Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 194 Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States: Being the first session of the Twenty-first Congress, begun and held at the City of Washington, December 7, 1829, and in the fifty-fourth year of the independence of the United States. 1
Serial set 195 Clerks -- Navy Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting statements of the names of the clerks employed in the Navy Department during the year 1829, and the compensation allowed to each. January 11, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contingent expenses Ho. Reps., 2d session 20th Congress. Annual report of the Clerk of the House of Representatives of the United States. December 21, 1829. -- Read, and laid upon the table.
list of reports to be made to the House of Representatives, at the first session of the Twenty-first Congress, by the Executive Departments. Prepared by the Clerk, in obedience to a standing order of the House of Representatives. December 7, 1829.
Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-first Congress. December 8, 1829. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Balances on the books of the Register of the Treasury. December 10, 1829. Read, and laid upon the table.
Balances, &c. on the books of the Second Auditor. December 14, 1829. Read, and laid upon the table.
List of balances on the books of the Third Auditor. December 10, 1829. Read, and laid upon the table.
Ardent spirits -- midshipmen. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting opinions of surgeons of the Navy, in relation to allowing to the midshipmen of the Navy of the United States, ardent spirits as a part of their rations. January 14, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Finances. Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the state of the finances. December 15, 1829. -- Read, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and 10,000 copies ordered to be printed.
Fourth Auditor's balances. List of officers who have failed to render their accounts. December 22, 1829. Read, and laid upon the table.
Estimate of appropriations for 1830. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of appropriations for the year 1830. December 28, 1829. Read, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Lands in Alabama, reverted for non-payment, &c. December 28, 1829. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Monthly statements Bank United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the monthly statements of the Bank of the United States for the year 1829. December 28, 1829. -- Read, and laid on the table.
Lands for military post at Green Bay, &c. December 28, 1829. -- Read, and laid upon the table.
Survey -- Narraganset Bay, &c. &c. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting surveys and reports of the waters of Narraganset Bay and the harbor of Newport, Rhode Island, with a view to the establishment of a naval depot. January 14, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Ardent spirits -- Army and Navy. Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 28th ultimo, in relation to allowing to the soldiers and seamen of the United States an equivalent, in money, in lieu of the present allowance for ardent spirits. January 14, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of surveys made in pursuance of Acts of Congress, of 30th April, 1824, and 2d March, 1829. December 16, 1829. Read, and laid upon the table.
Thomas Crown. Report of the Secretary of War, in the case of Thomas Crown. December 21, 1829. -- Read, and laid on the table.
Public buildings. January 4, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Lands of U.S. in Tennessee. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting information in relation to the vacant lands belonging to the United States in Tennessee. January 7, 1830. -- Read, and referred to a select committee.
Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of the names of persons to whom patents have been granted for the invention of any new and useful art or machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or improvement thereon, from the 1st day of Jan., 1829, to the 1st day of Jan., 1830. January 3, 1830. -- Read, and laid upon the table.
Frontiers of Arkansas. Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 17th ultimo, relative to the protection of the frontier of Arkansas. January 6, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Contingent expenses -- military establishment, 1829. January 7, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Serial set 196 Cumberland Road. January 27, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report relative to the repairs of the Cumberland Road.
To accompany Bill H.R. No. 54. January 14, 1830. -- Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Duties on imports, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement shewing the amount of duties accruing on goods imported, and drawbacks payable, during the years 1826, 1827, and 1828. January 19, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Intercourse with foreign nations. January 27, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Message from the President of the United States, recommending to Congress a revision of the laws relating to the direct and contingent expenses in our intercourse with foreign nations.
Unexpended balances. Mr. M'Duffie, from the Committee of Ways and Means, laid before the House the following statement of unexpended balances of appropriations, on the 31st of December, 1829. January 30, 1829 [i.e., 1830]. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Society of Christian Indians. Message from the President of the United States, on the subject of an appropriation to pay the annuity due by the United States to the Society of Christian Indians. January 22, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Banks in the District of Columbia. January 22, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting returns of the incorporated banks in the District of Columbia.
United States and Colombia. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information on the subject of the relations between the government of the United States and Colombia. January 19, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of contracts made by the Commissioner of the Navy during the year 1829. January 19, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contingent expenses Navy Department. January 25, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Officers and soldiers of the Revolution. Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 14th instant, in relation to the number of the surviving Revolutionary officers, &c. &c. January 19, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Ministerial duties -- Navy Department. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 169.) Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, to the Chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, in relation to the ministerial duties of the officers of the Navy Department. January 28, 1830. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee, and ordered to be printed.
Canal, Atlantic to Gulf of Mexico. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting an estimate of the cost of completing a survey, &c. of a canal to connect the waters of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. January 28, 1830. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Patent Office. January 27, 1830. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of State in relation to the Patent Office.
Penitentiary -- Washington City. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the annual report of the inspectors of the penitentiary in the District of Columbia. February 1, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Militia of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting abstract of the returns of the militia of the United States. February 5, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Assays -- gold coins -- Mint of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of assays, made at the Mint of the United States, of foreign gold coins, during the year 1829. February 8, 1830. Read, and laid on the table.
Commerce and navigation of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements respecting the commerce and navigation of the United States, &c. &c. February 5, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Pensacola bar. February 5, 1830. Ordered to be printed.
Reservation -- Seneca Tribe of Indians. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting information, in relation to the wishes of the Seneca Tribe of Indians to sell a reservation of land, called the Seneca Reservation, in the State of Ohio. February 3, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Indian depredations in Georgia. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the correspondence between that Department and the Executive of Georgia, relative to depredations committed by the Creek Indians on the frontier inhabitants of that state. January 11, 1830. -- Read, and laid upon the table. January 14, 1830. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Clerks in the Treasury Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a list of the names of the clerks employed in the Treasury Department, during the year 1829, and the compensation allowed to each. January 19, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Indian treaties. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of three treaties with Indian tribes, which have been duly ratified. January 14, 1830. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Upon the subject of navy yards. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a report of the Commissioners of the Navy, upon the subject of navy yards. February 1, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Cape Fear River. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report in relation to the works on Cape Fear River. February 1, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Attorney General of the U.S. and Attorney of the U.S. for the Territory of Arkansas. Letter from the Attorney General of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence between the Attorney of the United States for the Territory of Arkansas, and the Attorney General of the United States, relative to cases decided by the Superior Court of the Territory of Arkansas, &c. &c. February 1, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Private land claims -- Florida. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report (final) on private land claims in East Florida. January 15, 1830. -- Read and referred to the Committee on Public Lands. February 5, 1830. -- Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Navy hospital, Norfolk, and asylum, Philadelphia. Documents to accompany Bill H.R. No. 170.
Clerks in the War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a list of the names of the clerks employed in the War Department, during the year 1829, and the compensation allowed to each. January 19, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Serial set 197 Armories and arms. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of expenditures at the United States' armories, and the arms manufactured therein, during the year 1829. March 26, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Salt works -- United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the number and nature of the salt works established in the United States, &c. &c. February 8, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Defence of northern frontier. Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives, relative to plans for the defence of the northern frontier of the United States, &c. &c. March 2, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a survey and estimate for the improvement of the harbor of Chicago, on Lake Michigan. March 2, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill H.R. No. 304.
Warehouses. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 329.) Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, on the subject of public warehouses. March 6, 1830. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Emoluments of officers of the Customs, &c. March 2, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Appropriations -- War Department, &c. for 1829. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of appropriations from the War Department for the year 1829, the expenditure of the same, &c. &c. March 15, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Holders of Revolutionary land warrants. March 22, 1830. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 370.)
Intrusions on Cherokee lands. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 22d ultimo, in relation to intrusions on lands claimed by the Cherokee tribe of Indians, &c. &c. April 2, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Amount of postages for one year prior to 31st March, 1829. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a statement of the amount of postages accruing in the United States for one year prior to 31st March, 1829. February 11, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Jean Marie Trahaud. January 18, 1830.
Canal -- Boston Harbor to Narragansett Bay. February 5, 1830. Read, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Annual report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. February 8, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Buzzard and Barnstable Bay Canal. Report and estimate on the Buzzard and Barnstable Bay Canal, Massachusetts. February 8, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Treasury statements. 1st. Contracts made in 1829; 2d. Payments, miscellaneous claims; 3d. Payments, &c. collectors Revenue; 4th. Payments, sick and disabled seamen. February 9, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
William B. Lawrence. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 9th instant, in relation to the accounts of William B. Lawrence, as Charge des Affaires of the United States to Great Britain. February 19, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Continuation of the Cumberland Road. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from the Chief of the Engineers, with surveys of two routes, for the continuation of the Cumberland Road. February 12, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Balances on the books of the revenue. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a list of the Register, of balances standing on the books of the revenue, which have remained unsettled by collectors of the Customs, and others, more than three years, prior to the 30th September last. February 11, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Expenditure of appropriation -- naval, 1829. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement shewing the appropriations for the naval service for the year 1829; the expenditure of the same, &c. &c. February 18, 1830. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Military and invalid pensioners. Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives, respecting military and invalid pensioners. February 10, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Sunday mail. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting (in obedience to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 24th ultimo) a statement of the post routes within the United States, on which the mail is transported on Sunday. March 4, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Sick and disabled seamen -- Marine Hospital, &c. &c. March 2, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Fortifications. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 27th ultimo, in relation to the appropriations for fortifications since 1815, &c. &c. March 9, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Cadets -- Military Academy. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 26th January last, on the subject of the Military Academy. March 15, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Survey -- Penobscot River. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the report on survey made of the ship channel of Penobscot River, &c. &c. March 19, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contracts General Post Office, 1829. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a statement of contracts for transporting the mail of the United States, made during the year 1829. March 12, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contracts -- War Department, 1829. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting statements of contracts made by the War Department during the year 1829. January 27, 1830. -- Read, and laid upon the table. March 30, 1830. -- Ordered to be printed.
Annual report -- Navy Pension Fund. February 15, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Light-house -- Point Lookout. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required, in relation to the erection of a beacon-light or small light-house on Point Lookout. February 16, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Disbursements to the Indians. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting copies of accounts of persons charged or trusted with the disbursement of money, goods, or effects, for the benefit of the Indians, from the 1st September, 1828, to 1st September, 1829, &c. &c. February 23, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Mail route from Zanesville to Florence. Letter from the Postmaster General, communicating the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 24th ultimo, respecting the transportation of the United States' mail from Zanesville, Ohio, to Florence, in Alabama. March 9, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Unproductive post roads. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a list of unproductive post roads, &c. March 2, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.
Arming and organizing the militia of the U.S. March 3, 1830. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on the Militia, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill H.R. No. 168.
Florida boundary. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 27th ultimo, respecting the report of the Commissioners for running the line between the United States and Florida, under the treaty of 1795. March 16, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Survey -- Flat Beach. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a copy of a report of the engineer appointed to survey Flat Beach, or Tucker's Island, at Egg Harbor, in New Jersey, with an estimate of the expense of securing the harbor. March 16, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Fortifications -- Pea Patch Island. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the War Department, in relation to the fortifications at Pea Patch Island, &c. &c. March 31, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Operations of the Mint -- 1829. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Director of the Mint, for the year 1829. February 9, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Accountability of public agents abroad, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 398.) March 30, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Serial set 198 Farrow and Harris. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 10th instant, in relation to the settlement of the accounts of Farrow and Harris. May 14, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table
Remove Indians -- west of the Mississippi. Message of the President of the United States, transmitting, in compliance with a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 18th ultimo, a report in relation to the expenses of removing and supporting the Indians west of the Mississippi. April 14, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Adjutant General Jones. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a copy of the proceedings of the general court martial in the case of Adjutant General Roger Jones. May 14, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Delinquent clerks -- District Courts U. S. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 10th instant, in relation to moneys lost by the government, or by individuals who have paid moneys into court, &c. &c. May 13, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Savannah River. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 6th ultimo, in relation to disbursements which have been made in removing obstructions in the Savannah River, under authority of the Act of 18th May, 1826, &c. &c. May 20, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury (in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, of the 29th of December, 1828) respecting the relative value of gold and silver, &c. May 29, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Miles King. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 15th instant, in relation to the accounts of Miles King. May 28, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Compensation to officers of the Army of the U.S. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 4th February last, in relation to the compensation of the officers of the Army of the United States. May 6, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks -- General Post Office. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a statement of the names of the clerks in the Post Office Department during the year 1829, and the compensation of each. May 20, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
John B. Timberlake and Robert B. Randolph. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives in relation to the accounts of John B. Timberlake and Robert B. Randolph. May 28, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Settlements on public lands, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, in relation to settlements on the public lands, &c. May 26, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Articles, diminished importation of. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives on the 30th January, 1829, in relation to articles upon which imposts are laid so high as to diminish or lessen the importation thereof, &c. January 29, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Harbor of Westbrook -- Connecticut. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a survey and estimate for the improvement of the harbor of Westbrook, in the State of Connecticut. February 16, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
American canvass, cables, and cordage. In the House of Representatives, April 22, 1830. Mr. Spencer, of New York, from the Committee on Agriculture, reported the following resolution: Resolved, that six thousand copies of the Message of the President of the United States, of the 5th January, 1825, transmitting a report from the Secretary of the Navy, in relation to American canvass, cables, and cordage, be printed for the use of the House. This Resolution was adopted by the House.
