Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Serial set 3175-3 | List of private claims brought before the Senate of the United States from the commencement of the Forty-seventh Congress to the close of the Fifty-first Congress. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate, pursuant to a resolution of the Senate of September 30, 1890. August 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. | 1 |
Serial set 3176 | Berlin Silver Commission, 1894. Proposals submitted and debate on the proposals. Report of the proceedings, to which is appended the report of the proceedings of the International Bimetallic Conference at London May 2 and 3, 1894. Translated and prepared under direction of the Committee on Finance, by authority of Senate resolution of June 18, 1894. August 18, 1894. -- Presented by Mr. Harris and ordered to be printed. | 1 |
Serial set 3177 | Appropriations, new offices, etc. Statements showing I. -- Appropriations made during the first and second sessions of the Fifty-third Congress (pp. 5-524). II. -- New offices created and the salaries thereof (pp. 525-545). III. -- Offices the salaries of which have been omitted, with the amount of reduction (pp. 525-545). IV. -- Offices the salaries of which have been increased... | 1 |
Serial set 3178 | Digest of decisions and precedents of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States... Complied, edited, and indexed by Henry H. Smith, Clerk of the Senate Special Committee To Investigate Attempts at Bribery, etc., under the resolutions of May 17, 19, and 28, and August 16, 1894. August 16, 1894. -- Reported by Mr. Gray from the Special Committee To Investigate Attempts at Bribery, etc., and ordered to be printed. | 1 |
Serial set 3179 |
In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate resolution to print and bind for the use of the Senate 1,200 copies of Senate Ex. Docs. Nos. 45, 57, 76, and 77 of the second session of the Fifty-second Congress, in relation to correspondence, etc., with the Hawaiian Islands.)... In the Senate of the United States. February 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Platt, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1460.) The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1460) to amend an act entitled "An Act to Establish the Smithsonian Institution for the Increase and Diffusion of Knowledge Among Men," having considered the same, report it back with amendments, as follows... In the Senate of the United States. February 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed and referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Mr. Faulkner, from the Committee on Pacific Railroads, submitted the following report: (On the subject of an appropriation for the payment of the fees of counsel employed by the Attorney-General to represent the interests of the United States in matters affecting the Pacific Railroads.) In the Senate of the United States. February 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Shoup, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 661.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 661) for the relief of the Shawnee Tribe or Nation of Indians, submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. February 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 544.) The Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 544) to reclassify and fix the salaries of railway postal clerks... In the Senate of the United States. February 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1645.) The following resolution, offered by Senator Chandler on January 24, was referred to the Committee on Commerce... In the Senate of the United States. February 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hale, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 447.) The Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 447) to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue a duplicate of a certain land warrant to Emma A. Ripley... In the Senate of the United States. February 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 349.) The Committee adopts the report made on this subject during the last Congress, as follows... In the Senate of the United States. February 8, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Dolph, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1057.) The Committee on Public Lands having had under consideration the Bill (S. 1057) to relieve William R. Wheaton and Charles H. Chamberlain, of California, recommend the passage of the bill without amendment... In the Senate of the United States. February 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3218.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3218) granting an increase of pension to Jane Thompson... In the Senate of the United States. March 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1503.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1503) to establish harbor regulations for the District of Columbia, after having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. January 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 655.) The Committee on the Judiciary, having under consideration the Bill (S. 655) "To Extend the Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace in the District of Columbia and to Regulate the Proceedings before Them," beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. February 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 57.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 57) for the relief of the legal representatives of Henry S. French, have had the same under consideration and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. January 23, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1111, to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to grant a permit to build on lot 43, square 358, in the City of Washington, D.C.) In the Senate of the United States. January 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Butler (on behalf of Mr. McPherson), from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1228.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1228) for the relief of Charles W. Cronk, ... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 587.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 587) to amend an act entitled "An Act To Regulate the Carriage of Passengers by Sea," approved August 2, 1882... In the Senate of the United States. January 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hale, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 299.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 299) for the construction of a dry dock at the Portsmouth Navy yard, report the same favorably... In the Senate of the United States. March 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hunton, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 886.) The Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads to whom was referred the Bill (S. 886) for the relief of the legal representatives of John Wightman, deceased, have carefully considered the same, and beg leave to report... In the Senate of the United States. January 30, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Quay, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1427.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1427) granting an increase of pension to Mrs. Helen G. Heiner, have considered the same and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. January 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany letter of the Treasurer of the United States transmitting accounts settled by his office with the First Comptroller for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.) In the Senate of the United States. January 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 304.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 304) to increase pension for loss of the sight of both eyes, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. March 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House concurrent resolution to print 8,000 copies of the eulogies delivered in Congress upon the late Representative Lilly, of Pennsylvania.)... In the Senate of the United States. March 5, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1597.) The Senate Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1597) amending an act entitled "An Act for the Support of the Government of the District of Columbia for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1878, and for Other Purposes,"... In the Senate of the United States. January 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Carey, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 160.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 160) to fix the price under the desert-land laws, have had the same under consideration and recommend that the bill pass... In the Senate of the United States. December 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1005.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1005) "To Prevent the Recording of Subdivisions of Land in the District of Columbia in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds,"... In the Senate of the United States. January 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 99.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 99) to secure the relinquishment of the Indian title to a portion of the Pyramid Lake Reservation in Nevada, and to the entire Walker River Reservation... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Caffery, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1412.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 694) for the relief of Fanny B. Randolph and Dora L. Stark, as found by the Court of Claims under the Acts of Congress of March 3, 1883, and March 3, 1887, report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. April 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1117.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1117) for the relief of William Loring Spencer, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. February 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1420.) The Committee on Claims have carefully examined the Bill (S. 1420) for the relief of J. Floyd Johnston, as administrator of the estate of John Floyd Johnston, deceased... In the Senate of the United States. January 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 812.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 812) for the relief of William R. Steinmetz, have h ad the same under consideration, and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. March 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 103.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 103) for the relief of P.S. Corbett, have examined the same, and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. April 5, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1483.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1483) to correct the military record of Elisha B. Bassett, have had the same under consideration and beg leave to report... In the Senate of the United States. December 6, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 121.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 121) for the relief of William A. Starkweather, of Oregon, beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. February 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1076.) The Committee on Private Land Claims have had referred to them a bill to release a certain limitation existing in an Act of Congress touching the Episcopal Church at St. Augustine, Fla., and having carefully considered the same, submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. January 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 499.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 499) entitled "A Bill To Provide for the Adjustment and Payment of the Claim of Thomas Rhys Smith for Work Done and Materials Furnished for the Breakwater at Bar Harbor, Me.,"... In the Senate of the United States. January 4, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Platt, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1055.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1055) to carry into effect the findings of the Court of Claims in the cases of Edward N. Fish and others for supplies furnished the Indian service, submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. January 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House concurrent resolution authorizing the printing and binding of 8,000 copies of eulogies delivered in Congress upon the Hon. William Mutchler, late a Representative from the State of Pennsylvania.)... In the Senate of the United States. January 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House concurrent resolution authorizing the printing and binding of 8,000 copies of eulogies delivered in Congress upon the Hon. J. Logan Chipman, late a Representative from the State of Michigan.)... In the Senate of the United States. February 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Perkins, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2809.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1399) "To Promote the Efficiency of the Naval Militia,"... In the Senate of the United States. February 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hansbrough, from the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1545.) The Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1237) entitled "A Bill for the Extermination and Destruction of the Noxious Plant or Weed Known as the Saltwort or Russian Thistle.... In the Senate of the United States. January 8, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1305.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1305) to amend "An Act Relating to the Incorporation of Certain Corporations within the District of Columbia," approved October 1, 1890... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 497.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 497) to amend "An Act to Amend Section 4400 of Title 52 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, Concerning the Regulation of Steam Vessels"... In the Senate of the United States. January 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 8,000 extra copies of the report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for the fiscal year ending June 20, 1893.) The Committee on Printing... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 511.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 511) providing for the establishment and enforcement of rules and regulations for the use and navigation of United States canals and similar works of navigation, and for other purposes, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. January 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 269, for the relief of Jacob I. Cohen and J. Randolph Mordecai, administrators of M.C. Mordecai.) In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Vance, from the Committee on Privileges and Elections, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 2331.) The Committee on Privileges and Elections, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 2331) to repeal the statutes relating to supervisors of elections and for special deputy marshals, and other purposes... In the Senate of the United States. January 8, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 870.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 870) entitled "A Bill Authorizing the Issue of a Patent to the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions for Certain Lands on the Omaha Indian Reservation for School Purposes,"... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Platt, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 299.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 299) "To Extend the Time for the Construction of the Choctaw Coal and Railway Company," having considered the same, report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 509.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 509) to amend an act entitled "An Act to Amend Section 4178, Revised Statutes, in Relation to the Marking of Vessels' Names at Bow and Stern, and also to Provide for Marking the Draft,"... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Walthall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1209.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1209) to regulate enlistments in the Army of the United States, have considered the same and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. February 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gibson, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 943.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 943) for the relief of O.C. Badger... In the Senate of the United States. February 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pettigrew, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 646.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 646) for the relief of John O'Keane, of the State of Washington, submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. February 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 855.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 855) granting a pension to Elizabeth Voss, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. February 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate resolution to print, for the use of the Senate, --- copies of all papers and messages sent to Congress by the President since January 1, 1893, relating to Hawaiian affairs...under the direction of the Committee on Foreign Relations.) The Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the accompanying Senate Resolution, having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. February 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pettigrew, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 145.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, having had under consideration the Bill (S. 145) to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to carry out in part the provisions of an act to divide a portion of the reservation of the Sioux Nation of Indians in Dakota into separate reservations... In the Senate of the United States. February 27, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Lodge, from the Committee on Education and Labor, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 346.) The Committee on Education and Labor, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 346) relating to the subject of the claims of laborers, workmen, and mechanics arising under the eight-hour law, having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. February 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. White, of Louisiana, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1426.) On August 6, 1893, the British steamer Goldsworthy was wrecked off the Coast of Belize, Honduras... In the Senate of the United States. February 28, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 286.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 286) for the relief of the owners and crew of the Hawaiian bark Arctic, having had the same under consideration, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. March 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gibson, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5833.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5833) providing for the rescue of the armament and wreck of the U.S. war ship Kearsarge, having had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. March 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 597.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 597) for the relief of the legal representatives and devisees of James W. Schaumburg, having had the same under consideration, beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. March 5, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 8,000 copies of eulogies delivered in Congress upon Hon. Leland Stanford, late a Senator from the State of California... In the Senate of the United States. March 5, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print --- copies of the report of the Committee on Foreign Relations, No. 227... In the Senate of the United States. March 28, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1649.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1649) providing for the survey of the land described in the grant to the Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road Company, in the State of Oregon... In the Senate of the United States. April 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 5,000 copies of Senate Mis. Doc. No. 77, memorial of National Woolgrowers' Association.)... In the Senate of the United States. April 4, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 210.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 210) for the relief of Wetmore & Bro., of St. Louis, Mo., submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. March 28, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany the amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Wolcott to H.R. 5481, making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895, and for other purposes.)... In the Senate of the United States. April 4, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1834.) This bill was before the Committee on Public Lands in the Fifty-second Congress and was favorably reported with amendments and was passed by the Senate in its amended form... In the Senate of the United States. March 28, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1717.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1717) to authorize the appointment of women as school trustees in the District of Columbia, have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. March 28, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 829.