An Act Concerning the Banks in the District of Columbia, and for Other Purposes," respectfully submit the following report...
In Senate of the United States, April 5, 1820. The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the message of the President of the United States of the 17th ultimo, on the subject of an appropriation for holding a treaty with the Creek and Cherokee Indians, report...
In Senate of the United States, May 2, 1820. Mr. Smith, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the petition of the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Arkansas, praying the grant of certain sections of land for purposes therein mentioned, made the following report: The petitioners state that they are the representatives of a thinly populated, new, and large country...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 13th instant, a statement of the quantity of land which has been sold, the quantity which remains unsold, and the amount of sales in each land district, in the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, respectively. March 20, 1820. Read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, March 14, 1820. The Committee of Public Lands, to whom was referred the petition of Susan Berzat, report: That the petitioner states that, in the year 1800, her husband, Gabriel Berzat, entered upon a tract of land then belonging to the domain of his Catholic Majesty the King of Spain...
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to a resolution of the Senate of the 18th January, 1819, a report from the Secretary of State together with the returns of causes depending in the courts of the United States. May 12, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Report of the Secretary of War, on the remonstrance of Samuel Blackburn and others, referred to him by an order of the Senate of the 13th ultimo. May 10, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, May 8, 1820. Mr. Smith, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the petition of Peter Cardelli, a native of the ancient City of Rome, now resident at the City of Washington, made the following report: The petitioner states that he is a sculptor by profession...
Message from the President of the United States, communicating the correspondence which has lately taken place between the Secretary of State and General Vives, the Spanish minister, in relation to the treaty for the cession of the Floridas. May 9, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, May 12, 1820. The joint committee, appointed to inquire and report what subjects before the two Houses are proper to be acted on during the present session of Congress, have had the same under consideration, and report: That, in the opinion of the committee, all bills and resolutions remaining undecided before the Senate may be definitively acted upon...
In Senate of the United States, May 9, 1820. The Committee of Commerce and Manufactures, to whom was referred the petition of Herbert Grant, report: That, by the petition and documents, it appears that the petitioner in the year 1818 purchased two cases of Spanish playing cards, that were then in the public store in the city of New York...
In Senate of the United States, March 9, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Ephraim Hart, report: The petition presents an original certificate, signed Rd. Claiborne, D.Q. Mst. Virg. and countersigned James Hendricks, No. 12, issued to John Willson, for a wagon and horses...
In Senate of the United States, March 10, 1820. Mr. King, of New York, submitted the following resolutions for consideration: Resolved, that, from and after the [date blank] the regulations and provisions of the act, entitled "An Act Concerning Navigation," passed on the 18th day of April, 1818, be, and hereby are, extended, and made applicable to the colony or island of Bermuda; to the Providence or Bahama islands, and to all other colonies, islands, and places, under the dominion of Great Britain...
In Senate of the United States, March 10, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was recommitted the report heretofore made upon the petition of Samuel F. Hooker, do now further report...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 1st inst., a copy of the letter of the 2d May, 1814, from the Secretary of the Treasury to Jacob Barker. March 7, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of the 4th of January, 1820, a report from the Secretary of State with a list of fines incurred under the act of Congress, entitled "An Act in Addition to the Act for the Punishment of Certain Crimes Against the United States," which appear, from the records of the Department of State, to have been remitted by the Executive Authority of the United States. March 8, 1820. Read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, March 9, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of John Delafield, submit the following report: The petitioner states he is the holder of forty-three loan office certificates...
In Senate of the United States, March 7, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Thomas L. Ogden, on behalf of himself and others, report: The petitioners were the proprietors of the Village of Sackett's Harbor, in the State of New York, during the late war...
In Senate of the United States, March 21, 1820. The Committee on the Public Lands, who were instructed by a resolution of the Senate to "inquire into the expediency of making provision, by law, for the payment to the several deputy surveyors in the Missouri Territory full compensation for the lines which bound each survey..."
In Senate of the United States, May 1, 1820. The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the memorial of Archibald B. Lord and others, officers of the United States' cutter Boxer, on behalf of themselves and the late crew of the said cutter, have had the same under consideration, and thereupon submit the following report...
Memorial of the Pennsylvania Society for the Encouragement of American Manufactures. April 28, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, April 28, 1820. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Rawleigh C. Christians, praying a pension, report: That the petitioner's case, as stated in his petition, does in the opinion of the Committee, entitle him to relief...