Survey of Sandy Bay, Massachusetts. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of a survey of Sandy Bay, in the State of Massachusetts. April 24, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Receipts and expenditures -- 1789 to 1829. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Chairman of the Committee on Retrenchment, transmitting a statement of the receipts and expenditures of the United States, from 4th March 1789, to 31st December, 1829, with a statement of the annual appropriations during the same period. April 12, 1830. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on Retrenchment, and ordered to be printed.
Survey of the harbor of St. Augustine. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the report of a survey of the harbor of St. Augustine. April 22, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Acts of Virginia -- Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting two acts of the Legislature of Virginia, respecting the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. March 9, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements. April 24, 1830. Bill reported, No. 441.
Seamen of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting an abstract of American seamen in the several districts of the United States, for 1829. April 15, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Receipts and expenditures -- Post Office Dept. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting, in compliance with a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 26th instant, a statement showing the receipts and expenditures of the Post Office Department for the last two quarters of 1829 [i.e., 1828] and the first quarter of 1829. May 29, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Mint of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements showing the operations of the Mint, during the year 1829. May 26, 1830. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Pay, &c. of naval officers and agents. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 4th of February last, respecting the pay, emoluments, and allowances, to officers and agents in the naval service of the United States. May 29, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Appropriations for examinations and surveys, &c. Message from the President of the United States, approving of the "Act Making Appropriations for Examinations and Surveys, and Also for Certain Works of Internal Improvement." May 31, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Expenditure -- Army proper. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, in relation to the annual amount expended upon the Army proper, from the 3d March, 1821, to the present time, &c. &c. May 29, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Appropriations -- first session Twenty-first Congress. Statement of appropriations made during the first session of the Twenty-first Congress of the United States of America; specifying the amount and object of each. May 31, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Bank of Missouri. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, in relation to the claim of the United States on the Bank of Missouri, &c. &c. May 26, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Survey -- River Thames, Conn. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a copy of a report of the engineer appointed to make a survey of the River Thames in the State of Connecticut. March 9, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Sick and disabled seamen -- Providence, R. Island. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 6th instant, in relation to providing for sick and disabled seamen in Providence, Rhode Island, and providing for the erection of a marine hospital in said district, &c. &c. &c. April 27, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Assistant Secretary of State. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 438.) Letter from the Secretary of State, to the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, in relation to the appointment of an Assistant Secretary of State. April 23, 1830. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Clerks -- Department of State. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of the names of the clerks employed in the State Department during the last year, and the compensation of each. May 3, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Marine rail-way, &c. Message from the President of the United States, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives, in relation to the erection of a marine rail-way at the Navy yard at Pensacola, &c. &c. May 13, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Surveyors of public lands. Message from the President of the United States, recommending that provision be made by law for the punishment of persons guilty of interrupting the surveyors of the public lands, when engaged in the performance of the duties of their office. May 13, 1830. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. May 17, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
D'Homergue upon American silk. Report of the Committee on Agriculture on the growth and manufacture of silk; to which is annexed, "Essays on American Silk," with directions to farmers for raising silk worms. By John D'Homergue, silk manufacturer; and Peter Stephen Duponceau, member of the A. Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. May 24, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Navy yard -- Portsmouth, Virginia. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 29th ultimo, requiring information of the probable loss of property to the United States, by changing the site of the Navy yard at Portsmouth, Virginia for one more eligible. May 6, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Passengers arriving in the U.S. in 1829. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting the annual statement of the number and description of passengers arriving in the United States on ship board, during the year ending on the 30th September, 1829. May 28, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Pay, &c., officers Marine Corps. May 25, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Assignees of Comfort Sands. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives, in relation to the claim of the assignees of Comfort Sands, et al. May 25, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Colonial trade. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of providing by law for carrying into effect any provision which may be effected by the minister of the United States with the British Government, relating to colonial trade, should the same be made known during the recess of Congress. May 26, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Maysville Road. Message from the President of the United States, returning to the House of Representatives the enrolled bill, entitled "An Act Authorizing a Subscription of Stock in the Maysville, Washington, Paris, and Lexington Turnpike Road Company," with his objections thereto. May 27, 1830. Read, and to-morrow at 12 o'clock assigned for the re-consideration of the bill.
Serial set 199 Manuel del Barco. January 4, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table
Resolution of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. December 24, 1829. Read, and laid upon the table. Colonization Society.
Additional land -- Fort Washington. February 4, 1830.
Heirs of John Ellis, deceased. January 7, 1830.
Elizabeth Mays. December 21, 1829.
Ludlow's and Roberts' lines. To accompany Bill House of Representatives No. 141. January 20, 1830. Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives.
Richard W. Eppes. December 28, 1829.
Territory of Huron. January 6, 1830.
Case of Stephen Olney. January 5, 1830. -- Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Orson Sparks and John Watson. December 21, 1829.
Gabriel Godfroy. December 30, 1829.
Retrenchment. March 22, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Nathaniel B. Wood. December 21, 1829.
Richard Biddle, administrator of John Wilkins. December 21, 1829.
Appeals and writs of error courts United States, in Florida. January 4, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joel Byington. December 21, 1829.
John Pierre Landerau. December 23, 1829.
Heirs of Ulrich Reeser. January 20, 1830.
Joseph Falconer. January 18, 1830.
John Glass. January 18, 1830.
Silas Wright, Jr. vs. George Fisher. Contested election. January 19, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Tuesday next.
Isaiah Townsend et al. Sureties of Dox. January 25, 1830.
Henry Williams. January 25, 1830.
Heirs of John Tuillier. January 18, 1830.
Sale of public lands -- Alabama. Memorial of the Legislature of Alabama, praying for a postponement of the sales of public lands in the County of Jackson, in said state. January 18, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill (No. 79) to amend an act, entitled "An Act for the Relief of Purchasers of Public Lands that have Reverted for Non-Payment of the Purchase Money," approved May 23, 1828.
Jean Marie Trahaud. January 18, 1830.
Wilkins Tannehill. January 22, 1830.
John Moffitt [i.e., Moffett]. January 18, 1830.
Captain John Wood [i.e., Woods]. January 15, 1830.
Memorial of Charles Bulfinch, on the subject of the hall of the House of Representatives. January 25, 1830. Referred to the Committee on the Public Buildings.
Lewis Rouse. January 25, 1830.
Hall of the House of Representatives, U.S. Memorial of Robert Mills, of South Carolina. January 14, 1830. Referred to the Committee on the Public Buildings, and ordered to be printed.
Thomas Blackwell. January 29, 1830.
Thomas Cooper. Petition of Thomas Cooper, President of the South Carolina College, praying that he may be refunded the amount of a fine which he paid to the United States, by reason of a conviction under the sedition law. February 1, 1830. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
January 25, 1830. Read, and postponed until Thursday next, 28 instant. Mr. De Witt, from the Committee on Retrenchment, submitted the following resolution: Resolved, that the annual allowance of fifteen hundred dollars, heretofore made, in the disbursements of the House of Representatives, for the service of a draughtsman, be, and the same hereby, discontinued.
Claims of citizens of Georgia. January 26, 1830.
Ratio of representation, &c. To accompany Bill H.R. No. 167. January 27, 1830.
Organizing militia. January 27, 1830. With Bill No. 167 [i.e., 168].
David Rogers and sons. January 26, 1830.
Nathaniel Childers. January 26, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Jotham Lincoln, administrator of Samuel B. February 1, 1830.
Stafford and Yates, sureties of Southwick. January 25, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Elisha Ives. February 1, 1830.
Jonathan M. Blaisdell. January 26, 1830. -- Read, and laid upon the table. January 29, 1830. -- Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Fielding L. White. February 1, 1830.
James Barnett. January 26, 1830.
John H. Wendal [i.e., Wendell]. January 26, 1830.
Alexander Love. January 27, 1830.
John Teel. January 29, 1830.
Georgia Legislature -- election of President. February 1, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Robinson. January 29, 1830.
Sarah Easton and Dorothy Storer. January 29, 1830.
Samuel Demarest. February 1, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House, to-morrow.
Michael Lewis. January 26, 1830.
Mesheck Browning. February 5, 1830.
Ardent spirits to soldiers. February 8, 1830.
Medal of the President Liberator of Colombia. February 9, 1830. Read, considered, and concurred in by the House.
Creek Nation of Indians. Memorial of certain chiefs of the Creek Nation of Indians. February 8, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table for one day.
Jeremiah Walker. February 5, 1830.
Specific appropriations. February 3, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union to which is committed the Bill (No. 102) making appropriations for the support of government for the year 1830.
Commerce and navigation. February 8, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Marine Hospital -- Charleston, S.C. February 4, 1830.
Cumberland Road in Indiana. Memorial of the Legislature of Indiana, in relation to the Cumberland Road in that state. February 8, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements.
Privateer Pension Fund. February 9, 1830.
Jasper Parish. February 5, 1830.
Water for the Capitol. February 2, 1830. Referred to the Committee on the Public Buildings.
Aaron Reynolds. February 4, 1830.
Aaron Snow. February 9, 1830.
The heirs of William Treadwell. February 5, 1830.
Mail route -- Louisville, Kentucky, to St. Louis. Resolution of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, relative to the western mail stage route, from Louisville, in Kentucky, to St. Louis, in Missouri. February 8, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements.
James L. Ridgeley, Adm'r of Edward Moore. To accompany Bill H.R. No. 203. February 5, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Pre-emption to certain persons in Florida. To accompany Bill H.R. No. 206. February 5, 1830. -- Re-printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Richard Livingston. February 9, 1830.
Charles Josslyn's bail. February 8, 1830.
Joseph Young. February 5, 1830.
Benjamin Gibbs.
Nancy Dolan. December 21, 1829.
Lewis Schrack. December 21, 1829.
Creed Glover. December 28, 1829.
Abigail Appleton. December 21, 1829. -- Reprinted.
With Bill No. 12. Documents accompanying Bill No. 12, for the relief of Elijah Carr. Dec. 21, 1829. -- Referred, with the bill, to a Committee of the Whole House, to-morrow.
Representatives of Benjamin Clarke. December 23, 1829.
Peter Ford. December 21, 1829.
John H. Watts. December 22, 1829.
Administrators of John Wilson. December 22, 1829.
Churchwardens Elizabeth City Parish, Virginia. December 23, 1829. Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives.
John Burnham. December 23, 1829.
Francis Comparet. December 30, 1829.
William Jacocks. December 22, 1829.
Marigny D'Auterive. December 28, 1829.
King and Thurber. December 23, 1829.
Antoine Prudhomme et al. December 29, 1829.
Alexander Fridge. January 13, 1830.
Samuel Sitgreaves. January 11, 1830.
Heirs of Widow Dupre. January 13, 1830.
James Smith. January 8, 1830.
John P. Cox. January 4, 1830. Read, and, with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Benjamin Homans. January 13, 1830.
William Morrisson [i.e., Morrison]. January 8, 1830.
William Saunders, et al. January 11, 1830.
Allowance to jurors -- courts, U.S. January 4, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Alexander Claxton. January 7, 1830.
Lobster fishery. January 13, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Wallace Robinson. January 11, 1830.
Conaleskee, or Challenge, James Ore, Giles M'Anulty, and George Stiggins. (With Bill No. 97.) January 11, 1830.
Francois Isidore Tuillier. January 13, 1830.
Brevet officers, paymaster general, and surgeon general. January 4, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Thomas Park. January 12, 1830.
Heirs of Le Gendre. January 13, 1830.
John McDonogh. January 11, 1830.
James Linsey. January 4, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Alexander Boyd. January 11, 1830.
Peter Gasney. January 8, 1830.
South Carolina claims. January 11, 1830.
Samuel Holgate. January 13, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Heirs of Peter Cabet. January 20, 1830.
Bowie, Kurtz, et al. January 20, 1830.
Ann Brashears. January 20, 1830.
Judge Superior Court -- Arkansas. (With Bill H.R. No. 112.) January 14, 1830.
Legislature of Georgia -- Tariff of 1828. January 18, 1830. -- Read, and laid upon the table.
Military peace establishment. January 18, 1830.
Job Alvord. January 20, 1830.
Charles Brown. January 18, 1830.
Judah Alden. January 18, 1830.