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 829) granting an honorable discharge to Cyrus Payne, have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. March 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1295.) The Committee on Military Affairs recommend the passage of this bill... In the Senate of the United States. April 4, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hale, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1201.) This bill provides for paying the survivors of the officers and crew of the Tallapoosa their actual losses by the wreck, upon due proof of the facts... In the Senate of the United States. April 4, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 203.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 203) for the relief of John F.W. Dette, having considered the same, report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. March 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Daniel, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 421.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 421) for the relief of the legal representatives of Calvin B. Cunningham, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. April 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 684.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 684) for the relief of the heirs of the late Mrs. Catherine P. Culver, have carefully considered the same and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. March 28, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Daniel, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1289.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1289) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Sophia Miller."... In the Senate of the United States. April 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Carey, from the Committee on Territories, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 166.) The Committee on Territories, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 166) to provide for the punishment of offenses committed in the Yellowstone National Park, having considered the same, recommend that the same pass with amendments... In the Senate of the United States. March 28, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Daniel, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 599.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 599) for the relief of the residuary legatees of Mark Davis, deceased, respectfully submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. March 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S.R. 63.) The Senate Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Joint Resolution (S.R. 63) to change the name of Sixteenth Street to Executive Avenue, in the City of Washington, D.C. ... In the Senate of the United States. April 5, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print and bind 10,000 copies of the proceedings of the Pan-American Medical Congress, held in Washington, D.C., September, 1893.)... In the Senate of the United States. March 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 573.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 573) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Christopher Schmidt," have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. March 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 115.) The Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 115.) The Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 115) for the development and encouragement of silk culture ... In the Senate of the United States. March 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1683.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1683) entitled "A Bill To Authorize the Secretary of War to Lend Condemned Cannon and Cannon Balls to the Association Having in Charge the Monument Erected on Government Land near Chicago, Ill., to the Confederate Dead there Buried,"... In the Senate of the United States. March 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Perkins, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3202.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3202) granting four unserviceable or condemned cannon for ornamental purposes... In the Senate of the United States. March 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1637.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1637) for the relief of Capt. John W. Pullman of the regular Army, having had the same under consideration beg leave to report... In the Senate of the United States. March 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1170.) The Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1170) to establish an electrical experiment station for the purpose of investigating... In the Senate of the United States. March 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mills, from the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 199.) The Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads have considered Senate Bill No. 199 and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. March 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Daniel, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1288.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1288) entitled "A Bill To Execute the Findings of the Court of Claims in the Matter of the Claim of William B. Isaacs & Co.," respectfully report the same... In the Senate of the United States. March 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Wisconsin, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 857.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 857), to correct the military record of James McConnell, have considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. March 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1526.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1526) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Henry Halteman," have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. March 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Butler, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1438.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred Senate Bill 1438, have had the same under consideration and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. March 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Blackburn, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 826.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 826) to remit the time penalties exacted by the Secretary of the Navy from the Pneumatic Dynamite Gun company, of New York, in the construction of the cruiser Vesuvius... In the Senate of the United States. March 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 33.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 33) entitled "A Bill to Restore Eugene Wells to the Army," have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. March 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pettigrew, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1105.) The Committee on Public Lands have had the Bill (S. 1105) for the relief of Albert Redstone under consideration, and report the same back without amendment... In the Senate of the United States. March 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mills, from the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 200.) The Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads have had under consideration the Bill (S. 200) for the relief of Moses Pendergrass, of Missouri, and report... In the Senate of the United States. March 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Perkins, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 864.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 864) to authorize the payment to Rear-Admiral John H. Russell of the highest pay of his grade, have considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. March 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 970.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 970) regulating water-main assessments in the District of Columbia, having considered the same, make a favorable report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. March 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Butler, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1254.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred Senate Bill 1254, have had the same under consideration and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. March 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Roach, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1532.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1532) to ratify and confirm an agreement with the Southern Ute Indians in Colorado... In the Senate of the United States. March 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Call, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4858.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4858) making appropriations for fortifications and other works of defense... In the Senate of the United States. April 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1876.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1876) to provide for the payment of accrued pensions in certain cases, have had the same under consideration, and recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. April 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1857.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1857) granting an honorable discharge to William B. Barnes, having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. April 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Daniel, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 489.) A bill of the tenor of the proposed measure was considered and reported favorably by this committee during the first session of the Fifty-second Congress... In the Senate of the United States. April 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate resolution to print for the use of the Senate Committee on Education and Labor, 1,000 copies of Senate Miscellaneous Document No. 95, entitled a solution of the labor problem.) The Committee on Printing to whom was referred the accompanying resolution... In the Senate of the United States. April 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 459.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 459) for the relief of B.F. Myres, having considered the same, submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. April 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 5,000 additional copies of the fourth edition of the document entitled "Coinage Laws of the United States, 1792 to 1894...")... In the Senate of the United States. April 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1640.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1640) granting a pension to Otis Smith, have considered the same and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. April 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 837.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 837) for the relief of Albert Locke, alias Shipley, having considered the same, report... In the Senate of the United States. April 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Washburn, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6110.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6110) to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at Red Wing, Minn., report the same back without amendment and recommend that the bill do pass... In the Senate of the United States. April 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 217.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 217) for the relief of the heirs of James Bridger, deceased, having had the same under consideration, beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. April 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1286.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1286) to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to the State of Florida the balance found to be due said state... In the Senate of the United States. April 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pettigrew, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1694.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1694) granting to the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company the right of way through the White Earth, Leech Lake, Chippewa, and Fond du Lac Indian reservations... In the Senate of the United States. April 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 211.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 211) for the relief of St. Charles College, in the State of Missouri... In the Senate of the United States. April 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Turpie, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 756.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, having had under consideration the Bill (S. 756) relating to the disposition of the accretions upon the moneys received by the government of the United States from that of Venezuela in the course of the payment of the Caracas awards... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Wathall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 112.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 112) to provide for the construction of a military and commercial telegraphic line along the coast between Yaquina, on Yaquina Bay, and Port Orford... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 176.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 176) granting the right of way to the Duluth and Manitoba Railroad Company across the Fort Pembina reservation in North Dakota... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 192.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 192) for the relief of Joseph W. Carmack, have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 195.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 195) for the relief of Ezra S. Havens, have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Wathall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 98.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 98) to establish a military post near the town of Reno, in Washoe County, in the State of Nevada, have had the same under consideration and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 191.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 191) for the relief of George A. Orr, have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Wathall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 731.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 731) for the relief of Maj. Gen. John C. Robinson, U.S. Army, retired, and to allow him the full pay of his rank, have considered the same and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 189.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 189) for the relief of John M. Davis, have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 194.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 194) for the relief of Napoleon B. Giddings, have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 634.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 634) granting a right of way across the Scarboro Hill military reservation to the Ilwaco Railway and Navigation Company... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 527.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 527) to construct a road to the national cemetery at Dover, Tenn., having considered the same, report... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 187.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 187) for relief of Frederick Gramm, have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 7, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 193.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 193) for the relief of John S. Neet, Jr., have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 13, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 58.) The bill is for the relief of William Clift... In the Senate of the United States. December 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 326.) The bill is for the relief of C.B. Bryan & Co., of Memphis, Tenn... In the Senate of the United States. December 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 223.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 223) for the relief of Isham T. Owen, of Missouri, have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 12, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 872.) The Senate Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 872) "To Make Service Connections with Water Mains and Sewers in the District of Columbia," report... In the Senate of the United States. December 11, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 752.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 752) "To Extend North Capitol Street to the Soldiers' Home" report the same back with the recommendation that it do pass... In the Senate of the United States. December 12, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1190.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1190) granting an increase of pension to David S. Corser, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson (on behalf of Mr. Davis), from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 179.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 179) authorizing the restoration of the name of Thomas H. Carpenter, late captain Seventeenth Infantry, to the rolls of the Army... In the Senate of the United States. January 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1215.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1215) for the relief of Lenness A. Jackson, having had the same consideration, beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson (on behalf of Mr. Davis), from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 144.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 144) to correct the military record of John W. Taylor, have had the same under consideration, and respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 468.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 468) entitled "A Bill to Remove the Charge of Desertion Standing againt [i.e., against] John W. Wacker," having had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 467.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 467) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Brig. Gen. John R. Brooke, U.S. Army," have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson (on behalf of Mr. Davis), from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 104.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 104) for the relief of Gen. Napoleon J.T. Dana, have had the same under consideration and report... In the Senate of the United States. January 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 10,000 additional copies of the reports of the Smithsonian Institution and the National Museum for the year ending June 30, 1893, in two octavo volumes, of which 1,000 copies shall be for the use of the Senate...). The Committee on Printing... In the Senate of the United States. January 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 754.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 754) for the relief of the Southern Railroad Association, have had the same under consideration and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. January 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 435, granting the right to personally inspect and have attested copies of all evidence and reports filed or used in proceedings to obtain a pension, and for other purposes.) The Committee having carefully and fully examined the same deem it unwise legislation... In the Senate of the United States. January 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 288.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 288) for the relief of Clara A. Graves, Lewis Smith Lee, Florence P. Lee, Mary S. Sheldon, and Elizabeth Smith, heirs of Lewis Smith, deceased, beg leave to report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. January 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 117.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 117) for the relief of W.L. Adams, of Oregon, having had the same under consideration beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 18, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Fulkner, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4013.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4013) to release and turn over to Mrs. Mary O. Augusta certain property in the District of Columbia, have examined the same... In the Senate of the United States. December 19, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 575.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 575) for the relief of Sarah K. McLean, widow of the late Lieut Col. Nathaniel H. McLean, have examined the same, and report... In the Senate of the United States. January 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Vilas, from the Committee on Post-Office and Post-Roads, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4610.) The Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4610) to improve the methods of accounting in the Post-Office Department... In the Senate of the United States. December 21, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 425.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 425) for the relief of the Potomac Steamboat Company, have carefully considered the same and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. December 19, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Wisconsin, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 283.