Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 286 Finances. Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the state of the finances. December 8, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Thomas H. Smith & Son. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, showing the terms of a compromise of the claim of the United States against Thomas H. Smith & Son. December 16, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Balances on the books -- Second Auditor. Letter from the Second Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a list of balances on the books of the Second Auditor, which have remained unsettled more than three years prior to 30th of September last. December 16, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Transfer of appropriations. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of the Treasury, of transfers of appropriations in that department, made in pursuance of law. December 10, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Operations of land offices -- 1834 and 1835. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of the operations of the several land offices during the year 1834, and the first, second and third quarters of the year 1835. December 8, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Estimate of appropriations for 1836. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of appropriations for the year 1836. December 8, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Michigan -- Constitution, &c. -- state government. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a constitution and form of government by the inhabitants of the Territory of Michigan, with a view to the admission of the said territory into the Union, on an equal footing with the original states. December 10, 1835. Read, and referred to a select committee.
Boundary -- Ohio and Michigan. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of War, on the progress made in astronomical observations, in relation to the northern boundary of the State of Ohio, &c. December 10, 1835. Read, and referred to a select committee.
Levees -- Mississippi, and other rivers. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, on the subject of constructing levees on the Mississippi, Red, Arkansas, and Missouri rivers. December 16, 1835. (Read, and laid upon the table.)
Private land claims in Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 14th of January last, in relation to private land claims in the Territory of Michigan. December 16, 1835. Referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.
Private land claims in Missouri. Letter from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, transmitting the report of the Commissioners to Settle Private Land Claims in the State of Missouri, &c. December 16, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Spanish claims to land in Florida. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 25th of February last, in relation to Spanish claims to land in the Territory of Florida. December 16, 1835. (Referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.)
Balances on the books of the Register and Fourth Auditor of the Treasury. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting statements of balances on the books of the Register and Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, which have remained due more than three years prior to the 30th of September last. December 16, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Treasury accounts. Letter from the Treasurer of the United States, transmitting statements of accounts settled by the accounting officers of the Treasury Department. December 16, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-fourth Congress. December 8, 1835. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Serial set 287 Cumberland Road -- Indiana and Illinois. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the War Department on the condition of the Cumberland Road in Indiana and Illinois. December 24, 1835. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Ohio and Michigan boundary. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting reports from the Secretaries of State and War on the subject of the Ohio and Michigan boundary. January 12, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
Building certain Custom-houses, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statement in relation to the construction of certain Custom-houses or buildings connected with the Department of the Treasury. December 16, 1835. (Read, and laid upon the table.)
Hostile Indians in Florida. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 69.) Letter from the Secretary of War, asking an appropriation for repressing Indian hostilities in Florida. January 5, 1836. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Atchafalaya Rail Road and Banking Company. Memorial of the Atchafalaya Rail Road and Banking Company. January 7, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Clerks -- State Department. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a statement of the names of the clerks employed in the Department of State, and the compensation of each. January 5, 1836. Read and referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of State.
Land claims -- between the Rio Hondo and the Sabine. In the House of Representatives, January 7, 1836. On motion of Mr. Garland, of Louisiana, ordered, that the following report be referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims, and be printed.
Harbor at St. Joseph. Memorial of inhabitants of the Territory of Michigan, praying for the construction of a harbor at the mouth of the St. Joseph River. December 16, 1835. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, 1835. Letter from the Clerk of the House of Representatives, accompanied by statements showing the expenditure on account of contingencies for said House, for the current year. December 16, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Expunge resolutions -- Senate. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, in relation to the resolution of the Senate of the United States, of March 28, 1834. December 16, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Missouri -- Legislature. Resolutions approving the official conduct of the President of the United States, &c. &c. December 16, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Corporation of Washington. Memorial of the Committee of the Corporation of Washington, relating to the pecuniary claims of said corporation on the general government, &c. December 16, 1835. Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia.
Officers who have not rendered their accounts, &c. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of such officers as have not rendered their accounts, &c. A statement of balances on the books of his office which have remained unsettled more than three years; and an abstract of moneys advanced prior to the 3d of March, 1809, which remain to be accounted for. December 16, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Suggestions on the collection of the revenue. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, in relation to the collection of the revenue, the number and compensations of Custom house officers, &c. December 24, 1835. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
General Macomb's explanation. December 29, 1835. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Insolvent debtors. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of applicants under the act of 2d March, 1831, for the relief of certain insolvent debtors of the United States. December 21, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Weights and measures. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting information in relation to a standard of weights and measures. December 29, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Applicants for pensions. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report in relation to applications for pensions. December 29, 1835. (Read, and laid upon the table.)
Massachusetts -- merchants of -- claims on France, prior to 1800. January 4, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Compensation to clerks -- Quartermaster General's Department. December 29, 1835. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
John C.F. Salomon. Memorial of J.C. Fr. Salomon, relative to a patent safety steam boiler. December 29, 1835. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Connecticut. Petition of the Selectmen, Mayor, and Aldermen of Norwich, praying that the City of Norwich be made a port of entry, &c. December 29, 1835. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Bequest of James Smithson. Message from the President of the United States, in relation to the bequest to the United States, by James Smithson, of London, for founding at Washington, an establishment, to be styled "The Smithsonian Institution, for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." December 21, 1835. Read, and referred to a select committee.
Co[n]tingencies -- House of Representatives and Senate. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 51.) December 29, 1835. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Estimate of the Ordnance Department, and report on hospitals. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 55.) December 29, 1835. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of citizens of New York, for a remission or extension of credit on duties, and for such other relief to the sufferers by the late fire in that city, and such other aid as the national government may deem it proper to afford. December 29, 1835. Read, and so much thereof as relates to a remission or extension of credit on bonds for duties, &c. referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. The residue to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Naval Register, for 1836. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting two hundred and seventy-five copies of the Naval Register. January 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contingent expenses -- military establishment, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of the expenditure of the moneys appropriated for the contingent expenses of the military establishment for the year 1835, &c. &c. January 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Maison Rouge and Bastrop's grants. In the House of Representatives U.S. January 7, 1836. On motion of Mr. Garland, of Louisiana, ordered, that the following documents be referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims, and that they be printed.
Register of officers and agents of government. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting one copy of the Biennial Register for each member of the House of Representatives. January 5, 1836. (Read and laid upon the table.)
Annual expenditures from 1816 to 1834. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement, exhibiting the sums yearly paid under each material head of expenditure, from 1816 to 1834, inclusive. January 5, 1836. Read and laid upon the table.
Ordnance and ordnance stores. Letter from the Secretary of War, in regard to the condition of the ordnance and ordnance stores belonging to the United States. January 5, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Balance against receivers of public moneys. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a list of balances against receivers of moneys on account of sales of public lands, which have remained due and unsettled more than three years prior to 30th September, 1835. January 6, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Memorial of Michigan. In the House of Representatives, January 5, 1836. Received, and a motion made to reject. January 11, 1836. Motion to reject, decided in the negative, and memorial referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed; and this House, in receiving the memorial, purporting to be from the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, regard the same in no other light than as the voluntary act of private individuals.
Contingent expenses of the Navy. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting an abstract of expenditures, under the head of contingent expenses, &c. &c. January 5, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Johnston's administratrix. Petition of the widow and administratrix of John Johnston, of the Falls of St. Mary's, in the Territory of Michigan, praying compensation for property seized and carried away by the American Army, during the late war with Great Britain. January 7, 1836. Referred to the Committee of Claims.
Clerks -- Navy Department, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a report of the names of the clerks employed in the Navy Department during the year 1835, and the compensation of each. January 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Incorporated banks -- District of Columbia. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copies of the returns of the incorporated banks of the District of Columbia, &c. &c. January 12, 1836. Read, and referred to the select committee, appointed on the 31st ultimo, on the subject of the said banks.
Report of the Register and Receiver of the Land Office at New Orleans. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the report of the Register and Receiver of the Land Office at New Orleans, &c &c. January 12, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.
Bridge across the Potomac. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report on the progress of the work on the bridge across the River Potomac. January 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
State banks and banking companies. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements in relation to state banks and banking companies. January 5, 1836. Read and laid upon the table.
Acts of Florida, incorporating a life insurance company, and certain rail-road companies. January 12, 1836. Submitted by Mr. White, of Florida. Referred to the Committee on the Territories, and ordered to be printed.
Serial set 288 Bank of Georgetown. Memorial from citizens of Georgetown, D.C. praying for a recharter of the banks of that place. January 18, 1836. Referred to the select committee, appointed on the 31st ultimo, upon the subject of the banks of the District of Columbia.
Fortifications, armories, and arsenals. February 27, 1836. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Additional estimate for fortifications, armories, and arsenals.
Appropriations -- naval service -- 1835. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of the appropriations for the naval service for the year 1835. February 4, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Mediation of Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information of the proffered mediation of the King of Great Britain, in relation to the existing differences between the government of the United States and that of France. February 8, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Clerks -- Navy yards. Petition of Henry J. Willett and others, first clerks to commandants at Navy yards, praying for increase of salaries. January 18, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Works at eastern end of Lake Erie. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report from the Engineer Department, of the survey and estimate of the work proposed to be constructed at the eastern termination of Lake Erie. January 28, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Delaware breakwater. Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia, praying that an appropriation may be made for the completion of the Delaware breakwater. February 2, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Officers employed in the Indian Department. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a list of officers and other persons employed in the Indian Department, &c. February 4, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Arkansas -- reclaim land in. Petition of inhabitants of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky, praying to be permitted by law, to reclaim certain lands lying south of Arkansas, and west of the Mississippi Rivers. February 1, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Light-house establishment. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives, in relation to the best mode of managing the light-house establishment. January 15, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Patents for new inventions in 1835. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of the names of persons to whom patents have been issued during the year 1835, for any new or useful art, machine, &c. &c. January 14, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
District of Columbia -- Lancasterian School, Georgetown. Memorial of the Trustees of the Georgetown Lancasterian School, praying for aid. January 18, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia.
Provident Association of Clerks. January 18, 1836. Referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia.
Hostile Indians in Florida. Public meeting of the citizens of St. Augustine, in relation to the hostile proceeding of the Indians in Florida, &c. &c. January 27, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Clerks, Post Office Department -- 1835. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a list of the clerks in his department in the year 1835, with the pay of each. January 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Militia, United States, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting an abstract of the general returns of the militia of the United States, &c. for the year 1835. February 4, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Naval depot, &c. -- Charleston, S.C. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, in reply to a communication addressed to him by Mr. Pinckney; recommending the establishment of a naval depot and dry dock at Charleston, South Carolina. February 4, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Army Register for 1836. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting two hundred and fifty copies of the Army Register. February 4, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table
Additional appropriations for Quartermaster's Department. Letter from the Secretary of War, to the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, on the subject of additional appropriations for the Quartermaster's Department. February 5, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Report of the Commissioner of Public Buildings. February 4, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Arkansas -- Legislature. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 237.) Memorial for an increase of compensation to deputy surveyors of public lands. December 29, 1835. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Private land claims in Missouri. In the House of Representatives, Dec. 29, 1835. On motion of Mr. Harrison, of Missouri, ordered, that the report of the Recorder and Commissioners for the Adjustment of Land Titles in Missouri, under the acts of the 9th July, 1832, and the 2d March, 1833, be referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and that they be printed.
To exempt merchandise imported under certain circumstances from the operation of the act of the 19th May, 1828. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 16.) January 22, 1835. Printed by order of the House of Representatives. January 5, 1836. Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives.
Patents expired within the year 1835. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of all the patents for discoveries, inventions, and improvements, which have expired within the year 1835, &c. January 14, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Legislature of Indiana in relation to the boundary of Michigan. January 18, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Affairs with France. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information in relation to the state of affairs between the United States and the French nation. January 18, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Michigan. Documents relating to an election recently held in the Territory of Michigan, for a delegate to the 24th Congress. January 18, 1836. Referred to the Committee of Elections.
Marine hospital. Memorial of the physicians of the City of Portland, Maine, relative to the erection of a marine hospital at said city. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 101.) January 18, 1836. Read, laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed.
Louisiana. Inhabitants of New Orleans, for relief to sufferers by fire in New York. January 18, 1836. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, to which is committed the bill from the Senate, (No. 65,) "for the relief of the sufferers by the fire in the City of New York."
Massachusetts -- merchants of Boston -- for an appropriation for the erection of a Custom-house. January 14, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
National Road -- Springfield, Ohio, to Richmond, Indiana. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of a survey of the National Road between Springfield, in the State of Ohio, and Richmond, in the State of Indiana. January 13, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Clerks -- Treasury Department, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the names of the clerks in the Treasury Department, for the year 1835, and the compensation of each. January 13, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
House of Representatives -- contingent expenses from 1823 to 1835, inclusive. January 20, 1836. Read, referred to the Committee of Accounts, and ordered to be printed.
New fortifications, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 201.) January 21, 1836. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Operation of the Mint -- 1835. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the operations of the Mint for the year 1835. January 21, 1836. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Penitentiary -- District of Columbia. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the seventh annual report of the Inspectors of the Penitentiary. January 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Appropriations and expenditures -- War Department -- 1835. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of the appropriations and expenditures for the department, for 1835. January 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Navy and Privateer Pension Fund. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting statements in relation to the affairs of the Navy and Privateer Pension Funds. January 28, 1836. Ordered to lie on the table.
Resolution -- Legislature of Illinois. Resolution of the Legislature of Illinois in favor of granting pensions to persons engaged against the Indians prior to the Treaty of Greenville. February 1, 1836. Read, laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed.
Georgia Revolutionary claim. February 1, 1836. Referred to Committee on Revolutionary Claims.
Indian hostilities in Florida. Memorial of citizens of East Florida, convened at St. Augustine, upon the subject of the hostile proceedings of the Seminole Indians in the said territory. February 2, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Indian claims in Mississippi. Petition of the citizens of the State of Mississippi, remonstrating against Indian claims. February 1, 1836. Read, referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Sufferers by fire in New York. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Chairman of Committee of Ways and Means. February 10, 1836. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee, and ordered to be printed, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Mineral lands in Missouri. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the Colonel of Ordnance, in relation to the mineral lands in the State of Missouri. February 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Michael Quinn. December 16, 1835. Referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. February 11, 1836. Report adverse, (verbal,) and petition, &c. committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Light-house -- Brandywine Shoals. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a copy of the survey, plan, and estimate for rebuilding the light-house on Brandywine Shoals. February 8, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Annual report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. February 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Camp equipage for militia. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 338.) Letter from the Secretary of War, to the Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, in relation to providing camp equipage for the militia. February 13, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Indiana Legislature -- Michigan road lands. A joint resolution of the Legislature of the State of Indiana, relative to Michigan road lands. February 12, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Marine hospitals. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Hon. Joel B. Sutherland, Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, upon the subject of marine hospitals. February 13, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Arsenal at Charleston, South Carolina. Letter from the Secretary of War, to the Honorable H.L. Pinckney, upon the subject of establishing an arsenal of construction at Charleston, South Carolina. February 13, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
National foundry -- District of Columbia. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 3d of March, 1835, in relation to the establishment of a national foundry in the District of Columbia. February 11, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Correspondence, &c. -- Indian affairs. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence in relation to Indian affairs, required by a resolution of the House of Representatives, of 23d January, 1835, as can be furnished by the War Department; also a report from the Treasury Department on the same subject. February 11, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Legislature of Indiana -- National Road. A memorial of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, to the Congress of the United States, praying further appropriations on the National Road within the limits of Indiana. February 12, 1836. Read and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Duties on imports -- excepted articles. February 13, 1836. -- Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives.
Serial set 289 Contested election -- Newland vs. Graham. February 24, 1836.
Ohio -- hospitals in the valley of the Mississippi. Resolution of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, on the subject of the western commercial hospitals. April 1, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Against change of location of the National Road in Ohio. March 21, 1836. Laid before the House, and ordered to be printed.
Pennsylvania Legislature -- distribution of the proceeds of the public lands. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, relative to the distribution of the proceeds arising from the sale of public lands, and for other purposes. March 21, 1836. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed.
Militia. February 29, 1836.
Margaret Nation, et al. A joint resolution and memorial of the Legislature of the State of Indiana, for the relief of Margaret Nation, and others. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands
Opinion, Supreme Court, in the case of C.D. Delassus, Aug. Choteau, and others. March 1, 1836. Presented by Mr. Harrison, of Missouri, and referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
Michigan -- survey and sale of public lands, &c. Memorial of the Legislative Council of Michigan Territory, praying the survey and sale of the mineral and farm lands of Michigan Territory, the establishment of land offices, the extension of the pre-emption law to occupants of all the public lands on the 1st of Jan. 1836. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Claims for horses lost in Indian war in Illinois, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the Third Auditor on the subject of claims for horses lost in 1831-2, on the frontier of Illinois and Michigan. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee of Claims.
Remonstrance against the removal of seat of justice -- Apalachicola. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Territories.
Hospital, Memphis. Memorial of the Legislature of the State of Tennessee. March 14, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Navy Department -- contracts, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of the contracts made by the Navy Department during the year 1835. March 5, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Cotton. Cultivation, manufacture and foreign trade of. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting tables and notes on the cultivation, manufacture, and foreign trade of cotton. March 4, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures, and 15,000 extra copies ordered to be printed under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury.
Contracts, &c. -- Treasury Department, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements, -- 1st, of contracts authorized by the department, 1835; 2d, contracts for light-houses, &c.; 3d, payment for miscellaneous claims; 4th, expenditures from Marine Hospital Fund, 1834. March 7, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Navy yard -- Pensacola. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, in relation to the Navy yard at Pensacola. March 7, 1836. Laid before the House, and ordered to be printed.
Road -- Portsmouth and Linville. In the House of Representatives of the U. States, March 14, 1836.
Registered American seamen, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting an abstract showing the number of American seamen registered in each port of entry of the United States during the year 1835. March 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Arkansas -- for admission into the Union. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the proceedings of a convention assembled at Little Rock, in the Territory of Arkansas, for the purpose of forming a constitution and system of government for the State of Arkansas. March 10, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Territories.
Naval depot -- Charleston, South Carolina. Memorial of the City Council, and Chamber of Commerce, of Charleston, South Carolina, praying the establishment of a naval depot at that place. March 14, 1836. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed.
New York -- expunge a part of Senate Journal. Resolution of the Legislature of New York, in relation to a resolve of the Senate of the United States of 28th of March, 1834. March 7, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Massachusetts. Memorial of citizens of Salem, Massachusetts, in favor of the remission of duties upon imported goods, burned in the fire at New York. March 7, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Land to officers who served less than five years in late war with Great Britain. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Kentucky, in favor of granting land to officers and soldiers of the late war with Great Britain, who served for a less term than five years, &c. March 11, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Arkansas. An ordinance passed by the Convention of Delegates, at Little Rock, assembled for the purpose of making a constitution for the State of Arkansas. March 4, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Territories.
Tennessee Canal. Report of the Commissioners of the Tennessee Canal; and also the report of the engineer in the service of the commissioners. March 14, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives, and ordered to lie on the table.
Pier and light-houses -- Cape May Roads. Joint resolutions of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey. March 14, 1836. (Referred to the Committee on Commerce.)
Survey -- Harbor Eighteen-Mile Creek. March 14, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Expenditure -- Washington Bridge. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the Civil Engineer of the United States, in relation to the disbursements which have been made for building the said bridge. March 11, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Distribute proceeds of sales public lands. Resolution of the Legislature of the State of Kentucky, in favor of a distribution of the proceeds of the sales of the public lands among the respective states, according to their respective federal numbers. March 11, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Memorial of James Catlin. March 21, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture.
Mail road -- Louisville to St. Louis. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 432.) March 21, 1836.