James Porliers [i.e., Porlier] et al. January 15, 1830.
School lands, salines, &c. in Missouri. (With Bill H.R. 131.) January 19, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Washburn vs. Ripley. To be annexed to the report of the Committee of Elections in the case of Reuel Washburn vs. James W. Ripley. January 22, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Walter Livingston. January 18, 1830.
Samuel Sprigg. January 27, 1830.
George Ermatinger. January 29, 1830.
Richard Wall. January 25, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Tennessee to issue grants. To accompany Bill H.R. 185. January 29, 1830.
Ephraim Whitaker. January 26, 1830.
Public buildings -- Arkansas. January 26, 1830.
Henry Bull. Debenture on rum exported. February 1, 1830. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Vessels sunk for defence of Baltimore. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 191.) February 1, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Sale of U. States' lands in Ohio to that state. January 28, 1830.
Additional clerks in the Post Office Department. January 26, 1830.
Tariff of 1828. February 1, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the report of the Committee on Manufactures upon the subject of the tariff.
Jonathan Taylor and others. January 29, 1830.
Charles Collins. January 29, 1830.
John Hayner. January 29, 1830.
Memorial of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, asking for an additional body to the Territorial Legislature. December 16, 1829. Referred to the Committee on the Territories. February 1, 1830. Bill reported, No. 189.
Alter organization Marine Corps. Report, in part, upon so much of the President's message, referred to the Military Committee, as relates to the expediency of merging the marines in the United States' artillery or infantry. February 5, 1830.
Lewis Marks and Alexander O. Brodie. February 5, 1830.
James Fisk. February 5, 1830.
To be annexed to the report of the Committee of Claims in the case of Moritz Furst.
William Tipton. December 30, 1829.
Memorial of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company. December 23, 1829. Referred to the Committee on Internal Improvement.
James D. Cobb. December 23, 1829.
Alexander Scott. December 23, 1829.
Alexander Montgomery. December 22, 1829.
Jean Baptiste Jerome. December 30, 1829.
Jean Baptiste Conture [i.e, Couture]. December 30, 1829.
Arund Rutgers. December 23, 1829.
Arnold vs. Lea. Contested election. December 29, 1829. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Thursday next.
John Rodriguez. December 28, 1829.
Hubert La Croix, et al. December 30, 1829.
Jacob Wilderman. January 4, 1830.
George and William Bangs. January 4, 1830.
Increase of the Corps of Engineers. (See document No. 36, of the first session of the Nineteenth Congress.) January 4, 1830. Document to accompany Bill No. 56, for the gradual increase of the Engineer Corps.
Frederick Raymer. January 4, 1830.
Memorial of Farnifold Green. January 6, 1830. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Francis Tennill. December 31, 1829.
Tariff. January 5, 1830. -- Read, and laid on the table.
James Abbot. January 6, 1830.
John Wells. December 28, 1829. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Martha Yeomans. February 4, 1830.
Case of Susan Decatur, et al. To accompany Bill H.R. No. 82. January 7, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives of the United States.
Luther Chapin. December 31, 1829.
Thomas Buford. January 4, 1830.
Bank of Chillicothe. January 4, 1830.
Daniel M'Duff. January 6, 1830.
The case of Nathaniel Patten. January 6, 1830.
Erastus Granger. December 28, 1829.
Serial set 200 John Heard, assignee of Amasa Davis. March 4, 1830
Loomis & Bassett. February 12, 1830
Major M.M. Payne. February 8, 1830
Pennsylvania. Memorial of the inhabitants of Pittsburgh, relative to protecting Indians in Georgia. February 22, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table for one day.
Skinner's grand basin -- water for public buildings, &c. March 8, 1830. Read, and so much thereof as relates to the system of internal improvements referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements; the residue, to the Committee for the District of Columbia.
Thomas F. Cornell. February 17, 1830.
Charter of Georgetown. February 11, 1830.
William Henry. March 2, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
David M. Lewis. December 28, 1829. Read, and laid upon the table. February 15, 1830. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Turnpike road in Tennessee. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Tennessee, in relation to the construction of a turnpike road from the Virginia line to the Mississippi River. February 25, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, to which is committed the Bill (H.R. No. 285) authorizing a subscription of stock in the Maysville, Washington, Paris, and Lexington Turnpike Road Company.
Ephraim F. Gilbert. February 24, 1830.
Pennsylvania. Memorial of the Baptist General Association of Pennsylvania for missionary purposes. (With Bill H.R. No. 287.] March 2, 1830. Read, and committed to the Committee on the Whole House on the State of the Union.
James Soyer.
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal west of the Alleghany [i.e., Allegheny]. March 8, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Simeon Theus. March 2, 1830.
Col. John Laurens -- representatives of. March 2, 1830.
William D. King, et al. March 2, 1830.
New York. Memorial of the Board of Managers of the New York Babtist [i.e., Baptist] Missionary Society. March 2, 1830. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union on Bill No. 287.
James Gibbon. March 2, 1830.
James Monroe. March 6, 1830.
Re-manufacture of iron. Petition of inhabitants of the City and County of Philadelphia, concerned in the re-manufacture of iron. March 2, 1830. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
John F. Girod. March 2, 1830.
Growth and manufacture of silk. March 12, 1830.
R.S. Hackley. March 16, 1830.
Coleman Fisher. March 16, 1830.
Sylvester Havens. March 12, 1830.
Columbian College. March 12, 1830.
Road -- Memphis and Tuscumbia. (With Bill H.R. No. 354.) March 15, 1830.
Elizabeth Dandridge. February 10, 1830.
James McCarty. February 20, 1830.
John A. Parker. December 23, 1829. Read, and laid upon the table. February 15, 1830. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Matilda B. Dunn. February 19, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table. February 20, 1830. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Certificates to issue for lands in Louisiana, in certain cases. To accompany Bill House of Representatives No. 260. February 18, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Colin M'Lachlan. February 15, 1830.
Baldwin M. Leland. December 28, 1829. Read, and laid upon the table. February 15, 1830. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Geo. Loyall vs. Tho. Newton -- contested election. February 19, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House Tuesday next.
Road -- Uniontown, Pittsburg, Presque Isle. February 15, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Memorial of the ladies of Steubenville, Ohio, against the forcible removal of the Indians without the limits of the United States. February 15, 1830. Read: -- Ordered that it lie one day upon the table.
Children of Charles Comb, &c. February 11, 1830.
George Innes. February 15, 1830.
David Kilbourn. February 12, 1830
John Sapp. February 15, 1830.
Survey -- Cumberland River. February 10, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Fire companies, District Columbia. February 17, 1830.
John Buhler. February 15, 1830.
George E. Tingle. February 17, 1830.
James Gordon. February 10, 1830.
Gates Hoit. February 20, 1830.
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company. February 19, 1830.
Street -- Capitol to executive offices. To accompany Bill H.R. No. 224. February 10, 1830.
John Lord. February 10, 1830.
Eugene Borell. February 15, 1830.
Canal -- Tennessee and Coosa Rivers. February 10, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
F.M. Arredondo. (With Bill H.R. No. 221.) February 9, 1830.
Eleanor Courts. February 26, 1830.
Benjamin Wells. February 26, 1830.
Massachusetts claim. February 22, 1830. Read, laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed.
Ohio. Petition of inhabitants of Greene, Trumbull County, Ohio, on behalf of the Indians. February 22, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Indians. Memorial of the Indian Board for the Emigration, Preservation, and Improvement, of the Aborigines of America. February 22, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Bruce. February 27, 1830.
Indigent deaf and dumb. February 23, 1830
Samuel Ward. February 27, 1830.
Stephen Hook. February 22, 1830.
Ann D. Baylor. February 26, 1830.
Farmington, and Hampshire and Hampden, canals. Statement on the petition of the Farmington, and Hampshire and Hampden, canals. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 276.) February 22, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Francis Preston. February 25, 1830. Re-printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Timothy Risley. February 26, 1830.
Edmund Brooke. February 26, 1830.
Removal of Indians. February 24, 1830. Accompanied by a Bill (No. 287) which was twice read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union -- and ten thousand copies of report and bill ordered to be printed.
Samuel Meeker. February 19, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table. February 25, 1830. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Canal -- Tennessee River to Mobile Bay. February 25, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives. Memorial of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, upon the subject of a canal or rail road to connect the waters of Tennessee River and Mobile Bay.
Samuel Watson and George Hoppas. February 25, 1830.
Road -- Chicot County to Little Rock. February 22, 1830.
John Campbell -- heirs of. March 5, 1830.
Antoine Dequindre, et al. March 3, 1830.
Memorial of Charles Cramer, et al. March 8, 1830. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Pennsylvania -- Chamber of Commerce, Philadelphia. Reduction of duties on tea and coffee. March 8, 1830. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Robert A. Forsythe. March 10, 1830.
Peter Bargy, Jr. et al. March 2, 1830.
Memorial of the American Colonization Society. The Committee to whom was referred the memorial of the American Colonization Society, have instructed their Chairman to request the House to cause the memorial, and its accompanying documents, to be printed. March 6, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives
Peter Bonnefit. March 9, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
George Brown -- sureties of. March 2, 1830.
Senate amendments to Bill H.R. No. 116. March 15, 1830. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Survey of Connecticut River, &c. March 15, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Eber Hubbard. March 12, 1830.
Doctor Eliakim Crosby. May 8, 1828 [i.e., 1830]. Printed by order of the House of Representatives. March 3, 1830.
Levy Court -- Calvert County. February 8, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House tomorrow.
Dorothy Wells. February 15, 1830.
Susanna McHugh. February 15, 1830.
Boundary line -- Florida and Georgia. (To accompany Bill House of Representatives No. 243.) February 13, 1830.
Elizabeth Williams. February 11, 1830.
Garret [i.e., Garrett] Fountain. February 19, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Claim of Delaware. February 11, 1830.
Legislature of Alabama. Memorial of the Legislature of the State of Alabama, for relief to purchasers of public lands. February 15, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill (No. 49) to dispose of reverted and relinquished lands.
Josiah H. Webb. February 10, 1830.
John Donnell. February 17, 1830. -- Read, and laid upon the table.
Pennsylvania. Memorial of inhabitants of Montgomery County, in relation to the Cherokees and other Indians. February 22, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Ohio. Memorial of inhabitants of Brown County, in the State of Ohio, in relation to the Cherokee Indians. February 22, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Matthews Flournoy and R.J. Ward. February 24, 1830.
Pennsylvania. Memorial of inhabitants of Montgomery County, in relation to the Cherokee Indians. March 1, 1830. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on Bill No. 287.
New Jersey. Petition of inhabitants of Rahway and Woodbridge &c. &c. in relation to the Cherokee and other Indians. March 1, 1830. Referred to the Committee of the Whole on Bill No. 287.
Governor and judges of Arkansas. February 26, 1830.
Public ministers and consuls. [To accompany Bills House of Representatives Nos. 274 and 275.] February 22, 1830.
Pennsylvania. Memorial of inhabitants of Lower Dublin, Philadelphia County, in relation to the southern Indians. March 1, 1830. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union on Bill No. 287.
Edward Lee. February 22, 1830.
Southern Indians. Petition of the yearly meeting of Friends in New England. March 1, 1830. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill (No. 287) to provide for the removal of the Indian tribes within any of the states and territories, and for their permanent settlement west of the River Mississippi.
Widow and heirs of Joseph Hulse. February 25, 1830.
Cherokee and other Indians. Memorial of inhabitants of the State of Massachusetts, in relation to the Cherokee and other Indian tribes. March 1, 1830. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Captain Thomas Paine. February 24, 1830.
John Fruge, of Louisiana. March 2, 1830.
Richard G. Morriss. March 6, 1830.
Heirs of Robert Fulton. March 3, 1830.
Laws for the District of Columbia. March 3, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Mint United States. March 5, 1830.
Pennsylvania -- dealers in tea and coffee, Philadelphia. March 8, 1830. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
John O. Lay. March 8, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Sunday mail. March 4, 1830. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union. March 5, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
James Bradford. March 16, 1830.
Nathaniel Bird. March 11, 1830.
Patents to issue to foreigners, not residents. March 15, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Memorial of the General Assembly of Indiana, respecting the removal of the Indians beyond the Mississippi. March 8, 1830. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Philip Slaughter. February 26, 1830.
Serial set 201 Francis Larche. May 11, 1830. Read, and, with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow
Anthony Foreman and John G. Ross. April 16, 1830
Slave trade. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 412.) April 7, 1830
Transylvania University. March 17, 1830.
Soldiers of the Revolution. January 8, 1830. -- Read, and laid upon the table.
James W. Brannin, Chas. Hughes, and Nath. Ford. May 24, 1830.
Nathaniel Standish. May 25, 1830.