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 283) for the relief of Mary R. Wilcox, respectfully report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. December 20, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 348.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 348) for the relief of John H. Russell, having had the same under consideration, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. December 18, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Faulkner, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 832.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 832) to simplify the forms of deeds of conveyance, trust, and releases of land in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes... In the Senate of the United States. December 18, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Carey, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 356.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 356) "To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Reserve from Sale Certain Lands in the Abandoned Fort Cummings Military Reservation, and for Other Purposes"... In the Senate of the United States. December 18, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3629.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill H.R. 3629, have had the same under consideration and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. January 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 61.) This claim was before the Committee in the Fiftieth, the Fifty-first, and Fifty-second Congress; was on each occasion favorably reported with amendments and passed in the Senate, but no final action was taken in the House of Representatives... In the Senate of the United States. January 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Dolph, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 67.) The Committee on Public Lands having had the Bill (S. 67) under consideration and duly considered the same, report it back with amendments and recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 409.) This claim has heretofore received the favorable consideration of this Committee and of the Senate, and in again recommending favorable action the report submitted during the last Congress is adopted as a part of the present report... In the Senate of the United States. January 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hawley, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 322.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 322) to place Dunbar R. Ransom on the retired list of the Army, have had the same under consideration and respectfully recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. January 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Allen, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1403.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1403), to authorize the reconstruction of a bridge across the Niobrara River, near the village of Niobrara, Nebr., beg leave to report the same favorably... In the Senate of the United States. January 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1063.) The Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1063) for the relief of the legal representatives of George K. Otis, deceased, having had the same under consideration, beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. January 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Vest, from the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1462.) The Senate Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds submit the following report in connection with the bill providing for the erection of a building to be used as a Government Printing Office... In the Senate of the United States. January 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hale, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1405.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1405) for the relief of the sufferers by the wreck of the U.S.S. Despatch on Assateague Shoals, Virginia... In the Senate of the United States. January 23, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1414.) The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1414) entitled "A Bill to Amend Section 4 of the an Act Entitled 'An Act to Define the Jurisdiction of the Police Court of the District of Columbia,'" having had the same under consideration, beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. January 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Vilas, from the Joint Committee to Examine Accumulations of Files in the Post Office Department, submitted the following report: The Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Representatives, appointed on the 12th day of September, 1893, and to whom was referred the report of the Postmaster General in respect to the accumulations in the Post Office Department of old papers... In the Senate of the United States. January 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Berry, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 143.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 143) for the relief of the heirs of D. Fulford, ... In the Senate of the United States. January 30, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Wolcott, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1022.) The Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1022) for the relief of W.H.L. Pepperell, has had the same under consideration, and reports as follows... In the Senate of the United States. January 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1467.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1467) entitled "A Bill To Amend an Act Entitled 'An Act To Provide for the Sale of the Remainder of the Reservation of the Confederated Otoe and Missouria Indians in the states of Nebraska and Kansas..." In the Senate of the United States. January 30, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 807.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 807) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Joseph Redfern and Eliza J. Redfern, His Wife," having had the same under consideration, beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. February 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 828.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 828) granting a pension to Julia E. Lock, have examined the same, and report... In the Senate of the United States. February 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Faulkner, from the Committee on Territories, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4449.) The Committee on Territories, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4449), fixing the limit of indebtedness which may be incurred by Salt Lake City, have carefully examined the same and respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. February 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 429.) This claim was considered by the committee in the Fifty-second Congress, was favorably reported, with amendments, and passed the Senate, but no final action was taken in the House of Representatives... In the Senate of the United States. February 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1355.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1355) granting a pension to Mrs. Nicholas Henrich, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. February 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 207.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 207), granting jurisdiction and authority to the Court of Claims in the case of the towboat Future City, her barges, cargoes, etc., have had the same under consideration, and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. February 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1458.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1458) entitled "A Bill Granting to the Duluth and Winnipeg Railroad Company a Right of Way Through the Chippewa and White Earth Indian Reservations in the State of Minnesota," having had the same under consideration report it back favorably, with amendments... In the Senate of the United States. February 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1343.) By report No. 1925 this bill was reported favorably by this Committee during the second session of the Fifty-first Congress, and then passed the Senate... In the Senate of the United States. January 8, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Berry, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4859.) The Committee adopt the following report of the House committee and recommend the passage of the bill... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 495.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 495) to establish a marine board for the advancement of the interest of the merchant marine, have duly considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1312.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1312) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of the Heirs of Charles B. Smith, Deceased,"... In the Senate of the United States. February 27, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on Organization, Conduct, and Expenditures of the Executive Departments, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1553.) The Senate Committee on Organization, Conduct, and Expenditures of the Executive Departments, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1553) to regulate the making of property returns by officers of the government... In the Senate of the United States. February 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House concurrent resolution to print 8,000 copies of the document entitled "Imported Merchandise Entered for Consumption in the United States during the Years 1890 to 1893, with the Rates and Amount of Duty Collected,"...)... In the Senate of the United States. February 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1615.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1615) for the relief of W.T. Scott and others, find upon examination that it is identical with a Bill (S. 245) referred to the Committee during the Fifty-second Congress having the same purpose in view... In the Senate of the United States. February 27, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on Organization, Conduct, and Expenditures of the Executive Departments, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1552.) The Senate Committee on Organization, Conduct, and Expenditures of the Executive Departments, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1552) to repeal section 311 of the Revised Statutes of the United States... In the Senate of the United States. March 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 100.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 100) to reimburse certain persons who expended moneys and furnished services and supplies in repelling invasions and suppressing Indian hostilities within the Territorial limits of the present State of Nevada... In the Senate of the United States. March 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 2627.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 2627) granting a pension to Andrew Franklin, alias Andrew McKee, have examined the same, and report... In the Senate of the United States. March 8, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S.R. 61.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Resolution (S.R. 61) providing for the adjustment of certain claims of the United States against the State of Tennessee and certain claims of the State of Tennessee against the United States... In the Senate of the United States. March 8, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5258.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5258) granting a pension to Hannah Lyons, having considered the same, report... In the Senate of the United States. March 5, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 6,000 copies of Senate Report No. 2130, Fifty-first Congress, second session, "Rates of Duty on Imports into the United States from 1789 to 1890, Inclusive, Together with the Statistics Relating Thereto," ... In the Senate of the United States. March 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 120.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 120) for the relief of H.W. Shipley, having had the same under consideration, beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. March 28, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 744.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 744) for the relief of Avery D. Babcock and wife, of Oregon, have duly considered the same, respectfully report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. March 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 471.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 471) entitled "A Bill To Relieve John Friedlin from the Charge of Desertion," having had the same under consideration, with the accompanying papers, report it back favorably... In the Senate of the United States. April 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Carey, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 679.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 679) entitled "A Bill for the Location and Satisfaction of Outstanding Military Bounty Land Warrants and Certificates of Location under Section 3 of the Act Approved June 2, 1858,"... In the Senate of the United States. April 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany H. Res. 139, joint resolution providing for the printing of 500,000 copies of the Agricultural Report for 1893... In the Senate of the United States. April 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Allen, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1583.) The Senate Committee on Pubic Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1583) for the relief of Wesley Montgomery, beg leave to report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. March 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gibson, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1680.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1680), entitled "An Act To More Effectually Suppress Gambling in the District of Columbia," recommend favorable action on said bill as amended... In the Senate of the United States. March 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Quay, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1230.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1230) for the relief of Maria T. Karge, have considered the same and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. March 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1280.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was recommitted the Bill (S. 1280) for the promotion of anatomical science and to prevent the desecration of graves in the District of Columbia, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. March 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1666.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1666) for the relief of Nancy E. Day, administratrix of the estate of James L. Day, deceased... In the Senate of the United States. March 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1141.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1141) for the relief of S.J. Block and A.P. Baurman, of the District of Columbia, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. April 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 925.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 925) granting an honorable discharge to John Russell, having considered the same, report... In the Senate of the United States. April 5, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Kyle, from the Committee on Education and Labor, submitted the following report: (To accompany amendment intended to be proposed to H.R. 5575.) The Committee on Education and Labor, to whom was referred the "Amendment Intended to be Proposed by Mr. Kyle to the Bill (H.R. 5575)..." In the Senate of the United States. April 4, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1319.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1319) for the relief of E. Douglass, late Indian agent at White Earth Agency, having had the same under consideration, beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. April 5, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 168.)...entitled "A Bill Granting To the State of Wyoming Certain Lands in the Fort D.A. Russell Military Reservation for Agricultural Fair and Industrial Exposition Grounds, and for Other Purposes"... In the Senate of the United States. April 5, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1482.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1482) to relieve John Holbrook from the charge of desertion, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. April 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hawley, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1513.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1513) for the relief of Maj. Gen. George S. Greene, have had the same under consideration and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. April 5, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Butler, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1587.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1587), "To Open the Naval Reservation in Lafayette County, Fla., to Settlement and Entry," have had the same under consideration and recommend that it do not pass... In the Senate of the United States. April 4, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 819.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 819) providing for the survey of the lands described in act of Congress approved July 5, 1866... In the Senate of the United States. April 5, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3135.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3135) granting to the University of Utah a site off the public domain, have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. April 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1886.) The Committee on Commerce has had under consideration the bill, submitted by the Secretary of the Treasury, relating to the entry and discharge of cargoes, and report... In the Senate of the United States. April 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Washburn, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5806.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5806) to authorize the City of Hastings, Minn., to construct and maintain a wagon bridge over the Mississippi River... In the Senate of the United States. April 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1112.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1112) to provide for a survey for a bridge across the Eastern Branch of the Potomac River... In the Senate of the United States. March 21, 1894.--Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: [to accompany S. 1066]. The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1066) entitled, "A Bill To Authorize the Third Auditor of the Treasury To Audit Certain Quartermaster's Vouchers..." In the Senate of the United States. March 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 450.) The Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 450) for the relief of Bryan Tyson, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. March 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House concurrent resolution providing for the printing of 12,000 copies of the Statistical Abstract for the United States for 1893, prepared by the Bureau of Statistics, 3,000 for the Senate, 6,000 for House, 3,000 for the use of the Bureau of Statistics.)... In the Senate of the United States. March 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 15,500 copies of the fourteenth annual report of the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey; 3,500 for the use of the Senate, 7,000 for the use of the House, and 5,000 for distribution by the Geological Survey.)... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 469.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 469) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Adolph Von Haake," have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Walthall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 407.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 407) making an appropriation for the improvement of the road of the national cemetery near Pensacola, Fla., have considered the same and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 4,000 copies of the new edition of the Senate election cases.)... In the Senate of the United States. December 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 901.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred Senate Bill 901, having had the same under consideration submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 470.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 470) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of George H. Jewett, of Arlington, Washington County, Nebr.," have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 474.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 474) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Wells C. McCool"... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Faulkner, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 891.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 891) authorizing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to accept payment... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Walthall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S.R. 43.