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 416.) March 3, 1836. Mr. Mercer, from the Committee on Roads and Canals, submitted the following documents, which were ordered to be printed.
Plymouth Beach, Mass. March 3, 1836. Mr. Smith, of Maine, from the Committee of Ways and Means, reported the following communication, which was ordered to lie on the table and be printed. (See Bills 307 and 308.)
Michigan. Memorial of the Legislative Council of Michigan Territory, praying the construction of harbors on Lake Michigan, the improvement of rivers and roads, and for other purposes. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, to the Committee on Roads and Canals, to the Committee on Public Lands, to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Unsatisfied land warrants. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report in relation to unsatisfied military land warrants, issued by the United States and Virginia. March 1, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Missouri -- National Road. Memorial of the citizens of St. Louis, praying that the Cumberland Road may pass through the City of St. Louis. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Census of Arkansas. March 3, 1836. Submitted in the House of Representatives of the United States by Mr. Sevier, and ordered to be printed.
Canal -- Well's River to Burlington, Vermont. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of a survey of a canal route from Well's River to Burlington, in Vermont. March 25, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Granting patents to Polish exiles, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 488.) March 25, 1836.
Reorganize General Land Office. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 469.) March 23, 1836.
Ohio -- Legislature of -- waters of Lake Erie. Preamble and resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, in relation to the waters of Lake Erie. April 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Ohio, Legislature of -- Maumee and Western Reserve Road. Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, on the subject of the Maumee and Western Reserve Road. April 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Pre-emption to the sand bar, in front of St. Louis. April 1, 1836. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed.
Petition of clerks in the departments of government for increase of compensation. April 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Choctaw Indians, by Andrew Hays, agent. February 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Pre-emption rights and to prevent frauds. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Hon. A.G. Harrison, on the subject of frauds which have been practised in relation to pre-emption claims, &c. February 5, 1836. Laid before the House by Mr. Harrison, and ordered to be printed.
John Sibley and John W. Butler. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the Register and Receiver of the Land Office at Ouachita, Louisiana, upon certain claims to land therein mentioned. February 16, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.
Indian hostilities in Florida. Letter from the Secretary of War, upon the subject of Indian hostilities in Florida, and the removal of the Creek Indians westward. February 18, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Arkansas -- admission into the Union as a state. Constitution of Arkansas, and the memorial of the convention, praying for the admission of Arkansas into the Union as a state. February 20, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Territories.
Mediation of Great Britain -- French affairs. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the correspondence between the Secretary of State and the Charge d'Affaires of his Britannic Majesty, relative to the disagreement between the United States and France. February 23, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Letter of T.P. Moore. March 1, 1836. The Speaker laid before the House the following letter, which was read, and ordered to be printed.
Washington's account -- facsimile of. Petition to both Houses of Congress, by the Washington's Manual Labor School and Male Orphan Society. February 23, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Library.
William H. Freeman. Memorial of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel William H. Freeman, of the Marine Corps, for redress of grievances consequent upon the act of Congress of the 30th of June, 1834. February 23, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Legislature of Michigan. Memorial of the Legislative Council of Michigan Territory, praying Congress to establish the Territorial Government of Wisconsin, &c. March 1, 1836. Referred to Committee on the Territories, to the Committee on the Public Lands, and Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Improvement of Red River. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of War, in relation to the progress of the improvement of Red River. February 24, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Michigan election. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee of Elections.
Alabama -- pre-emption to settlers who have lost their settlements by certain Indian treaties. Memorial from the Legislature of the State of Alabama, to the Congress of the United States, requesting that certain settlers on the public lands who were entitled to pre-emptions under the act of the 19th June, 1834, but whose settlements were included in the location of reservation under certain Indian treaties, may be granted the right to enter one quarter section of the public lands at the minimum price, either in Alabama or Mississippi. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands.
Virginia -- port of entry at Fredericksburg. Petition of inhabitants of Fredericksburg and Falmouth, in the State of Virginia, praying that Fredericksburg may be made a port of entry. February 29, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Louisiana -- inhabitants of Rapides. Petition of one hundred and fifty-three citizens of the parish of Rapides, Louisiana, for the passage of a pre-emption law. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed the Bill (H.R. No. 294) to grant the right of pre-emption to actual settlers on the public lands.
Contested election -- Newland versus Graham. March 1, 1836. Received this day, and ordered to be printed as a part of the testimony in the above case.
Portugal -- discriminating duties. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, upon the subject of discriminating duties on the cargoes of Portuguese vessels, &c. &c. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Proceeds of sales of public lands. Resolution of the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island, in relation to a distribution of the moneys received from the sale of the public lands. February 29, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Legislature of Indiana. A joint resolution of the Legislature of the State of Indiana, relative to certain unreclaimed lands in the Wabash Bottom below Vincennes, in Knox County. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Responsibility of sureties -- case of Thomas McClelland. February 27, 1836. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed.
Clerks -- War Department, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of the names of the clerks employed by the department during the year 1835, and the compensation of each. February 25, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Harbor -- New Buffalo, Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report in relation to the construction of a harbor at New Buffalo, Michigan Territory: February 24, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Harbor of Presque Isle. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report in relation to the harbor of Presque Isle. February 27, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Lands for a seminary of learning in Louisiana. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the correspondence between the Executive of the State of Louisiana and the Treasury Department, in relation to the location of two townships of land, granted to that state by an act of Congress on the 3d of March, 1827, for the use of a seminary of learning. February 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Relations with France, and duties on silks and wines. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting reports from the Secretary of State and Secretary of the Treasury; the former relating to the relation with France, and the latter to duties on wines and silks imported since 4th July, 1831. February 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
New York Chamber of Commerce -- extend custom-house bonds. February 29, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Steam boilers. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, in relation to the explosion of steam boilers. March 1, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Pensioners of Revolutionary War -- struck off the roll. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a list of the names of pensioners, under the act of 18th of March, 1818, whose names were struck of[f] the list by act of 1st May, 1820. and subsequently restored, &c &c. February 25, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Alabama Legislature -- railroad through public land. Joint memorial of the Legislature of the State of Alabama. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands.
Railroad -- Pensacola to Columbus. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a survey of a railroad from Pensacola, to Columbus, in Georgia. March 17, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Alabama Legislature -- public lands. Memorial of the Legislature of the State of Alabama. March 21, 1836. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed.
Due-bills -- Alexandria. March 21, 1836. Submitted to the House of Representatives, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Estimates for supplying the arsenals with certain stores. March 21, 1836. Mr. Cambreleng, from the Committee of Ways and Means, submitted the following estimates, which were ordered to be printed.
Contested election -- Newland vs. Graham. Extracts from the constitution and laws of North Carolina, relating to elections in that state. March 19, 1836.
Legislature Florida -- East Florida Rail Road Company. Resolutions adopted by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, at their session in February, 1835. March 21, 1836. Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed.
Indiana Legislature -- rail road. A memorial and joint resolution of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, on the subject of a purchase of a tract of land of the United States, for the purpose of constructing a canal from Fort Wayne to Munceytown. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Land warrants and scrip for Revolutionary services. March 25, 1836.
Colonel Dodge's Journal. In House of Representatives of the United States, March 21, 1836. Resolved, that five thousand extra copies of a report of the Secretary of War, made in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, transmitting a report of the expedition of the Dragoons, under the command of Henry Dodge, to the Rocky Mountains, during the summer of 1835, be printed for the use of this House.
Ohio -- Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, relative to the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. April 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Cumberland Road in Ohio. Memorial of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, transmitting information of the establishment of a Board of Public Works by said state, and suggesting to Congress that future appropriations by that body for the completion of the Cumberland Road, within the State of Ohio, be placed under the control and direction of said board. April 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Indiana Legislature -- land for road from Fort Wayne to Richmond. March 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Serial set 290 Northeastern territory of the United States. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Massachusetts upon the subject of the northern territory of the United States, the title to which is still claimed by Great Britain. April 5, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Survey -- Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Maryland, in relation to a survey of the Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River. April 7, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Michigan -- inhabitants of Monroe County. Remonstrance of citizens of the Township of Whiteford, on the disputed tract, against the bill reported in the House of Representatives giving that tract to the State of Ohio. April 1, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Balances on books of Register of the Treasury. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a list of balances standing on the books of the revenue which have remained unsettled by collectors of the Customs, and which appear to have been due more than three years prior to 30th September, 1835. April 14, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
Polish exiles. Letter upon the subject of lands granted by the government to the exiled Poles, and the location of the same, &c. April 15, 1836. (Printed by order of the House of Representatives.)
Works of internal improvement. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 2d instant, in relation to certain works of internal improvement. April 14, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Canal -- Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. Letter from the Secretary of War, in relation to the construction of a canal from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. April 16, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Pre-emption rights -- frauds, &c. Letter from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, upon the subject of frauds under the pre-emption laws, and the effect of such laws upon the sales of public lands, &c. April 14, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Banks. Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Senate, in compliance with a resolution of that body, with statements of the deposite banks, &c. -- laid before the Senate on the 24th March, 1836. April 11, 1836. Two thousand copies directed to be printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Emoluments, &c. -- officers of the Customs, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting abstracts of the official emoluments and expenditures of the Customs for the year 1835, of those officers who have rendered the statements required of them. April 12, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Contracts -- Post Office Department, 1835. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a statement of all the contracts which have been made by the Post Office Department during the year 1835. March 31, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.
Pay of officers of the Army -- 1833 and 1834. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting reports of all accounts and allowances which have been paid to and allowed to officers of the Army for the two fiscal years ending September 30, 1834. April 4, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Amend the Constitution of the United States. Memorial of citizens of North Carolina, upon the subject of amending the Constitution of the United States. April 6, 1836. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Organization -- General Land Office -- clerks, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No 469.) April 6, 1836. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on the Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
John L. Dickey. Letter respecting the location of the National Road, &c. April 11, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Virginia -- bridge across the Shenandoah River. Memorial of inhabitants of Loudoun and Jefferson Counties, praying Congress the passage of an act authorizing the building of a bridge across the Shenandoah River, at Harper's Ferry. April 7, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals. April 12, 1836. Bill reported, No. 552.
Southern boundary of Michigan. Proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of Detroit, and memorial of inhabitants of Michigan, upon the subject of the southern boundary thereof, &c. &c. April 11, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Serial set 291 Clerks in the Office of the Third Auditor. Letter from the Third Auditor of the Treasury Department, transmitting a list of the clerks employed in his office, the compensation allowed to each, &c. &c. April 16, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks -- Fourth Auditor's Office -- 1835. Letter from the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, transmitting a list of names of the clerks employed in his office, &c.
Georgetown Manufacturing Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 629.) March 7, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures. May 12, 1836. Bill reported No. 629.
Interest on Revolutionary claims. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report upon the subject of allowing interest on Revolutionary claims. April 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks, Second Auditor's Office, &c. &c. Letter from the Second Auditor, transmitting a report of the names of the clerks employed in his office during the year 1835, their salaries, &c. April 20, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
Clerks of the Treasurer's Office, 1835. Report from the Treasurer of the United States, of the names of the clerks employed in his office in the year 1835, &c. April 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Tennessee River. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a resolution of 4th February last, in relation to the progress and present condition of the improvement of the Tennessee River. April 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Michigan -- southern boundary. Memorial of citizens of Michigan, in relation to the southern boundary of the territory. April 19, 1836. Ordered to be printed.
Memorial, Choctaw Indians -- boundary of Arkansas. April 18, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks in the Office of the Register of the Treasury. Letter from the Register of the Treasury, transmitting a list of the names of the clerks in his office, and the compensation of each, &c. &c. April 16, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Emigrated Choctaw Indians. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 1st instant, in relation to the emigrated Choctaw Indians. April 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Auditor of the Treasury -- list of clerks. Letter from the Auditor of the Treasury, transmitting a list of the names of the clerks employed in his office, and the compensation allowed to each, &c. &c. April 16, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks in Fifth Auditor's Office, 1835. Letter from the Fifth Auditor of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the names of the clerks employed in his office, for the year 1835, &c. &c. April 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks -- War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the names of the clerks employed in the department, &c. April 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Military and naval defences. In the House of Representatives of the U.S. April 28, 1835. It was ordered that five thousand copies of this document be printed for the use of the members of the House of Representatives. Message from the President of the United States, to the Senate of the United States; accompanied with reports from the Secretaries of War and Navy relative to the military and naval defences of the country. April 8, 1836. Read, and ordered that it be printed; and that so much as relates to the military defences, be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and so much as relates to the naval defences to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Indemnity for expenses of war in Florida. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 590.) Abstract of cases of claims for indemnity, for expenses incurred by cities, &c. in connection with the distressed condition of the people of Florida, the defence and protection of that territory, and the hostilities commenced by the Seminole Indians. April 24, 1836. (Printed by order of the House of Representatives.)
King of the Two Sicilies -- awards under treaty with. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of awards of the Commissioners on Claims arising under the Convention with the King of the Two Sicilies. April 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Grand Jury of the County of Washington -- insufficiency of the present jail. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 595.) April 25, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Grand Jury of the County of Washington -- Criminal Court. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 596.) April 25, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Clerks, Navy Department, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting lists of the names of the clerks employed in his office, and in the Office of the Commissioners of the Navy. April 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Navy -- pay, allowances, travel, &c., officers of. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy transmitting statements in relation to the compensation, allowances of all kinds, &c., to officers of the Navy. April 23, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
Passengers from foreign countries -- 1835. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting statements showing the number and designation of the passengers who have arrived into the United States from foreign countries during the year 1835. April 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Protection of western frontier. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 610.) May 6, 1836. Laid before the House by the Chairman of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Contracts -- War Department, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement showing the contracts which have been made by the War Department during the year 1835. May 4, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Armament for the fortifications. April 28, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Clerks -- Treasury Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement showing the names of the clerks employed in the Treasury Department, the salary of each, &c. &c. May 6, 1836. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Public lands. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 16th instant, in relation to the public lands. April 28, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Deposite banks of the government. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the several amounts deposited in the several deposit banks of the government, on the 1st day of April, &c. &c. May 6, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
Clerks, State Department -- 1836. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of the names of the clerks employed in the Department of State, to compensation of each, &c. &c. May 4, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Four installments under the French treaty paid. Message from the President of the United States, communicating the information that four installments under the treaty with France have been paid, &c. May 10, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Boundary with Mexico. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of the Treaty of Limits with Mexico. May 6, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
R.A. Heath and J.G. Heath. Petition of Robert A. Heath and John G. Heath, setting forth the injury which will result to themselves and others by the confirmation of Pierre Chouteau's claim to 30,000 arpens of land. May 10, 1836. Committed to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the bill from the Senate (No. 61,) for the adjustment of private land claims in Missouri.
From the Trustees of the British Museum -- with a catalogue of the Arundel Manuscripts. April 29, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Library.
Correspondence with the government of Mexico. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting reports from the Secretaries of State and War, in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 10th instant. May 14, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Postage accruing in the year 1835. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a statement of the amount of postage accruing in each state and territory of the United States, for the year 1835. May 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Marine Hospital Fund. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 16th ultimo, respecting marine hospitals. May 25, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Inhabitants of Toledo, Ohio -- northern boundary. May 18, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
New hall, House of Representatives. June 1, 1836. Laid before the House, and ordered to be printed.
Commerce, navigation, and tonnage of the United States, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of the Register of the Treasury in relation to the commerce, navigation, and tonnage of the United States, for the year ending on the 30th of September, 1835. May 18, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Appropriations for fortifications, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 54.) May 24, 1836. Documents laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, in relation to appropriations for certain fortifications, armament, &c. &c.
Marine hospitals in the West. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 654.) May 31, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Alexandria aqueduct. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting Captain Turnbull's report on the survey and construction of the Alexandria aqueduct. May 25, 1836. Referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia.
Louisiana -- inhabitants of -- levees -- Mississippi. Petition relative to levees on the Mississippi. June 1, 1836. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Causes of hostilities of Seminole Indians. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of War upon the subject of the causes of the hostilities of the Seminoles, &c. &c. May 26, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. June 2, 1836. Ordered to be printed.
Bridge across the Potomac. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of the Treasury, upon the subject of the damages sustained by the bridge across the Potomac River, occasioned by the recent unusual rise of the waters of said river. June 3, 1836. Read, and Joint Resolution for the Repair of the Bridge Across the River moved, and ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time to-morrow.
Causes, &c. of Indian hostilities of Creek Indians. Instructions to General Jesup, and letter from Gov. Schley, of Georgia, in relation to hostilities of Creek Indians. June 2, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Massachusetts Legislature -- public lands. April 25, 1836. Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed.
Baron de Kalb -- heirs of. April 21, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Claims.
Massachusetts Legislature -- fortifications. April 25, 1836. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed.
National Road west of the Ohio. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report in relation to the National Road west of the Ohio. April 20, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals. April 22, 1836. Ordered to be printed.
Clerks -- Post Office Department. Letter from the Postmaster General, a list of the officers and clerks of the department, &c. &c. in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 11th inst. April 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Lands entered at Augusta, Mississippi. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 1st instant, in relation to the quantity of land entered at the office at Augusta, in the State of Mississippi, from its establishment to the year, 1830. April 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Surveys, Illinois and Missouri. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, in relation to surveys made in Illinois and Missouri. April 16, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Transfer of appropriations -- naval service, 1836. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of the transfer of naval appropriations, during the months of February and May, 1836. May 17, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
Foreign paupers. Report of a committee and a resolution of the House of Representatives of the State of Massachusetts, upon the subject of the introduction into the United States of paupers from foreign countries. April 18, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Serial set 292 Don Juan Madrazo. Message from the President of the United States, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 6th of May last, in relation to the claim of Don Juan Madrazo. June 30, 1836. Referred to the Committee of Claims
Fortify Narragansett Bay. Resolutions of the State of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations. June 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Expense of the increase of the Army. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 185.) June 23, 1836.
Memorial and protest of the Cherokee Nation. (To accompany Bill R.H. [i.e., H.R.] No. 695.) Memorial of the Cherokee representatives, submitting the protest of the Cherokee Nation against the ratification, execution, and enforcement of the treaty negotiated at New Echota, in December, 1835. June 22, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill (R.H. [i.e.,H.R.] No. 695) making further appropriations for carrying into effect certain Indian treaties.
J.H.B. Latrobe -- memorial of. June 27, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Connecticut Legislature -- independence of Texas. Resolutions of the General Assembly of Connecticut. June 25, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Cherokee Treaty. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report relating to the Cherokee Treaty. June 28, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Message from the President of the United States, communicating the melancholy intelligence of the death of James Madison, Ex-President of the United States. June 30, 1836.
Duties on imports, &c. 1834. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements relative to duties on merchandise imported during the year ending on the 31st of December, 1834. July 2, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Duties and drawback -- 1832, 1833, 1834. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement exhibiting the amount of duties received, and drawbacks payable, during the years ending 31st of December, 1832, 1833, and 1834. July 2, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Memorial of E.T. Langham and A.W. McDonald. June 6, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Banks -- District of Columbia. Memorial of citizens of the District of Columbia, in favor of rechartering the district banks. June 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Mint of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report in relation to the transactions of the Mint. June 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Maryland. Joint resolutions of the Legislature of Maryland, recommending the distribution of the proceeds of the sales of the public lands among the several states. April 11, 1836. To lie until Monday next. June 6, 1836. Ordered to lie on the table.
Michigan -- Convention of Delegates -- Monroe County -- southern boundary. May 28, 1836. To lie one day upon the table. June 6, 1836. Ordered to lie on the table.
Land claims in Missouri -- arguments, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, accompanied by opinions and arguments respecting claims to land in Missouri, embraced in the reports of the Board of Commissioners at St. Louis, &c. June 3, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Maryland Legislature -- expunging resolutions -- Senate. April 11, 1836. To be on the table until Monday next. June 6, 1836. Ordered to be on the table.