Expenditures -- State Department. April 27, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Canal -- Lake Michigan to Illinois River. Illinois to relinquish land and issued scrip. April 22, 1830. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 255.)
William Clower. April 19, 1830.
Farmington and Hampshire Canal Company. April 2, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Robert Eaton. March 18, 1830.
Skinner's grand central basin. April 22, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Robert Smart. April 15, 1830.
John Conard. March 22, 1830.
Heirs of John Dauphin. March 16, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Print rules -- Jefferson's Manual, &c. April 15, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Navigation Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 440.) April 23, 1830.
Elisha Tracy. April 10, 1830. Read, and with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
John Boone. May 3, 1830.
Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Company. May 11, 1830.
William Stewart. May 11, 1830.
Richard Hardesty. May 12, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Cumberland Road. May 24, 1830. (To accompany Bill No. 483.)
Amos Binney. May 24, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill H.R. No. 441, confirming certain acts of the Legislature of Virginia, relating to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company.
Public lands. Mr. Clay's resolutions, December 18, 1829. Read, and concurred in by the House.
Jane Muir. March 17, 1830.
Retrenchment. March 18, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joshua Kennedy. March 25, 1830.
Retrenchment. March 22, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Nathaniel Childers. March 29, 1830.
William Carter -- heirs of. March 26, 1830.
Maison Rouge and De Bastrop's claims. April 6, 1830. Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives.
John H. Thomas. March 30, 1830.
Percia Tupper. March 22, 1830.
Draughtsman to the House of Representatives. March 30, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Judge Peck. March 23, 1830. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Richard W. Steele. March 23, 1830.
Pennsylvania. Memorial of ship carpenters, smiths, rope makers, and others, employed or connected in ship building, in the City of Philadelphia. April 19, 1830. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union to which is committed the Bill H.R. No. 164 to amend An Act in Alteration of the Several Acts Imposing Duties on Imports.
William Tharp. April 19, 1830.
Timothy D. and Robert A. Pettigrew. April 16, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Bartholomew Delapierre. May 3, 1830.
Parker McCobb. May 7, 1830.
Moses Adams. May 11, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
John F. Ohl. May 14, 1830.
John Brunson. May 17, 1830. Read, and, with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Jonathan Walton and John J. [i.e., I.] De Graff. April 27, 1830.
Stockholders, &c. Bank United States. May 26, 1830. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table for one day.
Mississippi. Resolution of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi upon the subject of the tariff, colonization society, and internal improvements. March 15, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
James H. Peck. April 29, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Samuel Wagstaff. May 5, 1830.
Andrew H. Richardson. May 3, 1830.
Expenditures -- Navy Department. May 5, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Steam boats and steam vessels. May 4, 1830.
Indians. Laws of the colonial and state governments, relating [to] the Indian inhabitants. March 19, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives, and under the direction of the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Roanoke Inlet. March 19, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Lands for education. March 18, 1830.
Salaries -- judges of Michigan. March 17, 1830.
J.N. Cardozo. March 17, 1830.
Alfred Conkling. April 3, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joint rules. April 6, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Good. March 29, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Jared E. Groce. March 25, 1830.
James H. Peck. Memorial of James H. Peck, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the District of Missouri. April 5, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Expenditure -- Treasury Department, 1829. April 6, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Post Office establishment. April 14, 1830. Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Sandy and Beaver Canal. April 12, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joseph Eaton. To accompany Bill H.R. No. 430. April 19, 1830.
Philip and Eliphalet Greely. April 26, 1830.
Miami Exporting Company. April 19, 1830.
Joseph Jeans. April 14, 1830.
James H. Peck. Letter from James H. Peck to the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, transmitting an explanation in answer to the charges preferred against him, as Judge of the District Court of the United States for the District of Missouri, by Luke E. Lawless. April 14, 1830. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Skinner's grand central basin. April 20, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements.
Heirs of Doctor Kennedy. April 9, 1830.
Cherokee Indians. Memorial of a delegation of the Cherokee Nation of Indians. May 10, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Charles Cassedy. May 7, 1830.
Ohio. Titles to sec. 8, 11, 26, 29: Thirteenth Township, &c. &c. May 24, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
W.C. Daniell vs. Bargy, Norton, and Wolverton. May 26, 1830. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill (H.R. No. 307) for the relief of Peter Bargy, Jr., Stephen Norton, and Hiram Wolverton.
Benjamin Pendleton. May 31, 1830.
Thomas F. Hunt. May 29, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Sugar cane. January 13, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Oppressive duties. January 27, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Index to public documents. February 10, 1830. Read, and postponed until the 20th February, instant.
West Point Academy. February 25, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Journals of Congress, 1774 to 1788. February 25, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Amend the rules. February 23, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table. February 24, 1830. Considered, and postponed until Monday, 1st March.
Entombment and statue of Washington. In the House of Representatives of the United States, February 22, 1830.
Ohio. Resolution of the Ohio Legislature, on the subject of domestic manufactures. March 15, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
William Gallop. March 17, 1830.
Ohio. Memorial of citizens of the County of Miami, in the State of Ohio, in relation to the Indian tribes. March 17, 1830. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Jeremiah Buckley -- heirs of. March 19, 1830.
Massachusetts. Memorial of inhabitants of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, in relation to the Indian tribes. March 17, 1830. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
William Vawters [i.e., Vawter]. March 19, 1830.
Memorials of the Cherokee Indians, signed by their representatives, and by 3,085 individuals of the Nation. February 15, 1830. Presented, and laid on the table. March 15, 1830. Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union to which is committed the Bill No. 287, to provide for the removal of the Indian tribes in any of the states and territories west of the River Mississippi, and for their permanent location.
Daniel Goodwin. March 19, 1830.
Farrow and Harris. March 19, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Virginia. Memorial of the Wheeling Bridge Company. March 12, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements.
Ohio and Mississippi River. Memorial of sundry citizens of Louisville, Kentucky, praying for the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. March 29, 1830. Read, and referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. Wickliffe, Bell, Findlay, Hinds, Denny, Duncan, and Overton.
Nancy Davis. March 22, 1830.
Roger Enos. April 5, 1830.
Robert Kaine, of Buffalo, N.Y. March 31, 1830.
William Forsythe. March 22, 1830.
Ichabod Ward. March 22, 1830.
Thomas W. Newton, assignee of Robert Crittenden. March 31, 1830.
Henry Kilbourn. March 26, 1830.
John Wilson -- heirs of. March 27, 1830.
Denison & Ely. March 26, 1830.
Daniel Johnson. March 26, 1830.
Water for the Capitol. Letter from Robert Mills to the Chairman of the Committee on the Public Buildings, upon the subject of providing a supply of water for the use of the Capitol. April 5, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Bank of the United States. April 13, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table
Judicial terms -- southern district, New York, &c. April 12, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Mounted force. April 8, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Patrick Green. April 19, 1830.
Whitford Gill. April 15, 1830.
David Brooks. April 9, 1830.
John M'Iver. April 14, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Surveys for roads. April 12, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
William H. Harrison. April 23, 1830.
William Price. April 9, 1830.
Alfred Conkling. April 8, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Samuel Keep. April 15, 1830.
Governor Blount's claim. April 14, 1830.
George Johnson [i.e., Johnston]. April 12, 1830. Read, and committed, with the bill, to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Peter Yarnell and Samuel Mitchell. May 11, 1830. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the report of the Committee of Claims, on the petition of John O. Lay.
William Gibbs. May 7, 1830. Read, and, with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Lands to officers, &c. -- Virginia state line. May 13, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Duty on salt. May 13, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Ariel Ensign. April 29, 1830.
Bridge across the Ohio. April 29, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
David Kennard. May 14, 1830.
Stafford and Yates. April 29, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Peter Peck. May 19, 1830. Read, and with an accompanying bill for his relief, committed to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the bill for the relief of John Sapp.
Elisha James. May 25, 1830.
B.H. Reeves, G.O. Sibley, and Thomas Mather. May 26, 1830. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, Jr. March 17, 1830.
Serial set 202 Journal of the Senate of the United States of America: being the second session of the Twenty-first Congress, begun and held at the City of Washington, December 6, 1830, and in the fifty-fifth year of the independence of the said United States. 1
Serial set 203 In Senate of the United States, December 16, 1830. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Holmes made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to which was referred the petition of Aaron Fitzgerald, report: That the petitioner was a soldier in the last war...
In Senate of the United States, January 24, 1831. Ordered, that the following report, made on the 2d March, 1829, be printed. The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of Eleanor Worthington, executrix, and James T. Worthington, executor, on the estate of the late Thomas Worthington, deceased...
List of committees of the Senate of the United States for the second session, Twenty-first Congress, 1830-'31. December 31, 1830.
Message from the President of the United States, with copies of correspondence between the Secretary of State and the minister from Denmark, concerning the commercial intercourse between the United States and the Danish possessions in the West Indies. January 4, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed, and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
Report of the Secretary of the Navy, in reply to a resolution of the Senate, relative to the mode of relieving United States' vessels on foreign stations, and the means taken for the return to the United States of seamen whose terms of service expire abroad, &c. December 29, 1830. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, with papers relating to the recent arrangement with Great Britain, with respect to the trade between the United States and her colonial possessions. January 4, 1831. Ordered to be printed, and referred to the Committee on Commerce.
In Senate of the United States, January 4, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. White made the following report: The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred a Resolution of the Senate, instructing a inquiry into the expediency of extinguishing the Indian title...
Memorial of inhabitants of Vassalborough, Maine, praying that protection may be extended to the Indian tribes by Congress, &c. January 3, 1831. Referred to Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
George Johnson. In Senate of the United States, January 5, 1831. Mr. Hayne laid on the table the following documents relating to Senate Bill No. 11.
Memorial of inhabitants of Woodbridge, New Jersey, for protection to the Indians and repeal of the act of last session on the subject. January 14, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of sundry inhabitants of Pennsylvania, praying that the Indians may be protected in their rights, &c. January 19, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of inhabitants of Andover, Essex Co., Massachusetts, that the Indians be protected in their rights, &c. January 21, 1831. Referred to Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Resolution of the Legislature of Alabama, in opposition to any measure for stopping the mail on Sunday. January 22, 1831. Referred to Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, and ordered to be printed.
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the state of the finances, for 1830. December 16, 1830. Read, and ordered to be printed, and that fifteen hundred additional copies be printed for the use of the Senate.
Memorial of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for permission to extend a lateral branch of their road to some point within the District of Columbia. December 14, 1830. -- Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals. December 15, 1830. -- Ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, December 16, 1830. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Johnston made the following report: The Committee of Finance, to which was referred the petition of Simeon C. Whittier, report: The petitioner, on the 7th day of December, A.D. 1813, became one of the sureties of Daniel Evans, collector of direct taxes and internal duties...
In Senate of the United States, December 24, 1830. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Poindexter, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, made the following report: The Committee on Private Land Claims, to which was referred the petition of Joseph Walker and Eliza Ann Griffith, formerly Eliza Ann Walker, surviving children and heirs of Peter Walker...
Case of James H. Peck. Substance of an argument delivered before the District Court of the United States, at the first session thereof, held at St. Louis, on the fourth Monday in November, 1824, pursuant to an act of Congress, entitled "An Act Enabling Claimants to Lands within the Limits of the State of Missouri and Territory of Arkansas to Institute Proceedings to Try the Validity of Their Claims." -- By L.E. Lawless, Counsellor at Law. December 22, 1830. Ordered, that the following documents be printed for the use of the Senate.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury to the honorable S. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, relative to passports and clearances. January 3, 1831. Laid on the table by Mr. Smith, of Maryland, and relates to Senate bill.
Memorial of the inhabitants of Chester County, Pennsylvania, praying that the act passed at the last session, for the removal of the Indians beyond the Mississippi, may be repealed, and that no treaty made under that law be confirmed. December 31, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of War, in compliance with a Resolution of Senate, transmitting reports from the Superintendent of the Cumberland Road, for 1829 and 1830. December 31, 1830. -- Read. January 3, 1831. -- Ordered to be printed.
Report of a committee, and resolution of the Legislature of Georgia, relative to the settlement of the boundary line between that state and Florida. January 11, 1831. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, December 21, 1830. January 14, 1831. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Livingston, from the select committee appointed on the subject, made the following report: The committee to which was referred the petition of George F. Laroche and others, report...
