Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Serial set 5553 | Tariff hearings before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, Sixtieth Congress, 1908-1909. Vol. V. [Schedule J: Flax, Hemp, and Jute, and Manufactures of. Schedule K: Wool, and Manufactures of.] | 1 |
Serial set 5554 | Tariff hearings before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, Sixtieth Congress, 1908-1909. Vol. VI. [Schedule L: Silks and Silk Goods. Schedule M: Pulp, Papers, and Books. Schedule N: Sundries.] | 1 |
Serial set 5555 | Tariff hearings before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, Sixtieth Congress, 1908-1909. Vol. VII. [Schedule N (continued): Sundries, Free list and Miscellaneous.] | 1 |
Serial set 5556 | Tariff hearings before the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, Sixtieth Congress, 1908-1909. Vol. VIII. [Appendix.] | 1 |
Serial set 5557 |
Light and fog station, Gull Island, Lake Superior. Letter from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmitting a report of a survey for establishing a light and fog station on Gull Island, or Michigan Island, Apostle group, Lake Superior. December 19, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. Removal of wreck of battle ship Maine. Message from the President of the United States, recommending that provision be made for the removal of the wreck of the battle ship Maine from the harbor of Habana. January 28, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Issuance of patents for land to Makah Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a draft of proposed legislation relating to the issuance of patents for land to Makah Indians. January 21, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Report of Visitors to United States Military Academy. Letter from the Visitors... to the Military Academy, submitting a report on their visit. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Payment of certain claims in Panama. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting correspondence relating to the payment of certain claims in Panama. February 3, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Reimbursement of Ormsby County, Nev. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a recommendation for the reimbursement of Ormsby County, Nev. January 8, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Indian boarding school at Sac and Fox Reservation, Iowa. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a draft of proposed legislation relating to the Indian boarding school for the Sac and Fox Indian Reservation in Iowa. January 9, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Denatured alcohol at home and abroad. Special and detailed report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the Chief Chemist of the bureau to the Secretary of the Treasury reviewing observations and work in Europe regarding denatured alcohol, its manufacture and uses. February 5, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed. Lands in San Carlos Indian Reservation, Ariz. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a draft of proposed legislation to set aside land in San Carlos Indian Reservation, Ariz., containing tufa stone. January 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Unsurveyed lands in Oklahoma belonging to the Five Civilized Tribes. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation on the subject of unsurveyed lands in Oklahoma belonging to the Five Civilized Tribes. January 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Special message of the President of the United States to the House of Representatives returning without approval H.R. 16954, to provide for the thirteenth and subsequent decennial censuses, February 5, 1909 (second session of the Sixtieth Congress.) February 5, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on the Census and ordered to be printed. Hazing at the United States Military Academy. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a response to the inquiry of the House in relation to hazing at the United States Military Academy. February 17, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Memorial amphitheater at Arlington, Va. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the report of the commission appointed to procure plans and estimate for a memorial amphitheater at Arlington, Va. February 17, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. Disposal of unallotted land on the Omaha Indian Reservation. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation relating to the disposal of the Omaha tribal lands. February 8, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Report of the Provisional Governor of Cuba from December 1, 1907, to December 1, 1908. February 15, 1909. -- Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Isthmian canal. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting report of the board of engineers appointed to accompany ex-Secretary of War William H. Taft to the isthmian canal to look into the condition of canal work and report upon the feasibility and safety of the Gatun Dam, etc. February 17, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and ordered to be printed. Report of the Jamaica Bay Improvement Commission appointed pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, dated March 2, 1906, for the purpose of reporting upon the general improvement and development of Jamaica Bay... condition of the water front of the City of New York... February 23, 1909. -- Ordered printed as a House document, with illustrations. Underground transportation between Capitol and certain other public buildings. Letter from the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds, transmitting preliminary report relating to underground transportation between the Capitol and certain other public buildings. March 3, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed with illustrations. Report of the Interstate Commerce Commission on the street railroads in the District of Columbia. Letter from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission, transmitting a report on the street railroads in the District of Columbia. January 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Conduct of scientific work under United States government. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting report of the National Academy of Sciences relating to the conduct of the scientific work under the United States government. January 18, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Bridge across Little Colorado River, abutting on Navajo Indian Reservation. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, with a draft of a bill, recommendations as to constructions of a bridge over Little Colorado River, abutting on Navajo Reservation. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Railroads in Alaska. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting data in relation to railroads in Alaska under the act of May 14, 1898. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on the Territories and ordered to be printed with illustrations. Settlement of questions pending between Porto Rico and the Roman Catholic Church. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the report of Mr. Robert Bacon, assistant secretary of state, and Maj. Frank M'Intyre, relative to their mission to Porto Rico to adjust the questions pending... December 14, 1908. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Insular Affairs and ordered to be printed. Allotment of land, etc., on the Makah Indian Reservation. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation relating to allotment of land within the Makah Indian Reservation and the conservation and sale of timber thereon. January 25, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Issue of patents to competent Indian allottees. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to amend the law relating to issue of patents to competent Indian allottees. December 16, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Shawnee Training School, Oklahoma. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, submitting a response to the inquiry of the House concerning the Shawnee Training School, Oklahoma. February 2, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Publication of the names of heads of families at the First Census. Letter from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmitting the annual report of the Director of the Census regarding the publication of the names of heads of families at the First Census. January 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the Census and ordered to be printed. Special message of the President of the United States communicated to the House of Representatives on January 15, 1909 (second session of the Sixtieth Congress). January 15, 1909. -- Message and accompanying papers and vetoed bill referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and ordered to be printed. Detail of retired army officers for certain services. Letter from the Secretary of War, submitting a reply to the inquiry of the House as to detail of retired officers of the Army for certain services. January 16, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. New roadway to Chalmette, La., National Cemetery. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a copy of a communication from the Quartermaster General of the Army, a report in relation to acquisition of land adjacent to the Chalmette, La., National Cemetery. December 12, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Military education in civil institutions of learning. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of War submitting draft of a bill to promote military education in civil institutions of learning in the United States. December 14, 1908. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. To promote rifle practice in public schools, colleges, etc. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of War submitting draft of a bill to promote rifle practice in public schools, colleges, etc. December 14, 1908. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Manganiferous iron ore. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a response to the inquiry of the House in relation to admission of manganiferous iron ore at ports of entry. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed. Tenth Conference of the International Telegraphic Union. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the report of the American delegates to the Tenth Conference of the International Telegraphic Union. December 14, 1908. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Revision of the Berne Copyright Convention. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the report by the Register of Copyrights of the Library of Congress on the proceedings of the International Congress for the Revision of the Berne Copyright Convention, etc. December 14, 1908. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Patents and ordered to be printed. Fourth annual report of the American National Red Cross. January 25, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. Volunteer army. Letter from the President of the United States, transmitting draft of a bill intended to replace the present law under which the United States in time of emergency would proceed to raise a volunteer army. December 8, 1908. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Disbursements to colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a report of the disbursements for the year ending June 30, 1908, for colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts in the several states. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department and ordered to be printed. Contribution toward the adornment of the peace palace at The Hague. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State concerning the wish expressed by the Second Hague Conference that appropriate contribution be made by each government toward... December 15, 1908. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. Proposed legislation relating to Indian allotments. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to enable Indians in certain cases to relinquish their allotments. January 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Disposition of certain nonreservation Indian schools. Letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, submitting a report as to disposition of certain nonreservation Indian schools. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. International Shooting and Field Sports Exhibition, Vienna. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report by the Secretary of State submitting an invitation extended by the government of Austria-Hungary to participate in International Shooting and Field Sports Exhibition, Vienna, May, 1910. January 5, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Expenditures under appropriation, Washington-Alaska military cable and telegraph system. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting... reporting expenditures in connection with the extension and betterment of the Washington-Alaska military cable and telegraph system. December 12, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the War Department and ordered to be printed. Petition from Sac and Fox Indians of Oklahoma. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a petition of the Sac and Fox Indians of Oklahoma praying for the payment of certain trust funds. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Leases of lands within the Canal Zone. Letter from the Secretary of War, submitting a report of leases of lands within the Canal Zone. December 16, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and ordered to be printed. Transfer of certain Indian lands for school purposes. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to recompense the Indian proprietors for certain lands transferred to the states of North and South Dakota for school purposes. December 17, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Cost of manufacture of guns, etc., at various arsenals, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Ordnance, statements as to cost of manufacture of arms and other articles. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the War Department and ordered to be printed. Public building at Buffalo, N.Y. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, recommending in connection with the appropriation for the public building at Buffalo, N.Y., certain legislation. January 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Special message of the President of the United States communicated to the House of Representatives on January 4, 1909, second session of the Sixtieth Congress. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Special Committee To Investigate the President's Annual Message and ordered to be printed. Appeals from judgments or decrees of Court of Claims. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a draft of proposed legislation authorizing appeals, in certain cases, to the Supreme Court of the United States from judgments or decrees of the Court of Claims. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed Report of survey to establish light near Orford Reef, Cape Blanco, Oregon. Letter from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, submitting a report of a survey to determine as to establishment of a light near Orford Reef, Cape Blanco, Oregon. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. Reservation of lands, Colville Indian Reservation, Wash. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation in relation to reservation of lands for power-site purposes in Colville Indian Reservation, in State of Washington. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Railroads in Alaska. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a supplemental report as to the operations of certain railroad companies in Alaska. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the Territories and ordered to be printed. Remission of a portion of the Chinese indemnity. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copy of an executive order signed on the 28th day of December, 1908, in execution of the joint resolution of May 25, 1909, "To Provide for the Remission of a Portion of the Chinese Indemnity," etc. January 4, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. Reform in intermediate stage of public instruction. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report by the Secretary of State concerning participation by the government of the United States in an international congress for reform in the intermediate stage of public instruction called by the Hungarian government, 1909. January 4, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. Cooperative work between Office of Indian Affairs and other bureaus. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting a proposition of legislation to facilitate cooperative work between the Office of Indian Affairs and others bureaus. January 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Annual report of the Auditor of Porto Rico for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the annual report of the Auditor of the Island of Porto Rico, with statements of receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. January 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Insular Affairs and ordered to be printed. The Eastern Cherokees against the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting papers and recommendations relating to appropriations to satisfy the judgment in the case of the Eastern Cherokees against the United States. February 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Advances in freight rates. Letter from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission, transmitting a reply to the inquiry of the House as to advances in freight rates. February 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and ordered to be printed. Proposed remodeling of the Hall of the House of Representatives. Report of the Superintendent of the Capitol on the proposed remodeling of the Hall of the House. February 9, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the Library and ordered to be printed. Report of Printing Investigation Commission. Letter from the Chairman of the Printing Investigation Commission, transmitting report recommending certain legislation relating to the printing, binding, and distribution of public documents. February 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Printing and ordered to be printed. Statement relating to work of pension agencies. Letter from the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, submitting a reply to the inquiry of the House relating to the work of the pension agencies. February 24, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Certain models from Patent Office. Letter from the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, recommending legislation to provide room for certain models from the Patent Office. February 25, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Patents and ordered to be printed. Target range at Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Letter from the Acting Secretary of War, calling attention to the necessity for an immediate appropriation for a target range at Vancouver Barracks, Wash. February 24, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Disposal of unallotted lands of the Omaha Indian Reservation. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting recommendations as to drainage and sale of Omaha tribal lands. February 24, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Admission of aliens into the United States. Letter from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmitting a response to the inquiry of the House as to admission of aliens into the United States. March 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization and ordered to be printed. Statement relative to the work and expenditures of the Immigration Commission created under section thirty-nine of the Immigration Act of February 20, 1907. February 27, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Report of Board of Visitors, United States Military Academy. Letter from the Secretary of the Board of Visitors to West Point, submitting the report of the Board. March 2, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Disasters in Calabria and Sicily. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State inclosing copy of a dispatch... expressing gratitude of His Majesty's government for resolutions of sympathy passed by House of Representatives. February 11, 1909. -- Message and accompanying papers ordered printed and referred to Committee on Foreign Affairs. One hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Message from the President of the United States, recommending that the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1909, be set apart as a special holiday. January 19, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on the Library and ordered to be printed. Special message of the President of the United States communicated to the two Houses of Congress on December 15, 1908, second session of the Sixtieth Congress. December 15, 1908. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and ordered to be printed. Consulate at Messina, Italy. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Acting Secretary of State submitting a recommendation for a transfer and change of grade of the consulate at Messina, Italy. January 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. Annual reports, War Department. Fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. Eighteenth report of the Board of Ordnance and Fortification to the Secretary of War, 1908. December 10, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Road and bridges on Warm Springs Indian Reservation. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, proposing legislation authorizing the construction of road and bridges in Warm Springs Reservation. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Issuance of fee-simple patents to certain Indians. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation intended to authorize the issue of fee-simple patents to certain Indians. February 6, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Leases granted by Secretary of War during 1908. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a list of leases granted under authority of the act of July 28, 1892. January 8, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 5558 |
Expenditures, etc., Springfield and Rock Island Arsenals. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Ordnance, report as to manufacture of arms, etc., fabricated at the arsenals at Springfield and Rock Island. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the War Department and ordered to be printed. Schooner Roebuck, Simon Kinsman, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel schooner Roebuck, Simon Kinsman, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Purchase of manuscript of "A Chronological History of the Department of State," etc. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of State submitting an estimate of appropriation for purchase... of work entitled "A Chronological History..." December 12, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Pay, etc., of Indian inspectors in connection with irrigation works. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for pay and travel of Indian inspectors in connection with irrigation works. December 10, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Cases dismissed by the Court of Claims May 14, 1908. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a list of congressional cases dismissed on motion of the defendants May 14, 1908, for nonprosecution. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Property accounts of Sergeant-at-Arms of House of Representatives, November 30, 1908. Letter from the Sergeant-at-Arms, submitting a list of property in his charge on November 30, 1908. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Accounts and ordered to be printed. Joseph Loudermilk. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Joseph Loudermilk against the United States. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Ship Fame, John Rust, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel ship Fame, John Rust, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Changes in the estimates for the Indian service. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting a change in the estimates of appropriation for the Indian service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1910. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. General expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Agriculture submitting an estimate of appropriation for general expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1909. December 10, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Improvement of the water system at Rapid City Indian School. Letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, submitting a report as to improvement of the water system at Rapid City Indian School. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Relief of deputy auditors. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Auditor for the Post Office Department recommending legislation for the relief of deputy auditors. December 11, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department and ordered to be printed. Fortifications in insular possessions. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of appropriation for fortifications in insular possessions. December 12, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Maria Lester. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Maria Lester, widow of Joe Lester, deceased, against the United States. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Traveling expenses, etc., Interior Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a statement as to the travel of officers and employees of his Department during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department and ordered to be printed. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of L.H. Kelly, administrator of estates of John McH. Kelly and Allie V. Kelly, against the United States. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Street railway tracks at Baltimore post office. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Postmaster General submitting an estimate of reappropriation for street railway tracks at the Baltimore post office. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a copy of the annual report of the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and ordered to be printed. Commissioner of the Interior for Porto Rico. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a statement as to the annual report of the Commissioner of the Interior for Porto Rico. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Insular Affairs and ordered to be printed. Commissioner of Education of Porto Rico. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a statement as to the annual report of the Commissioner of Education of Porto Rico. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Insular Affairs and ordered to be printed. Detailed statement of expenditures of Smithsonian Institution, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, submitting a detailed statement of expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, for certain specified purposes. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Report of contingent expenses of Treasury Department, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting a report of the contingent expenses of his Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses of the Army. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting reports of receipts and expenditures on account of the appropriations for contingencies of the Army, 1907 and 1908. December 12, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the War Department and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses, Navy Department, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, submitting a detailed statement of expenditure of contingent appropriations for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. December 12, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenses in the Navy Department and ordered to be printed. Reimbursement of H.H. Wadsworth, Morton L. Tower, and G.G. McDaniel. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting recommendation for legislation for the relief of H.H. Wadsworth, Morton L. Tower, and G.G. McDaniel. December 12, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Expenses Thirteenth Census. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor submitting an estimate of appropriation for expenses of taking the Thirteenth Decennial Census. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Building for Civil Service Commission. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for rent of buildings for use of the Civil Service Commission, etc. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses of District of Columbia, 1908. Letter from the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, submitting a detailed statement of contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Additional distributer of stock, Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Custodian of Dies, Rolls, and Plates, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, submitting an estimate of appropriation for an additional distributer of stock. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Irrigation system of Zuni Reservation in New Mexico. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for completion of irrigation system on the Zuni Reservation in New Mexico. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Schooner Atlantic, Ebenezer Stanton, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel schooner Atlantic, Ebenezer Stanton, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Ship Kapperer, Blow, master, etc. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessels ship Kapperer, Blow, master; brig Young Frederick, Harder, master; ship Columbia Fortunata, Pavorick, master... December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Pier on sea front at "Palmas Altas," Municipal District of Manati, Porto Rico. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting an ordinance granting to the Plazuela Sugar Company the right to construct, maintain, and operate a pier on the sea front at "Palmas Altas," in the Municipal District of Manati. December 8, 1908. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Insular Affairs and ordered to be printed. Brig Atalanta, Stephen Griffith, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel brig Atalanta, Stephen Griffith, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Inventory of books, maps, and pamphlets, folding room, House of Representatives United States, November 30, 1908. Letter from the Doorkeeper, submitting a list of books, maps, and pamphlets in the folding room. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Accounts and ordered to be printed. Report of Sergeant-at-Arms of House of Representatives on receipts and disbursements, December 3, 1907--December 5, 1908. Letter from the Sergeant-at-Arms, submitting an account of money drawn and disbursed by him. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Accounts and ordered to be printed. Letter from the Chief Clerk of the Court of Claims, submitting a statement of all judgments rendered by the court for the year ending December 5, 1908. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Report of public property in the Post Office Department June 30, 1908. Letter from the Postmaster General, submitting a report of the public property in the Post Office Department. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Post Office Department and ordered to be printed. Statement of contingent expenses of Interior Department, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting an itemized statement of expenditures in his Department for contingent expenses for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department and ordered to be printed. Financial report of the Government Hospital for the Insane, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting the report of the Superintendent of the Government Hospital for the Insane. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Judgment against G.W. Black. Letter from the Attorney General, transmitting copy of a communication from the Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, in reference to a judgment against G.W. Black. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed. Government officers and employees who have traveled outside of Washington under direction of Smithsonian Institution during fiscal year 1908. Letter from the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, submitting a report of travel by officers of the Institution... during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Annual report of the Commissioner of the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company to the second session of the Sixtieth Congress for the year ended December 1, 1908. December 10, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency and ordered to be printed. Chief clerk to act as auditor in certain cases. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Auditor for the Post Office Department submitting a recommendation authorizing the chief clerk in the Auditor's office to act as auditor in certain cases. December 10, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Post Office Department and ordered to be printed. Railroad for Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Navy submitting an estimate of appropriation for purchase of land and change in railroad system for Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. December 10, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses of the Department of Commerce and Labor. Letter from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, submitting a statement of contingent expenditures for the period from July 1, 1907, to November 30, 1908. December 12, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Commerce and Labor and ordered to be printed. Claims of postmasters acted upon during 1908. Letter from the Postmaster General, submitting a report of action taken during the year ended June 30, 1908, upon claims of postmasters on account of burglary, fire, theft, etc. December 11, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in Post Office Department and ordered to be printed. Estimates for foreign intercourse. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of State submitting explanations in connection with estimates of appropriation for foreign intercourse. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. Fish-cultural station in upper Mississippi valley. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor submitting an estimate of appropriation for the establishment of a fish-cultural station in the upper Mississippi valley. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Richard Garner, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Richard Garner, administrator of Thomas Williams, deceased, against the United States. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. J.P. Matthews, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of J.P. Matthews, administrator of Nathan Gradick, deceased, against the United States. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Cases dismissed by the Court of Claims November 16, 1908. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a list of congressional cases dismissed on motion of the defendants November 16, 1908, for nonprosecution. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Employees under Meat Inspection law, etc. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting a statement as to the employment of persons in the meat inspection service during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908. December 8, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Agriculture and ordered to be printed. Irrigation on Indian reservations. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for irrigation, Indian reservations. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Ship Commerce, John Jones, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel ship Commerce, John Jones, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Sloop Sally, William Smith, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel sloop Sally, William Smith, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Snow Rover, Wilson Jacobs, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel snow Rover, Wilson Jacobs, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Caroline Wilmans, Daniel Jones, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel brig Caroline Wilmans, Daniel Jones, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Brig Little Sarah, John Russell, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel brig Little Sarah, John Russell, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Brig Neptune, Seth Burnham, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel brig Neptune, Seth Burnham, master. December 9, 1908. -- Committed to the Committee of Claims and ordered to be printed. Ship Mercury, Samuel Gilpatrick, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel ship Mercury, Samuel Gilpatrick, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Traveling expenses of employees of War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War, submitting a detailed statement of the travel of officers and employees of his Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the War Department and ordered to be printed. Repairs of certain naval vessels. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, submitting recommendations as to repairs of certain naval vessels. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed. Traveling expenses, etc., Library of Congress. Letter from the Librarian of Congress, submitting a statement of the travel of officers and employees during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Expenditures for travel... by certain officers and employees of the Department of Agriculture during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of Agriculture by A. Zappone, chief of Division of Accounts and Disbursements. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Agriculture and ordered to be printed. Power plants in Navy yards, etc. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, submitting a report as to power plants in Navy yards, their consolidation, etc. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed. Official emoluments of Customs officers. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an abstract of the official emoluments of officers of the Customs service received by them during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Schooner Unity, Samuel Cazneau, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel schooner Unity, Samuel Cazneau, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Schooner Swift, Joseph McCammon, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel schooner Swift, Joseph McCammon, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses of War Department, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of receipts and expenditures on account of the appropriations for contingent expenses of the War Department. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the War Department and ordered to be printed. Schooner Betsey, James Peterson, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel schooner Betsey, James Peterson, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Moneys arising from proceeds of public property. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting statements of moneys arising from proceeds of public property during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908... December 10, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed. Brig Ariel, John Griffis, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel brig Ariel, John Griffis, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Ship Antelope, B. Hillar, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel ship Antelope, B. Hillar, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Certain officers or employees of the Post Office Department who traveled on official business from Washington during the fiscal year 1908. Letter from the Postmaster General, submitting a report... December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Post Office Department and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for floating derrick. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Navy submitting an estimate of appropriation for floating derrick. December 12, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed. Reliance, Joseph Chandler, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel schooner Reliance, Joseph Chandler, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Report of finances and detailed statement of expenditures of Post Office Department, 1908. Letter from the Postmaster General, submitting reports as to the finances, expenditures, and estimated revenues of the Department. December 7, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads and ordered to be printed. Cadmus E. Crabill. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting papers in the claim of Cadmus E. Crabill. December 14, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed with illustrations. Schooner Hope, Tarbox Moulton, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel schooner Hope, Tarbox Moulton, master. December 9, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. |
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Andrew J. Tranghber. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Andrew J. Tranghber against the United States. December 16, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. "Line riders," Northern Cheyenne Reservation, Mont. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for "line riders" at the Northern Cheyenne Reservation, in Montana. January 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Schooner Ranger. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel schooner Ranger, Thomas Pedrick, master. January 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Completion of post office building, York, Nebr. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for the post office building at York, Nebr. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. George W. Black, J.R. Wilson, and W.M. Newell. Letter from the Attorney General, transmitting, with a copy of a communication from the United States Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, certain recommendations relating to the proposed relief of George W. Black, J.R. Wilson, and W.M. Newell. December 17, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed. Supplemental estimates of appropriations for Lighthouse establishment. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor submitting an estimate of appropriation for Lighthouse establishment. January 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. James M. Roberts and others. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting... the findings filed by the court in the case of James M. Roberts, Louisa A. Dougherty, administratrix of John W. Dougherty, deceased, and J. Robert Taylor, administrator of James T. Taylor, deceased, against the United States. December 18, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Marion, Ind. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting of appropriation for Marion branch of the Soldiers' Home. January 6, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for payment of claim of State of Kansas. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Auditor for the War Department submitting an estimate of appropriation for payment of the claim of the State of Kansas. February 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for pneumatic tubes, Customs Service, New York City. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for a pneumatic-tube service for the Customs Service in New York City. February 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Protection to machinery, San Francisco Mint. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Director of the Mint submitting an estimate of appropriation for protection of machinery at the San Francisco Mint. January 9, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Settlement of questions pending between Porto Rico and the Roman Catholic Church. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of State submitting an estimate of appropriation for payment of the claims of the Roman Catholic Church in Porto Rico. February 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Insular Affairs and ordered to be printed. Estimates for collecting revenues from Customs, 1910. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of appropriations for collecting the revenue from Customs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1910. January 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Completion of bridge across Mississippi River at Fort Snelling, Minn. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, with a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War, and estimate of appropriation for completion of the bridge at Fort Snelling, Minn. January 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Eleanor Maxwell. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Eleanor Maxwell against the United States. January 13, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. J. Martin Compton. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of J. Martin Compton against the United States. January 13, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for Marine barracks at Sitka, Alaska. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Navy submitting an estimate of appropriation for Marine barracks at Sitka, Alaska. February 8, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of deficiency appropriation for service of District of Columbia. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia submitting an estimate of appropriation for service of the District of Columbia. February 8, 1908 [i.e., 1909]. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Effie Cawood, administratrix. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Effie Cawood, administratrix of Alexander Cawood, deceased, against the United States. February 6, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Land adjoining Fort D.A. Russell Military Reservation, Wyo. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of appropriation for purchase of land adjoining military reservation at Fort D.A. Russell, Wyo. February 12, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Enforcement of antitrust law. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Attorney General submitting an estimate of appropriation for enforcement of the antitrust law. February 12, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Francis M. Sheppard. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Francis M. Sheppard against the United States. February 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Deficiency appropriation, District of Columbia. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, with a copy of a communication from the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, supplemental estimates of appropriations for deficiencies. February 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Elevator in Patent Office. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for elevator in the Patent Office. February 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Southern Pacific Railroad Company. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation to refund $36 to the Southern Pacific Company. February 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Documents received and distributed by Treasury Department, 1908. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a list of the documents received and distributed during the year 1908. February 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Printing and ordered to be printed. Transportation of fractional silver coin. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report as to cost of transportation of fractional silver coin. March 2, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Brigantine Fanny. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel brigantine Fanny, Jesse Smith, master. January 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Improvements in federal building at Providence, R.I. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for improvement in the federal building at Providence, R.I. January 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds and ordered to be printed. Removal of snow and ice from route of inaugural procession. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, with a copy of a communication from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, an estimate of appropriation for the removal of snow and slush from the route of the inaugural procession. January 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Documents received and distributed by Department of Commerce and Labor during 1908. Letter from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmitting a detailed statement of documents received and distributed during the year 1908. January 23, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Printing and ordered to be printed. Organ for chapel, United States Military Academy. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of appropriation for purchase of an organ for the chapel of the Military Academy. January 28, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Classified civil service employees under lump appropriations. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a detailed statement as to employment of classified civil service employees under lump appropriations. December 16, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Navy Department and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for house, etc., for engine company. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the President of Board of Commissioners of District of Columbia submitting an estimate of appropriation for house, site, and furniture for engine company. December 17, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for inspectors of child labor. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia submitting an estimate of appropriation for inspectors of child labor. December 17, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Printing and binding for Interior Department. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of deficiency appropriation for printing and binding. December 17, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Congressional cases dismissed by the Court of Claims for want of jurisdiction. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a list of congressional cases dismissed during the term 1907-8 for lack of proof of loyalty. December 17, 1906 [i.e., 1908]. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. The Hague International Congress. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of State submitting an estimate of appropriation for participation in The Hague International Congress. December 18, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. Tower clock, public building, Jacksonville, Fla. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for tower clock of the Jacksonville (Fla.) post office building. January 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for rent of quarters at Quincy, Ill. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for rental of quarters at Quincy, Ill. February 2, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Government buildings, fur seal islands, St. George and St. Paul, Alaska. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for repairs of buildings on the fur seal islands. February 2, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Accountant for Office of Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for an accountant for the Office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. February 10, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Washington Gas Light Company. Letter from the President of the Washington Gas Light Company, transmitting the report for the year ending December 31, 1908. February 9, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Washington, Alexandria, and Mount Vernon Railway Company. Report of the Washington, Alexandria, and Mount Vernon Railway Company for the year 1908. February 9, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Bureau of Animal Industry. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Agriculture submitting an estimate of appropriation for Bureau of Animal Industry. February 10, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Expenses of representatives at the Brussels conference on international law. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of State submitting an estimate of appropriation for expenses of representatives at the Brussels conference on international law. February 10, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Contingent expenses of the Land Office. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for contingent expenses of the Land Office. February 9, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Care and custody of insane in District of Alaska. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for care and custody of the insane in the District of Alaska for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1910. February 10, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. W.B. Jordan. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of appropriation for satisfaction of the judgment in the case of Jordan against the United States. February 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Henry Brant. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Henry Brant against the United States. February 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. National trophy and medals for rifle contests. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of appropriation for trophy and medals for rifle contests. February 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Public building at Morgantown, W. Va. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an appropriation for site for a public building at Morgantown, W. Va. February 23, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Awards of Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, with a copy of a communication from the President of the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, estimates of appropriations for the payments of awards. February 16, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Militia of the District of Columbia. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia submitting an estimate of appropriation for the militia. February 24, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company. Letter from the Assistant Secretary of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company transmitting the report for the year 1908. February 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Rent, post office and customhouse building, Petersburg, Va. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for rent, etc., of buildings at Petersburg, Va. January 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Appropriation, mint, Carson, Nev. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Director of the Mint at Carson, Nev., submitting an estimate of appropriation for wages and expenses at the mint. January 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for defraying expenses of the dedication of certain monuments, etc., on the field of Gettysburg. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting... an estimate of appropriation for defraying expenses of the dedication of certain monuments and markers on the field of Gettysburg. January 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Civilian engineers. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, report of employment of civilian engineers on river and harbor work. January 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed. Edward E. Walker. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Edward E. Walker, sole heir of James J. Walker, deceased, against the United States. January 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Franchises granted by Executive Council of Porto Rico. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting copies of franchises granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico. January 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Insular Affairs and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for Quarantine service. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Surgeon General, Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, submitting an estimate of appropriation for Quarantine service. January 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for protection of public lands. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for protection of public lands. January 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Leona Sugui. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting recommendations of relief for Mrs. Leona Sugui. January 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. East Washington Heights Traction Railroad Company. Letter from the President of the East Washington Heights Traction Railroad Company, [transmitting the annual report of the company] for the year ending December 31, 1908. January 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Charles A. Doak and John R. Doak, heirs. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Charles A. Doak and John R. Doak, heirs of Alfred W. Doak, against the United States. December 16, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Deficiency appropriation for isthmian canal, fiscal year 1909. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, with a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War, estimates of a deficiency appropriation for the isthmian canal. December 18, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. James B. Russell, administrator of Moses R. Richards, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of James B. Russell, administrator of Moses R. Richards, deceased, against the United States. December 18, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. James M. Appling. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of James M. Appling against the United States. December 18, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Joseph Morgan. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Joseph Morgan against the United States. December 18, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Detailed expenses, Revenue-Cutter Service. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting a detailed statement of the expenses of the Revenue-Cutter Service for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. December 18, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department and ordered to be printed. Travel of officers and employees of Navy Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, submitting a detailed statement as to travel of officers and employees in his Department on special business. December 18, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Navy Department and ordered to be printed. Laboratory, Department of Agriculture. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Agriculture submitting an estimate of appropriation for laboratory, Department of Agriculture, for year ending June 30, 1909. December 15, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Post office building at Westfield, Mass. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting estimate of appropriation for post office building at Westfield, Mass. January 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Printing and binding, Interstate Commerce Commission. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interstate Commerce Commission submitting an estimate of appropriation for printing and binding for the Commission. January 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Rents received from property purchased for Hall of Records. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of rents received from the property purchased for a Hall of Records. January 16, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department and ordered to be printed. Uncompahgre, Uintah, and White River Ute Indians in Utah. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for protection, etc., of rights of Uncompahgre, Uintah, and White River Utes in certain irrigation systems. January 5, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Expenditures of State Department, 1908. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report by the Secretary of State, with accompanying papers, concerning expenditures by the Department of State. December 14, 1908. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the State Department and ordered to be printed. Machinery, tools, etc., for Indians on Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, Mont. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for implements and other equipment of the Indians at Fort Belknap Reservation. January 21, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Sanitation, Cities of Colon and Panama. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of appropriation for continuing sanitation of the Cities of Colon and Panama. January 21, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Additional stacks for Patent Office library. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for additional stacks for Patent Office library. January 21, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of additional appropriation for Civil Service Commission. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for the Civil Service Commission. January 22, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Buildings and grounds, Military Academy. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of appropriation for the Military Academy buildings and grounds. January 22, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Estimate of additional appropriation, Civil Service Commission. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for the Civil Service Commission. January 22, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Jackson Adkins. Letter from the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, transmitting papers showing reasons for repeal of the special act granting a pension to Jackson Adkins. January 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions and ordered to be printed. David R. Cook. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a notice of the dismissal of the case of David R. Cook against the United States. December 17, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. John Barfield. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of John Barfield against the United States. December 18, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for salaries of officers and employees of Isthmian Canal Commission. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an amended estimate of appropriation for salaries of officers and employees of Isthmian Canal Commission. December 19, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Fence for national bison range. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Agriculture submitting an estimate of appropriation for fence for national bison range. December 19, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Salary, etc., of certain employees, Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture. Letter from the Secretary of Agriculture, submitting a report of expenditures by the Bureau of Chemistry to compensate persons employed by state, county, or municipal governments. December 19, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Agriculture and ordered to be printed. Deficiency appropriations for the War Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of deficiency appropriations for the War Department. December 19, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Completion of post office building, Hamilton, Ohio. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for the post office building at Hamilton, Ohio. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Completion of post office building, Watertown, New York. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for the post office building at Watertown, N.Y. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Refunds of Customs duties. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a detailed statement of the refunds of Customs duties, etc., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908. January 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for instruments, etc., Geological Survey. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for instruments, apparatus, etc., for the Geological Survey. January 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Receipts and disbursements of the insular government of Porto Rico. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the insular government of Porto Rico, reported by the Treasurer of Porto Rico. January 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Insular Affairs and ordered to be printed. Repairs of buildings, Department of Interior. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for repairs of buildings, Department of the Interior. January 14, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Completion of post office building, Meriden, Conn. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for the post office building at Meriden, Conn. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Trustees of Liberty Baptist Church, New Kent County, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of trustees of the Liberty Baptist Church, New Kent County, Va., against the United States. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Heirs of Sophia L. Ragan. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Mary L. Cropper, Sally Z. McCulloh, Dora Schmitt, and Belle Wilson, heirs of Sophia L. Ragan, against the United States. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Expenditures in the Bureau of Fisheries. Letter from the Acting Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmitting a statement showing all expenditures of appropriations for propagation of food fishes during the year ending June 30, 1908. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Commerce and Labor and ordered to be printed. Officers delinquent in their accounts, etc., 1908. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statement of the accounting officers of the government as to delinquencies in accounts during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department and ordered to be printed. Heating system, Carlisle Indian School. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for heating system, Carlisle Indian School. January 5, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Additional wing to Freedmen's Hospital building. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for construction of additional wing to Freedmen's Hospital building. January 5, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed Protection of game in Alaska. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Agriculture submitting an estimate of appropriation for protection of game in Alaska. January 5, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Traveling expenses, officers and employees, Treasury Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting a statement of travel by officers and employees of his Department for the year ending June 30, 1908. January 6, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department and ordered to be printed. Sophronia A. Woods, administratrix, Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Sophronia A. Woods, administratrix of Isaac Johnson, deceased, against the United States. January 6, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Useless papers, etc., office of the Auditor for the Post Office Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a list of book and papers of no further use in his Department. January 6, 1909. -- Referred to the Select Committee on the Disposition of Useless Papers and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation, building for Geological Survey. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of appropriation for a building for the Geological Survey. January 27, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. C.H. Webb, Jr., administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of C.H. Webb, administrator of the estate of David B. Sanders, deceased, against the United States. January 27, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Additional land for Bureau of Standards. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor submitting an estimate of appropriation for additional land for the site of the Bureau of Standards. January 27, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Georgetown Gaslight Company. Letter from the President of the Georgetown Gaslight Company, transmitting a statement for the year ending December 31, 1908. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for temporary quarters for post office at Fort Dodge, Iowa. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of appropriation for rental of quarters and moving expenses at Fort Dodge, Iowa. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for repairs of public building at Perry, Okla. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for repairs of the public building at Perry, Okla. January 30, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. City and Suburban Railway of Washington. Letter from the Vice President of the City and Suburban Railway, of Washington, transmitting the report of the company for the year ending December 31, 1908. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for electric storage battery at Government Printing Office. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Public Printer submitting an estimate of appropriation for an electric storage battery. January 30, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Washington Railway and Electric Company. Letter from the Vice President of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, transmitting the report of the company for the year ending December 31, 1908. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for rental at Petersburg, Va. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of appropriation for rental for public offices at Petersburg, Va. January 29, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company. Letter from the Vice President of the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company, transmitting the report of the company for the year ending December 31, 1908. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for oil-storage house for Government Printing Office. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Public Printer submitting an estimate of appropriation for construction of an oil-storage house. January 30, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for temporary offices at Rock Island, Ill. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for providing temporary offices at Rock Island, Ill. January 30, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Schooner Rebecca. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the vessel schooner Rebecca, Mildmay Smith and John Hall, master. January 29, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Capital Traction Company. Letter from the President of the Capital Traction Company, transmitting the annual report of the company for the year ended December 31, 1908. January 30, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for rent of buildings at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for rent of buildings at Council Bluffs, Iowa. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for fees of witnesses in land fraud cases. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for fees of witnesses for trial of land fraud cases. January 29, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Brightwood Railway Company. Letter from the Vice President of the Brightwood Railway Company, transmitting the report of the company for the year ending December 31, 1908. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for temporary quarters for federal officers at Roanoke, Va. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for providing temporary quarters for federal officers at Roanoke, Va. January 30, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for water supply at legation, Peking, China. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, with a copy of a communication from the Secretary of State, an estimate of appropriation to provide a water supply at the legation at Peking, China. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. Record of awards by Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting record of awards made by the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for rent of buildings, Ottumwa, Iowa. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for rent of buildings at Ottumwa, Iowa. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for rent of quarters at Shreveport, La. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting estimate of appropriation for rent of quarters at Shreveport, La. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation to satisfy judgments rendered by Court of Claims. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimate of appropriation for satisfying judgments rendered by the Court of Claims. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Additional land for Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for purchase of land for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. January 8, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Target range, Fort Leavenworth, Kans. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of appropriation for additional land for target range, Fort Leavenworth, Kans. January 11, 1908 [i.e., 1909]. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Repairs to certain vessels. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a list of vessels requiring repairs of an estimated cost higher than the limit of law. January 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed. Construction of hospital at Fort H.G. Wright, New York. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of appropriation for construction of a new hospital at Fort H.G. Wright, New York. January 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for payment of judgments in Indian depredation cases. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Attorney General submitting an estimate of appropriation for payment of judgments in Indian depredation cases. February 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Deficiency appropriation, Post Office Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Postmaster General submitting an estimate of deficiency appropriation for the Post Office Department. January 14, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for clerical services, Office of Assistant Treasurer, New Orleans. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for clerical services at the Office of the Assistant Treasurer at New Orleans. February 6, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Relief of Lieut. Commander Kenneth McAlpine. Message from the President of the United States, returning without approval House Bill No. 16927, entitled "An Act for the Relief of Lieutenant Commander Kenneth McAlpine." February 8, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed. Ship Hope, Sylvester Bill, master. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the conclusions of law and of fact in the French spoliation cases relating to the ship Hope, Sylvester Bill, master. February 10, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Water supply, consulate general, Seoul, Korea. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of State submitting an estimate of appropriation for water supply in the consulate general in Seoul, Korea. February 9, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. Rent of buildings for Department of Justice. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Attorney General submitting an estimate of appropriation for rent of buildings for the Department of Justice. February 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Maintenance of river and harbor works. Letter from Brig. Gen. W.L. Marshall, chief of engineers, U.S. Army, transmitting memorandum of revised estimates for maintenance of certain works of river and harbor improvement during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1910. February 18, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Deficiency appropriations, District of Columbia. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia submitting an estimate of appropriation for deficiencies. February 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. S.R. Green and others. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting estimates of appropriations needed to satisfy the requirements of certain private acts. February 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Accrues and unused leave, field force, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor submitting an estimate of appropriation for expenses of Coast and Geodetic Survey. January 28, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. John H. Layne. Message from the President of the United States, returning without approval H.R. 15098, entitled "An Act To Correct the Military Record of John H. Layne." January 28, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Improvements at United States Military Academy. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of appropriation for improvements at West Point Military Academy. January 28, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Thomas R. Hardaway, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Thomas R. Hardaway, administrator of Alfred Anderson, deceased, against the United States. February 23, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Estimate of appropriation for satisfying the terms of transfer made by Panama to Colombia. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of State submitting an estimate of appropriation for satisfying the terms of the assignment and transfer made by Panama to Columbia. February 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Heating system at Carlisle Indian School. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting an estimate of appropriation for heating system at Carlisle Indian School. February 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Miscellaneous expenses, Supreme Court, District of Columbia. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Attorney General submitting an estimate of appropriation for expenses of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. February 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Fire escapes, etc., in District of Columbia. Letter from the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, responding to the inquiry of the House as to the use of fire escapes and other safety appliances on buildings in the District. February 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Miguel Arsuaga y Soravilla. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting copies of a franchise granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico to Miguel Arsuaga y Soravilla. February 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Insular Affairs and ordered to be printed. Testimony in disbarment proceedings before Interior Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for taking testimony in disbarment proceedings before the Interior Department. February 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Documents distributed by War Department, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a statement of documents distributed by the War Department under the act of January 12, 1895. March 2, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Postmaster at Sandborn, Ind. Message from the President of the United States, returning without approval House Bill 19762, entitled "An Act To Reimburse the Postmaster at Sandborn, Indiana." February 27, 1909. -- Read; referred to Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Harry Kimmell, U.S. Navy. Message from the President of the United States, returning House Bill No. 17214 entitled "An Act for the Relief of Harry Kimmell, a Commander on the Retired List of the United States Navy." March 1, 1909. -- Message ordered printed and, with bill, referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Postmaster at Rowesville, S.C. Message from the President of the United States, returning without approval House Bill 7157, entitled "An Act for the Relief of W.P. Dukes, Postmaster at Rowesville, South Carolina." February 27, 1909. -- Read, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. New dormitory, Osage Indian School, Oklahoma. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for new dormitory at Osage Indian School, Oklahoma. December 17, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Expenditures in Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmitting a statement of the expenditures of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. January 21, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Commerce and Labor and ordered to be printed. Lewis B. Brasher. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings filed by the court in the case of Lewis B. Brasher against the United States. February 27, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on War Claims and ordered to be printed. Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad Company. Letter from the President of the Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad Company, transmitting the report of the company for the year 1908. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Expenses for travel of officers and employees of Civil Service Commission. Letter from the President of the Civil Service Commission, submitting a statement as to travel of officers and employees during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. January 27, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Reform in the Civil Service and ordered to be printed. Clerks of courts in naturalization cases. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor submitting an estimate of appropriation for clerks in naturalization cases. February 13, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Completion of post office building, East Liverpool, Ohio. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for the post office building at East Liverpool, Ohio. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Condition of schoolhouses in the District of Columbia. Letter from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, concerning public schoolhouse conditions in the District of Columbia. January 19, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Supplemental estimate of appropriation, Civil Service Commission. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the President of the Civil Service Commission submitting supplemental estimates of appropriation for Civil Service Commission. January 23, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Potomac Electric Power Company. Letter from the Vice President of the Potomac Electric Power Company, transmitting the report of the company for the year ending December 31, 1908. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Care of insane Filipino soldiers. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of appropriation for care of insane Filipino soldiers. January 11, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Useless papers in Post Office Department. Letter from the Acting Postmaster General, submitting a schedule of papers and documents not used in the transaction of the public business. February 24, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Disposition of Useless Executive Papers and ordered to be printed. Appropriation for contingent expenses, Department of Agriculture. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of Agriculture submitting an estimate of appropriation for contingent expenses, Department of Agriculture. January 14, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and ordered to be printed. Rents received from property purchased for annex to Post Office Department Building. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting a report of rents received from the property purchased for an annex to the Post Office Department. January 18, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Post Office Department and ordered to be printed. Public building at Everett, Wash. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an appropriation for work on the public building at Everett, Wash. February 23, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Claims allowed by accounting officers. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimate of appropriations for claims allowed accounting officers under exhausted appropriations, etc. February 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Completion of post office building, Des Moines, Iowa. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation for the post office building at Des Moines, Iowa. January 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Care of insane persons in Alaska. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for care and custody of insane persons in the District of Alaska for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1909. February 10, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Georgetown and Tennallytown Railway Company. Letter from the Vice President of the Georgetown and Tennallytown Railway Company, transmitting the report of the company for the year ending December 31, 1908. February 1, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company. Letter from the President of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, showing the results of the operations of said company in the District of Columbia for the year 1908. January 14, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 5560 | Index to the reports and documents of the 60th Congress, 2d session, December 7, 1908--March 4, 1909, with numerical lists and schedule of volumes. Being No. 15 of the "consolidated index" provided for by the act of January 12, 1895. | 1 |
Serial set 5561 | Catalogue of the public documents of the Sixtieth Congress, and of all departments of the government of the United States for the period from July 1, 1907, to June 30, 1909. No. 9 of the "comprehensive index" provided for by the act of January 12, 1895. | 1 |
Serial set 5562 | Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, being the first session of the Sixty-first Congress, begun and held at the City of Washington, March 15, 1909, in the one hundred and thirty-third year of the independence of the United States. | 1 |
Serial set 5563 | Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, Sixty-first Congress, first session, begun and held at the City of Washington, March 15, 1909, in the one hundred and thirty-third year of the independence of the United States. | 1 |
Serial set 5564 | 61st Congress, 1st session, beginning March 15, 1909. Official Congressional Directory for the use of the United States Congress. Compiled under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, by A.J. Halford. First edition. Corrections made to March 22, 1909. | 1 |
Serial set 5565 | Acts of Congress. Treaties, proclamations, decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, and opinions of the Attorney General relating to noncontiguous territory, Cuba and Santo Domingo, and to military affairs. | 1 |
Serial set 5566 |
Some scientific conclusions concerning the alcoholic problem and its practical relations to life. Papers read at the semiannual meeting of the American Society for the Study of Alcohol and Other Drug Narcotics, at Washington, D.C., March 17, 18, and 19, 1909. Presented by Mr. Gallinger. May 17, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. To regulate interstate commerce in intoxicating liquors, etc. Report from the Committee on the Judiciary, with hearings held by a subcommittee of said committee, on bills to limit the effect of the regulations of commerce between the several states in certain cases, presented by Mr. Clark, of Wyoming. July 29, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 5567 | Eleventh report of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, October 11, 1907, to October 11, 1908. June 28, 1909. -- Ordered printed, with accompanying papers and illustrations. | 1 |
Serial set 5568 | Precedents. Decision on points of order with phraseology in the United States Senate from the First Congress to end of the Sixtieth Congress -- 1789-1909. Compiled by Henry H. Gilfry, chief clerk of the United States Senate. | 1 |
Serial set 5569 |
Sugar tariffs and the Dutch standard. Mr. Dick presented the following extract of the sugar tariffs of the United States from 1789 to 1909, prepared by Truman G. Palmer, together with data concerning the Dutch standard of color. August 4, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Amounts and values of certain imports. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, setting forth, in response to a Senate resolution, statistics relative to the amounts and values of certain imports. April 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. Percentages of increase. Estimates of increases in rates of duties of H.R. 1438, as shown in the Senate bill compared with the present law. Presented by Mr. Culberson. May 13, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Views of the late Edward Atkinson. Mr. Culberson presented the following article by the late Edward Atkinson on occupations in their relation to the tariff, published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics for February, 1903. May 15, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Tariff schedules. Mr. Money presented the following statement of the labor cost and value of products under each schedule and the total of all schedules of the Senate bill and cost of indirect taxation. May 14, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Import duties on tobacco. Letter from the Acting Secretary of State, transmitting a statement and inclosures, in response to a Senate resolution of April 20, 1909, respecting the duties levied and collected by foreign governments on imports of tobacco from the United States. May 18, 1909. -- Ordered to lie on the table and be printed. Maximum tariffs of the principal countries. Mr. Aldrich presented the following data showing the tariffs imposed by the principal countries; also a list of countries with which the United States has commercial agreements. July 3, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Votes on tariff bill. Mr. Bacon presented the record of every yea-and-nay vote in the Senate on the tariff bill from May 5 to July 8, 1909, inclusive. In the following votes, the names of all Republican senators are printed in Roman text; while the names of all Democratic senators are printed in italics. August 4, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Comparison of the Payne tariff Bill (H.R. 1438) as agreed to by the committee of conference with the Dingley tariff law showing the respective rates of duty and the percentages of increase or decrease on articles classified differently in the two acts. Prepared by the Bureau of Manufactures, Department of Commerce and Labor. Presented by Mr. La Follette. August 5, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Duties, taxes, etc., on sugar in foreign countries. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report by the Secretary of State, with an accompanying statement, in response to Senate resolution of April 8, 1909, requesting information as to duties, taxes, and concessions on sugar in certain foreign countries. April 19, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. Report of Hon. Robert J. Walker. Mr. Bacon presented the following report of Hon. Robert J. Walker, secretary of the Treasury, on the state of the finances, dated December 3, 1845, Twenty-ninth Congress, and that it be printed as a Senate document (pages 1 to 20, both included). April 21, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Free trade with Cuba. Mr. Gallinger presented the following letter and speech of Gen. James H. Wilson, of Wilmington, Del., advocating the establishment of a commercial union, under which free trade should exist between Cuba and United States in natural and manufactured products, subject to an agreed tariff as between them and other foreign nations. April 22, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Duties levied on pottery, glass bottles, etc. Letter from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmitting, in response to Senate resolution of April 23, 1909, information relative to the duties levied on certain articles in the United States, Germany, and France. April 29, 1909. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. Percentages of decrease, estimate of reductions in duties of H.R. 1438, as reported from the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, compared with the present law, showing percentages of decrease. Presented by Mr. Aldrich. May 5, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Tariff in the Fifty-fifth Congress. Mr. Bailey presented a copy of the remarks of Senators Jones, of Arkansas, and Vest on the tariff in the Fifty-fifth Congress, June 24, 1897. May 4, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Protection's favors to foreigners, by James G. Parsons, secretary of the Tariff Reform Committee, 42 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Presented by Mr. Owen. May 22, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. July 2, 1909. -- Ordered reprinted with additional matter and illustrations. Cotton schedule. Mr. Money presented the following memorandum on the first paragraph in the cotton schedule, No. 310, etc. June 4, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Shall hides be free? Mr. Warren submitted the following letter and accompanying data concerning the hide and leather industry of the United States. June 2, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Tax on net income of corporations. Message from the President of the United States, recommending an amendment to the tariff bill imposing upon all corporations and joint stock companies for profit, except national banks (otherwise taxed), savings banks, and building and loan associations, an excise tax... June 16, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. Iron and steel products. Estimates of increases and reductions in duties of H.R. 1438, as reported from the Committee on Finance, compared with the present law and the House bill, showing percentages of increase and decrease. Presented by Mr. Penrose. June 19, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Duty on oil. Mr. Owen presented the following report of the Conference of the Independent Oil Producers and Independent Oil Refiners favoring a duty on petroleum and its products. June 12, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. The wool tariff. Mr. Dolliver presented the following verbatim transcript of a conversation he had with Samuel S. Dale, editor of the Textile World Record, of Boston. May 7, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Tansan mineral water. Mr. Warren presented the following letter from Dr. Edward Bedloe, inclosing a petition asking that the duty be removed on certain mineral water imported from Japan. August 4, 1909. -- Reprinted with corrections. Import duty on tea. Mr. Tillman presented the following data relating to the growing of tea in the United States and import duty on tea; also reports from government tea inspectors. May 18, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Export duty on coffee and tea. Mr. Nelson presented the following list of countries levying an export duty on coffee and tea, with statistics from the annual report on commerce and navigation for 1908. July 3, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. comparative statement of the conference rates of duty with the rates in the Dingley tariff law, on all items in which changes have been made in H.R. 1438, to raise revenue, etc. Presented by Mr. Smith, of Michigan. August 4, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. The lumber schedule. Mr. Daniel presented the following paper entitled "Data on the Lumber Schedule"; also a sworn statement of the difference in the wage scale of the United States and Canada, etc. June 21, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Comparison of the Payne tariff Bill (H.R. 1438) with the present tariff law, showing the value of imports and duties collected as reported for the year ending June 30, 1907, compared with estimated duties under the proposed bill as reported from the Finance Committee, United States Senate... Presented by Mr. La Follette. June 3, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Comparison of the present tariff law (Act of 1897) with H.R. 1438 as reported by the conference committee compiled by authority of the minority members of the Finance Committee. August 5, 1909. -- Presented by Mr. Daniel and ordered to be printed. Comparison of the Senate tariff Bill (H.R. 1438) with the present tariff law. Showing the value of imports and duties collected as reported for the year ending June 30, 1907, compared with estimated duties under the proposed bill as adopted by the United States Senate... Prepared by the Bureau of Statistics, Department of Commerce and Labor. Presented by Mr. La Follette. July 13, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Comparison of the tariff act of 1909 (H.R. 1438) with the Dingley tariff law, showing the value of imports and duties collected as reported for the year ending June 30, 1907, compared with estimated duties under the act of 1909... grouped to show separately the value of imports on which the duties are unchanged, increased, or decreased... Presented by Mr. La Follette. August 5, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Minimum and maximum rates of duty. Estimated rates of duty under H.R. 1438 as it passed the House of Representatives, with rates estimated under section 3 of said bill, based upon the duties collected for the year ending June 30, 1907, under the law of 1897, including rates on free list articles under section 3 of House bill. Presented by Mr. Nelson. June 26, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Imports of raw sugar. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in response to Resolution No. 40, by Senator Bristow, of April 29, 1909, calling for information in regard to the amount of raw sugar imported by sugar refineries during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908, etc. May 21, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Trustees Christian Church of Warsaw, Mo. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Christian Church, of Warsaw, Mo., against the United States. April 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Trustees of Mount Olivet Methodist Episcopal Church South, Nolensville, Tenn. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of Mount Olivet Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Nolensville, Tenn., against the United States. April 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church of Gettysburg, Pa. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Gettysburg, Pa., against the United States. May 14, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Brownsville court of inquiry. Letter from the Acting Secretary of War, inclosing an application of the President of the Brownsville court of inquiry requesting the reference to said court of certain exhibits filed in the Office of the Secretary of the United States Senate in connection with the Brownsville affray. May 14, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Mary L. Lloyd. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mary L. Lloyd, administratrix of the estate of James Lloyd, deceased, against the United States. May 17, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Universal and International Exposition at Brussels. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report by the Secretary of State, with accompanying papers, stating reasons why it is desirable to take part officially in the Brussels Exposition. May 27, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed. J. Patrick McGee. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of J. Patrick McGee, administrator of the estate of Clement Calhoun, deceased, against the United States. May 25, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. L.S. Strauss. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of L.S. Strauss against the United States. May 25, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Customs frauds in New York. Mr. Owen presented the following article by Allen D. Albert, Jr., in the Washington Times of Sunday evening, May 23, 1909, entitled "The chase of the sugar smugglers -- Story of the stupendous Customs frauds in New York -- How the system was built up -- How it was detected -- Sugar scales regularly 'fixed' -- Scheme just discovered..." May 26, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed, with illustration. Schooner Willing Maid. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the schooner Willing Maid, Comfort Bird, master. May 27, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Schooner Sally. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the schooner Sally, John D. Farley, master, against the United States. May 25, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Wages in Germany. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in response to Resolution No. 51, by Senator La Follette, a letter from the Acting Secretary of State concerning the request for the statement of the German government in relation to wages paid, etc. May 29, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. To establish and maintain a ferry service in Porto Rico. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in pursuance of law, a certified copy of a franchise granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico to Frank P. McCurdy to maintain ferry service between... San Juan and Catano. June 1, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico and ordered to be printed. Right to use water from the Rio Jueyes. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in pursuance of law, a certified copy of a franchise granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico to Conrado Diaz, his heirs and assigns, the right to use water for irrigation purposes. May 29, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico and ordered to be printed. Nicholasville, Ky. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the Town of Nicholasville, Ky., and the Presbyterian Church, of Nicholasville, Ky., against the United States. May 29, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Daniel W. Beckham. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Daniel W. Beckham, administrator of the estate of Alexander F. Beckham, deceased, against the United States. May 29, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Selling foreign manufactures in United States at prices lower than the domestic prices. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting... in response to Senate resolutions of March 6 and April 5, 1909, information concerning the practice of selling foreign manufactured goods in this country at prices lower than the domestic prices. April 21, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. British iron and steel industry and Luxemburg iron and steel wages, by Charles M. Pepper, special agent of the Department of Commerce and Labor, with a supplementary article on "English chain manufacture," by Albert Halstead, American consul at Birmingham. May 13, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Iron ore produced and manufactured in United States, 1908. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, inclosing reply from the Director of the Geological Survey, with information requested by Senate Resolution No. 289, Sixtieth Congress, second session, relative to iron ores. April 8, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. W.J. Sawyers. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of W.J. Sawyers against the United States. April 8, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Manufactured products sold in foreign markets at lower rates than in American. Letter from the Acting Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmitting, in response to Senate resolution of April 5, information respecting manufactured products which are sold in foreign markets at lower rates than in American. April 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. Lily Davis White. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Lily Davis White, widow of Henry W. Schaefer, against the United States. April 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Orinoco Steamship Company. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, with accompanying papers, in response to Senate resolution of February 26, 1908, showing the settlement of the controversies which existed with the government of Venezuela... April 20, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed. Deacons of Missionary Baptist Church, Franklin, Tenn. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of deacons of Missionary Baptist Church, of Franklin, Tenn., against the United States. April 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Trustees Grace Episcopal Church, Berryville, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of Grace Episcopal Church, of Berryville, Va., against the United States. April 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Trustees Methodist Episcopal Church South, Fairfax Court House, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Fairfax Court House, Va., against the United States. April 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Flathead Indian Reservation. Mr. Dixon presented the following acts relating to the Flathead Indian Reservation in the State of Montana: providing for the opening of the same to settlement, the construction of irrigating systems, and the disposal of the timber lands. April 22, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. April 23, 1909. -- Ordered reprinted with additional matter. Imports and exports of sugar into the United States, etc. Letter from the Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Labor, with inclosures, in response to a resolution of the Senate of April 8, 1909, asking for information in regard to the annual imports and exports of sugar into the United States, etc. April 21, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. Alice H. Pierce. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Alice H. Pierce, widow of Allen W. Pierce, against the United States. April 30, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Cane and beet sugars in the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in response to Senate resolution of the first instant, information relative to cane and beet sugars in the United States, etc. April 29, 1909. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. Persons charged to apportionment from New Hampshire. Letter from the Civil Service Commission, transmitting, in response to a Senate resolution of April 21, 1909, a list of names of those now in the Service charged to the State of New Hampshire, etc. April 27, 1909. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. Richard T. Gott and Benjamin N. Gott. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Richard T. Gott and Benjamin N. Gott, executors of estate of Thomas N. Gott, deceased, against the United States. May 5, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Water for irrigation and domestic purposes in Rio Piedras. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a certified copy of a franchise granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico for the use of water for irrigation and domestic purposes in Rio Piedras. April 30, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico and ordered to be printed. William F. McKimmy. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William F. McKimmy, administrator of estate of John McKimmy, deceased, against the United States. May 5, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Trustees of Roper Church of New Kent County, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of Roper Church of New Kent County, Va., against the United States. May 5, 1908. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Lorenzo D. Corrick. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Lorenzo D. Corrick, administrator of the estate of William Corrick, deceased, against the United States. May 5, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Maintaining state militia during the Civil War. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the State of Oregon against the United States. May 4, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Railroad discriminations and monopolies in coal and oil. Letter from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission, transmitting... investigation as to railroads... in the State of Ohio, and... the State of West Virginia as to one railroad affiliated with the Ohio railroads. May 10, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce and ordered to be printed. Old School Baptist Church of Upperville, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the Old School Baptist Church of Upperville, Va., against the United States. May 5, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Affairs in Porto Rico. Message from the President of the United States, inviting the attention of the Congress to the legislative difficulties in Porto Rico, with accompanying papers, and recommending an amendment to the Foraker Act. May 10, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on the Pacific Islands and Porto Rico and ordered to be printed. Income and inheritance taxes. Letter from the Acting Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmitting reports of Special Agent Charles M. Pepper, in compliance with the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act for fiscal year ending June 30, 1909, on the laws of the United Kingdom in relation to income and inheritance taxes, etc. May 18, 1909. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. Brig Drake. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the brig Drake, Jonathan M. Tredick, master, against the United States. May 25, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Brig Two Brothers. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the brig Two Brothers, Alexander Forester, master. May 27, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Schooner Friendship. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the schooner Friendship, Patrick Drummond, master. June 3, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Wages paid in Germany: Summary of the contents of various memorials of German chambers of commerce and industrial establishments referred to Senate Committee on Finance by the State Department. June 3, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Watson, Frye & Co. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Watson, Frye & Co. against the United States. June 2, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Persons charged to the State of Kentucky. Letter from the United States Civil Service Commission, transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 52, by Senator Bradley, of May 25, 1909, a list of names of persons now in the classified service charged to the State of Kentucky. June 4, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. The wool trade of the United States: History of a great industry; its rise and progress in Boston, now the second market of the world, presented by Mr. Warren. June 2, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, of Sharpsburg, Md. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the rector, wardens, and vestry of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, of Sharpsburg, Antietam Parish, Washington County, Md., against the United States. May 5, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Railroad rate law. Mr. Culberson presented the following decision of the Supreme Court in the cases of the United States ex rel. the Attorney General of the United States, plaintiff in error, against the Delaware and Hudson Company, and others, under the "commodities clause" of the Interstate Commerce Act. May 6, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Report of the delegates of the United States to the Pan-American Scientific Congress held at Santiago, Chile, December 25, 1908, to January 5, 1909. May 29, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed. Lewis D. Crenshaw, Jr., administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Lewis D. Crenshaw, Jr., administrator de bonis non of Lewis D. Crenshaw, deceased, against the United States. April 23, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Summary of our most important land laws, an article from the "Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science" for May, 1909, by Knute Nelson, United States senator from Minnesota. Presented by Mr. Clark, of Wyoming, May 26, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Herbert Harlan and William Beatty Harlan. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Herbert Harlan and William Beatty Harlan, administrators C.T.A., of estate of David Harlan, deceased, against the United States. April 30, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Lands reserved for power or reservoir sites, Flathead Indian Reservation, Mont. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, in regard to lands valuable chiefly for power and reservoir sites within the Flathead Indian Reservation, Mont. April 23, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Beet sugar industry in the United States. Letter from the Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting, in response to a resolution of the Senate of April 8, 1909, information concerning the beet sugar industry in the United States, etc., with accompanying map. April 28, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee of Finance and ordered to be printed with illustrations. |
