Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Serial set 4701 | Department of Commerce and Labor. Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor. No. 50 -- January, 1904. Issued every other month. [Volume IX] | 1 |
Serial set 4702 | Department of Commerce and Labor. Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor. No. 53 -- July, 1904. Issued every other month. | 1 |
Serial set 4703 | Report of the Director of the Mint upon the production of the precious metals in the United States during the calendar year 1902. | 1 |
Serial set 4704 | Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of Rebellion. [Operations of the Gulf Blockading Squadron, December 16, 1861 to February 21, 1862; Operations of the East Gulf Blockading Squadron, February 22, 1862 to July 17, 1865; Series 1, Vol. 17] | 1 |
Serial set 4705 | Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion. [Operations of the West Gulf Blockading Squadron, February 21 to July 14, 1862; Series 1, Vol 18] | 1 |
Serial set 4706 |
Register of the commissioned and warrant officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps to January 1, 1904. Official Army Register for 1904. Published by order of the Secretary of War, in compliance with law. |
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Serial set 4707 | Report of the tests of metals and other materials for industrial purposes, made with the United States testing machine at Watertown Arsenal, Massachusetts, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1903. February 8, 1904. -- Referred to the Committee on Manufactures and ordered to be printed. | 1 |
Serial set 4708 | Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. Volume XLVI. [The Menominee iron-bearing district of Michigan, by William Shirley Bayley] | 1 |
Serial set 4709 | Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. Volume XLVII. [A treatise on metamorphism, by Charles Richard Van Hise.] | 1 |
Serial set 4710 |
The geology and ore deposits of the Bisbee Quadrangle, Arizona by Frederick Leslie Ransome. [Professional Paper No. 21. Series A, Economic geology, 29; B, Descriptive geology, 35; C, Systematic geology and paleontology, 65] reconnaissance in northern Alaska across the Rocky Mountains, along Koyukuk, John, Anaktuvuk, and Colville Rivers, and the Arctic Coast to Cape Lisburne, in 1901, by Frank Charles Schrader with notes by W.J. Peters. [Professional Paper No. 20. Series A, Economic Geology, 28. Series B, Descriptive Geology, 34.] Department of the Interior. United States Geological Survey. Charles D. Walcott, director. Forest conditions in the San Francisco Mountains Forest Reserve, Arizona by John B. Leiberg, Theodore F. Rixon, and Arthur Dodwell with an introduction by F.G. Plummer. |
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Serial set 4711 |
Economic resources of the Northern Black Hills, by J.D. Irving, with contributions by S.F. Emmons and T.A. Jaggar, Jr. [Professional Paper No. 26. Series A, Economic Geology, 34. Series B, Descriptive Geology, 38.] Zinc and lead deposits of northern Arkansas, by George I. Adams, assisted by A.H. Purdue and E.F. Burchard, with a section on the determination and correlation of formations by E.O. Ulrich. [Professional Paper No. 24. Series A, Economic Geology, 31. Series C, Systematic Geology and Paleontology, 66.] Forest conditions in the Black Mesa Forest Reserve, Arizona. Prepared by F.G. Plummer from notes by Theodore F. Rixon and Arthur Dodwell. [Professional Paper No. 23. Series H, Forestry, 8.] The copper deposits of the encampment district Wyoming, by Arthur C. Spencer. [Professional Paper No. 25. Series A, Economic Geology, 32. Series B, Descriptive Geology, 37.] |
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Serial set 4712 |
The superior analyses of igneous rocks from Roth's Tabellen, 1869 to 1884, arranged according to the quantitative system of classification, by Henry Stephens Washington. [Professional Paper No. 28. Series D, Petrography and Mineralogy, 27. Series E, Chemistry and Physics, 41.] Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey Charles D. Walcott, director. Preliminary report on the Geology of the Arbuckle and Wichita Mountains in Indian Territory and Oklahoma by Joseph A. Taff with an appendix on reported ore deposits of the Wichita Mountains by H. Foster Bain. Forest conditions in the Absaroka Division of the Yellowstone Forest Reserve, Montana and the Livingston and big timber quadrangles by John B. Leiberg. [Professional Paper No. 29, Series H, Forestry, 9.] Forest conditions in the Little Belt Mountains Forest Reserve, Montana, and the Little Belt Mountains Quadrangle by John B. Leiberg. [Professional Paper No. 30. Series H, Forestry 10] geological reconnaissance across the Bitterroot Range and Clearwater Mountains in Montana and Idaho, by Waldemar Lindgren. [Professional Paper No. 27. Series A, Economic Geology, 35. Series B, Descriptive Geology, 39.] |
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Serial set 4713 |
Forest conditions in the Lincoln Forest Reserve, New Mexico by Fred. G. Plummer and M.G. Gowsell. [Professional Paper No. 33. Series H, Forestry, 11.] The Delavan Lobe of the Lake Michigan Glacier of the Wisconsin stage of glaciation and associated phenomena by William C. Alden. Professional Paper No. 34. Series B, Descriptive Geology, 48. Preliminary report on the geology and underground water resources of the central Great Plains, by N.H. Darton. [Professional Paper No. 32. Series B, Descriptive Geology, 45. Series C, Systematic Geology and Paleontology, 68. Series O, Underground Waters, 28.] |
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Serial set 4714 | Department of Commerce and Labor. Statistical Abstract of the United States. 1903. Twenty-sixth number. | 1 |
Serial set 4715 | Twenty-second annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1900-1901 J.W. Powell, director. | 1 |
Serial set 4716 | Twenty-second annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1900-1901. J.W. Powell, director. In two parts. -- Part 2 | 1 |
Serial set 4717 | Twentieth annual report of the United States Civil Service Commission. July 1, 1902, to June 30, 1903. Previous reports can be consulted at all free libraries. A manual of examinations is issued by the commission for public distribution, giving information respecting the scope of the examinations and the methods of appointment. | 1 |
Serial set 4718 | Mineral Resources of the United States, calendar year 1902, [by] David T. Day, chief of Division of Mining and Mineral Resources. | 1 |
Serial set 4719 |
The Passaic flood of 1903 by Marshall Ora Leighton. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 92. Series M, General Hydrographic Investigations, 8.] Geology and water resources of part of the Lower James River Valley, South Dakota, by J.E. Todd and C.M. Hall. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 90. Series B, Descriptive Geology, 36. 0, Underground Waters, 22.] The natural features and economic development of the Sandusky, Maumee, Muskingum, and Miami drainage areas in Ohio, by Benjamin H. Flynn and Margaret S. Flynn. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 91. Series K, Pumping Water, 8. Series M, General Hydrographic Investigations, 7.] Water resources of the Salinas Valley, California, by Homer Hamlin. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 89. Series J, Water Storage, 9.] |
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Serial set 4720 |
Hydrographic Manual of the United States Geological Survey prepared by Edward C. Murphy, John C. Hoyt, and George B. Hollister. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 94. Series M, General Hydrographic Investigations, 9.] Proceedings of first conference of engineers of the reclamation service with accompanying papers compiled by F.H. Newell Chief Engineer. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 93. Series I, Irrigation, 16. J, Water Storage, 10.] Accuracy of stream measurements (second, enlarged edition), by Edward Charles Murphy. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 95. Series M. General Hydrographic Investigations, 10.] Destructive floods in the United States in 1903, by E.C. Murphy. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 96. Series M, General Hydrographic Investigations, 11.] |
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