Memorial of sundry inhabitants of Pittsburgh, Penn. praying that the navigation of the Ohio River, from its mouth to Pittsburgh, may be improved, &c. January 21, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Petition of the Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of St. Louis, Missouri, for aid in the erection of a public hospital at that place. January 24, 1831. Referred to Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a Resolution of the Senate relative to the British establishment on the Columbia, and the state of the fur trade, &c. January 25, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. January 26, 1831. Ordered to be printed, and that 1500 additional copies be furnished for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, 15th December, 1830. Read, and ordered to be printed, and that 1,000 additional copies be furnished for the use of the Senate. Mr. Sanford, from the Select Committee appointed to consider the state of the current coins, and to report such amendments of the existing laws concerning coins, as may be deemed expedient, made the following report...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with statements of the amount that would be returnable, should the bill to refund, in certain cases, the difference between the Tariff of 1828 and that previously existing, become a law. December 20, 1830. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Case of James H. Peck. In Senate of the United States, December 21, 1830. The following documents were ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate. (Vide reports of committees of the House of Representatives United States, 1st session 21st Congress, no. 325, pages 4 and 25 to 28.)
In Senate of the United States, January 7, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Foot made the following report: On the petition of the heirs of Barent J. Staats, the Committee on Claims report...
In Senate of the United States, January 7, 1831. Ordered, that the following opinions of James H. Peck, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the District of Missouri, be printed.
In Senate of the United States, January 11, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. The Committee on Finance, to which was referred the petition of Peters and Pond, of Boston, report: That the Committee on Commerce...
In Senate of the United States, January 11, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Chase made the following report: The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of John Daly...
Petition of the heirs of James Caldwell, deceased, who was a chaplain in the Army of the Revolution, praying that indemnity may be made for the losses sustained during the Revolutionary War. January 7, 1831. Referred to the Committee of Claims, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, January 26, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Poindexter made the following report: The Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom were referred the petition and accompanying documents of Joseph Vidal, have had the same under consideration, and report...
In Senate of the United States, December 17, 1830. Mr. Foot made the following report: On the petition of John Brunson...
In Senate of the United States, December 15, 1830. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Bell, from the Committee of Claims, made the following report: The Committee of Claims, to which was referred the petition of Moses White, executor of the will of Gen. Moses Hazen, deceased, report...
Annual report of the Secretary of the Senate, showing the expenditures from the contingent fund, &c. December 8, 1830. Referred to the Committee on the Contingent Fund, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of certain inhabitants of Pennsylvania, praying that the Indians may be protected in their rights, &c. January 7, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-first Congress. December 7, 1830. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Serial set 204 Report from the Postmaster General, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, showing the postage received at the office in Washington City for two years, ending on the 1st May, 1830. May 20, 1830. -- Read. February 1, 1831. -- Ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with a statement of all lands acquired by the United States in satisfaction of debts due them, showing where those lands lie, the sums allowed for them, and their probable value; made in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate. February 14, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, March 3, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Clayton made the following report: The Committee appointed, in pursuance of the Resolution of the 15th December last, "to examine and report the present condition of the Post Office Department..."
In Senate of the United States, February 14, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Woodbury made the following report: The Committee on Commerce, to whom were referred sundry memorials for a drawback on exported nails, when made from foreign iron, ask leave to report...
Memorial of the inhabitants of Milford, Delaware, praying that an appropriation be made for improving Mispillion Creek navigation, &c. February 7, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 28, 1831. Report on the blacksmiths' petition.
In Senate of the United States, February 23, 1831. Read, agreed to, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Naudain made the following report: The Committee on Military Affairs, which, by a Resolution of the Senate of January the 4th, 1831, was "instructed to inquire into the justice and expediency of extending to Henry B. Livingston, late a colonel in the service of the United States...
In Senate of the United States, February 16, 1831. Mr. Dickerson made the following report: The Committee on Manufactures, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 147) to reduce and fix the duties on sugars imported into the United States...
In Senate of the United States, February 16, 1831. Read, concurred in, and ordered that it be printed, and that 1000 additional copies be furnished for the use of the Senate. Mr. Woodbury, from the Committee on Commerce made the following report: The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred a resolution concerning our present consular system...
Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, relative to the execution of the Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes, and to Preserve Peace on the Frontiers, passed the 30th March, 1802. February 23, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed, and that 3,000 additional copies be furnished for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, February 26, 1831. Mr. Benton submitted the following resolutions, which were read, and ordered to be printed, and laid on the table: Resolved, that the powers conferred on Congress by the states to lay and collect duties, and to regulate commerce...
Memorial of the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, that the French and Spanish land claims may be speedily and equitably decided. February 28, 1831. Read, and ordered to be laid on the table, and printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 22, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Chase made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, who were directed by a Resolution of the Senate of the 11th instant to inquire into the expediency of allowing to Edward S. Meeder, a soldier in the late war with Great Britain, for arrearages of pension...
Memorial of the General Assembly of Missouri, that public lands may be sold in forty acre tracts, and that quarter sections may be divided by east and west as well as by north and south lines. February 28, 1831. Read, and ordered to be laid on the table, and printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 15, 1831. Mr. Knight made the following report; which was read, and concurred in. The Committee on the Contingent Fund of the Senate, to whom was referred the memorial of S. & W. Meeteer, praying for an alteration of the mode of procuring paper used in the printing for Congress, report...
Memorial of the workers in iron of Philadelphia, praying that the present duty on imported iron may be repealed, &c. January 27, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Ordered, that the aforesaid memorial be referred to a select committee, to consist of Messrs. Hayne, Dickerson, King, Bell, Tyler, to consider and report thereon.
Letter from John J. Astor to honorable Mr. Benton, in relation to blankets for the Indian trade. January 31, 1831. Laid on the table by Mr. Benton, and ordered to be printed.
Document relating to blankets for the Indian trade; being questions to, and answers by, Adam D. Steuart, collector of the port of Mackinaw. February 3, 1831. Laid on the table by Mr. Benton, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, relative to drawbacks on refined sugar, and attempts fraudulently to obtain the same. February 19, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of citizens of Philadelphia, engaged in the manufacture of iron, and others, praying that the duties on imported iron may not be reduced or rescinded. February 19, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed, and referred to the select committee appointed on the subject of duty on iron.
In Senate of the United States, January 27, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hendricks made the following report: The Committee on Roads and Canals, to whom were referred numerously signed memorials, asking a donation of land for the construction of a road from Lawrenceburg, by way of Fort Wayne, to the southern bend of the St. Joseph's of Lake Michigan, report...
In Senate of the United States, February 4, 1831. Read, and ordered to printed. Mr. Woodbury made the following report: The Committee on Commerce, to whom were referred the memorials from the city authorities of St. Louis and the Legislature of Illinois, on the subject of erecting a hospital near the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, report...
Report from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, showing the quantity of public land surveyed in each state since 1826, the quantity of land surveyed and not brought into market, and the amount received for sales made. February 9, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the Prudential Committee of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions of Massachusetts, praying that all treaty stipulations with the Indians within the United States may be faithfully observed, &c. February 9, 1831. To lie on the table, and be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 4, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. McKinley made the following report: The Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the "joint resolution relative to the pay of the members of Congress" from the House of Representatives...
Commerce and navigation of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements respecting the commerce and navigation of the United States, &c. &c. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Letter from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, relative to creating the office of Surveyor General of Louisiana, &c. February 8, 1831. Laid on the table by Mr. Ellis, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of a number of citizens of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, praying that the treaties with the Indians may be preserved inviolable, and that they be protected in their rights. February 14, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial from the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, that the Western Road, commonly called the Cumberland Road, may cross the Mississippi at St. Louis. February 28, 1831. Read, and ordered to be laid on the table, and printed.
Memorial of the General Assembly of Missouri, that the N. and N. W. boundary may be enlarged, and a mounted force granted for the protection of the frontier of the state, and its trade with Mexico and the Indians. February 28, 1831. Read, and ordered to be laid upon the table and printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 19, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Benton made the following report: The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the bill for the relief of the officers and soldiers of Ford Delaware, report...
Memorial of officers of the Massachusetts militia, praying that an efficient and uniform system be adopted for the regulation and government of the militia of the United States. February 23, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Remarks on the expediency of abolishing the punishment of death, by Edward Livingston. March 3, 1831. Laid on the table by Mr. Robbins, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a Resolution of the Senate, relative to the application of the appropriations for the improvement of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. February 28, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed, and referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to a comparison of weights and measures as used at the several Custom-houses of the United States, which was required by a Resolution of the Senate of May 29, 1830. March 1, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 23, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hayne made the following report: The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of John H. Harrison, praying to be released from a judgment obtained against him as one of the sureties of Francis Adams, report...
Serial set 205 Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States; being the second session of the Twenty-first Congress, begun and held at the City of Washington, December 6, 1830, and in the fifty-fourth [i.e., fifty-fifth] year of the independence of the United States. 1
Serial set 206 James Monroe. Letter from James Monroe, late President of the United States, upon the subject of his claim upon the general government. December 13, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill (H.R. No. 330) for his relief.
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting his annual report on the finances. December 16, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Disbursements for certain specific purposes. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 26th of May last, a statement of disbursements made, since the year 1789, for fortifications, light-houses, public debt, Revolutionary and other pensions, and internal improvements, &c. December 21, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-first Congress. December 7, 1830. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Contingent expenses -- military, 1830. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of the expenditure of the appropriation for the contingent expenses of the military establishment for the year 1830. January 5, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War to the Chairman of the Committee on Internal Improvements, with the result of the examination of Back Creek, &c. In Senate, April 26, 1830. Laid on the table by Mr. Barnard, and ordered to be printed. December 21, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Report on the survey of North River, Massachusetts. December 23, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Internal improvements. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives of 17th December last, upon the subject of internal improvements. January 5, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Fifth census. Message from the President of the United States, suggesting the expediency of extending the time allowed by law for completing the fifth census. December 16, 1830. Read, and referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. Storrs, of New York, Coulter, Bates, Gurley, Martindale, Grennell, and Holland.
Army U.S. -- officers of the late war. Memorial of sundry officers of the United States' Army in the late war, praying for a grant of land in consideration of their services. January 4, 1831. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Balances on the books of the Fourth Auditor. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting an abstract of balances on the books of the Fourth Auditor, which appear to have been due more than three years prior to the 30th September, 1830. December 24, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Public land sold during the year ending on 30th September, 1830. December 31, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Cumberland Road. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in pursuance of a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 16th instant, a report of the progress which has been made in the construction of the Cumberland Road, &c. &c. December 21, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Sugar imported. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 14th inst., in relation to brown sugars imported into the United States, from 30th September, 1815, &c. &c. December 31, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contingent expenses Ho. Reps. 1830. Letter from the Clerk of the House of Representatives U.S. submitting a report of the expenditure of the appropriation for contingent expenses of the House for the year 1831. December 13, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting copies of the reports of H.M. Shreve and R. Delafield, on the improvement of the navigation of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. December 16, 1830. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is referred the "Bill (H.R. No. 458) to Amend the Several Acts Authorizing the Registering and Granting Licenses to Steamboats, and to Provide for the Better Security of the Lives of Passengers on Board of Vessels Propelled, in Whole or in Part, by Steam."
list of reports to be made to the House of Representatives, at the second session of the Twenty-first Congress, by the Executive Departments. Prepared by the Clerk, in obedience to a standing order of the House of Representatives. December 6, 1830.
Treaty with Denmark. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a convention between the United States and Denmark, concluded the 28th of March, 1830. December 13, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Correspondence -- Danish Minister & Sec'y of State. January 3, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on Commerce. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a correspondence between the Secretary of State and the Minister of Denmark, in relation to the commercial intercourse between the said States and the Danish West India Islands, &c.
Land claims -- St. Helena District. Letter from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, transmitting a report of the Register and Receiver of the St. Helena Land District upon certain claims to land therein mentioned. January 4, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Trade with British colonies. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the papers relating to the recent arrangement in relation to the trade between the United States and the British colonies, &c. January 3, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Surveys -- naval depots. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 14th instant, in relation to the reports of the survey of certain ports and harbors, with a view to the establishment of naval depots. December 23, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Mediterranean passports. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the amount of payments made by the owners of vessels for papers called Mediterranean passports, during the years 1826, 1827, 1828, and 1829. January 5, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contingent expenses -- Navy U.S. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of the disbursements on account of the contingent expenses of the Navy, for the year ending 30th September, 1830. January 5, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Navy United States -- three schooners. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 507.) December 22, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
New England Asylum for the Blind. Memorial of the Trustees of the New England Asylum for the Blind. January 3, 1831. Referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. Everett of Mass., Lea, Davis of Mass., Beekman, Crawford, Davis of S.C., Evans of Maine.
Indians -- chiefs, &c. of the Creek Nation. January 4, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Falls of the Ohio. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the Board of Engineers on the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio at the falls of Louisville. January 5, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements.