James Elliot -- petition of. June 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Bridge across the Potomac River. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting information on the subject of the injury done to the Washington Bridge by the late freshet in the river, and an estimate of the expense necessary to its repair. June 7, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia.
Seminole hostilities. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a supplemental report respecting the causes of the Seminole hostilities, and the measures taken to suppress them. June 3, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs
Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting documents in relation to hostilities of Creek Indians. June 6, 1836. Laid upon the table.
Purchase of Negroes from Seminole Indians. Letter from the Secretary of War, in answer to a call for information in relation to the purchase of Indian Negroes in the Seminole Country. June 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table
Indian hostilities to suppress -- estimate. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 733.) June 18, 1835. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Estimates -- Indian treaties. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 695.) Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting estimates of appropriations necessary to carry into effect certain Indian treaties. June 15, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Estimate of cost of Treasury Building. Estimate from Messrs. Town and Elliot, architects, to the Chairman of the Committee on the Public Buildings.
Treaty with Venezuela. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a Treaty of Peace, &c., between the United States and the Republic of Venezuela concluded on the 20th of January last. June 30, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Appropriations -- new offices, &c. Report of the Clerk of the House of Representatives of the United States, in compliance with the "Act To Authorize the Appointment of Additional Paymasters, and for Other Purposes," passed July 4, 1836. July 11, 1836.
Banks. Memorial of citizens of Pennsylvania, on the subject of banks. June 6, 1836. Laid upon the table.
National armories -- operations in 1835. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting statements in relation to the operations of the national armories in the year 1835. July 2, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Serial set 293 John H. Howard. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 232.) January 27, 1836
Calvin Mickle, ex'r of Nagle & De Frias. January 26, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table
Dr. William Baker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 13.) December 13, 1835.
Destruction of the frigate Philadelphia. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 225.) January 27, 1836.
Jonathan Boone. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 92.) January 5, 1836.
Samuel Hambleton. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 346.) February 16, 1836.
William Foxworthy. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 347.) February 16, 1836.
Richard Hardesty. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 10.) December 21, 1835.
John Harry [i.e., Harvey]. January 20, 1836. Read and laid upon the table.
Joel Burt. January 29, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Logan. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 316.) February 10, 1836.
William Boyce -- representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 170.) January 19, 1836.
Samuel Dickerson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 290.) February 5, 1836.
Discriminating duties -- Belgian vessels. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 348.) February 16, 1836.
Samuel Hickok. January 13, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Abner Stelson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 39.) December 21, 1835.
Marinus W. Gilbert. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 7.) December 21, 1835.
Lieut. Anthony Drane. January 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John White. January 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
American Consul at London. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 10.) January 12, 1836. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Col. Thomas Knowlton's heirs. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 243.) January 28, 1836.
Henry Lee. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 265.) January 30, 1836.
Jane Taylor. (To accompany Bill [H.R.] No. 26.) December 21, 1835.
Laurentius M. Eiler. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 28.) December 21, 1835.
Joseph Russ and Stephen J. Roach. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 25.) December 21, 1835.
The legal representatives of Willie Blount. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 27.) December 21, 1835.
John Downes. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 33.) December 21, 1835.
John Saunders and Perley Putnam. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 31.) December 21, 1835.
Jacob B. Gilbert. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 35.) December 21, 1835.
Thomas F. Townsley. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 4.) December 21, 1835.
John McDonell. (To accompany Bill H.R. 19.) December 21, 1835.
Joel Sartain. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 36.) December 21, 1835.
Joshua Cullumber. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 38) December 21, 1835.
Thomas Beacham. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 37.) December 21, 1835.
Margaret Cooper and Sarah Kirk et al. January 13, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Col. Gideon Morgan. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 140.) January 13, 1836.
Gaetano Carusi. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 102.) January 6, 1836.
Reuben N. Bullard. January 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
D.L.R. Orillion. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 95.) January 5, 1836.
Samuel W. Ruff. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 81.) January 5, 1836.
Benjamin Murphy. (To accompany Bill S. No. 36.) January 13, 1836. Read, and with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
William Rogers -- heirs of. January 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Benjamin F. Stone. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 120.) January 12, 1836.
N. and L. Dana and Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 114.) January 12, 1836.
Rules and orders -- House of Representatives. January 5, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Captain Celey Saunders -- heirs of. January 14, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Lexington and Ohio Rail Road Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 160.) January 15, 1836.
John McCarroll, Junior. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 146.) January 14, 1836.
Schooner Wild Cat. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 178.) January 19, 1836.
Christopher Clark. January 19, 1836. Read, and ordered to be on the table.
Francis Bashford. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 156.) January 14, 1836.
Additional paymasters. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 182.) January 19, 1836.
William Hewes. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 151.)
Elisha Lucas. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 158.) January 14, 1836.
David I. [i.e., J.] Talbot. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 165.) January 15, 1836.
Norborne B. Spotswood. January 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John S. Devlin. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 163.) January 15, 1836.
Jean Baptiste Grainger. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 173.) January 19, 1836.
Henry Gibson -- compensation -- clerks courts, U.S. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 184.) January 19, 1836.
John Cowper. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 159.) January 15, 1836.
Build legislative house -- Arkansas. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 117.) January 12, 1836.
Amelia Leach. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 133.) January 12, 1836.
Samuel Gill. January 13, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Francis R. Theobald. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 118.) January 12, 1836.
Theophilus E. Beekman. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 139.) January 13, 1836. Mr. Powell [i.e., Howell], from the Committee on Invalid Pensions, made the following report...
John Barkley. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 132.) January 12, 1836.
William N. Ivy. January 13, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Captain Peter Garland -- heirs of. January 13, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Revolutionary pensions. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 212.) January 26, 1836.
Representatives of Capt. Thomas Cooke, deceased. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 213.) January 26, 1836.
Somerville Pinkney, administrator of James Williams. January 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James L. Stokes. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 220.) January 27, 1836.
James Stevens. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 271.) January 31, 1836.
Nathaniel Gunnison. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 255.) January 28, 1836.
Union Gold Mining Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 223.) January 27, 1836.
Peter Cook. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 230.) January 27, 1836.
Representatives of Jacob Shoemaker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 228.) January 27, 1836.
John Smith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 227.) January 27, 1836.
Garland Burnley -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 229.) January 27, 1836.
John Bennet (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 253.) January 28, 1836.
J. Eloy [i.e., Eloi] Rachal. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 246.) January 28, 1836.
Isaac Wellborn, Jr. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 239.) January 27, 1836.
James Barron. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 234.) January 27, 1836.
Mary Tucker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 236.) January 27, 1836.
Buildings for Treasury and State Departments. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 254.) January 28, 1836.
William Nourse. January 29, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Jeffers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 240.) January 27, 1836.
John Burke. February 4, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Stephen Talmage. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 282.) February 4, 1836.
Luke Voorhise. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 285.) February 4, 1836.
Green Pryor. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 287.) February 5, 1836.
Henry Null. February 4, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Captain F.A. Parker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 286.) February 4, 1836.
William Christy. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 277.) February 4, 1836.
John Collins. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 283.) February 4, 1836.
Chastelain and Ponvert. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 288.) February 5, 1836.
Joseph Parker. February 4, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Francis F. St. Cyr. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 284.) February 4, 1836.
Lieut. Col. Wm. Scott. February 4, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Anthony Faulac. February 4, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Henry Hill. February 5, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Relief to the Corporations of Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown, District of Columbia. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 275.) February 3, 1836.
Land office -- Jefferson, Missouri. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 293.) February 5, 1836.
Alexander Macomb. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 272.) February 4, 1836.
James Brown and John Brown. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 292.) February 5, 1836.
Joseph Young -- representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 279.) February 4, 1836.
Heirs and devisees of Col. Willis Reddick, dec'd. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 280.) February 4, 1836.
Residents of reserved townships -- Indiana -- sixteenth sections. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 67.) December 9, 1835.
Moses Bliss. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 29.) December 21, 1835.
David S. Campbell. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 30.) January 5, 1835.
Jesse Smith and others. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 8.) December 21, 1835.
Joseph Cooper. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 3.) December 21, 1835.
James Tilford. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 1.) December 21, 1835.
William Baker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 12.) December 21, 1835.
Lieutenant Washington Seawell. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 24.) December 21, 1835.
Henry Knowles, Sen. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 20.) December 21, 1835.
Rice, administrator of Egerly. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 23.) December 21, 1835.
John Peirce and Daniel Van Voorhis. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 2.) December 21, 1835.
George Bender. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 16.) December 21, 1835.
John Pollock. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 21.) December 21, 1835.
Benjamin F. Stickney. (To accompany Bill H.R. 18.) December 21, 1835.
Nathaniel P. Tatum. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 17.) December 21, 1835.
Virginia Franzoni, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 5.) December 21, 1835.
Andrew Dodge. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 15.) December 21, 1835.
David Bartlett. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 11.) December 21, 1835.
Daniel Whitney. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 14.) December 21, 1835.
William Findlay [i.e., Findley]. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 6.) December 21, 1835.
Charles Wilkins -- executors of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 32.) December 21, 1835.
Marinus W. Gilbert. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 9.) December 21, 1836.
Daniel Homan. (To accompany Bill No. 22.) December 15, 1835.
Springfield Manufacturing Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 40.) December 21, 1835.
Isaac Champlin et al. -- schooner Buffalo. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 45.) December 21, 1835.
James Latham -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 42.) December 21, 1835. (Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives.)
Henry Darling. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 49.) December 21, 1835.
Fire in New York. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 41.) December 21, 1835. Read, and, with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
William Bowman. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 66.) December 29, 1835.
Joseph Gresham. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 65.) December 29, 1835.
Abiel Roads et al. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 60.) December 29, 1835.
Samuel Cozad. December 29, 1835. Read and laid upon the table.
Joseph W. Green. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 62.) December 29, 1835.
George Gott, et al. (To accompany Bill H.R. 63.) December 29, 1835.
Charles M. Frasier. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 50.) December 21, 1835.
Ebenezer Phillips and others. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 61.) December 29, 1835.
Joseph W. Wormstead. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 59.) December 29, 1835.
Invalid pensioners. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 58.) December 29, 1835.
Tennessee -- to issue grants, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 68.) January 5, 1836.
James Cheek. December 29, 1835. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clark Allen. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 78.) January 5, 1836.
Amy Wilson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 72.) January 5, 1836.
Peter Doxtator and Jacob Weaver. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 73.) January 5, 1836.
Gilbert A. Smith and others. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 77.) January 5, 1836.
Josias Thompson -- legal representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 76.) January 5, 1836.
William Woodward -- William Mitchell. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 75.) January 5, 1836.
Philip and Eliphalet Greely. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 115.) January 12, 1836.
Daniel Smith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 84.) January 5, 1835 [i.e., 1836].
Clerks -- Quartermaster's Department. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 97.) January 5, 1836.
Thomas McClelland & James Smith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 90.) January 5, 1836.
Commodore John Rodgers. January 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Maguire. January 13, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Pre-emption to lots in Perrysburg, Ohio. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 130.) January 12, 1836.
Topographical Engineers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 104.) January 12, 1836.
Defence of ports and harbors. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 103.) January 12, 1836.
Thankful Randall. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 110.) January 12, 1836.
Land claims in Opelousas. January 7, 1836. On motion of Mr. Garland, of Louisiana, ordered, that the following report and accompanying document be referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims, and be printed.
Thomas Hanson. January 6, 1836. Read and laid upon the table.
Eskridge and Fisk. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 82.) January 5, 1836.
William Stannard and others. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 96.) January 5, 1836.
John Dement. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 86.) January 5, 1836.
James Wiltbank. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 94.) January 5, 1836.
David Kilbourn. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 123.) January 7, 1836.
Pea Patch Island. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 87.) January 5, 1836.
Representatives of Dr. Absalom Baird. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 83.) January 5, 1836.
Farish Carter and heirs of Charles Williamson. January 5, 1836.
Heirs of Nathaniel Tyler. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 89.) January 5, 1836.
To graduate the price of the public lands, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 85.) January 5, 1836.
Knox, Haldiman & Co. January 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Monument at York, in Virginia. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 98.) January 5, 1836.
James Caulfield. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 93.) January 5, 1836.
Jacob F. Walter. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 99.) January 6, 1836.
David Browning. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 91.) January 5, 1836.
Heirs of Thomas Haliday. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 74.) January 5, 1836.
James Tucker and John Judge. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 113.) January 12, 1836.
Marine hospital -- Portland, Maine. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 101.) January 5, 1836.
Jesse Potts. January 19, 1836. Read, and ordered to lie on the table.
Barnard Pompilly. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 157.) January 14, 1836.
Heirs of Col. John H. Stone. January 14, 1836. Read and laid upon the table.
Jesse Sykes. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 150.) January 14, 1836.
James Steel. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 168.) January 15, 1836.
Joseph Neibert. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 149.) January 14, 1836.
Captain Lathrop Allen -- representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 183.) January 19, 1836.
James Trumble. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 147.) January 14, 1836.
Henry Keefer. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 155.) January 14, 1836.
Isaac S. Middleton. January 19, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Monument to the memory of Captain Hale. (To accompany Joint Resolution No. 3.) January 19, 1836.
Margaret White -- representative of Col. Anthony Walton White. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 152.) January 14, 1836.
Tristram Coffin -- representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 153.) January 14, 1836.
John Winston -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 162.) January 15, 1836.
Thaddeus Tuttle. (To accompany Bill H.R. 166.) January 15, 1836.
Patrick Green. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 164.) January 15, 1836.
Michael Thornton. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 148.) January 14, 1836.
Captain Tarpley White -- representative of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 171.) January 19, 1836.
Robert Allison. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 126.) January 12, 1836.
James Alexander and Ira Nash. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 141.) January 13, 1836.
Nancy Haggart [i.e., Haggard], heir of William Grymes. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 125.) January 12, 1836.
John A. Parker and others. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 145.) January 13, 1836.
Asa Armington. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 128.) January 12, 1836.
Benedict Alford. (To accompany Joint Resolution No. 2.) January 13, 1836.
Heirs of Jacob Smith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 116.) January 12, 1836.
Chief Engineer to employ clerks. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 105.) January 12, 1836.
Andrew Hoover. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 127.) January 12, 1836.
Representatives of Michael Fenwick. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 122.)January 12, 1836.
Samuel D. Walker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 119.) January 12, 1836.
Henry Stoddard. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 131.) January 12, 1836.
Samuel P. Scott. January 13, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Heirs of Thomas F. Reddeck [i.e., Reddick]. (To accompany Bill No. 137.) January 12, 1836.
James Collier. January 13, 1836. Read and laid upon the table.
Abraham Forbes. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 138.) January 12, 1836.
Heirs of John Brahan. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 124.) January 12, 1836.
Joseph Winch. January 13, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John and James Brown. January 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
General John E. Wool. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 143.) January 13, 1836.
William Lawrence. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 198.) February 4, 1834. January 21, 1836 -- Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives.
John Howell. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 204.) January 21, 1836.
Nathaniel Platt. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 190.) January 20, 1836.
Arkansas -- losses by Choctaw Treaty. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 208.) January 23, 1836.
Navy yard -- Charleston, S.C. (In the matter of Bill H.R. No. 203.) January 21, 1836. On motion of Mr. Pinckney, these documents were ordered by the House of Representatives to be reprinted.
John Pickard. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 210.) January 23, 1836.
John Dal. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 189.) January 20, 1836.
John McDowel. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 195.) January 20, 1836.
Samuel Hunt. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 206.) January 21, 1836.
Elihu Hall Bay, et al. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 199.) January 21, 1836.
Daniel Whitney, et al. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 172.) January 19, 1836.
James McPherson. January 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Sureties of Nicholas Kern. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 193.) January 20, 1836.
Charles H. Duryee. January 19, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Richard Martin. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 211.) January 23, 1836.
William Walker. (To accompany Bill H.R. 196.) January 20, 1836.
James Callan. January 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Uzziel Holt. January 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Leonard Bleeker. January 19, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Speiry Wyatt. January 19, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Heirs of John Champe. January 19, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Taylor. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 188.) January 20, 1836.
John Braidfoote's heirs. January 19, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Smithsonian bequest. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 187.) January 19, 1836.
Robt. Pollard administrator of Wharton Quarles. January 19, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
William W. Stevenson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 205.) January 21, 1836.
Executor of Mary Sears, deceased. January 19, 1836. Read and laid upon the table.
Joseph Henderson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 205.) January 21, 1836.
Abraham Woodall. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 196.) January 20, 1836.
Sciote [i.e., Scioto] Evans. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 191.) January 20, 1836.
Jane Brown. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 196.) January 20, 1836.
Simon Summers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 209.) January 23, 1836.
Ebenezer Breed. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 121.) January 26, 1836.
Henry Wheaton. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 217.) January 26, 1836.
Elias Wallen. January 27, 1836. Read and laid upon the table.
Joseph S. Thomas. January 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Reuben Waggoner's heirs. January 27, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Wealthy Barker, widow of Isaac. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 249.) January 28, 1836.
Joseph Shearer. January 30, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
The heirs of L. Durett, by Thomas G. Newbold. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 270.) January 30, 1836.
James Fitch. January 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Philip F. Voorhees. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 235.) January 27, 1836.
Paul Poissot. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 247.) January 28, 1836.
New land office -- Louisiana. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 241.) January 27, 1836.
Joshua Pitcher. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 242.) January 27, 1836.
James Herron. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 256.) January 29, 1836.
Dr. Wm. Johonnot -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 244.) January 28, 1836.
William Gann. January 28, 1836. Read twice, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Samuel Cole. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 266.) January 30, 1836.
Representatives of Wm. Anderson, deceased. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 263.) January 29, 1836.
George Elliott [i.e., Elliot]. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 252.) January 28, 1836.
John F. Wiley. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 269.) January 30, 1836.
Moses Sutton. January 29, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Weights and measures. Report of the Committee on Commerce, in relation to the expediency of furnishing the states and territories with the standard weights and measures, selected and adopted by the Executive, to be used in the collection of the revenue of the United States. January 30, 1836. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Elizabeth Pearce. January 29, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House, to-morrow.
Representatives of Captain Presley Thornton, deceased. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 257.) January 29, 1836.
Conrad Kreemer. January 30, 1836. Read and laid upon the table.
Joseph Prescott. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 261.) January 29, 1836.
Job Wood. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 251.) January 28, 1836.
Bates and Lacon. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 289.) February 5, 1836.
Reuben Gentry, Wm. Monroe, et al. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 273.) February 4, 1836.
Isaac Williams. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 296.) February 5, 1836.
Findley [i.e., Findly] and Deas. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 194.) February 4, 1836.
Pre-emption to actual settlers. February 5, 1836. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 294.)
Samuel Sanderson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 274.) February 4, 1836
James Mullings. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 281.) February 4, 1836.
Jerah Fenner. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 306.) February 10, 1836.
Lieutenant William P. Piercey. February 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Harbors and rivers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 307.) February 10, 1836.
William Robinson. February 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Matthew Lyon -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 318.) February 10, 1836.
Thomas Cooper. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 317.) February 10, 1836.
John Clark. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 320.) February 10, 1836.
John Wiley and Jefferson Greer. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 315.) February 10, 1836.
Peter L. Allen. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 312.) February 10, 1836.
Zebulon Sheets. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 324.) February 10, 1836.
Doctor Philip Turner. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 311.) February 10, 1836.
John L. Bogardus. February 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Abiel Wood. February 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Hayden and Atwell. February 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Thomas P. Barton. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 302.) February 9, 1836.
Ebenezer Hickox. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 313.) February 10, 1836.
Marshal Rochambeau -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 321.) February 10, 1836.
Benjamin Price. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 319.) February 10, 1836.
Charles W. Pickering. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 301.) February 9, 1836.