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Joint Resolution (S.R. 43) relieving the employees of the Record and Pension Office who were injured in the Ford's Theater disaster... In the Senate of the United States. January 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1325.) The Committee on Claims, having had under consideration the Bill (S. 1325) "For the Relief of A.P.H. Stewart," beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson (on behalf of Mr. Davis), from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 743.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 743) for the relief of the citizens of the States of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 142.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 142) entitled "A Bill To Remove the Charge of Desertion from William H.H. Cook," having had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 408.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 408) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of William H. Atkins, Formerly Commissary Sergeant, U.S. Army," having had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Walthall, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 898.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 898) for the creation of a "reserved list" of the Army of the United States, have had the same under consideration, and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. December 13, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 444.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred Senate Bill No. 444, have considered the same, and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 190.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 190), have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 910.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 910) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Eunice Tripler, Widow of Charles S. Tripler," have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Vilas, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 288.) The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 288) "To Provide for Two Additional Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oklahoma, and for Other Purposes"... In the Senate of the United States. December 14, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 506.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 506) entitled "A Bill Granting an Honorable Discharge to William Pierce," having had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. January 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1280.) The Committee on District of Columbia, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1280) for the promotion of anatomical science and to prevent the desecration of graves in the District of Columbia... In the Senate of the United States. January 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 198.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 198) to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to settle the claims of the Legal Representatives of S.W. Marston, late United States Indian agent at Union Agency, Ind. T.... In the Senate of the United States. January 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Daniel, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 914.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was Committed Senate Bill No. 914, entitled "A Bill for the Relief of the Legal Personal Representatives of Henry H. Sibley, Deceased," respectfully report the bill with an amendment... In the Senate of the United States. December 18, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1267.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1267) entitled "A Bill To Authorize the Attorney for the District of Columbia and His Assistants To Administer Oaths and Affirmations,"... In the Senate of the United States. December 18, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3246.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3246) "For the Appointment of a Sealer and Assistant Sealer of Weights and Measures in the District of Columbia, and for Other Purposes,"... In the Senate of the United States. December 20, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 574.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 574) for the relief of Dwight Hall, have examined the case and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. January 30, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 686.) The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 686) to amend an act entitled "An Act to Divide the Judicial District of North Dakota," and to provide for the fees and compensation of the officers of the circuit and district courts ... In the Senate of the United States. January 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1365.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1365) to refund illegal internal-revenue tax collected of the late Alexander W. Baldwin as United States district judge for the District of Nevada, have examined the same and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 491.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 491) granting a pension to Alice K. Potter, widow of Gen. Joseph H. Potter, deceased, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. February 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 100.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 100) to reimburse certain persons who expended moneys and furnished services and supplies in repelling invasions and suppressing Indian hostilities... In the Senate of the United States. February 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Shoup, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1538.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 442) to ratify the agreement made with the Yankton tribe of Sioux Indians in the State of South Dakota for the sale of their surplus lands, dated December 31, 1892... In the Senate of the United States. January 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4571.) The Committee on the District of Columbia have had this bill under consideration and recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 507.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 507) providing for the collection of fees for furnishing certificates of title to vessels, have considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 588.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 588) to repeal section 4145 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and to amend sections 4146, 4320... In the Senate of the United States. January 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 1,500 copies of part 1 and 2,800 copies of part 2 of the report of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for the fiscal year 1892.)... In the Senate of the United States. January 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 432.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 432) to provide an American register for the foreign built steamship El Callao, of New York, and change her name to Oneida, having duly considered the same, report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. January 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate Concurrent Resolution to print 8,000 copies of the Thirteenth Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Ethnology, with accompanying papers and illustrations.) The Committee on Printing, having considered the accompanying concurrent resolution... In the Senate of the United States. January 16, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany S.R. 51.) The Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1137) "To Provide for the Printing of the Report of the Joint Committee of Congress and Proceedings at the Centennial Celebration of the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Capitol," having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. April 4, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 894.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 894) for the relief of Robert Travila for loss of carbine in late war, having had the same under consideration, beg to submit the following report... |
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Serial set 3180 | In the Senate of the United States. February 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Morgan submitted the following report from the Committee on Foreign Relations: The following resolution of the Senate defines the limits of the authority of the committee in the investigation and report it is required to make... | 1 |
Serial set 3181 | Coinage laws of the United States, 1792 to 1894, with an appendix of statistics relating to coins and currency. Fourth edition -- revised and corrected to August 1, 1894. Prepared under the direction of the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate. March 5, 1894. -- Submitted by Mr. Voorhees, from the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed. | 1 |
Serial set 3182 | Imports and exports. Part I. Imports from 1867 to 1893, inclusive. A compilation of foreign commodities imported and entered for consumption in the United States;... during the fiscal years ended June 30, 1867 to 1893, inclusive. March 14, 1894. -- Reported by Mr. Voorhees, from the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed. | 1 |
Serial set 3183 |
In the Senate of the United States. May 4, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1273.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1273) for the relief of Bernard J.D. Irwin, submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. July 9, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3458.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3458) extending the time for final proof and payment of lands claimed under the public land laws of the United States... In the Senate of the United States. April 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McPherson, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1784.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1784) to amend section 3719 of the Revised Statutes, having carefully considered the same recommend that the bill do pass with the following amendment... In the Senate of the United States. April 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Daniel, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1824.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1824) entitled "A Bill To Carry out the Findings of the Court of Claims and for the Relief of Samuel Fitzhugh, Administrator of Henry Fitzhugh," respectfully report the same... In the Senate of the United States. April 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Morgan, from the Committee of Foreign Relations, submitted the following report: (To accompany Bill S. 1481.) The action of the Committee of the Senate of Foreign Relations upon bills heretofore reported for aiding in the construction of an interoceanic canal through Nicaragua ... In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 873.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 873) for the relief of Capt. Robert McClermont, having had the same under consideration, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. July 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Hale, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 38.) The Senate Committee on Naval Affairs adopt the following report: The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 38) relating to the pay and retirement of mates in the Navy... In the Senate of the United States. July 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1083.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1083) for the relief of the estate of John Ericsson, after due consideration, make a favorable report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. April 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 529.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 529) for the relief of William R. Miller, have carefully examined and considered the record of the case, and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. June 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Blackburn, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6016.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6016) making appropriations for the service of the Post-Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895... In the Senate of the United States. June 27, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer (on behalf of Mr. Palmer), from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5459.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5459) to pension the minor children of Alfred T. Phipps, have examined the same, and report... In the Senate of the United States. June 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hawley, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2070.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2070) to provide for the restoration to the State of Michigan two flags carried by the Twenty-second Michigan Infantry Volunteers and now in the War Department, beg leave to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S.R. 45.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Joint Resolution (S.R. 45) granting a medal to Bvt. First Lieut. A. Liebschutz, have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. June 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6171.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6171) to authorize the Metropolitan Railroad Company to change its motive power for the propulsion of the cars of the said company, report the measure with certain amendments,... In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1298.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1298) to remove from the rolls of the Army the charge of desertion against Neil Patton, late of Battery F, Second U.S. Artillery... In the Senate of the United States. July 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. concurrent resolution to print 10,000 extra copies of the report of the Director of the Mint on the production of the precious metals in the United States for the calendar year 1893... In the Senate of the United States. July 6, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Call, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6937.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6937) making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895... In the Senate of the United States. April 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Washburn, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4765.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4765) to authorize the St. Louis River Bridge Company and the Duluth Transfer Railway Company to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge over the St. Louis River from a point at or near Grassy Point,... In the Senate of the United States. April 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1480.) The Committee on Pensions have carefully examined the Bill (S. 1480) to codify and arrange the laws relating to pensions, and beg leave to report the same favorably... In the Senate of the United States. April 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany Bill H.R. 5065.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred House Bill No. 5065, "An Act To Ratify the Reservation of Certain Lands Made for the Benefit of Oklahoma Territory, and for Other Purposes,"... In the Senate of the United States. April 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Carey, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1591.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred S. 1591, a bill to provide for the reservation, sale and settlement of certain lands in several of the states and territories, having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. April 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 487.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 487) for the relief of the widow and heirs of Samuel Kramer... In the Senate of the United States. April 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Washburn, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5978.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5978) to authorize the construction of a steel bridge over the St. Louis River between the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota... In the Senate of the United States. April 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Allen, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1301.) The Senate Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1301) for the relief of the Legal Representatives of Hiram Somerville, beg leave to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. April 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Berry, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1433.) The Committee on Public Lands, having had under consideration the Bill (S. 1433) granting the Hot Springs Water Company a site for a reservoir for cold water upon the permanent reservation at Hot Springs, report the same back with the following amendment... In the Senate of the United States. April 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House concurrent resolution to print 8,000 copies of the eulogies delivered in Congress upon the late Representative W.H. Enochs, to be distributed as usual.)... In the Senate of the United States. April 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S.R. 74.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Joint Resolution (S.R. 74) for the proper enrollment of Thomas R. Proctor, late of the Navy of the United States, having carefully considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. April 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 552.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 552) for the relief of Calvin Gunn, have carefully considered the same, and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. April 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Daniel, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 982.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 982) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Cumberland Female College of McMinnville, Tenn.," respectfully submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. April 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McPherson, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1779.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1779) authorizing certain officers of the Navy to administer oaths, have carefully considered the same, and recommend that it pass... In the Senate of the United States. April 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4328.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4328) passed by the House of Representatives for the relief of William B. Chapman, George W. Street, John W. Hoes, Emmet C. Tuthill, and Joseph H. Curtis, ... In the Senate of the United States. April 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate order to bind, under the direction of the Committee on Finance, for the use of the Senate in debate, 200 copies of Report 334, being a comparison in quarto form of Bill H.R. 4864 and existing law.) In the Senate of the United States. April 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1644.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1644) entitled "A Bill Relating to the Detail of Retired Officers of the Army at Institutions of Learning"... In the Senate of the United States. May 3, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1594.) For the reasons set forth in the annexed communications from the War Department the indefinite postponement of this bill is recommended. In the Senate of the United States. May 3, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1963.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1963) for the relief of the sureties of Dennis Murphy, have carefully considered the same and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. May 2, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate resolution to authorize the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry to have printed so much as they may deem necessary of the evidence and other information obtained by that committee in relation to the "condition of agriculture," under Senate resolution of April 19, 1892.)... In the Senate of the United States. May 3, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1957.) The Committee on Pensions, having had under consideration the Bill (S. 1957) to increase the pension of Joseph W. Fisher, recommend that the same be amended and, as amended, pass... In the Senate of the United States. May 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5860.) ...entitled "An Act To Amend Sections Four, Six, and Ten of the Act of February Ninth, Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-three, Entitled 'An Act To Establish a Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, and for Other Purposes,'" ... In the Senate of the United States. May 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 237.) The Committee on Pensions, to which was referred the Bill (S. 237) granting a pension to Mrs. Ann Bradford, widow of Daniel R. Bradford and mother of William K. Bradford... In the Senate of the United States. May 8, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Shoup, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1833.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1833), granting a pension to Hannah Howard, have examined the same and the evidence on file in the case, and make the following report... In the Senate of the United States. May 8, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House concurrent resolution providing for the printing of 11,000 copies of a special report of the Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department on the imports for consumption and domestic exports for the years 1884 to 1894...) In the Senate of the United States. May 8, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 8,000 copies of the eulogies delivered in Congress upon the Hon. Randall Lee Gibson, late a Senator from the State of Louisiana... In the Senate of the United States. May 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McPherson, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6321.