Balances on the books of the Treasury. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a list of balances on the books of the Register and of the Second and Third Auditors; a list of officers who have not rendered their accounts within the year; and an abstract of money advanced prior to 3d March, 1809, unaccounted for. December 13, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Estimate of appropriations for 1831. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of appropriations for the year 1831. December 21, 1830. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Serial set 207 Accounts in suit. Report of the Solicitor of the Treasury, of the accounts in suit on 4th July, 1830. January 7, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Mint U.S. -- operations, 1830. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the operations of the Mint of the United States during the year 1830. January 13, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Boundary -- Georgia and Florida. Resolutions of the Legislature of Georgia on the subject of the Florida boundary. January 10, 1831. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill [H.R. No. 243] supplementary to the act to authorize the President of the United States to run and mark a line dividing the Territory of Florida from the State of Georgia.
Letter from the Secretary of State transmitting a list of all patents granted by the United States, the acts of Congress relating thereto, and the decisions of courts of the United States under the same. January 13, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Navy contracts, &c. for 1830. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of purchases and contracts made by the Commissioners of the Navy during the year 1830. January 11, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
National road in Indiana. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, in relation to the expenditures on the Cumberland Road, &c. &c. January 10, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks -- Treasury Department -- 1830. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements, showing the names of the clerks employed in the Treasury Department during the year 1830, and the compensation of each. January 10, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Roads constructed by the Army. Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 15th ultimo, in relation to roads constructed by the Army of the United States, &c. &c. January 13, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Rejected applications for pensions, &c. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report respecting rejected applications for pensions. January 6, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Ocracock bar. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting communications from the local engineer, in relation to the progress which has been made in removing obstructions near the Ocracock bar. January 10, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Clerks -- Navy Department, 1830. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting statements of the names of the clerks employed in the Navy Department during the year 1830, and the compensation of each. January 10, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Patents for useful inventions. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of patents granted for useful inventions during the year 1830. January 13, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Accounts, Navy Dept. -- Office Fourth Auditor. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the state of the accounts of the Navy in the Office of the Fourth Auditor, &c. &c. January 7, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Licenses to trade with the Indians. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting an abstract of licenses granted to trade with the Indians, in the year ending on the 30th September, 1830. January 10, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Memorial of Joshau [Joshua] Winslow, et al. January 10, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Cumberland Road and Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Resolutions adopted at a meeting of citizens of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, on the subject of the Cumberland Road and Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. January 12, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements.
Georgia resolutions -- internal improvements. January 10, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Infantry tactics -- distribution of. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement showing the apportionment and distribution of 60,000 copies of Infantry Tactics, &c. &c. January 13, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks -- War Department -- 1830. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a list of the names of the clerks employed in the Department of War during the year 1830, and the compensation of each. January 13, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Statements exhibiting the amount of internal duties which accrued in the United States in 1814 - '15 - '16 - '17. Prepared in obedience to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 29th May, 1830.
Serial set 208 Spanish slave ship Fenix. January 18, 1831. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting documents in relation to certain captives on board the Spanish slave vessel, called the Fenix
Cultivation of silk. Resolution of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, upon the subject of the cultivation of silk. February 11, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Territories.
Assays of foreign coins. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report from the Director of the Mint, of the assays made at the Mint during the year 1830. February 14, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Obstructions -- Savannah River. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting abstract of expenditure of the appropriation of fifty thousand dollars for clearing out obstructions in the Savannah River. February 17, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Military and topographical engineers. Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 7th instant, in relation to an increase of the corps of military and topographical engineers, exclusively for military purposes. January 14, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Alabama. Memorial of the Legislature of the State of Alabama, praying that purchasers of public lands, who have paid the full price, shall be placed upon an equal footing with those who availed themselves of the acts of Congress for the relief of purchasers of public lands. January 18, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands.
Cumberland Road. Memorial of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, on the continuation of the construction of the Cumberland Road. January 24, 1831. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Pennsylvania. Inhabitants of the Borough of Washington -- Cumberland Road. January 24, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements.
Cadets -- Military Academy. Letter from the Secretary of War, on the subject of the Military Academy. January 28, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Pay, &c., of officers Marine Corps. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Navy in relation to the pay, &c., of the officers of the Marine Corps. January 25, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Sugar cane, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 25th of January last, upon the subject of the cultivation of the sugar cane, and the manufacture and refinement of sugar. January 21, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Fortifications -- Ocracock Inlet. Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of 1st February instant, upon the subject of erecting fortifications at or near Ocracock Inlet. February 3, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Claims on Denmark -- Danish brig Henrick. Petition of sundry merchants and insurance companies, praying for relief in the case of the Danish brig Henrick. January 24, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Sunday mails. Memorial of citizens of Kentucky. January 31, 1831. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Penitentiary, District of Columbia. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the annual report of the Directors of the Penitentiary in the City of Washington, District of Columbia. January 25, 1831. Referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia.
Old Roanoke Inlet. Resolution of the Legislature of North Carolina, upon the subject of re-opening the Old Roanoke Inlet. January 22, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Mechanics of Philadelphia -- iron. Letter from John Sarchet, of Philadelphia, accompanied by a memorial of mechanics (workers in iron) of said city. January 26, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on Manufactures.
Petition of William Smith, administrator of John Taylor, deceased. January 13, 1831. Referred to Committee on the Public Lands. January 20, 1831. Bill reported -- No. 569. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Memorial of Thomas AP [i.e., Ap] Catesby Jones. February 7, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Land -- Potawattamie Indians to Indiana. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a correspondence in relation to locating a cession of lands, made, or intended to be made, by the Potawattamie tribe of Indians, for the benefit of the State of Indiana. February 7, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks -- General Post Office Department. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a list of the names of the clerks in the Post Office Department during the year 1830, and the compensation of each. February 11, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Naval hospitals. Documents to accompany Bill H.R. 622, authorizing the construction of naval hospitals at Charlestown, Massachusetts, Brooklyn, New York, and at Pensacola. February 11, 1831. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Officers of the Army. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by the House of Representatives in reference to the officers of the Army. February 8, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Expenditure of appropriations -- naval, 1830. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement showing the appropriations for the naval service for the year 1830, the expenditure of the same, &c. &c. February 15, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Disbursements to the Indians. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting copies of accounts of persons charged or trusted with the disbursement of money, goods, or effects, for the benefit of the Indians, from 1st September, 1829, to 1st September, 1830, &c. &c. February 15, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
John B. Taylor. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 598.) February 4, 1831. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Pay annuities to Indians. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, in relation to the manner in which the annuities to the Cherokee Indians have been paid. February 15, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Invalid pensioners. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report in relation to invalid pensioners. February 7, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Banks in the District of Columbia, 1830. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copies of the returns made by the incorporated banks of the District of Columbia. February 4, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
State of Mississippi. Memorial of the General Assembly of the State of Mississippi, praying an amendment to the act of last session of Congress, granting pre-emption rights to settlers on public lands. January 31, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Memorial of a delegation from the Cherokee Indians. January 18, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Clerks -- State Department, 1830. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of the names of the clerks in the Department of State, and the compensation of each. January 14, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Legislature of Alabama. Memorial of the Legislature of Alabama, praying that further relief may be granted to settlers upon the public lands. January 26, 1831. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Applications for pensions. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, upon the subject of applications for pensions during the past year, &c. January 31, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Navy Pension Fund. Annual report of the Commissioners of the Navy Pension Fund. January 28, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Henry M. Shreve -- navigation of the Ohio. January 26, 1831. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Contracts -- War Department -- 1830. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting statements of the contracts made by the War Department during the year 1830. January 26, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Indiana. A joint resolution of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, relative to the Indians and Indian lands within the state. January 24, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Memorial of Moses Myers. January 24, 1831. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Reduce officers of the Army. Letter from the Secretary of War, in answer to a Resolution of the House of Representatives, for reducing the officers of the Army. January 21, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Bank of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the monthly statements of the Bank of the United States for the year 1830. January 22, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Pennsylvania -- Cherokee Indians. Memorial of inhabitants of Adams County, Pennsylvania, praying Congress "to pass such laws as may be necessary to protect the Cherokee and other Indians, within their own territory, from the intrusion of any of our citizens, whether done in pursuance of state enactments or not, according to the true intent and meaning of our several treaties with said Indian tribes." February 8, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Contracts, payments, &c. -- Treasury Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of contracts authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury, 1830; of contracts relative to light-houses, &c.; of payments for miscellaneous claims; of contracts, &c. by collectors of the Revenue, 1829; and of expenditures from the Marine Hospital Fund for 1829. February 11, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Rambaud and Basmarien -- heirs of. February 7, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Irregularity of eastern mail. Letter from the Postmaster General, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives, upon the subject of the causes of the irregularity of the arrival of the eastern mail. February 11, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Virginia. Inhabitants of Buckingham County -- free Negroes. February 7, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill [H.R. No. 412] to amend the act entitled "An Act in Addition to the Acts Prohibiting the Slave Trade," passed March 3, 1819
Survey -- Wabash River. Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives, relative to a survey of the Wabash River. February 4, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Officers of the Revolution who served prior to 1780. January 19, 1831. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Brown and white sugar, imported. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the quantity and value of brown and white sugar imported annually from 1st October, 1820, to 30th September, 1829, &c. &c. January 18, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Topographical engineers. Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to so much of the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 7th instant as relates to the topographical engineers. January 21, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Maine. Inhabitants of Freeport -- remove the Indians. February 7, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Duties and drawbacks -- 1827, 1828, & 1829. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of duties and drawbacks for the years 1827, 1828, and 1829. February 15, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Annual report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. February 8, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. Memorial of the President and directors of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. May 24, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements, and ordered to be printed.
Serial set 209-1 Treaty with Austria. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of a treaty between the United States and his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, concluded 28th of March, 1830. March 3, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Growth and manufacture of silk. Letter from J. D'Homergue upon the subject of the growth and manufacture of silk. February 23, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Inhabitants of Surry, State of Maine. Memorial of the inhabitants of Surry, State of Maine, respecting the removal of the southern Indians. February 21, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Inhabitants of Wheeling, Virginia. Petition of citizens of Wheeling, in the State of Virginia, praying Congress to protect the Indians, &c., &c. February 21, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Memorial of citizens of Philadelphia, engaged in the manufacture of iron. February 21, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures.
Post Office contracts, 1830. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a statement of the contracts made by the Department during the year 1830. February 25, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Sunday mail. Memorial of citizens of Windham County, Vermont, against the passage of any act of Congress prohibiting the transportation of the mail, &c., on the Sabbath day. February 24, 1831. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Extra pay, &c., officers of the Army. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 633.) February 22, 1831. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Reappropriation of balances passed to the surplus fund. Letter from the Secretary of War, upon the subject of a reappropriation of balances of former appropriations, which, by operation of law, have passed to the surplus fund. February 25, 1831. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Unproductive post roads. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a list of post roads which have been established more than two years, and have not produced one-third of the expense of transportation on the same. February 25, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Legislature of Delaware -- Tariff 1828. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Delaware, approving the Tariff of 1828; and that the construction of works of internal improvements by Congress is constitutional and expedient. February 28, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Fort Delaware. Letter from the Secretary of War, respecting an appropriation for commencing repairs of Fort Delaware. February 22, 1831. Read, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Appropriations -- War Department, 1830. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting statements of appropriations for the service of the year 1830, showing the amount appropriated, the amount expended, and the balance in the Treasury on the 31st December last. March 3, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Commerce and navigation, U.S. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, explaining why the usual report upon the subject of the commerce and navigation of the United States for the past year cannot be laid before Congress at the present session. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Survey of Connecticut River. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the survey of Connecticut River, under the provisions of the Act of 30th April, 1824. March 1, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Map of public lands. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of 7th May, 1830, requiring a map or exhibit of the public lands surveyed, &c. &c. &c. March 31, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Operations of the Mint -- 1830. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements relative to the transactions of the Mint, &c &c. March 3, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Emoluments -- officers of the Customs. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the official emoluments of the officers of the Customs, &c. March 1, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Sugar manufactured in the United States, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in obedience to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of 31st May, 1830, a report upon the subject of sugar manufactured in the United States, &c. March 3, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Pay -- officers Marine Corps. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, upon the subject of allowances and pay to officers of the Marine Corps. March 1, 1831. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Treasurer's accounts. Letter from the Treasurer of the United States, transmitting four supplemental accounts of the late Treasurer, T.T. Tucker, as agent of the War and Navy Departments, &c. March 3, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Internal duties and direct tax. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in reply to a Resolution of the House of the 19th May, 1830, respecting statements required by said Resolution in relation to internal duties and direct tax. March 3, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of treaties which have lately been ratified between the United States and the Choctaw Indians, and between the United States and confederated tribes of the Sacs and Foxes, and other tribes. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Commerce and navigation of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements respecting the commerce and navigation of the United States, &c. &c. Printed by order of the House of Representatives of the United States
Fort Delaware -- U.S. title to the land. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of the title of the United States to the island on which Fort Delaware has been constructed. February 10, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Massachusetts. Petition of the inhabitants of Sheffield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, relative to Indian affairs. February 14, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Massachusetts. Memorial of the citizens of Berkshire, Massachusetts, adopted at a county convention, relative to the Indian nations. February 14, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Appraisal of imported merchandise. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of the instructions to collectors and appraisers, with a view to secure a just, faithful, and impartial appraisal of goods. February 22, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Sale of lands in the first district of Louisiana -- correspondence. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of the correspondence with the representative of the first district of Louisiana, relative to the sale of land at New Orleans, and a copy of the record of the sales. February 23, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Steamboats and boilers. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report on the subject of steam boilers. March 3, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Armories United States. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of the expenditures at the United States' armories, and the arms, &c. manufactured therein, during the year 1830. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Appropriations -- second session Twenty-first Congress. Statement of appropriations made during the second session of the Twenty-first Congress of the United States of America, specifying the amount and object of each. March 3, 1831. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Passengers and seamen -- 1830. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting an abstract of American seamen in the several districts of the United States, for the year 1830; also, a statement of passengers arriving in the United States during the year ending on the 30th Sept., 1830. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Extra pay, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a list of officers employed in the civil department, who have been allowed other compensation than the pay or salary fixed by law; also, a list of persons employed as above, whose salary is not regulated by law, but depends upon executive regulation, &c. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Post Office receipts -- 1830. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a statement of the nett amount of postage accruing at each Post Office in each state and territory of the United States, for the year ending the 31st March, 1831. February 28, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Balances. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting: 1. A list of balances on the books of the revenue, which have been due more than three years prior to the 30th September last; 2. Similar list in relation to receivers for land sold; 3. Similar lists in relation to collectors of internal revenue and direct taxes. February 19, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Serial set 210 Francis Larche. January 19, 1831
Archibald Jackson. February 12, 1831
Bernard [i.e., Barnard] Kelley. December 17, 1830.