Officers of the Army in the military bureaux. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 322.) February 10, 1836.
Wm. C. Beard. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 351.) February 16, 1836.
Barnaby Haley. February 13, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Eli Webb. February 16, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Pensions to persons engaged in Indian wars, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 353.) February 16, 1836.
Ellen Ahern Schmuck. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 350.) February 16, 1836.
Coleman A. Collier. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 344.) February 16, 1836.
No. 1. Colonel Francis Vigo. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 330.) February 11, 1836.
Ebenezer A. Lester. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 331.) February 12, 1836.
James J. Coffin. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 336.) February 12, 1836.
William Keller. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 328.) February 11, 1836.
John Casey. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 345.) February 16, 1836.
George Gray -- heirs of. February 16, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Keytes. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 326.)
Elizabeth Hunt. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 349.) February 14, 1836.
Thaddeus Potter. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 337.) February 13, 1836.
William S. Colquhoun. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 333.) February 12, 1836.
Margaret Reynolds. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 343.) February 16, 1836.
Richard Apperson -- heirs of. February 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Wm. L.S. Dearing. February 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Conkin. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 329.) February 11, 1836.
Navigation Wabash River. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 339.) February 16, 1836.
Salvadore Catalano. February 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Francisco and John Stevenson. February 16, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Edward Burgess. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 355.) February 17, 1836.
Jacob Riddington. February 16, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Calvin Pollard and others. February 17, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
George Gibson -- representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 355. [i.e., 356.]) February 17, 1836.
Rhode Island Brigade. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 352.) February 16, 1836.
William L.S. Dearing. February 16, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Alfred L. Moore. February 17, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Jesse E. Dow. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 354.) February 17, 1836.
David Lewis. February 17, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Melancthon Taylor Woolsey. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 224.) January 27, 1836.
J. Randolph Clay. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 214.) January 26, 1836.
Thomas Ketcham. February 17, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Samuel Kincaid. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 231.) January 27, 1836.
Peter Dimick. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 222.) January 27, 1836.
Lieutenant Charles Russell -- heirs of. January 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Theodore Stanwood et al. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 202.) January 21, 1836.
Stephen Crittenden. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 34.) December 21, 1835.
Serial set 294 Benjamin Oden. March 3, 1836. Read, and ordered to lie on the table
Benjamin Hewitt. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 500.) March 25, 1836
Northern boundary of Ohio, and admission of Michigan into the Union. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 383.) March 2, 1836
Benj. H. Mackall. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 403.) March 3, 1836.
Josiah Strong. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 480.) March 24, 1836.
Elizabeth S.W. Bacot, widow of Thomas. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 525.) April 5, 1836.
Heir of Alexander White. March 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Choctaw reservation. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 481.) March 24, 1836.
James Bradford, of Louisiana. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 392.) March 3, 1836.
William Piatt. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 521.) April 1, 1836.
G. T. Beyer. April 1, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Benjamin Coit. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 511.) March 29, 1836.
Custom-house -- Boston. March 21, 1836. Read, and the subject referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
John Whitsitt. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 369.) February 19, 1836.
Charles Goodspeed. March 24, 1836. Read, and referred to the Third Auditor of the Treasury.
Joseph Hall. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 466.) March 24, 1836.
Joshua Penn. March 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Adams. March 3, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Custom-house officers, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 484.) March 24, 1836.
Surveyor's Office -- west of Lake Michigan. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 474.) March 24, 1836.
John H. Hall. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 377.) February 24, 1836.
Lieutenant Landon N. Carter. March 3, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Robert Craddock. March 3, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Reuben Chapman -- heirs of. March 3, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Dry dock at Pensacola. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 418.) March 8, 1836.
Beales -- heirs of Turberville. March 3, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Lewis B. Willis. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 445.) March 12, 1836.
Samuel D. Walker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 447.) March 21, 1836.
Teakle Savage, administrator of Bolitha Laws. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 460.) March 21, 1836.
Representative of William Vause, deceased. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 435.) March 21, 1836.
Lot Leonard. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 452.). March 21, 1836.
Richard Severson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 452.) March 21, 1836.
Barney Monrow. March 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Representatives of James Burton, deceased. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 434.) March 21, 1836.
Jeremiah Goldsmith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 420.) March 3, 1836.
William H. Bell. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 383.) March 3, 1836.
Joseph Tuttle. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 421.) March 3, 1836.
Officers of the national armories. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 409.) March 3, 1836.
Daniel Davis. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 424.) March 3, 1836.
James J. Pattison. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 414.) March 3, 1836.
Thomas Forster, Jun. March 3, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Wm. C. Hazard -- representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 391.) March 3, 1836.
Robert Lucas. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 413.) March 3, 1836.
Peter Alba. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 396.) March 3, 1836.
Mathias Travers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 423.) March 3, 1836.
James Baker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 425.) March 3, 1836.
Major Dade, et al -- pensions to widows and children. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 426.) March 3, 1836.
Walter Dyer. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 419.) March 3, 1836.
Major William Langbourne. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 405.) March 3, 1836.
Alabama -- purchasers of land, 1818, &c. for prompt payment. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 408.) March 3, 1836.
Patrick McEwen. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 398.) March 3, 1836.
William Boyce, deceased -- representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 390.) March 3, 1836.
Nathan Winteringer. March 3, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Chilton's heirs. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 395.) March 3, 1836.
John H. Wendel's representatives. March 3, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Protect western frontier. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 406.) March 3, 1836.
Martin Chandler, Asa Holden, James Hunt, and Thos. Ridgeway. March 3, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Josiah Westlake. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 417.) March 3, 1836.
Benjamin Kimball. March 3, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Charles Blake. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 412.) March 3, 1836.
David Caldwell -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 397.) March 3, 1836.
Isaac Ruland. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 503.) March 25, 1836.
Heirs of Joseph Scott. March 25, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Luther and John Waterman. March 25, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joel Chandler. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 504.) March 25, 1836.
Doctor Samuel Kennedy -- heirs of. March 25, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Johnston's administratrix. March 25, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Winthrop Sears and others. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 501.) March 25, 1836.
Job Daniels. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 506.) March 26, 1836.
Improve Tennessee and other rivers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 505.) March 25, 1836.
Nathan Smith and others. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 502.) March 25, 1836.
John Herrick. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 467.) March 24, 1836.
Elisha Forster. March 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Fling. March 25, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Uriah Brown. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 492.) March 24, 1836.
William Eaton. March 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Daniel Malone. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 491.) March 25, 1836
Moses Treadwell. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 478.) March 24, 1836.
George Innes. March 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Benjamin Parkhurst and Daniel Havens. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 498.) March 25, 1836.
William Delesdernier. March 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Ebenezer Wilcox. March 24, 1836. Read, and referred to the Third Auditor of the Treasury of the United States.
William Pollard's heirs. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 496.) March 25, 1836.
Amos W. Brown. March 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Ebenezer Dewey. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 497.) March 25, 1836.
James Brewer. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 473.) March 24, 1836.
William McBride. March 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
William Cox. March 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Jonathan Davis. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 486.) March 24, 1836.
Henry Guthrie. March 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Clyman. March 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Heirs of John Marks. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 476.) March 24, 1836.
Col. Stephen Moylan -- heirs of. March 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Herring and Richardson. March 25, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Sell school land -- Illinois. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 472.) March 24, 1836.
Francis Taylor. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 494.) March 25, 1836.
Lieutenant Colonel Richard Campbell -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 471.) March 24, 1836.
Lieutenant Joshua Fanning -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 470.) March 24, 1836.
John T. Addoms, executor of John Addoms. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 515.) March 30, 1836.
Allen R. Moore. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 528.) April 5, 1836.
William Hogan, adm'r. of Michael. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 31.) March 29, 1836.
William R. Taylor -- adm'r of Jonathan. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 513.) March 29, 1836.
John Jordan -- executor of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 531.) April 5, 1836.
Etiene [i.e., Etienne] (Stephen) La Lande. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 509.) March 26, 1836.
James W. Osborn. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 532.) April 5, 1836.
Regulate pay of the Navy. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 508.) March 26, 1836.
Daniel Sherwood. March 24, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Tennessee -- settlers on reservation four miles square. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 372.) February 19, 1836.
Peoria Land District, Illinois. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 368.) February 19, 1836.
Alpheus Hutchins. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 362.) February 18, 1836.
Expenditure public buildings, &c. February 17, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John B. Ashe. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 367.) February 19, 1836.
William Slaughter -- heirs of. February 18, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Noah Miller. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 360.) February 18, 1836.
Bailey and Delord. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 364.) February 19, 1836.
Thomas Murray. February 19, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Change Cumberland Road. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 370.) February 19, 1836.
Ephraim F. Gilbert. (To accompany Bill H.R. 359.) February 18, 1836.
Samuel Tillet. February 19, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Thomas Baytop's heirs. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 361.) February 18, 1836.
Godfrey Vought. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 373.) February 19, 1836.
William Baker, Suffolk Co., N.Y. February 18, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Richard Watkins. February 19, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John J. Beck. February 19, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Frederick C. De Krafft. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 357.) February 18, 1836.
John McCarty. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 371.) February 19, 1836.
Spencer C. Gist. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 366.) February 19, 1836.
Robert Farmer -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 358.) February 18, 1836.
John P. Becker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 378.) February 24, 1836.
Contested election -- Newland vs. Graham. February 24, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
James Lent. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 380.) February 24, 1836.
William H. Bell. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 376.) February 24, 1836.
Arsenal -- North Carolina. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 374.) February 24, 1836.
Missouri -- extension of western boundary. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 381.) House of Representatives, February 12, 1836. On motion of Mr. Ashley, Resolved, that the Committee on Indian Affairs be instructed to inquire whether the Indian title is or is not extinguished to the slip of land lying between the western boundary of the State of Missouri and the Missouri River, and if not to inquire into the expediency of providing by law for its entire extinguishment. February 26, 1836.
Armory on the western waters. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 375.) February 24, 1836.
Edward B. Martin. March 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Woodward High School. March 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Alexander Stewart. March 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joseph Danforth. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 443.) March 21, 1836.
John S. Devlin. March 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Boone. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 464.) March 21, 1836.
Weights and measures. March 21, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Pay of storekeepers of arsenals. March 21, 1836. Committed to the Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed Bill [H.R.] No. 409, to fix the pay of the officers of the national armories.
Repair and extend arsenal -- Charleston. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 459.) March 21, 1836.
Navy Pension Fund. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 442.) March 21, 1836.
James Scott. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 452.) March 21,1836.
Saunders & Porter, sureties of Estis [i.e., Estes]. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 449.) March 21, 1836.
Frederick Wilheid. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 453.) March 21, 1836.
Solomon Sturges. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 455.) March 21, 1836.
Major Trueman Cross. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 458.) March 21, 1836.
Jonathan Dow. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 451.) March 21, 1836.
Thomas F. McCanless. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 430.) March 21, 1836.
Bryan Smith. March 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Remove troops from Fort Gibson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 457.) March 21, 1836.
A.D. Ostrander. (To accompany Bill S. No. 74.) March 21, 1836. Read, and, with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Milley Yates. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 465.) March 21, 1836.
Jubal B. Hancock. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 441.) March 21, 1836.
Representatives of Roswell Lee. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 428.) March 21, 1836.
Albion T. Crow. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 493.) March 25, 1836.
William Faris. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 394.) March 3, 1836.
Daniel Warner -- representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 404.) March 3, 1836.
John De Treville -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 400.) March 3, 1836.
Henry M. Shreve. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 388.) March 3, 1836.
Dudley Walker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 422.) March 3, 1836.
James Witherell. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 402.) March 3, 1836.
Benjamin Adams and Company, and others. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 399.) March 3, 1836.
William Davis. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 384.) March 3, 1836.
Washington Monumental Society. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 487.) March 24, 1836.
Jonas Comins. (To accompany Bill H.R. No 499.) March 25, 1836.
Ann Evans. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 468.) March 24, 1836.
Poas Hadgo. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 490.) March 25, 1836.
James McFarland. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 479.) March 24, 1836.
William Hooker Smith, deceased. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 495.) March 25, 1836.
Illinois Central Rail Road Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 519.) March 31, 1836.
George C. Willard. (To accompany Bill H.R. No 527.) April 5, 1836.
Merchants, Boston -- Custom-houses, &c. Memorial of the merchants of Boston, in relation to an increase of the officers of the Customs, &c. and enlarging the public stores. April 1, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
John McCartney [i.e., M'Cartney]. April 5, 1836. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Samuel Jackson. March 31, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Representatives of Theodore W. Maurice. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 97.) April 5, 1836.
John Woodward. March 29, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Cornelius Russel -- representatives of. March 30, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Gold coinage. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 510.) March 26, 1836.
Elias Johns. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 530.) April 5, 1836.
Heirs of Ludwick Rough, deceased. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 516.) March 30, 1836.
Robert Grant. April 5, 1836. Read, and concurred in by the House.
Peter Cornyn and Arthur Taggart. April 5, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Charles A. Grignon. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 520.) March 31, 1836.
John Abbott, John Williamson, and others. April 5, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Daniel Trabue. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 507.) March 26, 1836.
Jacob Wallace. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 444.) March 21, 1836.
Report on the memorial of the Missouri and Mississippi Railroad Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 387.) March 3, 1836.
Serial set 295 Slavery in the District of Columbia. May 18, 1836. Ordered to be printed
Hugh L. Heiskell. June 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table
Don Juan Madrazo. May 6, 1836. Read, and the resolutions therein contained concurred in by the House
Thomas J. Lawler -- Smith M. Miles. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 558.) April 15, 1836
Major Thomas Massie -- representatives of. May 10, 1836. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Samuel M. Asbury. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 550.) April 12, 1836. Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives.
Thomas B. Parsons. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 598.) April 27, 1836.
John B. Perkins. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 627.) May 11, 1836.
Adin Ruggles -- heirs of. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
John A. Peterson. (To accompany Senate [i.e., H.R.] Bill No. 721.) June 23, 1836.
Heirs of Major John Clark. April 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Abraham Lansing. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 557.) April 15, 1836.
David Sanderson. June 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
David Hull. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Estimates to close accounts in relation to sundry public works. June 15, 1836. Read, laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed.
John Hine. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John M. Oliver. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 607.) April 27, 1836.
John Clark. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 691.) June 9, 1836.
Wharton Quarles -- administrator of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 674.) June 9, 1836.
Frederick Reze, bishop of Detroit. (To accompany Bill H.R. No 678.) June 7, 1836.
Imprisonment for debt. Congress of the United States. In the House of Representatives, February 13, 1836. On motion of Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky: Resolved, That the Committee for the District of Columbia be instructed to inquire into the expediency of abolishing imprisonment for debt within the said district. Attest: Henry Welsh, for W.S. Franklin, clerk. May 31, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table for one day. June 3, 1836. Read, considered, and agreed to by the House.
Captain John Downes. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 673.) June 2, 1836.
Alexander Gibson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 672.) June 1, 1836.
Daniel Cobb. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 679.) June 7, 1836.
George McFadden. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 670.) June 1, 1836.
Archibald McCurdy. June 7, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Daniel Stienrod [i.e., Steinrod]. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 107.) June 27, 1836.
Richard Wall. June 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Orange H. Dibble. (To accompany Joint Resolution No. 17.) June 21, 1836.
Abner Price -- heirs of. June 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Boylan. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 718.) June 23, 1836.
Luke Sawyer. June 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Eliza Causin and Ann Turner. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 717.) June 23, 1836.
Banks of the District of Columbia. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 712.) June 20, 1836.
Representatives of Nathaniel Tracy, and of Thomas Gordon. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 716.) June 21, 1836.
William Russell. June 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
First Presbyterian Church, Yorktown, New York. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 723.) June 24, 1836.
Philip Lightfoot. June 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Peter, Nathaniel, and John Adams. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 725.) June 23, 1836.
Alexander Gillis. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 719.) June 23, 1836.
William Crooks and James Crooks. June 24, 1836. Read, and the resolution therein contained, concurred in by the House.
John Scrivener. June 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Richard Hall. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 737.) July 1, 1836.
Documentary History of the Revolution. July 2, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Adams Smith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 743.) July 1, 1836.
Ephraim Shaler. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 735.) June 28, 1836.
Roads, canals, and internal improvements, from 1815 to 1835. July 2, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Children of Colonel Henry Irwin. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 738.) July 1, 1836.
Andrew Armstrong. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 226.) June 30, 1836. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House.
Benjamin Field, Thomas Ravenscroft's heirs, Wm. Roberts, and James Slaughter. July 2, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Independence of Texas. July 4, 1836. Read, and the resolutions therein contained were agreed to by the House.
James Dillard. July 2, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Horses and other property lost in Indian wars. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 744.) July 2, 1836.
Simeon Clutter. April 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Philip Hartman. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 726.) June 23, 1836.
Bradley True Jipson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 741.) July 1, 1836.
Parthenia Beard. May 31, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Enoch G. Wise. June 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Jennings -- heirs of. June 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Miles King -- heirs of. June 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
George Rice -- heirs of. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
John Hargus. April 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Alexander Hammett. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 730.) June 28, 1836.
Henry St. John. April 27, 1836. Read and laid upon the table.
John Moore -- heirs of. April 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Catharine Burnham. January 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Channing Madison. May 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Nathaniel Hinkley. May 31, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Richard C. Langdon. May 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Margaret Wilson. March 3, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Presley N. O'Bannon. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 567.) April 20, 1836.
Thomas T. Triplet. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 568.) April 20, 1836.
Inhabitants of La Salle County, Illinois. April 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Nicholas Hedges. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 561.) April 15, 1836.
John G. Pray. April 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Mr. Dromgoole's resolution. April 13, 1836. Ordered to be printed.
Sarah Murphy. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 556.) April 15, 1836.
Polly Killman. April 20, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Moses Van Campen. April 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Richard Mackall. April 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Lands to organized militia men, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 570.) April 20, 1836.
Findley Kellock. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 565.) April 15, 1836.
Lands east of the Mississippi and island of New Orleans. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 577.) April 20, 1836.
Abolish distinctions in ports of entry, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 573.) April 20, 1836.
Charlestown, Mass. -- Revolutionary claim. April 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Us-Se-Yoholo. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 569.) April 20, 1836.
Illinois frontier settlers. April 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John E. Woodbridge. April 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Miles. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 559.) April 15, 1836.
William H. Spillers [i.e., Spiller]. April 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Heirs of Charles Taylor. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 555.) April 12, 1836.
William Eaton, for loss at Dauphin Island. April 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Crocker Sampson, heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 544.) April 12, 1836.
Heirs of Captain Thomas Thweatt. April 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Linchfield Sharpe. April 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Jackson, of England. April 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Inundated lands -- Mississippi and Arkansas. (To accompany Joint Resolution No. 10.) April 7, 1836.
Thomas Graves. April 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Henry Stoker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 579.) April 21, 1836.
Peter H. Green and William Emmerson. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 51.) April 20, 1836. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Stephen Bennet. April 21, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
William B. Bunting. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 582.) April 21, 1836.
James McMahon. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 539.) April 7, 1836.
William Jenkinson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 551.) April 12, 1836.
Major Tarlton Woodson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 536.) April 6, 1836.
Andrew McCollom. April 29, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Watson. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Philip Marshal and the representatives of John Marshal. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 609.) May 6, 1836.
John S. Tyson, administrator of Jonathan W. Sherburne. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Timothy Feely. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 612.) May 6, 1836.
Henry F. Lamb. April 29, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Curtis Grubb. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 613.) May 10, 1836.
John Mahon and Asa Munger. May 6, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
Wadleigh Noyes -- legal representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 614.) May 10, 1836.
James Dennis. May 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Lieut. James Conway -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 615.) May 10, 1836.