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6321) authorizing certain officers of the Navy to administer oaths, having carefully considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. May 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Turpie, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate Resolution.) Two memorials were referred to this Committee upon the 14th of August, 1893, in regard to the traffic in firearms and intoxicants with the natives of the islands of New Hebrides by Europeans and Americans... In the Senate of the United States. May 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Blanchard, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1803.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1803) "Authorizing the Construction of a Wagon Road on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation, in the State of California, and making Appropriation Therefor," having duly considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. May 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1952.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1952) to amend an act entitled "An Act To Incorporate the Washington and Great Falls Electric Railway," having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. May 16, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Turpie, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1703.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1703) providing for the disposal of the accretions of the Virginius Indemnity Fund, beg leave to report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. May 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7072, to amend Section 3816 of the Revised Statutes, relating to advances made to the Public Printer.)... In the Senate of the United States. May 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Daniel, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 454.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 454) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Washington College (Now Known as Washington and Lee University), Located at Lexington, Va.," In the Senate of the United States. May 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House concurrent resolution to print 5,500 copies of the annual report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, for the year ended June 30, 1893; 1,000 for use of Senate, 2,000 for use of House, and 2,500 for use of the Weather Bureau.)... In the Senate of the United States. June 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1841.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1841) to provide that all persons employing female help in stores, shops, offices, or manufactories shall provide seats for the same when not actively employed, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. June 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6893.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, having considered the Bill (H.R. 6893) regulating water-main assessments in the District of Columbia... In the Senate of the United States. June 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4961.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4961) granting certain rights over Lime Point military reservation in the State of California, having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. Report of Committee on Commerce, U.S. Senate on the Bill (H.R. 6518) making appropriations for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. (To accompany the Bill H.R. 6518.) July 11, 1894. -- Reported by Mr. Ransom from the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. In the Senate of the United States. July 10, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6913.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6913) making appropriations for current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department and fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895... In the Senate of the United States. July 10, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7334.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 7334) to sell certain lands in Montgomery County, Ark., to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. July 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McLaurin, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1992.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1992) for the relief of Briscoe B. Bouldin, respectfully report the same with the recommendation that it do pass... In the Senate of the United States. July 6, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House concurrent resolution to print 35,000 copies of the report of the Commissioner of Education for 1891 and 1892... In the Senate of the United States. July 6, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6748.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6748) making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895... In the Senate of the United States. July 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House resolution to print 4,000 extra copies of the special report of the Select Committee of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia on typhoid and malarial fevers and other preventable diseases... In the Senate of the United States. July 6, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Dixon, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1154.) The Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1154) for the relief of John C. Howe, having had the same under consideration, recommend the passage of the bill and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. April 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Blackburn, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 967.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 967), "To Remit the Penalties on Gunboat No. 3, the Concord, and Gunboat No. 4, the Bennington," have carefully examined the subject and report it favorably and recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. April 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 879.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 879) granting a pension to Josephine F. [i.e., P.] Kelton, widow of Brig. Gen. J.C. Kelton, late Adjutant General U.S. Army, deceased... In the Senate of the United States. April 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1542.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1542) to amend section 4746 Revised Statutes of the United States... In the Senate of the United States. April 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Shoup, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1490.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1490) to pension Mollie Crandall, have had the same under consideration, and report... In the Senate of the United States. April 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 814.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 814) for the relief of Daniel C. Rodman and others... In the Senate of the United States. April 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Wilson, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1252.) The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1252) to amend an act entitled "An Act To Provide for the Times and Places To Hold Terms of the United States Courts in the State of Washington,"... In the Senate of the United States. April 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 557.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 557) for the relief of George F. Roberts, administrator of the estate of William B. Thayer, deceased, surviving partner of Thayer Brothers and others... In the Senate of the United States. April 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1623.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1623) for the relief of William Hurt, having duly considered the same, report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. April 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 747.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred Senate Bill 747, having considered the same, report... In the Senate of the United States. April 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1964.) The Committee on Commerce has considered the Bill (S. 1681), to promote the efficiency of the Revenue-Cutter Service, and makes the following report... In the Senate of the United States. April 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Shoup, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 2710.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, having had under consideration the Bill (H.R. 2710) for the relief of Jesse S. Morrison, adopt and submit as their own the report of the House Committee on Indian Affairs on the same... In the Senate of the United States. April 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Wisconsin, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 274.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 274) making an appropriation for the establishment of a national park near Florence, S.C... In the Senate of the United States. April 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. White, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1965.) The Committee on Commerce, having considered the existing legislation for the prevention of collisions at sea, report the accompanying bill and recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. April 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House concurrent resolution to print and bind in cloth 1,500 copies of the annual report of the Health Officer of the District of Columbia; 100 for the use of the Senate, 350 for the use of the House of Representatives, and 1,050 for the use of the Health Officer.)... In the Senate of the United States. April 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate Resolution to print 5,000 copies of Senate Report No. 331, relative to the Nicaragua Canal, together with a topical index of said report prepared under the direction of the Committee of Foreign Relations.) In the Senate of the United States. April 30, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 473.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 473) entitled "A Bill to Remove the Charge of Desertion from the Military Record of Jeremiah L. Daly..." In the Senate of the United States. May 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 40,000 additional copies of the ninth annual report of the Commissioner of Labor, relating to building and loan associations, to be bound in cloth; 8,000 for the Senate... In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 811.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 811) for the relief of F. Halverson French, have had the same under consideration and respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1381.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1381) "To Provide for the Restoration to the Society of the Twenty-second Michigan Infantry Volunteers Two Flags Now in the War Department,"... In the Senate of the United States. May 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on Organization, Conduct, and Expenditures of the Executive Departments, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6948.) The Committee on Organization, Conduct and Expenditures of the Executive Departments, having considered House Bill No. 6948, recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1064.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1064) for the relief of Johial [i.e., Johiel] W. Boyd, late of Company C, Sixth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry... In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1391.) The Committee on Pensions, U.S. Senate, to whom was referred the Senate Bill No. 1391, granting a pension to Mrs. Levenia D. Athon, widow of Dr. James S. Athon, deceased... In the Senate of the United States. May 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 763.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 763) "Relieving the Personal Representatives of John Sherman, jr., Late U.S. Marshal for the Territory of New Mexico... In the Senate of the United States. May 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. May 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be reprinted. Mr. Teller, from the Select Committee on the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians, submitted the following report: The Senate on the 29th of March, 1894, adopted the following resolution... In the Senate of the United States. May 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1077.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1077) for the relief of Henry Smith from the charge of desertion have carefully considered the same and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. May 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S.R. 68.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Joint Resolution (S.R. 68) entitled "Joint Resolution for the Relief of W.D. Mack, a Clerk in the Record and Pension Office of the War Department," having had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. May 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1999.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1999) for the relief of Charles T. Russell, late consul of the United States at Liverpool, report the same back to the Senate with a favorable recommendation... In the Senate of the United States. May 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate Resolution to authorize the joint subcommittees of the Committees on Naval Affairs of the two Houses on the personnel...) In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1359.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1359) to amend an act approved July 15, 1892, entitled "An Act to Increase the Water Supply of the City of Washington, and for Other Purposes," ... In the Senate of the United States. May 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Brice, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5894.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5894) making appropriations for the Military Academy for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895, having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1294.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 1294) to remove the charge of desertion from the record of Benjamin Hartley, have duly considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. May 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hawley, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1539.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1539) granting a pension to Josephine Foote Fairfax, have had the same under consideration and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. May 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Faulkner, from the Committee on Territories, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 352.) The Committee on Territories, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 352) to enable the people of Utah to form a constitution and state government and be admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original states... In the Senate of the United States. May 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hawley, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1956.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1956) granting an increase of pension to Mary Doubleday, widow of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday, have had the same under consideration and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. May 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Shoup, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1508.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1508) granting an increase of pension to Helen L. Dent, have considered the same and submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. May 16, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4720.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4720) granting a pension to Lucy Brown, dependent foster mother, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. May 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. White, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1990.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1990) to amend an act approved August 19, 1890, entitled "An Act to Adopt Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea," report the same with a favorable recommendation... In the Senate of the United States. May 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Blanchard, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 934.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 934) "For the Relief of the Chapter of Calvary Cathedral, Sioux Falls, South Dakota," having duly considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. May 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Lodge, from the Committee on Organization, Conduct, and Expenditures of the Executive Departments, submitted the following report: (To accompany amendment intended to be proposed to H.R. 7097.) In the Senate of the United States. May 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hunton, from the Committee to Establish the University of the United States, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1708.) The Select Committee to Establish the University of the United States, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1708) "To Establish a National University," having considered the same, report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. May 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1375.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1375) entitled "A Bill To Remove the Charge of Desertion from the Military Record of Jeremiah F. Brown," having had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. May 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Allen, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1995.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1995) granting to the Eastern Nebraska and Gulf Railway Company the right of way through the Omaha and Winnebago Indian Reservations, having had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. June 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1852.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1852) to provide an American register for the steamer S. Oteri, having duly considered the same, report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. May 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Shoup, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1887.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1887) providing for opening the Uncompahgre and Uintah Indian Reservation, submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. May 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Dolph, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2024.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, having had under consideration Senate Bill 2024, and having duly considered the same, report the same favorably with an amendment... In the Senate of the United States. June 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2088.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2088) granting a pension to J.M. Swift, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. June 8, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Blackburn, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6108.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6108) making appropriations for the diplomatic and consular service of the United States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895... In the Senate of the United States. June 8, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Blackburn, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6373.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6373) making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895, and for other purposes... In the Senate of the United States. June 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Camden, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1211.) Senate Bill 1211 is a bill for the relief of Pay Inspector John H. Stevenson, U.S. Navy, and the relief asked for consists in giving him the usual pay of an honorably retired naval officer, instead of half-pay retirement... In the Senate of the United States. June 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hawley, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1468.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1468) for the relief of James L. Townsend, have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. June 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Vilas, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2065.) The Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2065) to prevent the carrying of obscene literature and articles designed for indecent and immoral use from one state or territory into another state or territory, having given the same consideration, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. June 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Wisconsin, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany amendments to H.R. 5575.) The Committee on Military Affairs has carefully considered the proposed amendments to H.R. 5575 (sundry civil bill), affecting the appropriations for the maintenance of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers... In the Senate of the United States. June 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Caffery, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1881.