Sarah Easton and Dorothy Storer. February 23, 1831.
New England Asylum for the Blind. February 5, 1831.
Eli Smith. February 4, 1831.
Thomas Park. January 10, 1831.
Jonah Garrison. February 9, 1831.
Benjamin S. Smoot. To be annexed to the report of the Committee of Claims on the Bill from the Senate (No. 91) for the relief of Benjamin S. Smoot. February 14, 1831. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Tennessee and Holston Rivers. February 5, 1831. Read and laid upon the table.
Joseph S. Cannon. February 8, 1831. Read, and, with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House tomorrow.
James S. Campbell. February 23, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Nancy B. Hickman. February 16, 1831.
Thomas Belden. February 18, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
J.P. and E.B. Penny. February 18, 1831.
Assay offices, gold districts N. Carolina & Georgia. February 15, 1831.
David Dardin, deceased -- representatives of. February 23, 1831.
Live oak. February 26, 1831.
George K. Knight. February 18, 1831.
George Johnston. February 18, 1831. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Pay -- captains, &c., Navy United States. February 16, 1831.
Navigation of the River Ohio. February 23, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contingent expenses -- Post Office Dept. March 3, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Sophia Gardner. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Duties at Cuba, &c. March 2, 1831. Read, and referred to the President of the United States.
Fitz Henry Babit -- mother of. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Arabian horses. March 1, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Donations of land to disbanded officers of the late war. March 1, 1831.
Correspondence -- Danish Minister and Secretary of State. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Samuel Caldwell. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Officers, &c. of Virginia Line, Revolutionary Army. March 3, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
John McKim. March 1, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Marigny, assignee of Bonnabel. March 1, 1831.
John Watson. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Captain Thomas Ap Catesby Jones. March 1, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Expenditures -- Treasury Department. March 1, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Memorial of the officers of the Revolutionary Army who served prior to March, 1780. December 17, 1830. Read, and referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. Verplanck, Forward, Deberry, Campbell, Hawkins, Cooper, and Everett. December 21, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
John Balthrope. December 20, 1830. Read, and concurred in by the House of Representatives.
Pay of members of Congress. January 10, 1831.
Mileage of members of Congress. January 7, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Tariff and manufactures. January 13, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Heirs of William Treadwell. January 7, 1831.
Joshua Shaw. January 7, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Godfroy and Beaugrand. January 12, 1831.
Amariah Squirrell, administrator of Jacob Squirrell. January 14, 1831.
Stereotype edition of the laws United States. January 25, 1831.
David Smith. January 28, 1831.
Heirs of Pedro Guedry. February 1, 1831.
Elizabeth Owens. January 24, 1831. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Joseph W. Torrey. January 25, 1831.
Jane Thornton. February 2, 1831.
Vermillion salt springs -- in Illinois. February 2, 1831.
Edward Livingston. February 2, 1831.
Duty on imported salt. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 595.) February 3, 1831.
Alexandria Canal. January 31, 1831.
Distribution of surplus funds. January 28, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Memorial of the President and Directors of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. May 24, 1830. Read, and laid upon the table.
Dyke -- Bonnet Carre Point. February 5, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
De Gameo Jones. February 9, 1831.
Judith Thomas. February 15, 1831.
P.S. Du Ponceau -- flag of American silk. December 21, 1830. Read, and concurred in by the House.
Martha Bailey.
Ann D. Baylor. December 21, 1830.
James Lucius Sawyer. January 3, 1831.
Frederick Raymer. January 3, 1831.
George Mayfield. January 3, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Lewis Anderson. December 22, 1830.
Major John Roberts. December 21, 1830.
John Rodgers. December 28, 1830. Read twice, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
S. Bill No. 3. -- Simeon C. Whittier. December 30, 1830. Read, and, with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Amos Edwards -- sureties of. December 30, 1830.
Thomas Worthington -- executors of. January 5, 1831.
Walter Lomis and Abel Gay. January 7, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Menary. January 14, 1831.
Ann Mortimer Barron. January 7, 1831.
David Brooks. January 18, 1831. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed the Bill (H.R. No. 543) for the further relief of John H. Wendell, &c.
Theodorus Bailey. February 2, 1831. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Jonathan Fogg. January 28, 1831.
Humphrey Becket. January 28, 1831.
John Burnham. January 25, 1831. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Minerva Catlett. January 26, 1831.
Distribution of surplus revenue. January 29, 1831.
Henry Eckford. January 20, 1831.
Internal improvement. February 10, 1831. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Thomas Hopping and Joshua P. Frothingham. February 7, 1831.
Laurence L. Van Kleeck. February 7, 1831.
Duval and Carnes. Report of the Committee of Claims (Senate) in the case of Duval and Carnes. February 9, 1831. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
William B. Matthews. February 7, 1831.
City of Detroit. February 12, 1831.
John R. Rappleye. February 4, 1831.
John H. Wendell. January 7, 1830.
Jonathan [i.e., Jotham] Lincoln, Adm'r of Sam'l B. Lincoln. December 17, 1830.
Petition of citizens of Louisville, Kentucky, praying for an appropriation for improving the navigation of the Ohio River. December 24, 1830. Referred to the Committee on Internal Improvement.
Copy-right. December 17, 1830.
Jonathan Crocker. January 4, 1831. Read, and, with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Hopkins Rice. January 5, 1831.
Joseph C. Belt and George Stockton. January 3, 1831. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill (H.R. No. 245) for the relief of John Sapp.
Alabama. Memorial of sundry holders of certificates of purchase, and relinquishers of public lands. December 23, 1830. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Frances Moore. December 27, 1830. -- Read, and laid upon the table. December 31, 1830. -- Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Ephraim Whitaker. January 7, 1831.
David Hull. January 13, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Henry Fried. January 12, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clement B. Penrose. January 6, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Adam Peck. January 10, 1831.
Judicial system. Repeal twenty-fifth section of the Act of 4th September, 1789. January 24, 1831.
William A. Tennille. February 8, 1831. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Clarissa B. Harrison. February 5, 1831.
Army -- cadets -- Military Academy. (To accompany Bill H.R. 599.) February 4, 1831. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Contingent expenses -- Navy. February 22, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joseph Bogy. February 18, 1831.
Silver coins. February 22, 1831.
James Marsh. February 23, 1831.
Navy Pension Fund. To accompany Bill H.R. No. 639. February 18, 1831.
Danish brig Henrick. February 23, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table
Elizabeth Magruder. February 24, 1831.
Gold coins of the United States. February 22, 1821 [i.e., 1831]. Read, and, with the bill, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Samuel Dale. February 15, 1831.
Creek Indians. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joseph Emerson. March 2, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table.
Infantry tactics, &c. January 10, 1831. Read, and laid upon the table one day for consideration.
Sterling Johnson [i.e., Johnston]. February 15, 1831. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Charles Drish, representative of Christian Ish. (With Bill No. 594.) February 2, 1831.
Serial set 211 Journal of the Senate of the United States of America: Being the first session of the Twenty-second Congress; begun and held at the City of Washington, December 5, 1831, and in the fifty-sixth year of the independence of the said United States. 1
Serial set 212 In Senate of the United States, February 9, 1832. Letter from Gideon Fitz, surveyor of U.S. lands south of Tennessee, dated at Washington, Mississippi, and stating the manner in which the business relating to the public lands has been conducted, and making suggestions for its improvement, &c. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 8, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Naudain made the following report: The Committee of Claims, to which was referred the petition of the widow and children of Edward Barry...
Report of the Secretary of the Senate, on the state of the contingent fund, clerks, messengers, &c. December 7, 1831. -- Read. December 14, 1831. -- Ordered to be printed.
In Senate United States, January 9, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Knight made the following report: The Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent Fund of the Senate...
In Senate of the United States, January 10, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hayne made the following report: The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill for the relief of Elias Earle, executor of Elias Earle, deceased...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with further statements, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, showing the amount of duties that would be returnable, (should a certain bill reported in the Senate become a law,) being the excess of duty in certain cases, between the tariff of 1828, and former acts imposing duties on imports. January 10, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed, and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, relative to the public debt 3 per cent stock, public money in Bank United States, &c. January 26, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, January 23, 1832. Mr. Foot submitted the following motion. January 25, 1832. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial and remonstrance of Col. A.R. Woolley, stating that he had been unjustly dismissed from the military service, and praying the interposition of Congress in obtaining justice, &c. December 27, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of certain citizens of Salem, Massachusetts, praying to be allowed a charter for a banking institution, to take effect at the expiration of the present charter of the Bank of the United States. January 30, 1832. Referred to the Select Committee on the Memorial of the Bank of the United States, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 7, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Prentiss made the following report: The Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Nathanel [i.e., Nathaniel] A. Ware...
Memorial of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, and other citizens of Baltimore, praying for a renewal of the charter of the Bank of the United States. February 6, 1832. Referred to the Committee on the Bank of the United States, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Navy, showing the names and salaries of the clerks in that Department in the year 1831. January 3, 1832. Read, referred to Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Navy, in obedience to a Resolution of the Senate concerning the seamen of the United States on foreign stations. February 2, 1832. -- Read. February 3, 1832. -- Ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 2, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Grundy made the following report: The Committee of the Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of the executors of James Roddey, report...
Report from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, on the subject of unconfirmed land claims in the State of Missouri. January 3, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Letter from Ebenezer H. Cummins, with tables, showing the result of any ratio representation, from 45,000 to 55,000 souls for one representative. January 4, 1832. Ordered, that 2,000 copies be printed for the use of the Senate
In Senate of the United States, December 22, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Foot made the following report: On the petition of Daniel Reddington...
In Senate of the United States, December 19, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Smith made the following report: The Committee on Finance, to which were referred the memorials of the importers and dealers in teas, of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Pittsburg [i.e., Pittsburgh]...
In Senate of the United States, December 23, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hayne made the following report: The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of John H. Harrison, have examined the petitioner's case, and find that a bill was passed by the Senate at the last session...
In Senate of the United States, December 29, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed. Memorial of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the state troops of New Jersey, who served in the Revolutionary War, praying remuneration for services and sacrifices in said war.
In Senate of the United States, February 8, 1832. Mr. Sprague offered the following resolutions, which were read, and ordered to be printed...
In Senate of the United States, February 7, 1832. Ordered, that the following report be reprinted for the use of the Senate. Mr. Smith, of Maryland, made the following report: The Committee on Finance, to which was referred, on the 12th day of January, 1829, the following resolutions: Resolved, That the 5th section of the Sinking Fund Act, of 1817, ought to be amended...
Documents laid on the table by the Chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, relating to Bill of Senate No. 36, "Concerning Navy Agents." January 3, 1832. Ordered to be printed.
Documents laid on the table by the Chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, relating to Senate Bill No. 44, "for the erection of barracks, quarters, and storehouses, and the purchase of a site in the vicinity of New Orleans." January 4, 1832. Ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the Committee of the Free Trade Convention, held at Philadelphia in September and October, 1831, remonstrating against the existing tariff of duties. February 9, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed, and that 1500 additional copies be furnished for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States, December 28, 1831. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Marcy made the following report: The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of Henry Alexander, report...