Benedict I. [i.e., J.] Heard. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John S. Stiles. (To accompany a joint resolution from the Senate (No. 6,) providing for the settlement of the claim of John S. Stiles, under a contract for a supply of Navy bread.) May 6, 1836.
William Mountjoy -- heirs of. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Heirs of Thomas Johnson. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Alexander. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Wilford [i.e., Wilfred] Knott. May 10,1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Resolution of the House of Representatives of the United States, to amend the 17th and 90th rules of the House. May 10, 1836. Read, ordered to lay upon the table, and be printed.
Clerks in public offices -- increase pay of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 616.) May 10, 1836.
Cumberland Road -- Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. (To accompany Senate Bill, No. 64.)
Thomas Todd. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 638.) May 17, 1836.
Road -- from Jefferson City, Missouri, through Little Rock, Arkansas. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 620.) May 10, 1836.
Cumberland Road east of the Ohio. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 631.) May 17, 1836.
Singleton Ketcham. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 626.) May 11, 1836.
S. Morris Waln and Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 617.) May 10, 1836.
Thomas B. Read. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Hard and Longstreet. May 12, 1836. With Joint Resolution, No. 14.
National foundry. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 628.) May 12, 1836.
Andrew A. Van Bibber. May 11, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Francis B. Thompson. May 11, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Zacheus Copeland. May 11, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Balaam Bowers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 621.) May 11, 1836.
William Eadus. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 632.) May 17, 1836.
Hannah Budlong. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 639.) May 17, 1836.
Silas Hawes. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Captain Thomas Harris -- heirs of. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Robert Peebles and John Graham. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 640.) May 17, 1836.
James Barron. May 11, 1836. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Martha Quarles, widow of Ensign Robert Quarles. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Heirs of Dr. John Roberts. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
Henry Beamish. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 618.) May 10, 1836.
John Woodside -- administrator of. May 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Richard Cottriall. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
Steam Prow-ship. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 633.) May 17, 1836.
John S. Horner. May 11, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
George Douglass and others. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 636.) May 17, 1836.
Lieutenant Colonel William Fountain. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 635.) May 17, 1836.
Land claims, &c. under 14th article Choctaw Treaty. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 622.) May 11, 1836.
John Sutton. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
James Bullock. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Squire Stearns. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 619.) May 10, 1836.
Daniel Cresap. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
David McCord. (To accompany Senate Bill 84.) May 17, 1836. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Peggy Abel, Sally Rolls, and Elijah Green. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 645.) May 17, 1836.
Custom-house -- Savannah. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 643.) May 17, 1836.
Elizabeth Swain. May 17, 1836.
Polly Lining. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 644.) May 17, 1836.
Thomas M. Burland. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 662.) May 31, 1836.
William Coldwell and others. May 31, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Rees Hill. May 31, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John March. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 659.) May 31, 1836.
Richard Frisby. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 651.) May 28, 1836.
John Wilson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 656.) May 31, 1836.
William Clark. June 1, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Cornelius Tiers. May 18, 1836. Read, and the resolution therein contained, concurred in by the House.
Micajah Ricketts. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 650.) May 19, 1836.
Drawback on cigars of foreign tobacco. May 17, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
Jonathan Eliot. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 655.) May 31, 1836.
Pedro Palao. June 1, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Heirs of Col. Wm. Heth. May 31, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Nathan Levy. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 658.) May 31, 1836.
Austin and Tailer. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 652.) May 28, 1836.
Frederick White -- heirs of. May 18, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Elizabeth O'Reiley. May 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Richard Cottrell. May 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Maley. May 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Representatives of Col. John Stewart. May 17, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Richard Wheeler. May 31, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Barton Hooper. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 663.) May 31, 1836.
Gabriel Priest. May 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Moses Merrill. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 657.) May 31, 1836.
Alexander G. Morgan. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 653.) May 31, 1836.
Peter Helphenston [i.e., Helphinstine]. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 660.) May 31, 1836.
Henry Maggart. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 664.) May 31, 1836.
Charles Snead's heirs. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 661.) May 31, 1836.
George Dawson. June 7, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Canals -- Muscle and Colbert Shoals. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 697.) June 15, 1836.
Peter Poucher. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Isaac Eckright. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 691.) June 9, 1836.
Richard Doughty. June 17, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
William P. Zantzinger. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Abishai Hoisington. June 9, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John M. Gamble. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 120.) June 15, 1836.
Catharine [i.e., Catherine] M. Smith. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Naval peace establishment. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 707.) June 18, 1836.
Benjamin Fry. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 702.) June 15, 1836.
Robert Powel -- heirs of. June 9, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Henry G. Wheeler. June 14, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Henry F. Evans. June 18, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Richard Hathaway, James Flinn and Mary Hubbell. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Christopher Werner. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 692.) June 9, 1836.
Thomas Glascock -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 703.) June 15, 1836.
William Ramsay -- representatives of. Gustavus B. Horner -- representatives of. Samuel Y. Keene -- representatives of. (To accompany Senate Bills Nos. 91, 110, and 167.) June 21, 1836.
Nathan Faris and Robert Powell. June 23, 1836. Read, and laid on the table.
Monument to David Williams. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 728.) June 24, 1836.
Simeon Moss. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 722.) June 23, 1836.
Gen. Thomas Nelson -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 749.) July 2, 1836.
John Forbes & Co. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 747.) July 2, 1836.
Joseph Nourse. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 745.) July 2, 1836.
Surplus revenue -- $200,000,000 stock. July 1, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
David Caldwell and Charles J. Ingersoll. June 30, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Apollos Cooper. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 748.) July 2, 1836.
Levi Chadwick. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 668.) June 1, 1836.
Mary Lampkin. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 688.) June 7, 1836.
John Murray. June 9, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Daniel Granger. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 687.) June 7, 1836.
George Barkley & John Weaver. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 677.) June 4, 1836.
Savage, administrator of Laws. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 460.) June 1, 1836.
William Warden. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 669.) June 1, 1836.
Reorganization of the Treasury Department. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 685.) June 7, 1836.
James P. Harrison. June 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Robert McBride. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 690.) June 9, 1836.
School lands -- Madison, Illinois. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 666.) June 1, 1836.
John Wigle. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 667.) June 1, 1836.
Solomon Ketcham. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 680.) June 7, 1836.
George White. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 671.) June 1, 1836.
Return B. Brown. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 684.) June 7, 1836.
Armed brig Warrior. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 783 [i.e., 682].) June 7, 1836.
Jehiel Soule. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 691.) June 9, 1836.
Daniel Parker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 676.) June 2, 1836.
Stephen Simpson et al. -- heirs of George. June 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
George Rowe. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 675.) June 2, 1836.
Jonathan Flint. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 686.) June 7, 1836.
Samuel B. Hugo. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 691.) June 9, 1836.
Robert Fulton. June 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Kennedy. June 18, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Thomas Helm -- heirs of. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Baker. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Thomas Tynir [i.e., Tyner] and others. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 711.) June 18, 1836.
Seth Whitney. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 705.) June 17, 1836.
Robert Fauntleroy. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Savage -- administrator of Laws. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 460.) June 15, 1836.
Daniel Ward and George Ficklin. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 701.) June 13, 1836.
Alexander Estop. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 694.) June 9, 1836.
Samuel Drury. June 9, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Daniel Loomis. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Isaiah Frost. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Jesse Morrisson. June 18, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Wealthy Beckwith. June 15, 1836. Made, and concurred in by the House.
Gates Hoit. June 15, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Daniel McKinney. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 704.) June 17, 1836.
Doctor David H. Maxwell. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 693.) June 9, 1836.
Thomas Fitsimmons. June 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Samuel Jones. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 714.) June 21, 1836.
William P. Rathbone. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 223.) June 24, 1836.
Richard Elliott. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 715.) June 21, 1836.
Melancthon T. Woolsey. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 713.) June 21, 1836.
Eli Ransom. June 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
George Thornburgh. June 18, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Thomas Cushing. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 720.) June 23, 1836.
Samuel Brown. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 727.) June 23, 1836.
Loans -- members of Congress -- public officers. July 2, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
School lands -- Madison County, Illinois. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 734.) June 28, 1836.
George F. Strother. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 240.) July 1, 1836.
Robert Frazier. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 742.) July 1, 1836.
Pre-emption rights defeated by Indian reservations. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 592.) April 22, 1836.
Abuses -- Indian Affairs. July 2, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
David Mason -- heirs of. January 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Duties on French silks and wines. February 4, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table for one day.
A. Rose. February 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Captain W. Oliver -- heirs of. February 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Limit term of service -- judges United States courts. February 13, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
W.H. Todd, attorney in fact for Thomas N. Box, administrator of Joseph Day, deceased. February 16, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Houston -- heirs of. February 16, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
William Eaton -- for work done at Mobile Point. April 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Stephen Pleasanton [i.e., Pleasonton]. April 5, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
George Cubbage. April 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Andrew Banta. April 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Frances Gardiner. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 600.) April 27, 1836.
John Scott. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 583.) April 22, 1836.
Eighth Volume Laws of the United States. April 22, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Eli Horton. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 602.) April 27, 1836.
Improvement Pennsylvania Avenue -- bridge over Rock Creek -- improvement of streets around Capitol Square. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 589.) April 22, 1836.
Benjamin Mooers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 601.) April 27, 1836.
Col. A. Bowman. April 21, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Doctor Jonathan Knight. April 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Elial Carver. April 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Travies [i.e., Travise] Fritters. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 584.) April 20, 1836.
Railroad -- public lands -- Alabama. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 593.) April 22, 1836.
Ann W. Johnston. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 599.) April 27, 1836.
M. Gelston, executor of David Gelston. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 603.) April 27, 1836.
Captain Jesse Copeland. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 606.) April 27, 1836.
Colonel Joseph Loring. Read, and laid upon the table. April 27, 1836.
Alexander Scott. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 541.) April 9, 1836.
Gamaliel E. Smith. April 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Daw. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 546.) April 12, 1836.
Heirs of Robert Fulton. April 9, 1836.
George Fields. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 549.) April 12, 1836.
Andrew Gray. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 547.) April 12, 1836.
Maison Rouge, Baron Bastrop, and E. Winters [i.e., Winter]. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 1.) April 12, 1836.
Robert Smith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 537.) April 7, 1836.
John G. Mackall. April 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Frederick Richmond. April 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Thomas. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 60.) April 12, 1836. Read, and with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Nathan Lamme. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 543.) April 12, 1836.
Alexander H. Everett. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 554.) April 12, 1836.
Aaron Stout. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 578.) April 20, 1836.
Basil Brown. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 591.) April 22, 1836.
Major James H. Hook. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 605.) April 27, 1836.
William Pattie, of Virginia. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 575.) April 20, 1836.
Edward Duval, administrators of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 646.) May 17, 1836.
Thomas L.L. Brent. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 634.) May 17, 1836.
Aaron Pierce. June 9, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Richard Malone. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Capt. John Hawkins -- heirs of. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John S. Wallace, David Gibson, and Alex. Walker. May 10, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Serial set 296 Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, being the second session of the Twenty-fourth Congress, begun and held at the City of Washington, December 5, 1836, and in the sixty-first year of the independence of the said United States. 1
Serial set 297 Documents in relation to the "Bill to Admit the State of Michigan into the Union upon Equal Footing with the Original States." December 29, 1836. Ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 2, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Niles made the following report: The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the petition of the legal representatives of Samuel Claggett, praying for commutation pay, report...
In Senate of the United States. January 2, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Niles made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 90. The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Moses Van Campen, report...
Documents in relation to the Bill (S. 88) " to remit the duties upon certain goods destroyed by fire at the late conflagration in the City of New York." In Senate of the United States, January 2, 1837. Mr. Wright, from the Committee on Finance, submitted the following documents in relation to Senate Bill No. 88, "to remit the duties upon certain goods destroyed by fire at the late conflagration in the City of New York," which were laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 2, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Niles made the following report: The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Samuel Matthews, executor and heir of Thomas Matthews, praying for commutation pay, report...
In Senate of the United States. January 2, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sevier made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 89. The Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred a resolution directing them to inquire into the expediency of confirming to the purchasers thereof certain tracts of land sold to them by John Pope, late Governor of Arkansas...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 21st instant, transmitting statements of the gold and silver received for lands, &c. December 29, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Documents in relation to the Bill (S. 87) "making appropriations to complete certain military roads in the State of Arkansas." January 2, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the deportation of paupers from Great Britain, &c., in obedience to the resolution of the Senate of the 4th of July, 1836. December 7, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, showing the investments made for the benefit of the Chickasaws, in obedience to the act of the 20th April, 1836. December 7, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-fourth Congress. December 6, 1836. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the condition of the deposite banks, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 20th December, 1836. December 21, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with statements of payments on contracts and advances to disbursing officers, &c., in obedience to the resolution of the Senate of the 1st July last. December 7, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 27, 1836. -- Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Naudain made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 98 [i.e., 97]. January 4, 1837. -- Ordered to be re-printed, with S. Bill No. 97. The Committee of the Senate to whom was referred the memorial of Boyd Reilly...
In Senate of the United States. January 2, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Niles made the following report: The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the memorial of the heirs of William Bailey, claiming commutation pay, report...
In Senate of the United States. January 3, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sevier made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 91. The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of George W. Brand...
List of committees of the Senate of the United States, for the second session of the Twenty-fourth Congress, 1836-37. December 14, 1836.
Report from the Secretary of War, with statements from the Second and Third Auditors of payments on contracts and advances to disbursing officers, &c., in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 1st of July, 1836. December 8, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of War, relative to fortifications, armories, and arsenals; in obedience to the resolution of the Senate of the 1st July, 1836. December 14, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. December 21, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard made the following report: The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred "A Bill for the Relief of William East," report the same without amendment, and submit the following statement of the evidence offered in support of the bill...
Circular from the Secretary of the Treasury to receivers of public money and the deposite banks. December 14, 1836. Ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 5, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 101. The Committee on Commerce have considered the petition of T.H. Perkins, and report thereon as follows: He alleges that a suit is now pending against him as the surviving partner of the house of J. and T.H. Perkins, of Boston...
In Senate of the United States. January 4, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Linn made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 44. The Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred a bill "to continue in force the Act for the Final Adjustment of Private Land Claims in Missouri," approved July 9, 1832, and the act supplemental thereto, approved March 2, 1833, make the following report...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the location of marine hospitals; in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 15th June, 1836. December 7, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of transfers of public moneys, in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 20th instant. December 20, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Navy, with statements of the expenditures from the contingent funds of the Navy Department and Navy Commissioners' Office, in obedience to the act of the 9th of May, 1836. December 8, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, in relation to the posthumous works of the late James Madison. December 7, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, in relation to the admission of Michigan into the Union. December 27, 1836. Read, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. December 28, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sevier made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition and accompanying documents of Seth Phelps, of Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, report...
In Senate of the United States. December 26, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 53. The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the petition of the heirs of Moses Elmer...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with statements of the deposite banks; in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 21st instant. December 26, 1836. Read, referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting statements of the unexpended balances of appropriations on the 1st of January, 1837, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 19th instant. December 27, 1836. -- Read. December 28, 1836. -- Ordered to be printed, and that 1,000 additional copies be printed for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States. December 26, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 54. The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the petition of the heir of Frederick Seigle, deceased, report...
In Senate of the United States. December 28, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sevier made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Thomas Snyder, of Lawrence County, in the State of Illinois, report...
In Senate of the United States. December 28, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Tomlinson made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 77. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Ransom Mix, report...
In Senate of the United States. December 26, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard made the following report: The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Isaac Bronson, asking for commutation, submitted the following report...
In Senate of the United States. January 2, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. White made the following report with Senate Bill No. 82. The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom were referred the memorial and papers of Samuel Warren, of the State of South Carolina, beg leave to submit the following report...
Motion by Mr. Benton to expunge a certain resolution of the Senate. December 26, 1836. -- Offered. January 3, 1837. -- Considered, and postponed and made the order of the day for Monday, January 9, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with the annual report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. December 6, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed, and that 1,500 additional copies be printed for the use of the Senate.
Message from the President of the United States, relative to the "political, military, and civil condition of Texas." December 22, 1836. Read, referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed, and that 1,500 additional copies be furnished for the use of the Senate.
In Senate of the United States. January 9, 1837. Read, ordered to be printed, and that 2,000 copies be sent to the Senate. Mr. Ruggles made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 107. The special committee appointed to examine and report the extent of the loss sustained by the burning of the Patent Office...
Documents in relation to the Bill (S. 34) "giving effect to the 8th article of the treaty of 1819 with Spain." In Senate of the United States. January 4, 1837. Mr. King, of Georgia, submitted the following documents in relation to Senate Bill (No. 34) "giving effect to the 8th article of the treaty of 1819 with Spain," which were ordered to be printed.
Letter from the Treasurer of the United States, with copies of his accounts for the third and fourth quarters of the year 1835, and the first and second quarters of the year 1836, in compliance with the act of 1789. December 7, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, with a report from the Commissioner of the Public Buildings in relation to the progress made in the building of the Treasury and Patent Offices. December 7, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. December 21, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Tipton made the following report: The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Samuel Miller, with the bill for his relief, report...
Message from the President of the United States, relative to the destruction of the General Post Office, and recommending the immediate erection of a new fire-proof building. December 21, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Navy, of an examination of Narragansett Bay, with a view to the establishment of a naval depot; in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the 25th June, 1836. January 5, 1837. -- Read. January 6, 1837. -- Ordered to be printed, and that 500 additional copies be sent to the Senate.
In Senate of the United States. January 4, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Benton made the following report: The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the resolution of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, instructing the senators and requesting the representatives from that state, to obtain from the general government the establishment of a military depot at or near Columbus...
Memorial of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, praying remuneration for the losses sustained by the volunteers of that state, in equipping themselves for the service of the United States during the year 1836. January 9, 1837. Referred to Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 3, 1837. -- Read. January 4, 1837. -- Considered, ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed. Mr. Crittenden made the following report: The Committee of Claims have, according to the order of the Senate, had under consideration the petition of the Honorable John Forsyth, praying compensation for losses...
Memorial of a number of citizens of Pennsylvania, against reducing the duty on coal. January 10, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed.
Resolutions of the Legislature of Arkansas, in favor of expunging a certain resolution from the Journal of the Senate of the United States. January 5, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of War, with statements from the Commissioner of Pensions, showing the applications for pensions that have been rejected. December 26, 1836. Read, ordered to be printed, and referred to the Committee on Pensions.
Petition of the inhabitants of Norwich, Connecticut, for a repeal of the duty on coal. December 27, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. December 28, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hendricks made the following report: The Committee on Roads and Canals, to whom was referred a Bill (No. 42) entitled An Act Authorizing Certain Internal Improvements in the Territory of Florida, report...
Report of the Commissioner of the Public Buildings, with statements of the expenditures thereon during the year 1836. December 26, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. December 26, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 59. The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the resolution of the Senate to inquire into the expediency of allowing to the heirs of William Coggswell, deceased, the commutation granted...
In Senate of the United States. December 26, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 52. The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the petition of James McCrory, report...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, on the finances. December 6, 1836. Read and ordered to be printed, and that fifteen hundred additional copies be furnished for the use of the Senate.
Serial set 298 Report from the Secretary of War, in relation to commissions on disbursements in the Indian Department; in compliance with a resolution of the Senate. February 11, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the General Assembly of Illinois, praying an extension of the pension laws to those who served three months prior to 1795, and for a grant of bounty land to the soldiers of the late war with Great Britain. January 23, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate in relation to the claim of the heirs of George Galphin. January 18, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the Legislature of Ohio, praying the donation of certain tracts of land between the Muskingum and Little Miami Rivers. February 27, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 7, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed, and that 2,000 additional copies be furnished for the use of the Senate. Mr. Hendricks made the following report: The Committee on Roads and Canals, to whom was referred the petition of Samuel Raub, Jun., of the State of Pennsylvania, report...
