Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 5657 Losses sustained by forest fire. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report by the Secretary of State relative to the claim of the G.R. Caswell Lumber Company, an American concern, and Mr. W.K. Baldwin, a resident of Quebec, for losses sustained by a forest fire, etc. February 18, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed.
Property destroyed in Shiloh National Park. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting an estimate of appropriation for replacing property destroyed by cyclone in the Shiloh National Park. January 19, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Public lands in Oregon. Letter from the Attorney General, submitting certain reasons for the delay in securing proper data in response to a Senate resolution of January 24, 1910. January 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Lands and ordered to be printed.
Opium problem. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting from the Secretary of State a report on the International Opium Commission and on the opium problem as seen within the United States and its possessions... February 21, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed.
Reclamation projects. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting information in compliance with Senate resolution of February 10, 1910, as to the amount of money required to finish reclamation projects... under consideration and the amount of money expended upon each of the projects, etc. February 21, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands and ordered to be printed.
Income tax. Presented by Mr. Kean. A former Vermont Senator describes the power of taxation and defines difference between property taxes, duties, and imposts -- importance of the rights the states are asked to surrender -- Congress now has sufficient power to raise revenue for financing a great war -- dangers of centralization. February 17, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Address of President Taft at the Lincoln birthday banquet of the Republican Club of the City of New York at the Waldorf-Astoria, February 12, 1910. Presented by Mr. Hale. February 14, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Message of the Governor of New Jersey, transmitting to the Legislature the proposed Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to the income tax, February 7, 1910. Presented by Mr. Brown. February 16, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Apache prisoners of war. Mr. Owen presented the following memorial from S.M. Brosius, agent Indian Rights Association, relating to the Apache prisoners of war now confined at Fort Sill Military Reservation, Okla., urging that allotments of land be made to the Indians and that they be released from bondage. February 16, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Ambrose Dudley Mann. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information, in response to Senate Resolution No. 85 of December 7, 1909, concerning the reports of Ambrose Dudley Mann in regard to affairs in Austria-Hungary. December 20, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed.
Report of the National Academy of Sciences for the year 1909.
Civil service retirement, Great Britain and New Zealand, by Herbert D. Brown. Prepared under the direction of Chas. P. Neill, commissioner of Labor. January 17, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Expenditures and ordered to be printed.
Suppression of the white slave traffic. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, with accompanying letters, in response to Senate Resolution No. 86 of December 7, 1909, information concerning the repression of the trade in white women. December 20, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed
Charges with respect to the conduct of the Interior Department. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Interior... with reference to certain charges in respect to the conduct of the Interior Department. January 18, 1910. -- Read, referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.
Water rights and power sites in Idaho. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 159 of January 27, 1910, information relative to water rights, power sites, etc., acquired on the public lands in Idaho. February 18, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Lands and ordered to be printed, with map.
Tariff speech. Address of President Taft at Winona, Minn., September 17, 1909. Presented by Mr. Carter. December 7, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed.
Speech of Hon. J.G. Cannon delivered at Kansas City, Mo., Friday night, November 26, 1909. Presented by Mr. Hale. December 7, 1909. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed.
Establishment of the probation system in United States courts. Mr. Owen presented the following brief in support of the Bill (S. 3798) for the establishment of a probation system in the United States courts, except in the District of Columbia. December 10, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed.
101 points against free trade. Mr. Lodge presented the following article by J. Ellis Barker, author of "The rise and decline of the Netherlands," etc., with letters by Mr. Joseph Chamberlain and others. December 10, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed.
Retrocession act of 1846. Mr. Carter presented the following letter from Hannis Taylor to Hon. Thomas H. Carter, United States Senator, rendering an opinion as to the constitutionality of the act of retrocession of 1846. January 17, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and with accompanying illustrations ordered to be printed.
Cooperation in agriculture. Mr. Clapp presented the following revised form of paper read before the Southern States Association of Agriculture and other agricultural workers, October, 1907, at Columbia, S.C., by Hon. Willet M. Hays, assistant secretary of Agriculture. January 18, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Affairs of Hungary, 1849-1850. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence with A. Dudley Mann (1849-1850) in response to Senate Resolution No. 85 of December 7, 1909, relating to affairs of Hungary. January 10, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed. January 20, 1910. -- Ordered to be reprinted with corrections.
The Democrats and the tariff. Mr. Johnston presented the following article from the Saturday Evening Post of December 25, 1909, regarding the attitude of the democratic senators to the present tariff law, by Senator Augustus O. Bacon of Georgia. January 24, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Preliminary report of the United States National Waterways Commission, presented by Mr. Burton. January 24, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
International exposition at Rome and Turin, Italy. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report by the Secretary of State setting forth reasons for the acceptance by the United States of the invitation... to participate in two international expositions to be held at Rome and Turin. January 25, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed.
Packing for export. January 26, 1910. -- Ordered printed.
Public lands in Arkansas. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in response to a Senate resolution of January 17, 1910, a statement showing estimated total areas of public lands disposed of in Arkansas from July 1, 1836, to June 30, 1909, together with certain other statistics relating thereto. January 26, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Lands and ordered to be printed.