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1881) for the relief of Edward H. Murrell, respectfully report the same and recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. June 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hale, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1438.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2266) for the relief of Louis A. Yorke, have had the same under consideration and beg leave to report it back with amendment and recommend its passage as amended... In the Senate of the United States. July 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. McMillan, The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1464.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1464) for the relief of certain enlisted men in the Marine Corps of the U.S. Navy, recommend immediate passage of the bill... In the Senate of the United States. July 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1535.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1535) to correct the naval history of John C. Dull, after consideration, recommend the passage of the measure... In the Senate of the United States. July 9, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7097.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 7097) making appropriations for the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895... In the Senate of the United States. July 10, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6080.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 995) to donate the military reservation at Oklahoma City, in Oklahoma Territory, to said city for the use and benefit of the free public schools thereof... In the Senate of the United States. July 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1274.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1274) for the relief of Henry J. Hewitt, respectfully report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. July 6, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3076.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3076) granting a pension to George L. Frymire, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. June 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Washburn, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7449.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 7449) authorizing the Minneapolis Gaslight Company, of Minneapolis, Minn... In the Senate of the United States. July 6, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate joint resolutions (S.R. 76 and S.R. 85), providing for the printing of the proceedings of the Tribunal of Arbitration at Paris relating to fur seals.)... In the Senate of the United States. May 2, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. McPherson (for Mr. Gibson), from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1769.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred Senate Bill 1769, having carefully considered the same, recommend its passage with an amendment... |
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Serial set 3184 | In the Senate of the United States. Report from the Committee on Finance on the changes in text and rates of duty of the tariff act of 1890 and of the administrative act of June 1890, made by the Bill H.R. 4864 as it passed the House and also as reported to the Senate by the Finance Committee,... and the rates of duty proposed by the Mills Bill of 1888. April 17, 1894. -- Submitted by Mr. Voorhees and ordered to be printed. (To accompany H.R. 4864.) | 1 |
Serial set 3185 |
Bulletin No. 2. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies of importers, manufacturers, and others to tariff inquiries. Schedule A. Chemicals, oils, and paints. Numbers 55 to 158. April 28, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. In the Senate of the United States... H.R. 4864. Imported merchandise, 1893, with the rates and duties collected under existing law; also the rates and estimated revenues under bill as passed by the House of Representatives and with proposed amendments pending in the Senate May 7, 1894. Prepared under direction of the Committee on Finance, by Charles H. Evans, Treasury Department. Submitted by Mr. Voorhees, from the Committee on Finance. May 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 8. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule B -- concluded. Earths, earthenware, and glassware. Numbers 924 to 1195 1/2. With index to Bulletins 6, 7, and 8. May 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 1. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Opinions of Collectors of Customs concerning ad valorem and specific rates of duty on imports. April 25, 1894. -- Reported by Mr. Voorhees, from the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 3. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies of importers, manufacturers, and others to tariff inquiries. Schedule A -- continued. Chemical schedule. Numbers 159 to 271. April 30, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 5. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule A -- continued. Chemical schedule -- concluded. Numbers 393 to 482, with index to Bulletins 2, 3, 4, and 5. May 15, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 7. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule B -- continued. Earths, earthenware, and glassware. Numbers 720 to 923. May 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed Bulletin No. 6. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule B. Earths, earthenware, and glassware. Numbers 483 to 719. May 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 4. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule A -- continued. Chemical schedule. Numbers 272 to 392. May 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 3186 |
Bulletin No. 10. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C -- Continued. Metals and manufactures of. Numbers 1302 to 1422. May 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed Bulletin No. 17. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C -- continued. Metals, and manufactures of. Numbers 2137 to 2277. May 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 15. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C -- continued. Metals, and manufactures of. Numbers 1894 to 2012. May 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 16. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C -- continued. Metals, and manufacturers of. Numbers 2013 to 2136. May 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 13. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C -- continued. Metals, and manufactures of. Numbers 1663 to 1766. May 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 9. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C. Metals, and manufactures of. Numbers 1196 to 1301. May 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 11. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C -- continued. Metals and manufactures of. Number 1423 to 1541. May 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 12. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C -- continued. Metals and manufactures of. Numbers 1542 to 1662. May 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 14. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C -- continued. Metals, and manufacturers of. Numbers 1767 to 1893. May 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 3187 |
Bulletin No. 23. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule D -- continued. Woods, and manufactures of. Numbers 2876 to 3046. May 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 22. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule D -- continued. Woods, and manufacturers of. Numbers 2735 to 2875. May 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 18. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C -- continued. metals, and manufactures of. Numbers 2278 to 2414. May 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 19. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C -- continued. metals, and manufactures of. Numbers 2415 to 2548. May 22, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 21. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule D. Woods and manufactures of. Numbers 2633 to 2734. May 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed Bulletin No. 20. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule C -- concluded. Metals, and manufactures of. Numbers 2549 to 2632. With index to Bulletins 9 to 20. May 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 25. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule D -- continued. Woods, and manufactures of. Numbers 3244 to 3404. May 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 24. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule D -- continued. Woods, and manufactures of. Numbers 3047 to 3243. May 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 26. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule D -- Continued. Woods, and manufacture of. Numbers 3405 to 3547. May 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 3188 |
In the Senate of the United States. June 12, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gray, from the Special Committee to Investigate Attempts at Bribery, etc., submitted the following report: The Special Committee, under and in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of May 17, A.D. 1894, as follows... In the Senate of the United States. May 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gray, from the Special Committee to Investigate Attempts at Bribery, etc., under resolution of the Senate of May 17, 1894, submitted the following report... In the Senate of the United States. June 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Special Committee to Investigate Attempts at Bribery, etc., submitted the following report: The special committee, under and in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of May 17, A.D. 1894, as follows... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gray, from the Special Committee to Investigate Attempts at Bribery, etc., submitted the following report: Your Committee, appointed under the following resolution of the Senate of the 17th of May, 1894... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gray, from the Special Committee on Attempts at Bribery, etc., submitted the following report: The special committee, under and in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of May 17, A.D. 1894, as follows... In the Senate of the United States. May 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gray, from the Special Committee to Investigate Attempts at Bribery, etc., under resolution of the Senate of May 17, 1894, submitted the following report... In the Senate of the United States. June 21, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gray, from the Special Committee to Investigate Attempts at Bribery, etc., submitted the following report: The special committee, under and in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of May 17, A.D. 1894, as follows: Whereas it has been stated in The Sun, a newspaper published in New York, that bribes have been offered to certain senators... |
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Serial set 3189 |
Bulletin No. 28. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule D -- continued. Woods, and manufactures of. Numbers 3692 to 3843. May 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 29. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule D -- continued. Woods, and manufactures of. Numbers 3844 to 3983. May 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 27. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule D -- continued. Woods, and manufactures of. Numbers 3548 to 3691. May 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 31. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule E. Sugar. Numbers 4082 to 4113. May 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 32. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule E -- concluded. Sugar. Numbers 4114 to 4145. With index to Bulletins 31 and 32. May 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 35. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule F -- concluded. Tobacco, and manufactures of. Numbers 4429 to 4499. With index to Bulletins 33, 34, and 35. May 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 30. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule D -- continued. Woods, and manufactures of. Numbers 3984 to 4081. With index to Bulletins 21 to 30. May 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 33. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule F. Tobacco, and manufactures of. Numbers 4146 to 4266. May 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 34. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule F -- continued. Tobacco, and manufactures of. Numbers 4267 to 4428. May 29, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 36. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule G. Agricultural products and provisions. Numbers 4500 to 4635. June 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 37. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule G -- continued. Agricultural products and provisions. Numbers 4636 to 4840. June 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 3190 |
Bulletin No. 49. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule K. Wool, and manufacturers of. Numbers 5716 to 5772. (Statistics.) June 27, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 38. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule G -- continued. Agricultural products and provisions. Numbers 4841 to 4981. June 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 46. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule I -- continued. Cotton manufacturers. Numbers 5547 to 5591 [i.e., 5594]. June 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 47. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule J. Flax, hemp, and jute, and manufacturers of. Numbers 5595 to 5682. June 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 48. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule J -- continued. Flax, hemp, jute, and manufacturers of. Numbers 5683 to 5715. With index to Bulletins Nos. 47 and 48. June 27, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 43. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule H -- concluded. Spirits, wines, and other beverages. Numbers 5239 to 5300. With index to bulletins 42 and 43. June 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 44. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule I. Cotton manufacturers. Numbers 5301 to 5414. June 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 41. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule G -- concluded. Agricultural products and provisions. Numbers 5156 to 5164. With index to Bulletin 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, and 41. June 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 39. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule G -- continued. Agricultural products and provisions. Numbers 4982 to 5096. June 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 40. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule G -- continued. Agricultural products and provisions. Numbers 5097 to 5155. June 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 42. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule H. Spirits, wines, and other beverages. Numbers 5165 to 5238. June 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 45. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule I -- continued. Cotton manufacturers. Numbers 5415 to 5546. June 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 50. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule K -- continued. Wool, and manufacturers of. Numbers 5773 to 5874. June 27, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 3191 |
Bulletin No. 54, Part I. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule L. Silk, and manufactures of. Numbers 6232 to 6311. July 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 51. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule K -- continued. Wool, and manufacturers of. Numbers 5875 to 5995. June 27, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 52. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule K -- continued. Wool, and manufacturers of. Numbers 5996 to 6121. July 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 53. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule K -- concluded. Wool, and manufactures of, numbers 6122 to 6231, with index to Bulletins Nos. 49, 50, 51, 52, and 53. July 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Comparison of the customs law of 1894 and the customs law of 1890, with rates of the Wilson Bill (H.R. 4864) as it first passed the House; and of the Mills Bill of 1888. Prepared under the direction of the Committee on Finance. Second edition: Revised. Indexed. July 19, 1894. -- Reported by Mr. Voorhees, from the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 3192 |
In the Senate of the United States. August 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2032.) The claimant is the widow of John A. Martin, who was Colonel of the Eighth Regiment of Kansas Infantry... In the Senate of the United States. August 14, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Gibson, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1713.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1713) to promote Commodore Louis C. Sartori, now on the retired list of the Navy... In the Senate of the United States. July 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7071.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, having considered the Bill (H.R. 7071) to exempt the property of the Young Men's Christian Association of the District of Columbia from taxation... In the Senate of the United States. August 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4780.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4780) to pension Thankful Robbins, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1173.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1173) to grant service pensions, have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. July 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2094.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2094) to amend the charter of the Eckington and Soldiers' Home Railway Company, having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. July 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany H.R. 1713.) The Committee on Invalid Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 1713) granting a pension to Marilla Tenney, submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. July 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Quay, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1656.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1656) granting an increase of pension to Mary A.L. Eastman, have carefully considered the same, and recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. July 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1866.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1866) for the relief of Isaac L. Musselman, of Tennessee, having considered the same report... In the Senate of the United States. July 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Allen, from the Committee an [sic] Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7335.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 7335) to grant to the Arkansas, Texas, and Mexican Central Railway Company a right of way through the Indian Territory... In the Senate of the United States. July 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hawley, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 1686.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 1686) granting a pension to Margaret English, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Caffery, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1945.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred Senate Bill 1945, beg leave to submit the following favorable report, and recommend that the bill pass... In the Senate of the United States. July 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 221.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 221) for the relief of Henry M. Cannon, administrator of the estate of James Cannon, deceased, have carefully examined and considered the same and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. July 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hawley, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 636.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 636) granting the use of certain lands in Wallawalla County, State of Washington, to the City of Wallawalla, for the purposes of a public park... In the Senate of the United States. July 23, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2245.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred Senate Bill 1766, having considered the same, report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. July 23, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1148.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1148) to provide a building site for the National Conservatory of Music of America... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4290.