Petition of the weighers of the port of New York, praying an increase of compensation. February 6, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of War, with statement of the names and salaries of the clerks in that department during the year 1836. January 14, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the General Assembly of Indiana, praying the early completion of the Cumberland Road within the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. January 30, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of War, transmitting statements of all the contracts which were made by [t]his department during the year 1836. January 25, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Petition of Seward Porter, praying that a light-house may be erected on St. George's Shoals. February 4, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with statements of undrawn appropriations; in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 6th instant. January 16, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 11, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 213. The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of New York, report therein as follows...
In Senate of the United States. February 10, 1836. -- Read, and ordered to be printed. January 13, 1837. -- Ordered to be reprinted, with Senate Bill No. 122. Mr. Shepley made the following report: The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Francis Allyn...
In Senate of the United States. January 12, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Linn made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 118. The Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom were referred the petitions of Samuel Smith, Semoice, Linn McGhee, and Susan Marlow, Creek Indians, report...
In Senate of the United States. February 1, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Robinson made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 107. January 12, 1837. Ordered to be reprinted. The Committee on Roads and Canals, to whom was referred the petition of Daniel Steenrod [i.e., Steinrod], report: That, on the 12th of February, 1818, Daniel Steenrod [i.e., Steinrod] entered into contract with Josias Thompson, then Superintendent of the Cumberland Road, to make and finish, in a workman-like manner, the 18th section of that road...
In Senate of the United States. January 16, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sevier made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 127. The Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Gen. Matthew Arbuckle, of the United States Army, report...
In Senate of the United States. January 13, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Prentiss, from the Committee of Claims, made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 120. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of George J. Knight, report...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with statements of the affairs of the banks in the District of Columbia. January 11, 1837. -- Read. January 14, 1837. -- Ordered to be printed, and that 100 additional copies be sent to the Senate.
Document relating to the Bill (S. 123) making appropriations for certain roads in the Territory of Wisconsin. In Senate of the United States. January 14, 1837. Submitted by Mr. Hendricks, from the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 14, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Tipton made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 124. The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of John H. Hall, report...
In Senate of the United States. February 23, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Morris made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 242. The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of Elizabeth Newman, executrix of Francis Newman...
Petition of a number of citizens of New York, praying Congress to prohibit the issuing of bills and notes by state banks. February 25, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Documents in relation to the Joint Resolution (S.11) "authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to receive from the Bank of the United States under the Pennsylvania charter, payment for the stock of the United States in the late Bank of the United States." February 27, 1837. Submitted by Mr. Webster, from the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with a statement showing the names and salaries of the clerks employed in the Office of the Auditor of the Post Office Department, during the year 1836. February 27, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 35, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Wall made the following report: The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Captain Hezekiah L. Thistle, of Louisiana, now residing in Pennsylvania, report...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, with copies of correspondence relative to the debt due by the late General Brahan. February 27, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the Legislature of Illinois, in favor of removing the restriction against the taxation on lands for five years after sale. January 23, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
Documents relating to the Bill (S. 5) "to increase the present military establishment of the United States." January 20, 1837. Submitted by Mr. Benton, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 23, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Crittenden made the following report: The Committee on Revolutionary Claims have had under consideration the petition to them referred of William Arnel, and report...
Petition of a number of citizens of Mississippi, praying Congress to institute an inquiry into the claims of Choctaw Indians to reservations under the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek. January 21, 1837. Ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the heirs of Carlos de Vilemont, praying the confirmation of their claim to a tract of land. January 20, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, asking a right of way through the public lands. January 3, 1837. -- Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals. January 20, 1837. -- Ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 23, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Walker made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 159. The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the petition of James Dutton, report...
In Senate of the United States. January 21, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Crittenden made the following report: The Committee of Claims have had under consideration the petition of Bowie and others, praying compensation for the loss of the ship Alleghany and cargo...
In Senate of the United States. January 23, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Crittenden made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 166. The Committee on Revolutionary Claims have, according to the order of the Senate, had under consideration the petition of Thomas Jones, &c., representatives of William Jones, praying payment of certain loan office certificates issued to their said ancestor, and afterwards destroyed by fire...
Report from the Secretary of War, in relation to the cost of the Delaware breakwater and pier; in compliance with a resolution of the Senate. January 18, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 23, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Niles made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 165. The Committee on Manufactures, to whom were referred the memorials of a large number of the inhabitants of Boston, Massachusetts, and also a memorial of sundry citizens of Norwich, Connecticut, praying for a repeal of the duty on foreign coal...
In Senate of the United States. January 20, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Grundy made the following report: The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of Lucius W. Stockton and others...
In Senate of the United States. January 18, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Niles made the following report: The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the memorial of Ann L. De Van Brun, praying for commutation for the services of her husband in the Revolutionary War, report...
In Senate of the United States. January 23, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Crittenden made the following report: The Committee on Revolutionary Claims have had under consideration the petition of the heirs and representatives of John Hawkins, and respectfully report...
In Senate of the United States. January 23, 1837. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 160. The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the memorial of the heirs of Henry Morfit, report...
In Senate of the United States, January 19, 1837. Mr. Wright made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 148. The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the petition of De Forest Manice, of the City of New York, merchant, respectfully report: That the petitioner prays that there may be refunded to him the excess of duties paid...
Report from the Secretary of War, in compliance with resolutions of the Senate of the 14th and 18th instant, transmitting copies of correspondence relative to the campaign in Florida. January 23, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 20, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Nicholas made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 153. The Committee for the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the memorial of the Common Council of Alexandria, praying to be aided by Congress in the completion of their canal...
Report from the Postmaster General, in relation to the compensation of postmasters; in compliance with a resolution of the Senate. January 18, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting his correspondence with General Santa Anna, President of the Republic of Mexico, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 16th inst. January 19, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 23, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Crittenden made the following report: The Committee on Revolutionary Claims have had under consideration the petition of the heirs of the late Colonel Philip Johnston, and respectfully report...
Resolutions of the Legislature of Virginia, on the subject of extending the franking privilege to members and officers of state legislatures. February 27, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of a number of manufacturers of hair cloth in the City of New York, opposed to a reduction of the duty on that article. February 28, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, in relation to the removal of the sand-bars on Newark Bay. January 28, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 27, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Nicholas made the following report with Senate Bill No. 175. The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Catharine C. Read, report...
Memorial of the Legislature of the State of Michigan, in relation to Indians living within the limits of said state. January 27, 1837.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, showing the amount of money received for public land during the year 1836, and the amount expended in the transportation of gold and silver. January 27, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Petition of S.B. Chandler, Vital Jarrot, and others, citizens of the County of St. Clair, in the State of Illinois. Praying to be allowed to import railroad iron to the City of New Orleans, and other cities, free of duty. January 25, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 27, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Nicholas, made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 28. The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the "Bill for the Relief of Andrew Armstrong," late Navy Agent at Lima, report...
Petition of Samuel C. Reid, praying the establishment of a line of telegraphs from New York to New Orleans. January 26, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, and ordered to be printed.
Petition of the Selectmen of the City of Jersey, for the establishment of a port of entry at that place. February 1,1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 31, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Tipton made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 180. The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of George C. Johnston, report...
Resolutions of the Legislature of Illinois, in relation to the selection of other lands in lieu of the 16th sections granted for the use of schools. February 1, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 2, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. White made the following report: The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the memorial and papers of Econchattanico, a Seminole Indian, have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to report...
Resolutions of the General Assembly of Maryland, in relation to a reduction of the duties imposed by foreign nations on the importation of tobacco. February 2, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 31, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis submitted the following report, with Senate Bill No. 94. The Committee on Commerce have had under consideration a Bill (S. 94) to encourage the employment of boys in the vessels of the United States, and report thereon as follows...
Memorial of the Legislature of Indiana, for the improvement of the harbors on the southern coast of Lake Michigan. February 2, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 31, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Nicholas made the following report: The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom were referred the petitions of James Day and others, and Mary Perkins and others, report...
Memorial of a number of citizens of Milwaukee, praying Congress not to conform an act of the Legislative Council of Wisconsin, "to incorporate the stockholders of the Bank of Milwaukee." January 31, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
Resolutions of the Legislature of Delaware, in relation to the construction of piers in Delaware Bay and River. February 2, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of War, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, in relation to the survey of Crow Shoal. January 30, 1837. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. February 1, 1837. -- Ordered to be printed.
Resolutions of the Legislature of Delaware, in relation to hospital money exacted from persons engaged in the coasting trade and fisheries. February 2, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of a number of citizens of Jersey City, praying to have that place created a port of entry. February 1, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 3, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 79. The Committee on Commerce have considered Bill Senate [No.] 79, being in addition to the acts for the relief of sick and disabled seamen; also, the memorial of Natchez Hospital, for an appropriation in aid of that institution; and that of the Legislature of Delaware, praying a repeal of the tax upon seamen, and now report thereon...
In Senate of the United States. February 4, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Sarah Rogers, the widow of Jedediah Rogers, who was an officer in the Revolution...
Resolutions of the Legislature of Delaware, in relation to expunging a certain resolution on the Journal of the Senate. February 7, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 4, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Rives made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 194. The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Anthony Gale, late a lieutenant colonel of the Marine Corps, report...
Report of the Secretary of War, with annual returns of the militia for the year 1836. February 6, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 3, 1837. Read, resolutions agreed to, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis made the following report: The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred a resolve of the Senate, instructing them to inquire into the expediency of amending the law of March 1, 1823, so as to secure a proper verification of the invoice of imported goods, report...
In Senate of the United States. February 7, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Ewing, of Illinois, from the Committee of Claims, made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 205. That it appears Gad Humphreys was the owner of a plantation in Florida...
Memorial of a number of citizens of the United States, praying an alteration of the law regulating copyrights. February 4, 1837. Referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. Clay, Preston, Buchanan, Webster, Ewing of Ohio, and Ruggles, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, on the subject of frauds by floats in the purchase of public lands. February 11, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 13, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. White made the following report: The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, who were instructed by a resolution of the Senate, dated 24th January last, to inquire into the claim of the heirs of Doctor Thomas Carter...
Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, with copies of correspondence in relation to the seizure of slaves on board the brigs "Encomium" and "Enterprise." February 14, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed
Petition of George W. Hughes and others, praying Congress to establish a Mineralogical Cabinet, to be attached to the Library. February 11, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Library, and ordered to be printed.
Documents relating to the sale of Creek reservations, under the treaty of March 24, 1832. February 16, 1837. Submitted by Mr. White, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, with Bill S. 224, and ordered to be printed.
Petition of the professors of the University of Virginia, praying an alteration of the laws respecting copy-rights. February 20, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of State, with statement of the number of passengers arriving in the United States during the year 1836. February 16, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 20, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Southard made the following report: The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom were referred the message from the President, transmitting a report from the Secretary of the Navy relative to a survey of the ports and harbors south of the Chesapeake...
In Senate of the United States. February 16, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. White submitted the following report, with Senate Bill No. 225. The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the petition and papers of the representatives of John Brooks, deceased...
In Senate of the United States. February 16, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sevier made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Gersham Wakeman, of Fairfield, Connecticut, report...
In Senate of the United States. February 20, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. King, of Georgia, made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 233. The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition on Thomas L. Winthrop and others, directors of an association called the New England Mississippi Land Company, report...
Documents in relation to the claim of John Fletcher for the confirmation of his titles to land. February 15, 1837. Laid on the table by Mr. Linn, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 15, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Sevier made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Nathaniel Perry, of Fairfield County, Connecticut, report...
Memorial of a committee of citizens of Illinois, praying the passage of a pre-emption law in favor of settlers on unsurveyed public lands. February 21, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, transmitting a communication from John Pope, late Governor of Arkansas. February 17, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of the Navy, relative to a survey of the ports and harbors south of the Chesapeake; in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 24th May, 1836. December 29, 1836. -- Read, and referred to Committee on Naval Affairs. February 20, 1837. -- Report, (No. 196) and ordered to be printed.
Petition of a number of citizens of Washington City, praying that the General Post Office be rebuilt on its former site. February 17, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 19, 1837. Ordered to be printed, and that 2,000 additional copies be furnished for the use of the Senate. Mr. Buchanan, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, submitted the following report: The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the message of the President...on the subject of the present state of our relations with Mexico, report...
In Senate of the United States. February 16, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed, and that 1,000 additional copies be furnished for the use of the Senate. Mr. Clay made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 223. The Select Committee to whom was referred the address of certain British and the petition of certain American authors...
Resolutions of the General Assembly of Indiana, in relation to granting land to certain French inhabitants in and near Vincennes. February 17, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of a number of citizens of Philadelphia, praying that the payment of the awarded indemnity under the late treaty with France may be anticipated. January 10, 1837. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance. January 12, 1837. -- Committee discharged, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 11, 1837. Agreed to, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Ward Peck for an increase of pension, report...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with statement of names, &c., of insolvent debtors. January 14, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 16, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. King, of Georgia, from the Committee on the Judiciary, made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 130. The committee to whom was referred the memorial of the heirs of Francis [i.e., Francois] Cazeau, praying a remuneration for supplies furnished to the Army of the United States...
Documents in relation to the Bill (S. 134) "In Addition to the Act for the Relief of Walter Loomis and Abel Gay," approved July 2, 1836. January 17, 1837. Submitted by Mr. Hubbard, from the Committee of Claims, and ordered to be printed.
Remonstrance of the Grand Jury of Washington County, in the District of Columbia, in respect to petitions to Congress for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. January 17, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 17, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Tipton made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 135. The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition and papers of David Stone, report...
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with statements of the imports and exports for the year 1836, &c., in compliance with a resolution of the Senate. January 17, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 17, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard made the following report: The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Nourse, report...
Memorial of a number of citizens of Charleston, S.C. praying the establishment of a Navy yard at that place. January 11, 1837. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. February 20, 1837. -- Report adverse, (No. 196.) and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with statement of the emoluments and expenditures of the officers of the Customs for 1836. February 27, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the Legislature of Massachusetts, opposed to a reduction of the tariff. February 25, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the President and Directors of the Bank of the United States, praying a settlement of the accounts of the said bank with the United States. February 24, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed.
Message from the President of the United States, with documents relating to the character and conduct of Samuel Gwin. June 1, 1836. -- Read. March 2, 1837. -- Ordered to be printed.
Letter from Thomas L. Winthrop and others, to the delegation in Congress from the State of Massachusetts, in relation to the claim of the New England Mississippi Land Company. February 28, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 18, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Bayard made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 139. The Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred the memorial of sundry Choctaw Indians, for reservations of land...
In Senate of the United States. January 25, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Tomlinson made the following report: The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Parker Cole, report...
Documents relating to the Senate Bill No. 176, "to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties upon imports." January 27, 1837. Submitted by Mr. Wright, from the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed, and that 1,000 additional copies be sent to the Senate.
Documents relating to blankets for the Indian trade. January 26, 1837. Laid on the table by Mr. Benton, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the General Assembly of Indiana, asking an additional appropriation for the completion of the breakwater at Michigan City. January 26, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Resolutions of the General Assembly of Indiana, against the purchase, by the United States, of the stock of the Louisville and Portland Canal. January 28, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of War, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, transmitting a chronological statement of reports of surveys, &c. January 24, 1837. -- Read. January 28, 1837. -- Ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. January 27, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard, from the Committee of Claims, made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 173. It appears that John J. Bulow, Jr., was the owner of the plantation of Bulowville, in Florida...
In Senate of the United States. February 1, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 183. The petition of A.B. Quinby has been examined and considered be the committee appointed for that purpose, and they now ask leave to report, as follows...
Petition of Thomas Moore, and other authors of Great Britain, praying Congress to grant to them the exclusive benefit of their writings within the United States. February 2, 1837. Referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. Clay, Preston, Buchanan, Webster, and Ewing of Ohio, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of a number of citizens of Dubuque County, Wisconsin Territory, praying the passage of a pre-emption law. February 2, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
Resolutions of the Legislature of Michigan, in favor of expunging a certain resolution from the Journal of the Senate of the United States. February 2, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Petition of the Alexandria and Falmouth Railroad Company, praying the aid of Congress in the construction of said road within the District of Columbia. February 7, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, in relation to the construction of a ship canal around the Falls of Niagara. February 7, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed.
Resolutions of the Legislature of Indiana, in relation to the establishment of harbors on Lake Michigan, at City West and Indiana City. February 6, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 3, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Wright made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 186. The Committee on Finance, to whom have been referred for consideration, three acts of the Territory of Wisconsin, chartering banking companies...
In Senate of the United States. February 10, 1837. Ordered to be printed. (To accompany Bill S. 209.) In the House of Representatives. December 30, 1836. Mr. E. Whittlesey, from the Committee of Claims, made the following report: The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Captain Daniel T. Patterson...
In Senate of the United States. February 3, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hubbard made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 158. The Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom were referred the petitions of the representatives of Mrs. Lucy Bond, and the representatives of Mrs. Hannah Douglas, report...
Memorial of a number of merchants and others, citizens of New York, praying the creation of a national bank, to be located in the City of New York. February 8, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 7, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Linn made the following report: The Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred the petition of William Barclay...
In Senate of the United States. February 7, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Ewing, of Illinois, from the Committee of Claims, made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 199. That the petitioner, John H. McIntosh...
Message from the President of the United States, on the subject of the present state of our relations with Mexico. February 7, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the manufacturers and tradesmen of Brooklyn, New York, praying a reduction of the revenue to the wants of the government. February 7, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, in relation to a survey for the purpose of building a dry dock within that state. February 6, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Petition of John R. St. John, praying the removal of the obstructions in the Niagara River, at Black Rock. February 4, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of the General Assembly of Ohio, for a donation of land in lieu of certain lands granted said state, and afterwards sold by the United States. February 7, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 4, 1837. Read, resolutions agreed to, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Grundy made the following report: The committee on the part of the Senate, "appointed to join such committee as might be appointed on the part of the House of Representatives, to ascertain and report a mode of examining the votes for President and Vice President of the United States..."
Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, in relation to the Maumee and Western Reserve Road. February 7, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, with statements of the expenses of collecting duties on the lakes during the year 1836. February 7, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Petition of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of St. Louis, praying the rejection of any claim to land within the limits of the common of that city. February 13, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims, and ordered to be printed.
Documents relating to the Bill S. 176, "to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports." February 14, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of State, in relation to the claim of Richard W. Meade; in compliance with a resolution of the Senate. February 13, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Petition of a number of surgeons and assistant surgeons in the Navy, praying the establishment of the office of "Surgeon General of the Navy." February 15, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 18, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Wright made the following report: The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the petition of Jechonius Pigot and Benjamin Lecraft, praying to be released from their liability to the United States for James Mouncy...
Resolutions of the General Assembly of Indiana, in relation to public lands suspended from sale on the line of the Wabash and Erie Canal. February 17, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. February 16, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hendricks made the following report: The Committee on Roads and Canals, to whom was referred the petition of the Alexandria and Falmouth Railroad Company, report...
In Senate of the United States. February 18, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Wright made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 230. The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the petition of Henry J. Pickering...
Memorial of G. Furman and other public writers, praying the passage of an international law of copy-right. February 20, 1837. Presented, and ordered to be printed.
Resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island, opposed to any reduction of the duties on imports. January 28, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Postmaster General, with the names and salaries of the clerks employed in that department during the year 1836. February 22, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of a number of citizens of the District of Columbia, praying the recognition of the independence of Texas. February 13, 1837. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Serial set 299 Statements of all appropriations made during the second session of the Twenty-fourth Congress; of the offices created and the salaries thereof; and of offices the salaries of which have been increased, with the amount of such increase, during the same period. March 27, 1837. Prepared by the Secretary of the Senate, in pursuance of the sixth section of the act approved July 4, 1836, "to authorize the appointment of additional paymasters, and for other purposes."