Memorial of Thomas Sheafe and others, citizens of Portsmouth, N.H. April 28, 1820. Ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, April 25, 1820. Mr. Smith, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred a resolution to inquire into the state of the Journals of the Senate preceding the year 1814, made the following report: That the Committee have found upon inquiry, there is now, in the office of the Senate, the original manuscript Journal...
Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Philadelphia. April 28, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, April 5, 1820. The Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Timberlake, deputy postmaster at Fredericksburg, in Virginia, report...
In Senate of the United States, April 3, 1820. Mr. Pleasants, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, communicated the following, which was read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate: Plan for the defence of our commerce, and the protection of its revenue in the Gulf of Mexico, near to the River Mississippi...
In Senate of the United States, April 10, 1820. Mr. Barbour submitted the following motions for consideration which were read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate. Resolved, that the federal government is a government of limited powers and can rightfully exercise such only as are expressly given it by the Constitution...
In Senate of the United States, April 6, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Mathew Lyon, submit the following report: The petitioner prays for the reimbursement of a fine...
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to a resolution of the Senate of the 21st of March last, copies of the correspondence between the ministers or other agents of the United States and the ministers or government of Sweden, relative to the seizures, sequestration, or confiscation of the ships or other property of citizens of the United States under the authority of Sweden. April 21, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Documents accompanying the amendment to the military appropriation bill, laid before the Senate by the Chairman of the Committee on Finance. March 22, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, April 11, 1820. The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of John B. Timberlake, have had the same under consideration, and thereupon submit the following report...
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of the 1st of February, information relative to the execution of the first article of the late treaty of peace and amity between his Britannic Majesty and the United States. March 28, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States
In Senate of the United States, April 6, 1820. The Committee of Claims, to whom has been referred the petition of George Love, respectfully report: The petitioner represents himself to be the only heir of his father...
In the Senate of the United States, March 30, 1820. The Committee on the Public Lands, to whom was referred the memorial of the inhabitants of the Village of Cahokia, report: That the citizens of Cahokia, to whom, by an act of Congress passed on the 20th February, 1812, certain tracts of land were confirmed as a common, being desirous to establish a town...
Report of the Secretary of State, on the petition of Susannah Stewart, referred to him by a resolution of the Senate of the 3d instant. April 13, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting extracts of letters from our ministers in St. Petersburg and Madrid, upon the subject of our relations with Spain, also, an extract of a letter from Mr. Gallatin, minister at the Court of Versailles, upon the same subject. March 27, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
In Senate of the United States, March 13, 1820. The Committee on the Public Lands, to whom was referred the petition of William Connor, report: That the petitioner has resided for many years at a place called the Delaware Towns, in the State of Indiana, which is situated in a tract of country lately belonging to the Delaware tribe of Indians...
In Senate of the United States, May 3, 1820. The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the resolution to inquire into the expediency of allowing to the said district a delegate to Congress, upon a footing with the delegates from the several territorial governments...
In Senate of the United States, March 14, 1820. Mr. Hunter, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the petition of Gabriel Winter, made the following report: That, upon a cautious investigation of the claim set forth in this petition, it appears to be one of peculiar interest, whether considered in regard to the amount of property, or the importance and extent of the principle it involves...
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 1st instant, a statement exhibiting the amount of the two per cent fund arising from the sale of public lands in the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, to the 30th September, 1819. March 9, 1820. Read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
Serial set 28 Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in obedience to a resolution of the Senate, of the 12th February, 1819, "an abstract of all bonds for duties on merchandize imported into the United States, which shall have become payable and remain unpaid on the 30th day of September next; exhibiting in such abstract the date of each bond and the time when it became payable, its amount, names of the obligors, distinguishing principals from sureties, and the district of the Customs in which taken, together with such information as will show how much or what parts of such bonds are irrecoverable and lost to the United States." March 1, 1820. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States. 1
Serial set 29 Abstract of bonds. Part II. 1
Serial set 30 Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, at the first session of the Sixteenth Congress, in the forty-fourth year of the independence of the United States. 1
Serial set 31 Message from the President of the United States, stating the interpretation which has been given to the act entitled "An Act in Addition to the Acts Prohibiting the Slave Trade." December 20, 1819. Read, and referred to the committee on so much of the message of the President of the United States as relates to the unlawful introduction of slaves into the United States
Memorial and resolutions of the Legislature of the Missouri Territory, and a copy of the census of the fall of 1817: amounting to 19,218 males. December 8, 1819. Referred to a select committee.
Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Sixteenth Congress. December 7, 1819. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Petition of a convention of the people of the District of Maine, praying to be admitted into the Union as a separate and independent state, accompanied with a constitution for said state. December 8, 1819. Read, and referred to a select committee.
Constitution of the State of Alabama. December 6, 1819. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the state of the finances. December 13, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 24th Feb. last, a report of the Secretary of State, in relation to the causes of the imprisonment of William White, an American citizen, at Buenos Ayres. December 15, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting sundry statements relative to the internal duties and direct taxes. December 17, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, to the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, explanatory of the expenditures of appropriations for the naval service during the year 1819. December 20, 1819. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of a convention of the friends of national industry, assembled in the City of New York, to take into consideration the prostrate situation of our manufactures, and to petition Congress for their relief and protection; composed of delegates from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and Ohio. December 20, 1819. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the exports from the United States, during one year, ending on the 30th of September, 1819. December 17, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Serial set 32 Memorial of Nathaniel Hall Loring, and others, late cadets at the Military Academy, West Point. December 27, 1819. Read, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Remonstrance of the Virginia Agricultural Society of Fredericksburg. January 3, 1820. Read, and referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Committee of Ways and Means, in relation to moneys drawn from the Treasury for the War and Navy Departments, and of repayments of moneys drawn for those Departments. December 28, 1819. Laid before the House, and ordered to be printed.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of the moneys transferred, during the recess of Congress, from sundry specific appropriations to other specific appropriations, by authority of the President of the United States in the year 1819; shewing, also, their application, agreeably to directions contained in the act of 3d of March, 1809, entitled "An Act To Amend the Several Acts for the Establishment and Regulation of the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments." December 29, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of duties accruing, and drawback payable, on merchandize exported from the United States during the years ending on the 31st December, 1816, 1817, and 1818. December 31, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the annual statement of the district tonnage of the United States, on the 31st of December, 1818, &c. December 31, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie on the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of balances of money unexpended on 27th December, 1819, remaining in the hands of the Treasurer, as agent for Navy Department. January 3, 1820. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the aggregate amount of the military peace establishment of the United States since the year 1815. January 3, 1820. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting topographical reports, made with a view to ascertain the practicability of uniting the waters of Illinois River with those of Lake Michigan. December 28, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Memorial of Josiah Meigs, and others, for an act of incorporation of a national vaccine institution for the United States of America. January 5, 1820. Read, and referred to a select committee.
Memorial of sundry manufacturers residing in the State of Maryland. December 22, 1819. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of the appropriations proposed for the year 1820. December 27, 1819. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of New York. December 27, 1819. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Commissioner of the Public Buildings. December 28, 1819. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Public Buildings.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the Director of the Mint, giving the result of sundry assays of foreign gold and silver coins. December 28, 1819. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting statements shewing the names of the clerks employed in the Navy Department, and in the office of the Commissioners of the Navy, during the year 1819, and the compensation paid to each. January 4, 1820. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of the contracts made by the Commissioners of the Navy during the year 1819. January 4, 1820. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of the expenditure and application of moneys drawn from the Treasury on account of the War Department, from 1st October, 1818, to 30th September, 1819, and of unexpended balances of former appropriations remaining in the Treasury on the 1st of October, 1818. January 5, 1820. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of New York. January 6, 1820. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of expenditures on account of the Navy from the 1st October, 1818, to the 30th September, 1819, and of the unexpended balances of former appropriations remaining in the Treasury on the 1st of October, 1819. January 6, 1820. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table.
Copy of the President's Order of Transfer of Old Balances, in and of the appropriations that were exhausted, 25th August, 1819. December 23, 1819. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Resolutions of the Legislature of the Territory of Missouri, securing to claimants of land, &c. February 14, 1816. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands. March 23, 1816. Bill reported - No. 148. December 23, 1816. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands. December 18, 1817. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands. December 28, 1819. Referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.
Memorial of the merchants of Baltimore praying that the duties on imported merchandize may be paid in cash. January 3, 1820. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures. January 5, 1820. Ordered to be printed.