Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 4873 Relation of the law to underground waters, by Douglas Wilson Johnson. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 122. Series G, Underground Waters, 35.]
Index to the hydrographic progress reports of the United States Geological Survey, 1888 to 1903, by John C. Hoyt and B.D. Wood. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 119. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 28.]
Geology and underground water conditions of the Jornada del Muerto, New Mexico, by Charles Rollin Keyes. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 123. Series B, Descriptive Geology, 66. Series O, Underground Waters, 36.]
Bibliographic review and index of papers relating to underground waters published by the United States Geological Survey 1879-1904, by Myron L. Fuller. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 120. Series O, Underground Waters, 34.]
Preliminary report on the pollution of Lake Champlain, by Marshall Ora Leighton. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 121. Series L, Quality of Water, 9.]
Geology and water resources of a portion of east-central Washington, by Frank C. Calkins. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 118. Series B, Descriptive Geology. Series O, Underground Waters, 33.]
The lignite of North Dakota and its relation to irrigation, by F.A. Wilder. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 117. Series A, Economic Geology, 45. Series I, Irrigation, 17. Series K, Pumping Water, 9.]
Serial set 4874 Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904, prepared under the direction of F. H. Newell by M. R. Hall, E. Johnson, Jr., and John C. Hoyt. Part V. -- Eastern Mississippi River drainage. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 128. Series P, Hydrographic Progress, 33.]
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904, prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell by R.E Horton, N.C. Grover, and John C. Hoyt. Part II. -- Hudson, Passaic, Raritan, and Delaware River drainages. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 125. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 30.]
Report of the progress of stream measurements prepared for the calendar year 1904, prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell by M.R. Hall and John C. Hoyt. Part IV. -- Santee, Savannah, Ogeechee, and Altamaha Rivers and eastern Gulf of Mexico drainages. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 127. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 32.]
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904, prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell by R.E. Horton, E. Johnson, Jr., and John C. Hoyt. Part VI. -- Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River drainage. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 129. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 34.]
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904, prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell by N.C. Grover and John C. Hoyt. Part III. -- Susquehanna, Patapsco, Potomac, James, Roanoke, Cape Fear, and Yadkin River drainages. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 126. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 31.]
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904, prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell by H.K. Barrows and John C. Hoyt. Part I. -- Atlantic coast of New England drainage. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 124. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 29.]
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904, prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell by Cyrus C. Babb and John C. Hoyt. Part VII. -- Hudson Bay, Minnesota, Wapsipinicon, Iowa, Des Moines, and Missouri River drainages. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 130. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 35.]
Serial set 4875 Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904., prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell by W.B. Clapp. Part XI. -- The Great Basin and Pacific Ocean drainage in California. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 134. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 39.]
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904, prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell by T.U. Taylor and John C. Hoyt. Part IX. -- Western Gulf of Mexico and Rio Grande drainages.[U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 132. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 37.]
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904, prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell by D.W. Ross, J.T. Whistler, and T.A. Noble. Part XII. -- Columbia River and Puget Sound drainage. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 135. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 40.]
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904, prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell by M.C. Hinderlider, G.L. Swendsen and A.E. Chandler. Part X. -- Colorado River and the Great Basin drainage. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 133. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 38.]
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904, prepared under the direction of F.H. Newell by M.C. Hinderlider and John C. Hoyt. Part VIII. -- Platte, Kansas, Meramec, Arkansas, and Red River drainages. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 131. Series P, Hydrographic Progress Reports, 36.]
Serial set 4876 Development of underground waters in the western coastal plain region of southern California, by Walter C. Mendenhall. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 139. Series O, Underground Waters, 42.]
Development of underground waters in the eastern coastal plain region of southern California, by Walter C. Mendenhall. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 137. Series O, Underground Waters, 40.]
The hydrology of San Bernardino Valley, California, by Walter C. Mendenhall. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 142. Series 0, Underground Waters, 45.]
Field measurements of the rate of movement of underground waters, by Charles S. Slichter. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 140. Series O, Underground Waters, 43.]
Observations on the ground waters of Rio Grande Valley, by Charles S. Slichter. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 141. Series K, Pumping Water, 11. Series O, Underground Waters, 44.]