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4290) granting a pension to Druzilla J. Rigg, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Brice, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1970.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1970) granting an increase of pension to William T. Walker, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. August 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1858.) The Committee on Military Affairs submit the following report upon the Bill (S. 1858) to grant an honorable discharge to George S. Raymond, late captain Company G, Sixty-fifth Regiment New York Volunteers... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Brice, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1996.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1996) granting a pension to Mrs. Abby Jane Ward, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6103.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6103) granting a pension to Mary A. Menefee, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5703.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5703) for the relief of Johanna Gleason, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1007.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1007) to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to appoint a deputy coroner, and for other purposes, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7574.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 7574) to amend section 3 of an act entitled "An Act Granting Pension to Soldiers and Sailors who are Incapacitated for the Performance of Manual Labor..." In the Senate of the United States. August 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6050.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6050) granting a pension to Margaret A. Woods, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4490.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4490) granting a pension to Henry C. Field, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1189.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1189) for the relief of Capt. Henry C. Seaman, having considered the same, report... In the Senate of the United States. July 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1262.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1262) for the relief of Paul McCormick, having had the same under consideration, beg leave to report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. July 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3065.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3065) granting a pension to James Lane, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Blackburn, from the Committee on Territories, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 353.) The Committee on Territories, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 353) to provide for the admission of the Territory of New Mexico into the Union... In the Senate of the United States. July 12, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4671.) A bill for the relief of this claimant has been reported favorably by this Committee during the present session, and has passed the Senate... In the Senate of the United States. July 12, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Select Committee on Ford Theater Disaster, submitted the following report: (To accompany the amendment to the sundry civil appropriation Bill (H.R. 5575) reported by him from the Select Committee on Ford Theater Disaster.)... In the Senate of the United States. July 12, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1549.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1549) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of William H. Hugo," have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. July 12, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3978.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3978) for the relief of John M. Rice, have given the same careful consideration and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. July 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on District of Columbia, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1712.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1712) to incorporate the Union Passenger Railway Company of the District of Columbia... In the Senate of the United States. July 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 2210.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the bill (S. 2210) to provide for the repair of the piers of the Aqueduct Bridge and for its use by a street railway... In the Senate of the United States. July 23, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 329.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 329) for the relief of the estate of W.B. Todd, deceased, have had the same under consideration and report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. July 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hunton, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 886.) The Committee on Post-Offices and Post Roads, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 886) for the relief of the legal representatives of John Wightman, deceased, have carefully considered the same, and beg leave to report... In the Senate of the United States. July 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3033.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3033) granting a pension to Amanda J. Lane, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Daniel, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2203.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2203) for the relief of Arthur Connell, respectfully report the same with an amendment... In the Senate of the United States. July 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6206.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6206) granting a pension to A.F. Neely, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3840.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3840) granting a pension to Joel A. Walters, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5351.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5351) granting a pension to Celestia P. Hartt, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3309.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3309) granting a pension to Ambrose Giseburt, have examined the same, and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 2650.) The Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the accompanying Bill (H.R. 2650), having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. July 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate resolution to print for the use of the Select Committee to Establish the University of the United States 2,000 copies of Senate Report No. 433, and for the use of the Committee on Education and Labor 2,000 copies of Senate Mis. Doc. No. 95, entitled a solution of the labor problem.)... In the Senate of the United States. July 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Quay, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3487.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3487) granting an increase of pension to Eliza K. Starr, have considered the same and recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. July 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 1,000 extra copies of S. Mis. Doc. No. 200, being the report of the U.S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries on the salmon fisheries of the Columbia River Basin, the same to be for the use of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries.) ... In the Senate of the United States. July 25, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2217.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2217) to provide for the closing of a part of an alley in square 185, in the City of Washington, D.C., having considered the same, make a favorable report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. July 27, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 522.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 522) for the relief of Benjamin Alford, have carefully examined the same and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. July 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4561.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4561) granting a pension to Harriet T. Vosburgh, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 27, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany House concurrent resolution to print and bind in cloth 6,000 copies of the annual, special, and veto messages, proclamations, and inaugural addresses of the Presidents of the United States from 1789 to 1894, inclusive...) The Committee on Printing... In the Senate of the United States. July 26, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1601.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1601) granting an honorable discharge to James Coughlin, of North Topeka, Kans., having considered the same, report... In the Senate of the United States. July 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 1717.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 1717) granting a pension to Eliza Holmes, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 397.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 397) for the relief of Jerome E. Morse... In the Senate of the United States. August 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1571.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1571) for the relief of Thomas Williams, an employe of the Senate folding room, for injuries received while in the discharge of his duties... In the Senate of the United States. July 30, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany H. Res. 121.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Joint Resolution (H. Res. 121), originating in the House of Representatives... In the Senate of the United States. August 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 224.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill S. 224, being a bill for the relief of William P. Buckmaster... In the Senate of the United States. July 30, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5575.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5575) making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895... In the Senate of the United States. July 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1657.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1657) to remove the charge of desertion from the military record of Henry C. Smith... In the Senate of the United States. July 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cockrell, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7477.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 7477) making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1894... In the Senate of the United States. July 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6902.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6902) granting a pension to Mrs. Susie Conway, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Vilas, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1969.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1969) granting a pension to Harrison C. Hobart, late brevet brigadier-general of volunteers, have given the same consideration and respectfully recommend that the same do pass... In the Senate of the United States. August 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2255.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2255) for the relief of Capt. William Fletcher, U.S. Army, having had the same under consideration, beg leave to report... In the Senate of the United States. August 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1018.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1018) granting a pension to Susan E. Cunningham, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 253.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 253) granting a pension to Maria Hall, widow of Joseph Doak, deceased, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2143.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2143) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Rufus Betz," have had the same under consideration, with the accompanying papers... In the Senate of the United States. August 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: ..."To Require Payment of Pension Money to Wives in Cases Where Male Pensioners Desert or Abandon Their Families, or are Habitual Drunkards, or for Any Reason Fail and Neglect To Support Their Families,"... In the Senate of the United States. August 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany H.R. 4242.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4242) directing the Secretary of the Interior to make certain investigations concerning the consolidation of land districts in California, and for other purposes... In the Senate of the United States. August 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1470.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1470) to relieve George L. Sullivan from the charge of desertion, have carefully examined the same and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. August 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3005.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3005) for the relief of George Isenstein, have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. August 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Vilas, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2281.) The facts relative to this bill are fully set forth in the report of the Committee on Claims of the House of Representatives (House Report No. 1358) upon the Bill H.R. 5056 of this session, which bill is identical with the Bill S. 2281... In the Senate of the United States. August 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger (for Mr. Palmer), from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 1214.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 1214) granting a pension to Hannah Welch, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 8, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gibson, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7095.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 7095) to provide for a national home for aged and infirm colored people, and for the maintenance of the inmates thereof... In the Senate of the United States. August 9. 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1578.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1578) authorizing the Secretary of War to recognize Frank D. Baldwin as lieutenant-colonel of the Nineteenth Michigan Infantry Volunteers from the 15th day of May, 1865... In the Senate of the United States. August 6, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Berry, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4952.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4952) to amend Section 2455 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, have had the same under consideration and report the same back... In the Senate of the United States. August 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1012.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1012) to correct the muster roll of J. Seymour Taylor, have carefully examined the record of the case and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. August 9, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 361.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 361) for the relief of C.M. Shaffer, submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. August 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger (for Mr. Palmer), from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7294.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 7294) empowering fourth-class postmasters to administer oaths to pensioners... In the Senate of the United States. August 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 2920.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 2920) granting a pension to John Maholm, dependent father, have examined the same, and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 7, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4667.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4667) to provide for the opening of certain abandoned military reservations, and for other purposes, have carefully considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S.R. 19.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Joint Resolution (S.R. 19) authorizing the Secretary of War to correct the military record of Capt. Edward Wheeler... In the Senate of the United States. August 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6384.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6384) for the relief of Walter S. McLeod, have carefully examined the same and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 2119.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2119) entitled "A Bill for the Relief of Charles B. Stivers," having had the same under consideration with the accompanying papers... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 2108.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 2108) to perfect to military record of Warren Alonzo Alden, having considered the same, report... In the Senate of the United States. August 4, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2275.) This bill having been carefully and most thoroughly examined in the second session of the Fiftieth Congress by the Committee on Pensions of the Senate, and Mr. Turpie having made a report thereon to accompany S. 3694 during that Congress... In the Senate of the United States. August 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McLaurin, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1406.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the claim of Eliza H. Yerger and Mary Virginia Rawlins, daughters and only heirs at law of Henry E. Sizer, deceased... In the Senate of the United States. August 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 2133.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 2133) to correct the military record of Capt. E.M. Ives, having considered the same, report... In the Senate of the United States. August 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1692.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1692) granting a pension to William J. Murray, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1675.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1675), "To Remove the Charge of Dishonorable Dismissal, After the Battle of Stone River, Standing against the Name of S.L. Woodworth, To Correct the Record, ..." In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3858.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3858) granting a pension to Mrs. Eliza B. Pierce, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1558.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1558) for the correction of the military record of Capt. Joseph H. Richards, have carefully examined the same, and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Brice, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 501.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 501) granting a pension to John P. Biehn, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. August 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3334.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3334) authorizing and directing the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to the heirs or legal representatives of C.P. Gooch certain money due him for carrying the mail, have carefully examined the record of the case... In the Senate of the United States. August 10, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Brice, from the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2293.) The Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2293) to provide for the improvement of the building and grounds of the U.S. court and post office at Little Rock, Ark.... In the Senate of the United States. August 11, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7515.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom the above bill was referred, have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to report that the Committee adopts the report to accompany this bill made by the Committee on Military Affairs of the House of Representatives... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6228.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6228) granting a pension to Adaline J. Props, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 14, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany letter of Anson G. McCook, late Secretary of the Senate, relating to index to private claims from Forty-seventh to Fifty-first Congress, inclusive, prepared by him under resolution of the Senate of September 30, 1890.)... In the Senate of the United States. August 15, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 859.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 859) for the relief of B.D. Greene, have carefully considered the case and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. August 15, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 118.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 118) for the relief of Peter Grant Stewart, of Oregon, having had the same under consideration beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. August 15, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Shoup, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 898.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 898) granting a pension to Jesse Davenport, have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. August 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany H. Res. 79.