Report from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report from the Ordnance Department, made in obedience to the act of Congress of 2d April, 1794, in reference to armories. March 3, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report and estimate in reference to the survey of the Eastern Shore Railroad, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of the 28th ultimo. March 3, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Postmaster General, of all the contracts made in his department between the 1st day of January and the 1st day of July, 1836. March 3, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Proceedings of the Military Court of Inquiry, in the case of Major General Scott and Major General Gaines. Printed in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of March 3, 1837.
In Senate of the United States. March 7, 1837. Mr. Grundy made the following report, which was read, and ordered to be printed. The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom were referred the credentials of the Honorable Ambrose H. Sevier, have had the same under consideration, and submit the following report...
Report from the Secretary of War, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, with reports of certain surveys made in the State of Maine. April 8, 1836. -- Read. March 3, 1837. -- Ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with the annual statement of commerce and navigation, ending on the 30th September, 1836. March 3, 1837. Ordered to be printed, with 2,000 copies for the Senate, in addition to the usual number.
Report from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the survey of the St. Francis River; in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of 28th February. March 3, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of War, with a copy of the survey of the harbor of Milwaukee; in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate. February 27, 1837. -- Read, and referred to the Committee on Commerce. March 3, 1837. -- Discharged. March 9, 1837. -- Ordered to be printed.
In Senate of the United States. March 2, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Knight made the following report: The Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, to whom was referred the resolution of the Senate instructing them to inquire into the cause of the destruction by fire of the building in which was the General Post Office, the city Post Office, and the Patent Office, report...
Report from the Secretary of War, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, in relation to the claims of Eleazer [i.e., Eleazar] W. Ripley. March 2, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in relation to statements of the commerce and navigation of the United States for the year 1836. March 3, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Serial set 300 Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States: Being the second session of the Twenty-fourth Congress, begun and held at the City of Washington, December 5, 1836, and in the sixty-first year of the independence of the United States. 1
Serial set 301 Expenditure -- Potomac Bridge. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to expenditures for repairs of Potomac Bridge. December 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contingent expenses -- State Department. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting statements of expenditures from the contingent funds of this office and the Patent Office. December 8, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on Expenditures of the State Department.
State of the finances. Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the state of the finances. December 6, 1836. Read, laid upon the table, and 20,000 copies ordered to be printed.
list of reports to be made to Congress at the second session of the Twenty-fourth Congress, by public officers. Prepared in the Office of the House of Representatives, in obedience to a standing order of the House, by the Chief Clerk. December 1, 1836.
Receipts and expenditures -- 1835. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a printed statement of the receipts and expenditures of the United States for the year 1835. December 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Annual report -- Commissioner of the General Land Office. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the annual report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. December 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contingent fund -- House of Representatives. Letter from the Clerk of the House of Representatives, submitting a statement of the expenditures made from the contingent fund of the House of Representatives from 1st December, 1835, to 30th November, 1836. December 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Sale of Chickasaw lands. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report in relation to the sale of Chickasaw lands. December 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Report of the Commissioner of Public Buildings. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Commissioner of Public Buildings. December 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contingent expenses -- Navy Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting statements of expenditures on account of the contingent expenses of the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, and of the Office of the Navy Commissioners. December 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Navy yards -- Great Barn Island, Perth Amboy, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, upon the subject of establishing Navy yards at Great Barn Island, Perth Amboy, and Jersey City, &c. December 12, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Treasurer's accounts. Letter from the Treasurer of the United States, transmitting copies of his accounts for the third and fourth quarters of the year 1835, and the first and second quarters of the year 1836. December 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Estimate of appropriations for 1837. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of appropriations for the service of the year 1837. December 6, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from Mrs. Madison in relation to the publication of Mr. Madison's Notes of the Debates and Proceedings of the Convention of 1787. December 8, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Library.
Contingent expenses -- War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the expenditure of the contingent funds of the department. December 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Janette Taylor, et al. Memorial of Janette Taylor, et al, representatives of John Paul Jones. December 12, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Claims.
Contingent expenses -- Treasury. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the expenditures made from the contingent fund of the department, for the year ending on the 30th September, 1836. December 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Coast survey. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report in relation to the coast survey. December 8, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-fourth Congress. December 6, 1836. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Serial set 302 French spoliations prior to 1800. December 30, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Alexandria Canal, &c. Memorial from the Corporation of Alexandria, praying assistance &c. December 27, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia.
Fortifications -- estimates for 1837. December 30, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Balances on the books of the Fourth Auditor. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of balances on the books of the Fourth Auditor which have remained unsettled more than three years prior to the 30th of September, 1836. December 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Balances on the books of the Third Auditor. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting statements prepared by the Third Auditor, viz: 1st. Statement of such officers as have not rendered their accounts within the year. 2d. Statements of accounts which have remained unsettled more than three years prior to September 30, 1835. 3d. Abstract of moneys advanced prior to 3d of March, 1809, on the books of the late Accountant of the War Department, and which remained unaccounted for on the 30th of September, 1835. December 20, 1836. Laid upon the table.
Eleazar Early -- memorial of. December 20, 1836. Referred to the Committee of Claims.
Deposite banks -- Georgia and Maine. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting information of the further selection of banks of deposite. January 10, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Plan of the Navy yard -- Pensacola. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a plan of the Navy yard at Pensacola. December 30, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Navy yard -- Pensacola. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 26th instant, in relation to the Navy yard at Pensacola. December 29, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Revenue suspended -- fire, New York. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives, in relation to the amount of revenue, the payment of which has been suspended under the "Act for the Relief of the Sufferers by Fire in the City of New York," passed at the last session of Congress. December 29, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Cumberland Road and Ohio River. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report supplemental to the report of the Engineer Department, made to the President of the United States, and by him communicated to Congress, at the commencement of the present session of Congress. December 30, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Land claims -- southeastern district of Louisiana. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the Register and Receiver of the land office for the southeastern district of Louisiana, &c. January 4, 1837. Read, and referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.
Payment to new states -- public lands. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of payments made to the new states out of the five per cent. proceeds of the sales of the public lands. January 3, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Connecticut -- military services. Resolution of the Legislature of Connecticut, instructing their senators and requesting their representatives to obtain payment of balance due for military services, &c. during the late war. December 30, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia Custom-house. January 3, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
State banks. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements showing the condition of certain state banks, &c. &c., rendered in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives, of 10th July, 1832. January 4, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Persons imprisoned for debt -- District [of] Columbia. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the United States, of the 3d of July, 1836, in relation to persons imprisoned for debt in the District of Columbia, since 1820, &c. December 14, 1836. Referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia.
Bequest of James Smithson. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information in relation to the bequest of James Smithson, late of London, required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 23d instant. December 30, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Surplus revenue. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the surplus revenue to be deposited to the credit of the several states. January 3, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Index of decisions -- Comptroller's Office. Letter from the First Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate for making [an] index to decisions. December 30, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Estimate -- Revolutionary pensioners for 1837. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 753.) December 21, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Army estimates for the year 1837. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 755.) December 21, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Suppression of Indian hostilities. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 752.) Letter from the Secretary of War, to the Hon. C.C. Cambreleng, Chairman of Committee of Ways and Means, transmitting draught of a bill making further provision for suppression of Indian hostilities. December 21, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Officers and soldiers of militia -- late war, &c. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the Third Auditor, relative to the officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers of the militia, volunteers, and rangers of the late war, who entered the service of the United States, and were regularly discharged. December 13, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Building for the Post Office Department. Message from the President of the United States, recommending the immediate erection of a fire-proof building for the accommodation of the Post Office Department. December 21, 1836. Read, and referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.
Fortifications for 1837. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 756.) Estimate of the Engineer Department for the service of the year 1837. December 21, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Pensions -- Wayne's Army of 1794. Memorial of citizens of Pennsylvania, for extending the provisions of the pension law of June 7, 1832, to those who were in the service of the United States up to Wayne's Treaty, in 1795. December 12, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Banks -- District of Columbia -- condition of. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the returns rendered to the Treasury Department, by the incorporated banks of the District of Columbia, for 1836. January 10, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Indian Department -- estimate for 1837. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 757.) Estimate of the sums required for the service of the year 1837, for the department. December 21, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
National Road -- Vandalia to Alton. Resolution of the Legislature of Illinois, in relation to the National Road. December 20, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Treaty with Spain -- Ninth article. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, containing the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 26th ultimo, in relation to the causes which have prevented the execution of the 9th article of the treaty with Spain of the 22d of February, 1819. January 5, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Clerks -- Navy Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting statements of the clerks employed in the Secretary's Office and the Office of the Commissioners of the Navy. January 5, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Intercourse with the Barbary powers. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of moneys disbursed from the Treasury, for expenses with the Barbary powers, for the year 1836. January 6, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Black River, New York -- improvement of. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a plan and estimate for improving the mouth of Black River, in the State of New York. January 10, 1837. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Clerks in the State Department. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a report respecting clerks employed in the department during the year 1836. January 6, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Naval depot and dry dock -- Charleston, S.C. Memorial of the merchants and mechanics of the City of Charleston, South Carolina, praying the establishment of a naval depot and dry dock at that place. December 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Merchants of Newburyport -- French spoliations. Memorial of the inhabitants of Newburyport, in the State of Massachusetts, praying that their claims for French spoliations, prior to the year 1800, may be immediately paid; the government of the United States having virtually assumed the payment thereof, under a treaty with the government of France. December 26, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Massachusetts -- French spoliations. Memorial of Perez Morton and others, citizens of Massachusetts, to be remunerated for property seized by France, previous to the year 1800; which property was afterwards converted to the use of the United States, by treaty stipulations, bearing date the 30th of September, 1800. December 26, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Salaries -- foreign ministers, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 836.) January 13, 1837. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Contingent expenses -- Navy of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of the contingent expenses of the Navy, for the year ending on the 30th of September, 1836. January 3, 1837. Read, and referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Navy Department.
Military road -- Plattsburg to White Hall. Petition of William Gilleland and others, inhabitants of the County of Clinton, in the State of New York, praying an appropriation to construct a military road from Plattsburg, in the County of Clinton, to White Hall, in the County of Washington and state aforesaid. December 30, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Estimates -- branches of the Mint. December 30, 1836. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Merchants of New York. Memorial of merchants of New York, praying for a remission of duty on merchandise destroyed by fire in New York. December 19, 1836. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
[Convention] between the United States and Spain. Message from the President of the United States, upon extending the time for terminating the duties of the Commissioner Under the Act for Carrying into Effect the Late Convention Between the United States and Spain. January 10, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Contingent expenses -- military establishment, 1836. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report from the Second Auditor, showing the expenditure of the appropriation for the contingent expenses of the military establishment. January 7, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Admission of Michigan into the Union. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 815.) January 6, 1837. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed.
Condition of Texas. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of the political, military, and civil condition of Texas. December 22, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
National Road -- Vandalia to the Mississippi. Resolutions adopted at a meeting of citizens of the Town of Alton, Ill., in relation to the National Road. December 12, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Public moneys in banks of deposite -- 1833, 1834, 1835, and 1836. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in reply to resolutions of the House of Representatives of the 3d instant, in relation to the public moneys in the deposite banks, in the years 1833, 1834, 1835, and 1836. January 12, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Martha Piatt -- daughter of Captain Huddy. Petition of Martha Piatt, daughter of Captain Huddy, who was hung by the British. December 21, 1836. Referred to a select committee, viz: Mr. Storer, of Ohio; Mr. Harlan, of Kentucky; Mr. Buchanan, of Pennsylvania; Mr. Elmore, of South Carolina; Mr. Schenck, of New Jersey.
System of public accounts -- on simplifying the. January 6, 1837. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Expenditure -- public buildings. Report of the Commissioner of the Public Buildings, made in obedience to the act of the 3d March, 1829. December 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Post Office estimate. Estimate of appropriations for the Post Office Department, for the year commencing 1st July, 1837. December 28, 1836. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Applicants for pensions not granted. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting statements of applications for pensions which have been refused. December 26, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks -- War Department, 1836. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of the names of the clerks employed in the War Department in the year 1836. January 13, 1837. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Pennsylvania, inhabitants of -- reduce postage. Memorial of citizens of Philadelphia, praying that the rates of postage may be reduced. December 26, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.
State of Michigan. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of admitting Michigan into the Union as an independent state. December 27, 1836. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
New York -- breakwater, Port Kent. Memorial of inhabitants of the northern section of New York, for a breakwater at Port Kent, N.Y. December 26, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Petition of the heirs, &c. of George Baldwin, a private in the late war, for retained bounty land, &c. December 26, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Balances -- Second Auditor's Office. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of balances which remained unsettled on the books of the Second Auditor more than three years prior to the 30th of September, 1836, &c. December 14, 1836. Read and laid upon the table.
Serial set 303 Public works at Michigan City, Indiana. Memorial and joint resolution of the General Assembly of Indiana, asking an appropriation for the public works at Michigan City, Ind. January 26, 1837. Read, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
John C.F. Salomon -- memorial of. Memorial of John C.F. Salomon, praying Congress to encourage his patent safety steam-boiler. December 31, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Canal and Rail Road Company -- Brunswick, GA. Report on the Brunswick Canal and Rail Road, in Glynn County, Georgia; with an appendix, containing the charter, and the Commissioner's report. December 31, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Claim of United States on United States Bank. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, upon the subject of the claim of the United States against the United States Bank, &c. January 30, 1837. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Wisconsin Territory. January 24, 1837. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Mexico and Texas. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives, upon the subject of the condition of the political relations between the United States and Mexico; also, on the condition of Texas. January 26, 1837. Read, and ordered to be printed.
Registered seamen. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting an abstract showing the number of American seamen registered in each port of entry of the United States for the year 1836. January 29, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Petition of Nathaniel Bird. January 23, 1837. Committed to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill (H.R. No. 864,) to restore to certain invalid pensioners the amount of pensions by them relinquished.
Exploring expedition. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 3d instant, in relation to the progress which has been made with regard to the exploring expedition, authorized at the last session of Congress. February 8, 1837. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Exchange of lands with Indians. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 845.) January 17, 1837. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Army of the United States. Petition of non-commissioned officers, asking attention to them. January 16, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Insolvent debtors -- United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report in relation to insolvent debtors of the United States. January 13, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Officers ordered for service, and excused, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of the names of officers of the Navy who, during the year 1836, have received orders for service, and have asked to be excused, &c. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
N. Sholtewskii Von Shoultz. Petition of N. Sholtewskii Von Shoultz regarding a new method for purifying salt water, used for the manufacturing of salt. January 16, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures.
Punishment of incendiaries. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of providing more effectually for the punishment of certain crimes, &c. January 18, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
United States Mint. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the annual report of the Director of the Mint. January 23, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
State of New Jersey -- joint resolutions. Resolutions of the State of New Jersey, in favor of improving the navigation of Newark Bay, and the removal of the bars and obstructions to the navigation of Staten Island Sound, near Elizabeth Port. January 23, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Revenue from imports for last four years, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the revenue on imports for the last four years, and the amount of drawback in each year. January 20, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Coal trade -- Richmond. January 20, 1837. Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on Bill No. 829.
Penitentiary -- District of Columbia. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Inspectors of the Penitentiary in the District of Columbia, for the year 1836. January 23, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contracts -- Commissioners of the Navy, 1836. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of contracts made by the Commissioners of the Navy, during the year 1836. January 19, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Surplus revenue. Resolution of the Legislature of the State of Georgia, in relation to the surplus revenue. January 23, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Maryland Legislature -- franking privilege. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maryland, upon the subject of an extension of the franking privilege. January 23, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.
Clerks -- Treasury Department, 1836. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the names of the clerks employed in the several offices of the Treasury Department, for the year 1836, &c. January 18, 1837. Read, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Public buildings and grounds -- estimates for 1837. January 28, 1837. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Louisville and Portland Canal. Resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, against the purchase by the general government of the stock of the Louisville and Portland Canal Company. January 25, 1837. Read, and laid on the table.
Additional appropriations -- Indian Department. Letter from the Secretary of War, upon the subject of further appropriation for the Indian Department for the year 1837. January 28, 1837. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Bank of the Metropolis. Memorial of the President and Directors of the Bank of the Metropolis, requesting an addition to the capital stock. January 30, 1837. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill (No. 869) to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the District of Columbia, &c.
Sand bar -- harbor of St. Louis. Memorial from the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis, praying an appropriation sufficient to remove the sand-bar in the harbor of St. Louis. January 30, 1837. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Appropriations, Navy, &c. -- 1836. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a statement of the appropriations for the service of the year 1836, the amount expended, and the balance on the 31st December last. February 1, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Gaugers -- New York. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 896.) Statement exhibiting the amount of the fees of the gaugers at the port of New York, and the amount paid them under the provisions of the 2d section of the act of 27th June, 1834; together with the amount paid for their incidental expenses during said time. January 31, 1837. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
John Paul Jones. Statements from the books of the Treasury Department, respecting the prize money obtained by the late John Paul Jones from the government of France. January 30, 1837. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Samuel Martin. Petition of Samuel Martin, of Tennessee, asking that Congress will pass a law saying that there shall be a model deposited in each state of every model and specification of each and every patent granted in the Union, &c. January 30, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Tennessee Canal. Report of the Tennessee Canal Commissioners, presented to the Legislature of Alabama at the session of 1836. January 30, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Tariff. Joint resolutions of the Legislature of New Hampshire, upon the subject of the tariff &c. January 30, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Balances on books of the revenue, &c. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a list of balances on the books of the revenue which have remained unsettled more than three years prior to the 30th of September, 1836. February 2, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Surveys in Maine. Report from the Secretary of War, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, with reports of certain surveys made in the State of Maine. April 8, 1836. Read. February 8, 1837. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Militia of the United States, 1836. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting abstracts of the general returns of the militia of the United States, and of their arms, &c., for the year 1836. February 8, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Memorial for improvement of Allegany River, from Pittsburg to Olean. Memorial of inhabitants of Pennsylvania, praying Congress to make an appropriation for the improvement of the Allegany River. January 16, 1837. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Contracts -- Treasury Department, 1835. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting 1. Contracts relative to light-houses, &c., made according to law. 2. Payments in discharge of miscellaneous claims not provided for. 3. Payments from Marine Hospital Fund, for the relief of sick and disabled seamen. 4. Statement of contracts authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury, for the year 1836. January 16, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Banks -- District of Columbia. Memorial from the Joint Committee of the Cities of Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria, praying for the establishment of a new bank in the City of Washington, with branches in Georgetown and Alexandria. January 16, 1837. Referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia.
Bank -- District [of] Columbia. Memorial of sundry citizens of Georgetown, praying for a new bank in the City of Washington, with branches in Georgetown and Alexandria. January 16, 1837. Referred to the Committee for the District of Columbia.
Western boundary of Missouri. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the copy of an act of the Legislature of the State of Missouri, declaring the assent of that state to the act of Congress, entitled "An Act To Extend the Western Boundary of the State of Missouri to the Missouri River." Approved June 7, 1836.
Maine -- duty on coal. Petition of sundry citizens of Portland and vicinity, for a repeal of the duty imposed upon coal. January 23, 1837. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union to which is committed the Bill H.R. No. 829, to reduce the revenue of the United States to the wants of the government.