In Senate of the United States, January 24, 1832. Read. Mr. Grundy made the following report: The Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the memorial of Stephen Pleasanton [i.e., Pleasonton], late agent of the Treasury, beg leave to report...
In Senate of the United States, December 22, 1831. Read, and laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Poindexter submitted the following resolutions which were read, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed: Resolutions: 1. Resolved, That the Committee on Finance be instructed to inquire into the expediency of fixing a rate of duties on foreign imports...
In Senate of the United States, December 20, 1831. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Holmes submitted the following resolutions: Resolved, That the President be requested to cause to be communicated to the Senate, the number of vessels, and their tonnage and cargoes, which have cleared from any ports in the United States...
In Senate of the United States, January 4, 1832. Mr. Ruggles made the following report: The Committee of Claims, to which was referred the petition of Heman Allen, late marshal of Vermont, report...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, showing the amount of drawback on salted provisions and pickled fish, and allowance to vessels engaged in exporting the same; also the quantity of fish, beef, pork, and bacon, exported from 1791 to 1830. January 5, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of War, with drawings of certain surveys made in Indiana, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, of 11th January, 1831. December 19, 1831. -- Read. January 5, 1832. -- Ordered to be printed.
Letter from Gales and Seaton, publishers of a compilation of congressional documents, transmitting two volumes of that work for the inspection of the Senate. January 4, 1832. Referred to the Committee on the Library, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 8, 1830. -- Prepared in the Office of Secretary of the Senate; laid on the table by Mr. Smith, Chairman Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed. January 9, 1832. -- Ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, with documents relating to the capture, abduction, and imprisonment of American citizens, by the provincial authorities of New Brunswick, and the measures adopted in consequence thereof, by the government. 1831, December 14. -- Read. 1831, December 19. -- Ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with the monthly statements of the Bank of the United States, for the year 1831. January 13, 1832. Referred to the Select Committee on the Memorial of the Bank of the United States, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with copies of instructions to the collectors of the Customs and other officers, in respect to the British colonial trade. January 16, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, January 9, 1832. -- Submitted for consideration, and ordered to be printed. January 10 -- Made the order of the day for the 11th instant. January 11 -- Considered, and made the order for 16th instant. January 16, 1832 -- Considered, and with the following amendment proposed by Mr. Hayne, ordered to be printed, and made the order of the day for Monday the 23d instant.
In Senate of the United States. Memorial of the chaplains in the Navy, praying for an increase of compensation. January 20, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, January 30, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Marcy made the following report: The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the memorial of John F. Lewis, praying for the refunding of certain duties paid on matting imported from China, report...
Proposals from Duff Green, for printing certain journals of the Senate, and of the secret journal of the old Congress, &c. December 27, 1831. Ordered to lie on the table, and be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, transmitting certain information relative to the Bank of the United States. January 23, 1832. Read, and referred to the Select Committee on the Memorial of the Bank of the United States, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, January 26, 1832. Mr. Ewing submitted the following motion: January 31, 1832. Considered, ordered to be printed, and postponed to, and made the order of the day, for next Monday week, the 13th instant. Resolved, That the practice of removing public officers by the President for any other purpose than that of securing a faithful execution of the laws, is hostile to the spirit of the Constitution...
Memorial of David Henshaw, and others, citizens of Massachusetts, praying to be incorporated as a banking company, to take effect on the expiration of the charter of the present Bank of the U. States. January 26, 1832. Read, and referred to the Select Committee on the Memorial of the Bank of the United States and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the minority of the Legislature of South Carolina, praying that the duties on importations may be reduced to a scale commensurate with the necessary revenue of the United States. January 24, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, January 24, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed, and 500 additional copies be furnished for use of Senate. Mr. Foot made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to which was referred a bill Supplementary to the Act for the Relief of Certain Surviving Officers and Soldiers of the Revolution, report...
Petition of the journeymen tailors of Philadelphia, complaining of the oppressive operation of the present tariff of duties, and praying for a reduction of the duties on woolens. January 30, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 1, 1832. Mr. Frelinghuysen offered the following resolutions. February 2, 1832. Postponed to, and made the order of the day for, Tuesday, the 14th instant.
In Senate of the United States, February 2, 1832. Mr. King, Chairman of the Committee on Public Lands, laid on the table the following document relating to the "Bill to Establish the Number of Clerks, and Fix Their Compensation, in the General Land Office," and it was ordered to be printed...
Memorial of sundry citizens of Boston, Massachusetts, in favor of rechartering the Bank of the United States. February 6. 1832. Referred to Select Committee on the Bank of the United States, and ordered to be printed.
Reports of committees made in the Senate and House of Representatives, on the claims of individuals for indemnity for spoliations by France, prior to 1800. In Senate of the United States, January 31, 1832. Ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States. Documents relating to the "Bill Regulating the Duties and Providing for the Compensation of Pursers in the Navy." (S. No. 33.) February 1, 1832. Laid on the table by Mr. Hayne, Chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, January 18, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hayne made the following report: The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of Thomas L. Winthop [i.e., Winthrop] and others, report...
Serial set 213 Memorial from sundry citizens of Pennsylvania, praying that the Cherokee Indians may be protected in their rights, &c. February 14, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, relating to the trade between the United States and the British American colonies, in further compliance with the Resolution of the Senate of the 22d December, 1831. March 2, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 13, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Naudain made the following report: The Committee of Claims, to which was referred the petition of Elizabeth Scott, sole representative of William Blackwell, report...
Memorial of the Marine Bank of Baltimore, praying that the charter of the Bank of the United States may be renewed. February 7, 1832. Referred to the select committee on the subject. February 10, 1832. Ordered to be printed.
Memorial and resolutions adopted at a meeting of sundry citizens of Hartford, Connecticut, adverse to the renewal of the charter of the Bank of the United States. February 10, 1832. Referred to the Select Committee on the Memorial of the Bank of the United States, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of War, with a report of the superintendent of the Cumberland Road west of Zanesville, in Ohio, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate. February 13, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 23, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Troup made the following report: The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of William A. Tennille, late quartermaster general in the service of the State of Georgia...
Resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, for a donation of land for the improvement of the Wabash and White Rivers, in that state. February 27, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed.
Report from Secretary of the Treasury, in reply to a Resolution of the Senate concerning the annual statements on commerce and navigation. February 20, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the Commercial Bank of Cincinnati in favor of a renewal of the charter of the Bank of the United States. February 21, 1832. Referred to the Select Committee on the Memorial of the Bank of the United States, and ordered to be printed.
Resolution of the General Assembly of Indiana, to obtain a cession of the unappropriated and unsold public lands within that state, from the United States. February 27, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
Resolution of the General Assembly of Indiana, to obtain the passage of a law for disposing of the lands of the United States, in tracts of forty acres, &c. February 27, 1832. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
Documents relating to the apportionment of representatives among the several states, according to the fifth census. February 27, 1832. Laid on the table by Mr. Webster, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the Legislature of Ohio, relative to the construction of a national road from Zanesville, in Ohio, to Florence, in Alabama. February 23, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the Bank of North America, praying that the charter of the Bank of the United States may be renewed. February 27, 1832. Referred to the Select Committee on the Memorial of the Bank of the United States, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, February 23, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Foot made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to which was referred the petition of Bradford Steele, report...
Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, transmitting sundry statements concerning the trade between the United States and the British American colonies. February 29, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the Bank of Windham County, in Windsor, Connecticut, praying that the charter of the Bank of the United States may be renewed, &c. March 2, 1832. Referred to the Select Committee on the Bank of the United States, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the Corporation of Baltimore, praying for aid from the government, for the improvement of the harbor of that city. March 1, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Documents from N. Biddle, President of the Bank U. States, to Hon. G.M. Dallas, Chairman of the Select Committee of the Senate on the Memorial of the Bank of the United States, in reply to the resolutions offered by Mr. Benton, and adopted by the Senate on the 31st January, 1832.
Message from the President of the United States, with a report from the Secretary of War, in relation to the employment of agents among the Indians for their removal, &c. &c. March 13, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, March 9, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Naudain made the following report: The Committee of Claims, to which was referred the petition of Henry Waller, report...
Memorial of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, for a subscription to its stock. January 11, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals. February 14, 1832. Ordered to be printed with the report from the railroad company to the Governor of Maryland.
In Senate of the United States, March 7, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sprague made the following report: The Committee of Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Samuel Andrews, report...
Memorial of the Legislature of Alabama, on behalf of sundry individuals belonging to the Creek Indians, praying for assistance from the government. February 15, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed
In Senate of the United States, February 16, 1832. Observations on the manufacture of salt, and on the qualities of different kinds of salt as manufactured by artificial heat, or crystallized by solar evaporation. Received from John R. London, Esq., of Wilmington, North Carolina. Communicated to the Senate by Mr. Benton, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of sundry inhabitants of Boston, praying that the postage on newspapers, &c. may be reduced, &c. February 13, 1832. Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with copies of correspondence with collectors of the Customs, showing the construction of the acts for regulating duties on imports, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, &c. February 15, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report of the Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives on the Celebration of the Centennial Birthday of George Washington. February 13, 1832. Read, and resolution adopted by the Senate ordered to be printed.
Statement concerning the ratio of representation under the fifth census. March 6, 1832. Submitted by Mr. Webster, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, March 2, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sprague made the following report: The Committee on Pensions to whom was referred the petition of Daniel Wyman...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, relating to the affairs of the Bank of the United States. February 7, 1832. -- Read. February 8. -- Mr. Dallas moved to refer the report to the Select Committee on the Memorial of the Bank of the United States, and that it be printed. Mr. Benton moved to refer it to the Committee on the Judiciary; and then it was laid on the table. February 29. -- Ordered to be printed.
Statement relative to the ratio of representation in Congress, &c. March 5, 1832. Submitted by Mr. Clayton, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of Garsed, Raines, & Co., of Philadelphia, for a repeal of the duty on imported raw flax, and an increase of ad valorem duty on thread and twine made from flax. March 1, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of sundry inhabitants of Pennsylvania, praying for a certain modification of the tariff of duties. March 2, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, March 2, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sprague made the following report: the Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Daniel Burr, report...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, concerning orders drawn by the Bank of the United States and its branches. February 29, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, March 6, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Foot made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Andrew Marschalk...
In Senate of the United States, March 1, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sprague made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of John Blake...
In Senate of the United States, March 1, 1832. Ordered to be printed. The Committee of Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Abijah Crane, report...
Report from the Commissioners of the Navy Pension Fund, in relation to applications for pensions from that fund. February 28, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate concerning the fur trade, and inland trade to Mexico. February 9, 1832. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. March 5, 1832. Ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, March 13, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Robbins, from the Committee on the Library, made the following report: On the subject of Richard Peters' proposition to print a stereotype edition of the laws...
In Senate of the United States, March 12, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sprague made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to which was referred the petition of James Clark...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with monthly statements of the Bank of the United States for January and February, 1832, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate. March 9, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Letter from Peter Hagner, Esq., Third Auditor of the Treasury, to the Honorable Benjamin Ruggles, Chairman of the Committee of Claims, relative to Revolutionary claims for half-pay for life, or five years' full pay, &c. March 7, 1832. Laid on the table by Mr. Ruggles, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, March 12, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sprague made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to which was referred the petition of Andrew Cushman, report...
Resolution of the Legislature of New York, in favor of granting pensions to all the surviving officers, soldiers, and other persons employed during the Revolutionary War. March 22, 1832. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the New Orleans Canal and Banking Company, for renewal of the charter of the Bank of the United States. March 21, 1832. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, March 16, 1832. 1. Mr. Silsbee laid on the table the following documents on the subject of the Bill of the Senate (No. 69) "to exempt merchandise imported under certain circumstances, from the operation of the act of the 19th of May, 1828, entitled 'An act in alteration of the several acts imposing duties on imports.'"
Report from the Secretary of State, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, relative to the intention of the French government to lay additional duties on cotton imported into France, &c. March 20, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. Statement, in alphabetical order, of all the articles imported into the United States, with the duties imposed on them respectively; and, also, the articles free of duty. March 23, 1832. Prepared, and printed, in obedience to a Resolution of the Senate of this date.
Report from the Secretary of the Navy, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, relating to losses on slop clothing of the United States, condemned within ten years, &c. March 16, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States, March 20, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Poindexter made the following report: The Select Committee, to whom was referred a bill concerning Martha Randolph, daughter and only surviving child of Thomas Jefferson...
In Senate of the United States, March 19, 1832. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Dickerson made the following report: The Committee on Manufactures, to whom was referred the bill to abolish the duty on alum salt...