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Japanese subsidies. Mr. Frye presented the following letter from the Commissioner of Navigation, inclosing copy of a law passed by the Japanese Diet to take effect January 1, 1910, relating to subsidies for transoceanic steamship lines for the development of Japanese maritime interests. August 4, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. The sugar trust. Mr. Culberson presented the following article from the New York World of June 9, 1909, showing the settlement out of court of the case brought against the American Sugar Refining Company by the Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Company for $30,000,000. June 9, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Affairs in the Kongo, Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report by the Secretary of State, with accompanying correspondence, touching the condition of affairs in the Kongo. July 29, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed Prices of tobacco. A report on the prices of tobacco transmitted in response to Senate Resolution No. 44, by Senator Beveridge, of May 14, 1909, prepared by the Commissioner of Corporations of the Department of Commerce and Labor. June 5, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed with illustrations. Provisions and fuel for Marine Corps. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Navy submitting estimates of deficiencies in appropriations for the Marine Corps for the fiscal year 1909. July 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Petroleum fields of Mexico. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 53, by Senator Cummins, of May 28, 1909, a communication from the Secretary of the Interior inclosing a statement by Dr. C.W. Hayes respecting the petroleum fields of Mexico. June 5, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. Fannie B. Stothard. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Fannie B. Stothard, widow of Thomas Stothard, deceased, against the United States. June 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. The Mabilla Mining Company. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a certified copy of a franchise granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico to the Mabilla Mining Company [for] the right to utilize the waters of Mabilla Creek for mining purposes. July 1, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico and ordered to be printed. Heirs of Henry N. Harris. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mrs. Maria M. Harris, Frank N. Harris, Henry W. Harris, George W. Harris, Alla V. Harris, Annie E. Harris, John W. Harris, William Harris, and Thomas D. Harris, heirs... of Henry N. Harris... July 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Heirs of Reese B. Brabson. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Rose Douglass Bullard, Ada E. Colburn, Catharine D. Waggener, Mary L. Littleton, and Minnie M. Brabson, heirs of Reese B. Brabson, deceased, against the United States. July 13, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Thomas W. Crutchfield. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Thomas W. Crutchfield, executor of the estate of William Crutchfield, deceased, against the United States. July 13, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church of Chattanooga, Tenn. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church of Chattanooga, Tenn., against the United States. June 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Andrew J. Meade. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Andrew J. Meade against the United States. June 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Louis V. Metoyer. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Louis V. Metoyer, administrator of Theophile Metoyer, deceased, against the United States. June 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. St. Thomas Protestant Episcopal Church of Hancock, Md. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the vestry of St. Thomas Protestant Episcopal Church, of Hancock, Md., against the United States. June 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Merger of railroads. Letter from the Attorney General, furnishing information, in response to Senate Resolution No. 61, by Mr. Culberson, of June 25, 1909, in regard to legal proceedings brought by the United States against certain railroads. June 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed. Inheritance-tax laws. Digest of the principal features of the laws of Great Britain, France, and Germany, together with an outline of inheritance taxation in the United States and a collection of judicial decisions relating thereto. Presented by Mr. Bulkeley. June 25, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Heirs of Hardin P. Franklin. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Hardinia P. Kelsey and Mildred E. Franklin, heirs of Hardin P. Franklin, deceased, against the United States. June 25, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Navajo Indians. Mr. Owen presented the following decision rendered by the Arizona Supreme Court in the proceedings instituted by the Indian Rights Association for a writ of habeas corpus in the case of certain Indians imprisoned without trial, with accompanying papers. June 29, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Army transportation. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, certifying the record of two judgments entered by the Court of Claims in favor of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company. July 29, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Jose Antonio Mesa et al. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, certifying the record of three awards made by the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission. July 29, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Court of Customs appeals. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copy of a communication from the Attorney General submitting estimates of appropriations for salaries and expenses in connection with the new United States Court of Customs Appeals. July 29, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. For relief of certain Indians. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Acting Secretary of the Interior and a memorandum from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, submitting an estimate of appropriation to relieve suffering, destitution, and want among Indians. July 30, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Flour and wheat trade in European countries and the Levant, by Mack H. Davis, special agent, Department of Commerce and Labor. July 31, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Foreign trade and treaty relations. Mr. Hale presented the following letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a request for an appropriation of $100,000 to enable the Department of State to defray the necessary expenses incurred in connection with foreign trade and treaty relations. July 31, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. German manufactures. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 55, by Senator La Follette, of June 4, 1909, all correspondence which passed between the Department of State and the German government having relation to German manufactures... June 16, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. Schooner Liberty. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the schooner Liberty, Josiah Rich, master. June 17, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Beet sugar. Mr. Dick presented the following letter and data from Truman G. Palmer concerning the beet sugar industry of Europe and the United States. July 3, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Sloop Diana. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the vessel sloop Diana, Henry Nicoll, master. June 8, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Electrical power. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a certified copy of an ordinance granting to the Porto Rico Power and Light Company the right to develop the water power known as "Comerio Falls," etc. June 7, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico and ordered to be printed. Telephone service in Porto Rico. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copy of an ordinance passed by the Executive Council of Porto Rico May 20, 1909, granting to Juan Bertran the right to construct, maintain, and operate a system of long distance telephone lines in Porto Rico. June 7, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico and ordered to be printed. Government of Cuba. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Acting Secretary of War submitting a supplemental report, with accompanying papers, of Hon. Charles E. Magoon, provisional governor of Cuba, for the period from December 1, 1908, to January 28, 1909. June 5, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Cuban Relations and ordered to be printed. Conditions and future of the Philippines. Mr. Stone presented the following article from the North American Review, by Erving Winslow, on the conditions and the future of the Philippines. June 7, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. International Institute of Agriculture at Rome. Mr. Perkins presented the following letter written by David Lubin to Hon. George C. Perkins and Hon. Frank P. Flint relative to the International Institute of Agriculture at Rome. June 8, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Restrictions upon alienation of lands. Letter from the Attorney General, transmitting certain information in response to Senate Resolution No. 316, by Mr. Gore, of March 3, 1909, with respect to the suits instituted by the United States since May 27, 1908, against various persons in the Eastern District of Oklahoma, etc. June 14, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed. Behn Brothers. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a certified copy of a franchise granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico to Behn Brothers to construct a bridge across a portion of the Condado Bay. July 16, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico and ordered to be printed. Municipality of Ciales. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting certified copy of a franchise granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico to the Municipality of Ciales to use water from the Cojo Bales Brook. July 16, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico and ordered to be printed. Delaware Indians. Mr. Clark, of Wyoming, presented the following memorial and accompanying papers praying that such legislation be enacted as will provide for the issuing to the Delaware Indians and their descendants land warrants as bounties, etc. July 23, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Yakima Indian Reservation. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Acting Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation to complete the classification, appraisement, etc., of certain Indian lands. July 23, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Naval Academy. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Navy submitting a supplemental estimate of appropriation for heating and lighting the Naval Academy for the fiscal year 1910. July 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed with illustrations. Universal Postal Union. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate for an appropriation from the Postmaster General to enable the Department to be properly represented at the unveiling at Berne, Switzerland, of a monument in commemoration of the founding of the Universal Postal Union. July 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. International industrial property conference. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting letters from the Acting Secretary of State and the Commissioner of Patents recommending an appropriation to defray the expenses of the next conference of the International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property. July 23, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Expenses in connection with foreign trade relations with the Orient and Latin America. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting communication from the Secretary of State submitting an estimate of appropriation to defray expenses in connection with foreign trade relations, etc. July 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Enrollment of certain Winnebago Indians. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Acting Secretary of the Interior submitting an item of legislation to enable the carrying out of the provision in the Indian Appropriation Act relating to certain Indians. July 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Rudolph Minton. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Rudolph Minton against the United States. July 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Drafts in Kentucky during Civil War. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 63, by Mr. Bradley, of July 2, 1909, a letter from the Adjutant General of the Army setting forth such information as it is possible to furnish concerning the drafts in the State of Kentucky during the Civil War. July 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Sloop George. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the sloop George, John Grant, master. June 17, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. William Halloran. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William Halloran against the United States. June 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Estate of Henry H. Sibley. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of James Taylor, executor of Henry H. Sibley, deceased, against the United States. June 17, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Brig Anna. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the brig Anna, Benjamin Chase, master. June 17, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Estate of Carl Weiland. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Otto Seiler, administrator of the estate of Carl Weiland, deceased, against the United States. June 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Hans Anderson et al. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Hans Anderson and sundry other claimants against the United States. June 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Jacob M. Davis et al. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Jacob M. Davis and sundry other claimants against the United States. June 19, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Development of the District of Columbia. Mr. Gallinger presented the following paper from the proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, by Henry E. Davis, entitled "The political development of the District of Columbia." June 21, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Iron ore. Mr. Paynter submitted the following supplemental report regarding iron ore filed with the Senate Finance Committee June 15, 1909, by Joseph G. Butler, Jr., with additional reports and appendices. June 24, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Schools in the District of Columbia. Mr. Nelson presented the following article by W.C. Dodge, a former trustee, entitled "The schools and school buildings of the national capital; what they are and how obtained." June 8, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. Ship Minerva. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the ship Minerva, Solomon Hopkins, master. June 17, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Schooner Nancy. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of schooner Nancy, Henry H. Kennedy, master. June 17, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Athens, Ala. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Athens, Ala., against the United States. June 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. Eudora Baptist Church, White Station, Tenn. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of Eudora Baptist Church, of White Station, Tenn., against the United States. June 15, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. The initiative in Switzerland. Mr. La Follette presented the following report to the Department of State by the American vice consul at Berne, Switzerland, concerning the practical workings of the "popular initiative" in Switzerland. July 13, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed. J.M. Ceballos & Co. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, certifying the record of a judgment entered up by the Court of Claims in favor of J.M. Ceballos & Co. for transporting prisoners of war. July 26, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. |
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