Contracts -- War Department, 1836. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting statements of all the contracts made by the War Department during the year 1836. January 24, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Ordnance Department -- estimate. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a special estimate of the further sums which will be necessary for the Ordnance Department during the present year. January 28, 1837. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Survey -- Passaic River. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a survey of the bar and obstructions to the navigation of the Passaic River, below the City of Newark, in the State of New Jersey. January 28, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Western lands. Petition of John Taliaferro, in behalf of the United States. January 31, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
John and Phineas Harford. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of a letter from the Governor of the State of Maine, claiming the reimbursement of certain moneys paid to John and Phineas R. Harford out of the Treasury of that state. February 1, 1827. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Revenue cutter and steam tow-boat. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of the cost of a revenue cutter, so constructed as to be used as a steam tow-boat. February 1, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Appropriations for 1836, and expenditure. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting a statement of appropriations for 1836, the expenditure during the year, and the balance remaining on the 31st of December of the same year. January 31, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Brunswick harbor -- Georgia. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report respecting the operations for the improvement of Brunswick harbor, in the State of Georgia. February 1, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Navy yard south of Chesapeake Bay. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a copy of the report of commissioners charged with the examination of harbors south of Chesapeake Bay, with a view to the establishment of a Navy yard. February 2, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
National bank. Memorial of merchants of the City of New York, praying for the establishment of a national bank. January 30, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Reduction of the tariff. Memorial of citizens of Brooklyn, in the State of New York, praying for a reduction of duties on imports. January 30, 1837. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Massachusetts. Remonstrance of citizens of the County of Berkshire against the passage of the bill reported by the Committee of Ways and Means, (No. 829) "to reduce the revenue of the United States to the wants of the Government." February 6, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table, under the 45th rule of the House.
Calls for volunteers or militiamen. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting copies of orders issued by the department respecting calls for volunteers or militiamen, &c. &c., rendered in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 26th of December last. February 8, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Land office -- Fort Wayne. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 30th ultimo, in relation to the Land Office at Fort Wayne. February 8, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands.
Survey of the coast -- Rigolets to Mobile Point. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 30th ultimo, in relation to a survey of the coast of the United States from the Rigolets to Mobile Point. February 3, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Claims upon Mexico. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of the claims of the United States upon the United Mexican States. February 8, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Survey -- harbor Havre-de-Grace. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the survey of the harbor of Havre-de-Grace. February 3, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Indian Department -- 1836. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a list of the names of persons employed in the Indian Department during the year 1836, and the pay and salary of each. February 8, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Trade and intercourse with Indian tribes. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting copies of all such accounts as have been rendered by persons charged with disbursements of money, goods, or effects, for the benefit of the Indians, for the year ending on the 30th September, 1836. February 8, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Survey of James River. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the survey of James River. February 3, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Serial set 304 French spoliations prior to the year 1800. List of memorialists to Congress, during the 19th, 20th, 21st, 22d, and 23d Congresses, on account of French spoliations committed prior to 1800. March 3, 1837. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Legislature -- Rhode Island. Resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island, instructing the senators of that state to vote for expunging the resolution of the Senate (from its journal) of 28th of March, 1834, in relation to the President of the United States; and to vote for R.M. Johnson, of Kentucky, for Vice President of the United States, &c &c. February 13, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Memorial of the Bank of the United States. February 25, 1837. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Amendment -- Constitution of the United States. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Indiana on the subject of amending the Constitution of the United States. February 24, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Tariff. Remonstrance of the Legislature of Massachusetts, against the passage of the Bill (H.R. No. 829,) to reduce the revenue of the United States to the wants of the government. February 24, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Survey of the Mississippi River. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting documents in relation to the survey of the Mississippi River. February 25, 1837. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
Patents for inventions -- expired in 1836. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of all patents for useful inventions which have expired within the year 1836. February 25, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Officers resigned in 1836, and companies employed in Seminole War. March 2, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks -- Auditor's Office -- Post Office. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a list of the names of the clerks employed in the Auditor's Office of the Treasury for the Post Office Department for the year 1836, &c. February 28, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Officers -- detached service. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a list of officers of the Army, so employed as to separate them from their regiments or corps during the year 1836. March 3, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Survey of lands in Illinois and Missouri. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Chairman of Ways and Means, accompanied by a report from the Surveyor General of Illinois and Missouri, in reference to surveys in those states. February 28, 1837. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Clerks -- Post Office Department. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 932.) February 14, 1837. Laid before the House by the Chairman of the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, and ordered to be printed.
Illinois -- settlers on unsurveyed lands -- pre-emption. February 13, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands.
Delaware. Resolutions of the Legislature of Delaware, on the subject of repealing the tax of hospital money on all those engaged in the coasting trade and the fisheries. February 13, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Hostilities with Creek Indians. Message from the President of the United States transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 1st of July last, in relation to the hostilities then existing with the Creek Indians, &c. &c. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Harbors on Lake Michigan. Joint resolution from the Legislature of Indiana, for harbors at Indiana City and City West. February 13, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Confirmed land claims -- Louisiana. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, relative to confirmed land claims in Louisiana. February 22, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Charts of harbors in Massachusetts. Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to the resolutions of the House of Representatives of the 21st of March and 11th of April last, requiring charts of the harbors of Provincetown, Nantucket, Great Point, and Holmes's Hole. February 18, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Indiana Legislature. Resolutions of the Legislature of Indiana, to relinquish the surplus revenue to the states. February 16, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Indiana Legislature. Resolutions of the Legislature of Indiana, in relation to the public lands suspended from sale on the line of the Wabash and Erie Canal. February 16, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Passengers who have arrived in the United States in 1836. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting statements showing the number and designation of the passengers who have arrived in the United States from foreign countries during the year 1836. February 17, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Patents for useful inventions -- 1836. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting lists of patents granted for useful inventions during the year 1836, &c. February 25, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Congressional documents. Report of the Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the House of Representatives, upon the subject of printing a compilation of Congressional documents, &c., &c. March 1, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Commerce & navigation of the United States, 1836. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in relation to the commerce and navigation of the United States for the year 1836. March 3, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
National armories. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of the operations of the national armories during the year 1836. March 3, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Emoluments -- officers of the Customs. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting abstracts of the official emoluments and expenditures for the year 1836, of officers of the Customs, &c. February 28, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Franking privilege to members of state legislatures. Resolution of the Legislature of Virginia, in relation to the franking privilege. March 1, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Washington Corporation -- due-bills destroyed. Letter from the Mayor of Washington, transmitting a report of the Register, in relation to the due-bills of the corporation withdrawn from circulation and destroyed. March 1, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Contracts -- transportation of mail. March 2, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Appropriations -- new offices, &c. Report of the Clerk of the House of Representatives of the United States, in compliance with the "Act To Authorize the Appointment of Additional Paymasters, and for Other Purposes," passed July 4, 1836. March 13, 1837.
Balances due from postmasters. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a report of balances due by late postmasters, as appear by the books of the department. March 3, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Authors of Great Britain. February 13, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Additional appropriation for suppressing Indian hostilities. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 922.) February 14, 1837. Laid before the House, by the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.
Treaty with Morocco. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a Treaty of Peace and Commerce between the United States and the Empire of Morocco. February 13, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Sculpture for the Capitol. Memorial from the Philadelphia Artist Society in favor of Luigi Persico employed to execute some sculpture for the Capitol. February 13, 1837. Referred to the Committee on the Public Buildings.
Petition of William Brent, Jun., praying that an entry on the Journal of the House of Representatives, of January 10, 1825, may be expunged. February 13, 1837. (Referred, so much thereof as relates to the correction of the journal, to the Committee on the Judiciary; and the residue to the Select Committee on Amending the Constitution.)
Jurisdiction north of 45 [degrees] north latitude. Letter from the President of the United States, transmitting resolutions of the Legislature of New Hampshire in relation to the claim of that state for expenses incurred in maintaining jurisdiction over that portion of their territory north of 45 [degrees] north latitude. February 14, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Bridge over the Kankakee River. Joint resolutions of the Legislature of Indiana, relative to a bridge over the Kankakee River. February 13, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.
Delaware. Resolutions of the Delaware Legislature, on the subject of piers in the River Delaware. February 13, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Balances on books of the Treasury. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmitting a list received from the Register, of balances on the books of the Treasury which have remained unsettled by receivers of public money more than three years prior to the 30th of September, 1836. February 13, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Duty on coal. Memorial from citizens of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, remonstrating against a repeal of the duty upon foreign coal. February 13, 1837. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union.
Harbors -- southern coast of Lake Michigan. Memorial and resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, on the subject of harbors on the southern coast of Lake Michigan. February 13, 1837. Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Memorial of Reuben M. Whitney. February 13, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks -- Post Office Department. February 22, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
William Tudor, Junior. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 9th ultimo, in relation to the correspondence of William Tudor, &c. February 21, 1837. Committed to the Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed the Bill for the Relief of the Legal Representatives of William Tudor, Junior.
Harbor of Whitehall. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report and plan for the improvement of the harbor of Whitehall, in the State of New York. February 18, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Serial set 305 D.W. Haley. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 926.) February 14, 1837
Harbors and rivers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 895.) January 31, 1837.
Robert Keyworth. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 910.) February 4, 1837.
James McMahon. January 4, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Samuel Weeks. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Ransom Mix. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 77.) February 2, 1837. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House to which the said bill is committed.
John McCormick. January 19, 1837. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
G.T. Rhodes. January 10, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Abigail Fuller. December 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Abigail Morgan. December 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Asa Armington. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 791.) December 30, 1836.
John Stevens, executor of Albert Stevens. January 5, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Lathrop Allen -- representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 835.) January 13, 1837.
Claims between the Rio Hondo and Sabine Rivers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 797.) December 30, 1836.
Presly Gray. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 803.) January 3, 1837.
Samuel J. Smith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 800.) December 30, 1836.
Pre-emptions to settlers on public lands. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 802.) January 3, 1837.
William Wickham. December 30, 1836.
Hiner Stigermire. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 807.) January 3, 1837.
Daniel T. Patterson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 785.) December 30, 1836.
Ralph Reeder. December 30, 1836.
Thomas H. Perkins. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 790.) December 30, 1836.
William Smith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 789.) December 30, 1836.
Chauncey Rice, of Pennsylvania. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 808.) January 3, 1837.
Gurdon Robbins. January 28, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Warehouse system, &c. (To accompany Bills H.R. Nos. 913 and 914.) February 8, 1837.
J.P. Hutchinson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 849.) January 17, 1837.
James J. Coffin. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 809.) January 3, 1837.
Jean Baptiste Grainger. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 759.) December 21, 1836.
Heirs of John Brahan. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 761.) December 21, 1836.
Pensions to persons engaged in Indian wars, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 353.) December 12, 1836. Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives.
William Baker, of New York. December 22, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Amos Thompson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 824.) January 10, 1837.
Thomas Graves. January 10, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
On the surplus revenue. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 829.) January 11, 1837.
Jerusha Ripley. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 822.) January 7, 1837.
William Glover. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 763.) December 22, 1836.
Richard Allen. January 7, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Rundlet. December 22, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Robert Lucas. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 821.) January 7, 1837.
Ferdinand Clark. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 813.) January 4, 1837.
Henrietta Morfit. January 7, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Heirs of Sawney York. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 812.) January 4, 1837.
Fielding Pratt. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 814.) January 5, 1837.
Patrick Green. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 810.) January 4, 1837.
Elihu Noyes. December 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Salmon Tryon. December 23, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joseph Hernandez. December 26, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Catharine C. Read. December 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Reilly. December 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Olive Grover. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 765.) December 23, 1836.
Heirs of Lydia Cranston, deceased. December 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Francis Jarvis -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 782.) December 28, 1836.
Lewis Hatch. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joseph Fay, alias Facy -- heirs of. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Wiley Harben. January 17, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Huldah Taylor. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 768.) December 23, 1836.
William Walker. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 774.) December 23, 1836.
Heirs of John Tupman. December 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Dawson -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 783.) December 28, 1836.
John Quin. December 28, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
William Harper. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 839.) January 13, 1837.
Thomas Collins. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 838.) January 13, 1837.
Sylvester Tiffany. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 831.) January 13, 1837.
Charles Ridgely. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 846.) January 17, 1837.
Scrip on military land warrants. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 833.) January 13, 1837.
Reuben Butler -- heirs of. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Daniel B. Perkins. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 832.) January 13, 1837.
John Sutton. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Josiah Clark. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 847.) January 17, 1837.
Edward L. Young. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Wood, administrator of Edward Wood. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Miles King -- heirs of. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Hannah Gordon. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Wilson Thorp. January 17, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Leslie Malone. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
William Bowman. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 859.) January 20, 1837.
Matthews & Wood, and James Hall. January 17, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Gilbert Sprague Fish. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 856.) January 19, 1837.
William Fitzgerald. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 853.) January 18, 1837.
Illinois Central Rail Road Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 519.) January 17, 1837. Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives.
Freeman Brady. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 850.) January 18, 1837.
Conflagration -- Post Office Building. January 20, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
James M. Edwards. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 857.) January 19, 1837.
Mary O'Bannon. January 19, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Hannah Eldridge. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 854.) January 18, 1837.
Anna West. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 855.) January 19, 1837.
Albert Vanderveer. January 17, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Isaac Satterly. January 17, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Josiah Hayden. January 17, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Tabitha Bosworth. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 861.) January 20, 1837.
Cumberland Road east of the Ohio. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 631.) January 19, 1837.
Neil McNeil. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 863.) January 20, 1837.
John Campbell -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 881.) January 25, 1837.
George Geortner. January 26, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
James (or William) Kilgore [i.e., Kilgour]. January 27, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
George Allen and John Reynolds. January 26, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
William Vawter -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. 883.) January 26, 1837.
Asa Merrill. January 24, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Doctor John P. Briggs. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 872.) January 24, 1837.
William Jenkinson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 880.) January 24, 1837.
Simeon Smith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 882.) January 25, 1837.
Isaac Hilton. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 871.) January 24, 1837.
Empson Hamilton. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 873.) January 24, 1837.
Elijah Barden. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 876.) January 24, 1837.
Joshua Dodge -- consuls' fees, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 887.) January 28, 1837.
Heirs of Thomas Houghton, et al. January 26, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Clerks -- Executive departments. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 886.) January 27, 1837.
Protections to American seamen. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 904.) February 2, 1837.
Captain Elisha Ely. January 28, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Thomas West. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 900.) February 1, 1837.
William A. Poor. January 31, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Leonard Loomis. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 903.) February 2, 1837.
John Cayford. January 31, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Hampton Lovegrove. January 28, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
William R. Custis. February 4, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
William Tudor, Jun. -- representatives of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 919.) February 8, 1837.
Indiana militia. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 917.) February 8, 1837.
Baily [sic] and Delord. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 364.) February 2, 1837. Read, and resolution contained therein concurred in.
Christopher Dennison. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 918.) February 8, 1837.
Niagara Ship Canal. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 921.) February 14, 1837.
Inhabitants of St. Augustine, Florida. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Leonard Joines. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
William G. Sanders. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Baltimore and Susquehannah Rail Road Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 925.) February 14, 1837
Representatives of Captain Joshua Huddy. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 935.) February 14, 1837.
Levi Todd's heirs. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Oliver H. Perry, son of Samuel Perry. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Richard Clay and James Lowell. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Samuel Cozad. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Hiram Saul. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 924.) February 14, 1837.
Frederick Hill. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 930.) February 14, 1837.
Elizabeth Case. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 929.) February 14, 1837.
John Midwinter. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 786.) December 30, 1836.
Jonathan Boone. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 806.) January 3, 1837.
Erastus Pierson -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 788.) December 30, 1836.
Investment of the Navy Pension Fund. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 787.) December 30, 1836.
Heirs of Oliver Parish. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 804.) January 3, 1837.
John Bosworth. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 764.) December 22, 1836.
John Davis -- heir of. January 6, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Reuben Chapman -- heirs of. January 5, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Eli Eastman. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 817.) January 7, 1837.
Solomon Ketcham. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 826.) January 10, 1837.
Ezekiel Burnham. January 10, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Benjamin McCullock [i.e., McCulloch]. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 818.) January 7, 1837.
Jacob Moon's heir. January 10, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
James A. Williams. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 771.) December 13, 1836.
Andrew Lynam. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 819.) January 7, 1837.
Primus Hall, alias Trask. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 820.) January 7, 1837.
Daniel Davis. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 811.) January 4, 1837.
Eleanor Gardiner. January 4, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
James L. Kenner. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 762.) December 22, 1836.
Samuel T. Winslow. January 7, 1837. Read, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
William Graham. January 10, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Marinus W. Gilbert. December 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Jennett Willis, assignee of James Minnie. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 841.) January 13, 1837.
H.W. Russel. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 830.) January 13, 1837.
Zebulon Wade. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Henry Card. December 26, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Abraham Woodall. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 770.) December 23, 1836.
Polly Lemon. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 777.) December 27, 1836.
Charles Coffin. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 837.) January 13, 1837.
James Wyman. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Nathaniel Holmes. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
James Francher. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 843.) January 14, 1837.
William Camp -- heirs of. January 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joseph Deshields. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 780.) December 28, 1836.
James Ware, Anthony Mendes, and John W. Blye. December 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Jehu Hollinsworth. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 772.) December 23, 1836.
Lot Davis. December 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joseph Willson. December 26, 1836. Read, and the resolutions therein concurred in by the House.
William Yorke [i.e., York]. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 769.) December 23, 1836.
William James Aarons. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 773.) December 23, 1836.
Monument to Gen. Wooster. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 766.) December 23, 1836.
Sarah Pemberton. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 868.) January 23, 1837.
John D'Wolf. January 23, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Pursers of the Navy United States. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 834.) January 23, 1837.
Eli Eastman. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 867.) January 23, 1837.
John McClellan. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 874.) January 24, 1837.
Ichabod Beardsly. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 885.) January 26, 1837.
Samuel Miller. January 25, 1837. Read, and, with Senate Bill No. 11, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Elisha Moreland, et al. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 866.) January 23, 1837.
Isaac Austin. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 875.) January 24, 1837.
Samuel Brown. January 23, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Joseph Veazie. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 879.) January 24, 1837.
Frederick Frey & Co. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 884.) January 26, 1837.
Mary Sroufe. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 877.) January 24, 1837.
George Dyer, Jr. -- schooner Three Brothers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 865.) January 23, 1837.
Benjamin Gannett. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 890.) January 31, 1837.
Samuel Edgcomb [i.e., Edgecomb]. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 898.) February 1, 1837.
Capt. James Hunter. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 899.) February 1, 1837.
Abraham Forbes. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 888.) January 28, 1837.
Satterlee Clark. January 28, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Stokes. January 28, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Daniel Sellers. January 28, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Abigail Appleton. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 897.) February 1, 1837.
Jacob Sammons -- heirs of. February 7, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
James B. Rice. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 907.) February 3, 1837.
Simon Burton, Jr. February 4, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
John Krepps. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 906.) February 3, 1837.
James Roddy [i.e., Roddey] -- executors of. February 4, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Samuel B. Hugo. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 905.) February 2, 1837.
Tennessee volunteers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 916.) February 8, 1837.
Votes for President and Vice President. February 4, 1837. Printed by order of the House of Representatives.
Charles Waldron. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Oliver Peck. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 928.) February 14, 1837.
Jacob Houseman [i.e., Housman]. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Columbian Institute. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 934.) February 14, 1837.
President United States Elect. February 11, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Conrad Widrig. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 927.) February 14, 1837.
John R. Williams. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Heirs of John Waters. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
George L. Phillips, and others. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Ann S. Heileman. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 931.) February 14, 1837.
Gideon Sheldon. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Duncan and Taylor. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
Moses Van Campen. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 90.) February 14, 1837.
Drawback of duties. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 3.) February 16, 1837. Read, and, with the bill, committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow.
Elizabeth Burmer. February 14, 1837. Read, and laid upon the table.
John M. Jewell. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 860.) January 20, 1837.
William Collins. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 795.) December 30, 1836.
Benjamin F. Wesley. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 796.) December 30, 1836.
Ebenezer Conant. December 30, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.
Thomas King. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 794.) December 30, 1836.
John Perham. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 793.) December 30, 1836.
Eli Darling. December 27, 1836. Read, and laid upon the table.