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Joint Resolution (H. Res. 79) for the relief of Peter Hagan, have examined the same and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. August 16, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. concurrent resolution to print 23,000 copies of the tenth annual report of the Civil Service Commission; 1,000 copies for the use of the Senate, 2,000 copies for the use of the House, and 20,000 for distribution by the Civil Service Commission.) In the Senate of the United States. August 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Shoup, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1585.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1585) authorizing the sale of timber on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation for the benefit of the Indians belonging thereto... In the Senate of the United States. August 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1556.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1556) to relieve Titus Priest from the charge of desertion, have carefully examined the same and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. August 16, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2186.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred (S. 2186) for the relief of the Legal Representatives of Orsemus B. Boyd, beg leave to report as follows... In the Senate of the United States. August 16, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate resolution to print in pamphlet form for the use of the Senate 15,000 copies of Bill H.R. 4864.)... In the Senate of the United States. August 16, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1770.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1770) to place Maj. Robert P. Barry on the retired list of the Army, having considered the same... In the Senate of the United States. July 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5020.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5020) granting a pension to Washington Hislop, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 12, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5481.) The Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5481) making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895... In the Senate of the United States. July 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hunton, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1896.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1896) entitled "A Bill To Provide for the Payment of the 8 Per Cent Greenback Certificates of the District of Columbia..." In the Senate of the United States. July 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. McMillan, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 877.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 877) to incorporate the Washington Central Railway Company, having considered the subject, make an adverse report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. July 12, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 526.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 526) for the benefit of the estate of William Moss, report the same back to the Senate with a favorable recommendation... In the Senate of the United States. July 12, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Shoup, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H. Res. 140.) The Committee on Indian Affairs have considered the Joint Resolution (H. Res. 140) to confirm the enlargement of the Red Cliff Indian Reservation in the State of Wisconsin, made in 1863, and for the allotment of the same, and recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. July 14, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1590.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1590) to validate outstanding soldiers' additional homestead certificates... In the Senate of the United States. July 12, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Blanchard, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2153.) The Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2153) for the relief of certain Winnebago Indians in Minnesota, have had the same under consideration, and report it back and recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. July 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1935.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1935) granting a pension to Elizabeth Ellery, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6969.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6969) for the relief of Benjamin F. Poteet (also spelled Poteat), have carefully examined the same and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. July 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1528.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1528) to remove the charge of desertion from the military record of George Weisel, having examined the record of the case, submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. July 12, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Perkins, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1454.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1454) authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to transfer the reproduction of the caravels of Columbus to the Columbian Museum of Chicago... In the Senate of the United States. July 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1584.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1584) granting a pension to John Eckland, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 12, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 236.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 236) to amend Section Forty-Eight Hundred and Thirty-Seven of the Revised Statutes of the United States as to Soldiers' Homes... In the Senate of the United States. July 13, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 399.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the Bill (S. 399) for the relief of Bvt. Lieut. Col. J. Madison Cutts, have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. July 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on District of Columbia, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1459.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, having considered the Bill (S. 1459) to exempt the property of the Young Men's Christian Association of the District of Columbia from taxation... In the Senate of the United States. July 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 528.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 528) for the relief of A.W. Wills, administrator, having considered the same, report... In the Senate of the United States. July 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1688.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1688) for the relief of Enoch Davis, having considered the same report... In the Senate of the United States. July 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hunton, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2118.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2118) authorizing the sale of title of the United States to a tract of land in Montgomery County, in the State of Maryland, to William H. and George Bobinger, having considered the same, beg leave to report... In the Senate of the United States. July 23, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Martin, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 852.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 862) "To Incorporate the National Light and Fuel Company," respectfully submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. July 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 1461.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 1461) entitled "An Act to Remove the Charge of Desertion from the Record of Andrew L. Grugett as a Former Member of Company E, Sixth Tennessee Cavalry, in the War of the Rebellion, ..." In the Senate of the United States. July 23, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 953.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 953) to increase the pension of Mary P. Broughton, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2066.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, having considered the Bill (S. 2066) to provide for continuing the system of trunk sewers in the District of Columbia... In the Senate of the United States. July 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1229.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1229) to correct the military record of George Whittaker, late a private of Company C, Twelfth New Jersey Volunteers, ... In the Senate of the United States. July 19, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hawley, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4322.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred House Bill 4322, have considered the same and recommend its passage... In the Senate of the United States. July 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Faulkner, from the Committee on Territories, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5293.) The Committee on Territories, after a careful consideration of the same, adopt the report submitted on this Bill (H.R. 5293) by the Committee on the Public Lands of the House of Representatives... In the Senate of the United States. July 16, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 1463.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 1463) granting a pension to Mrs. Lucinda C. Wheeler, widow of John H. Wheeler, have examined the same, and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Proctor, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2131.) The Committee on the District of Columbia, having considered the Bill (S. 2131) to secure uniformity in the names of minor streets of the cities of Washington and Georgetown... In the Senate of the United States. July 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1069.) The bill now under consideration by the Committee (S. 1069) is identical with an original bill, favorably reported by the Senate Committee on Claims to the Fifty-first Congress... In the Senate of the United States. July 18, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Brice, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 1313.) The Committee on Pensions, having had under consideration the Bill (H.R. 1313) to increase the pension to John Scott, submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. July 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 1196.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 1196) granting a pension to Mary E. Trickey, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 27, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1471.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1471) to provide for the adjustment and payment of the claim of the American Transportation Company for dredging done at Fairport Harbor, in the State of Ohio... In the Senate of the United States. August 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1527.) The Committee on Claims, to which was referred the Bill (S. 1527) for the relief of the officers and crews of the U.S. gunboats Kineo and Chocura... In the Senate of the United States. August 1, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Patton, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 817.) The Committee on Claims, to which was referred the Bill (S. 817) for the relief of Jennie M. Hunt, having had the same under consideration, beg leave to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. July 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Peffer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5374.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5374) granting a pension to Sarah Oddy, have examined the same, and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 856.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 856) granting a pension to John Stockwell, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. July 30, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Vilas, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1948.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1948) granting a pension to Augustus G. Cray, have examined the same and recommend that the bill be passed... In the Senate of the United States. July 31, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 3992.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 3992) granting a pension to Julia Bews, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. White, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7383.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 7383) regulating lights on fishing vessels, have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. August 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2056.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2056) granting a pension to Ada J. Schwatka, widow of the late Lieut. Frederick Schwatka, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Faulkner, from the Committee on Territories, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4393.) Mr. Faulkner, from the Committee on Territories, submitted the following report, to accompany Bill (H.R. 4393) to provide for the admission of the State of Arizona into the Union, etc... In the Senate of the United States. August 4, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Epidemic Diseases, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2280.) The Committee on Epidemic Diseases, to whom was referred a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, under date of August 1, 1894, with a draft of bill which he desires enacted into law... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 7419.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred House Bill 7419, having considered the same, report... In the Senate of the United States. August 3, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 2996.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 2996) for the relief of Mrs. E.S. Luke, widow of John L. Luke, late a soldier the Black Hawk War, have considered the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. White, from the Committee on Commerce, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1706.) The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1706) to provide registers for the steamers Claribel and Athos, have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 5816.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 5816) granting a pension to Mary Ann Donoghue, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 2048.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2048) entitled "A Bill To Authorize the Appointment of James William Abert to the Retired List of the Army," with the accompanying papers... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6213.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6213) granting a pension to Harriet R. Tate, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate Joint Resolution (S.R. 91) providing for the printing of 2,000 copies of a digest of laws and decisions relating to the appointment, salary, and compensation of officers of the United States courts.)... In the Senate of the United States. August 4, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gallinger, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4811.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4811) granting a pension to Mary Trimble, have examined the same, and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 868.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 868) entitled "An Act for the Relief of Charles B. Stivers," having had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6405.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6405) entitled "An Act to Remove the Charge of Desertion Standing Against Patrick Kelleher, Late Private Company C, Thirty-Eighth Illinois Volunteers," have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Hawley, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1009.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1009) for the relief of telegraph operators during the War of the Rebellion, have examined the same and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Manderson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 2582.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 2582) entitled "An Act to Authorize the Appointment of James William Abert to the Retired List of the Army," have had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 6361.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 6361) granting a pension to Pauline J. Smith, have examined the same, and report... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Brice, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 890.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 890) granting an increase of pension to George C. Abbey, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. August 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 1314.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 1314) for the relief of Mathew [i.e., Matthew] S. Priest, have carefully examined and considered the same, and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Vilas, from the Committee on Public Lands, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 2038.) The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 2038) for the relief of Oklahoma settlers... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Joint Resolution (S.R. 99) to compile and publish the laws relating to street railway franchises in the District of Columbia.)... In the Senate of the United States. August 13, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Brice, from the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1383.) The Committee on Pension, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1383) granting a pension to Russel N. Reynolds, respectfully report... In the Senate of the United States. August 11, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 562.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 562) for the relief of Marlin Parks, have carefully examined the record of the case and submit the following report thereon... In the Senate of the United States. August 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate resolution to print 500 extra copies of the annual report of the Librarian of Congress for the calendar year 1893, for distribution by the Librarian.) The Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the accompanying resolution... In the Senate of the United States. August 20, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following adverse report: (To accompany S. 1793.) The Committee on Military Affairs submit the following report upon the Bill (S. 1793) to remove the charge of desertion from the military record of Robert Roby... In the Senate of the United States. August 24, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate concurrent resolution to print 60,000 copies of the comparison of the tariff laws of 1890 and 1894... In the Senate of the United States. August 16, 1894. -- Ordered to the printed. Mr. Bate, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 4686.) The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 4686) to correct the military record of Alexander P. Magaan, of Battery H, Fourth U.S. Artillery, having had the same under consideration... In the Senate of the United States. August 16, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 1066.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 1066) to authorize the Third Auditor of the Treasury to audit certain quartermasters' vouchers belonging to John Finn, of St. Louis, Mo., having had the same consideration, beg to submit the following report... In the Senate of the United States. August 17, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Pasco, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following report: (To accompany H.R. 2842.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Bill (H.R. 2842) to reimburse George C. Tanner, late consul, etc... In the Senate of the United States. August 2, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate resolution to print 500 copies of Ex. Doc. No. 445, first session of Fifty-first Congress, a report of a board of sanitary engineers upon the sewerage of the District of Columbia, for the use of the Senate.)... |
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Bulletin No. 56. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Numbers 6976 to 7424. August 28, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 32 1/2. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. The sugar schedule in the tariff bill of 1894. Provisions relating to sugar in various stages of the bill, with amendments offered during debate in the House of Representatives and Senate, and other statistics relating thereto. August 1, 1894. -- Submitted by Mr. Harris, from the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed. The tariff law of 1894 compared with the tariff law of 1890, the Mills bill of 1888 and the Wilson bill of 1894. Prepared under the direction of the Committee on Finance, third edition. August 20, 1894. -- Reported by Mr. Harris, from the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed. Bulletin No. 55, Part I. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Replies to tariff inquiries. Schedule N. Sundries. Numbers 6499 to 6609 inclusive. August 28, 1894. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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SERIAL SET 3194 | United States congressional serial set [vol. 3000-3800] | 1 |