Underground waters of Salt River Valley, Arizona, by Willis Thomas Lee. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 136. Series B, Descriptive Geology, 67. Series K, Pumping Waters, 10. Series O, Underground Waters, 37.]
Development of underground waters in the central coastal plain region of southern California, by Walter C. Mendenhall. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 138. Series O, Underground Waters, 41.]
Experiments on steel-concrete pipes on a working scale, by John H. Quinton. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 143. Series I, Irrigation, 18.]
Serial set 4877 Contributions to the hydrology of eastern United States, 1905, by Myron L. Fuller, geologist in charge. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 145. Series O, Underground Waters, 46.]
The normal distribution of chlorine in the natural waters of New York and New England, by Daniel D. Jackson. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 144. Series L, Quality of Water, 10.]
Proceedings of second conference of engineers of the Reclamation service with accompanying papers, compiled by F.H. Newell, Chief Engineer. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 146. Series I, Irrigation, 19. Series J, Irrigation, 12.]
Geology and water resources of Oklahoma, by Charles Newton Gould. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 148. Series B, Descriptive Geology, 72. Series O, Underground Waters, 47.]
Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States (second edition, with additions), by N.H. Darton. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 149. Series O, Underground Water, 48.]
Destructive floods in the United States in 1904, by Edward Charles Murphy and others. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 147. Series M, General Hydrographic Investigations, 15.]
Serial set 4878 U.S. Department of Agriculture. Annual report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the year ended June 30, 1904. 1
Serial set 4879 Hearings before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives on bills to amend the Interstate Commerce Act. House Report 4093, amending the Interstate Commerce Act. The Antitrust Act and acts supplementary thereto. 1
Serial set 4880 Yearbook of the United States, Department of Agriculture, 1904. 1
Serial set 4881 Laws of the United States relating to the improvement of rivers and harbors from August 11, 1790, to March 4, 1907. Compiled in the office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army. In two volumes. Volume I. -- From 1790 to 1889. 1
Serial set 4882 Laws of the United States relating to the improvement of rivers and harbors from August 11, 1790, to March 4, 1907. Compiled in the office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army. In two volumes. Volume II. -- From 1890 to 1907. 1
Serial set 4883 Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents in patent and trademark and label cases. Compiled from Vols. 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, and 113 of the Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office during the year 1904. 1
Serial set 4884 Annual report of the American Historical Association for the year 1904 1
Serial set 4885 Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution showing the operations, expenditures and condition of the Institution for the year ending June 30, 1904 1
Serial set 4886 Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution for the year ending June 30, 1904. Report of the U.S. National Museum. 1
Serial set 4887 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils. Field operations of the Bureau of Soils, 1904. (Sixth report.) By Milton Whitney, Chief, with accompanying papers by assistants in charge of field parties. 1
Serial set 4888 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils. Field operations of the Bureau of Soils, 1904. (Sixth report.) By Melton Whitney, Chief. With accompanying papers by assistants in charge of field parties. [Part: Atlas.] 1
Serial set 4889 Official records of the Union and Confederate navies in the War of the Rebellion. [Operations of the West Gulf Blockading Squadron, July 15, 1862 to March 14, 1863; Series 1, Vol. 19.] 1
Serial set 4890 Report of the eighth International Geographic Congress, held in the United States, 1904. 1
Serial set 4891 U.S. Department of Agriculture. Twenty-first annual report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the year 1904. 1
Serial set 4892 George W. Croft (late a Representative from South Carolina). Memorial addresses delivered in the House of Representatives and Senate.
William W. Skiles (late a Representative from Ohio). Memorial addresses delivered in the House of Representatives.
Robert H. Foerderer (late Representative-elect from Pennsylvania). Memorial addresses delivered in the House of Representatives.
Henry Burk (late a Representative from Pennsylvania). Memorial addresses delivered in the House of Representatives.
Norton P. Otis (late a Representative from New York). Memorial addresses delivered in the House of Representatives.
William F. Mahoney (late a Representative from Illinois). Memorial addresses delivered in the House of Representatives.
Charles W. Thompson (late a Representative from Alabama). Memorial addresses delivered in the House of Representatives and Senate.