Relinquishment of state's right to indemnity school lands. Mr. Heyburn presented the following opinion of the Supreme Court of the State of Idaho relative to prohibiting and restraining the state board of land commissioners from relinquishing the state's right and title to certain indemnity school lands. January 27, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
The Payne Tariff law. Mr. Lodge presented the following article by Hon. Samuel W. M'Call entitled "The Payne tariff law." (From the Atlantic Monthly, October, 1909.) December 13, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed.
Address by Hon. Albert B. Cummins. Mr. Borah presented the following address by Hon. Albert B. Cummins, delivered before the Marquette Club, Chicago, Saturday evening, November 6, 1909. December 13, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed.
Brief and memorandum relating to riparian and water rights of the federal government and of the various states. Presented by Mr. Nelson. February 7, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Reply of John Bigelow in answer to an invitation by the Civic Forum of New York City to attend its annual municipal dinner. Mr. Shively presented the following communication by John Bigelow to the Civic Forum of New York City in reply to an invitation by that body to attend its annual municipal dinner and address those present. December 20, 1909. -- Ordered to be printed.
Disasters in mines. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, in response to Senate Resolution No. 101 of December 16, 1909, requesting information with reference to disasters in mines. December 21, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Mines and ordered to be printed.
Automatic telegraphy. Mr. Owen presented the following: "A study of the commercial aspects of machine telegraphy," by Romyn Hitchcock. February 18, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Reform of the land laws. Conservation of national resources. Extract from recommendations of the President, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Commissioner of the General Land Office, etc., presented by Mr. Newlands. January 6, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed as a public document.
Land office at Des Moines, Iowa. Communication from the Secretary of the Interior, presenting draft of proposed bill to abolish the land office at Des Moines, Iowa. January 10, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Lands and ordered to be printed.
Carded Woolen Manufacturers' Association. The duty of the Sixty-first Congress and its opportunity, presented by Mr. La. Follette. January 10, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Indian treaties. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting agreements concluded with certain Indian tribes for the commutation of their perpetual annuities under treaty stipulations, together with draft of a bill providing for the ratification of said agreements, etc. February 10, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Serial set 5658 City planning. Hearing before the Committee on the District of Columbia, United States Senate, on the subject of city planning. Reported by Mr. Smoot, from the Committee on Printing. March 11, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Officers of the Army on detached service. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a tabular statement, in response to Senate resolution dated March 3, 1910, showing the names, rank, regiment, etc., of all officers who are now detailed on detached service. March 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed.
The Civil Service Commission advises that it be empowered to administer oaths in investigations. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Civil Service Commission submitting... proposed legislation... for investigating frauds... February 28, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Civil Service and Retrenchment and ordered to be printed.
Personnel of the Navy. Message from the President of the United States, giving reasons why the ages of our senior officers should be materially reduced and opportunity given thereby for experience and training for battle ship and fleet commands. February 28, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Proposed income tax amendment. Mr. Brown presented the following letter from Hon. Elihu Root, United States senator, to Hon. Frederick M. Davenport, state senator of New Yory [i.e., York], on the subject of the scope and effect of the proposed income tax amendment. March 1, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
International crop-reporting service. Report presented by Dr. Traugott Muller, delegate of the German Empire, adopted by the General Assembly December, 1909, concerning the establishment of an international crop-reporting service for the staples of agriculture for 1910-1911, etc. Presented by Mr. Flint. March 3, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Summary of the Department's reply to the Periodical Publishers' Association of America regarding second-class mail, presented by Mr. Penrose. March 3, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
St. Michael Canal, Alaska. Mr. Burton presented the following letter from the Acting Chief of Engineers, transmitting a report from the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, also a communication from the United States Engineer Officer at Seattle, Wash., in regard to the project for improving St. Michael Canal, Alaska. March 8, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed with illustrations.
Report of the Attorney General in response to Senate resolution of January 24, 1910, concerning the institution of certain suits. March 14, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, considered, agreed to, and ordered to be printed.
Tacoma harbor. Mr. Frye submitted the following letter from the Acting Chief of Engineers, submitting a report from the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors to review the project now under way for the improvement of the Puyallup waterway in the harbor of Tacoma, Wash. March 14, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed.
Construction of modern battle ships. Letter from the President of the Fore River Shipbuilding Company, Quincy, Mass., addressed to Hon. William P. Frye, United States Senate, with reference to the underbidding of foreign competitors by the United States in the matter of the construction of modern battle ships. March 17, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed.
Civil service retirement, New South Wales, Australia, by Herbert D. Brown. Prepared under the direction of Chas. P. Neill, commissioner of Labor. March 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Civil Service and Retrenchment and ordered to be printed.
Survey St. Louis River, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Mr. Nelson submitted the following letter from office of the Chief of Engineers to the Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, with reference to the reexamination and resurvey of St. Louis River, Minnesota and Wisconsin. March 21, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
How we built the Union Pacific Railway and other railway papers and addresses, by Major General Grenville M. Dodge, chief engineer, Union Pacific Railway, 1866-1870. Presented by Mr. Hale. March 22, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Interstate Commerce, United States Senate, on the Bills S. 236 and S. 6702 to promote the safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by compelling common carriers by railroad to equip their locomotives with safe and suitable boilers and appurtenances thereto. March 22, 1910. -- Presented by Mr. Burkett and ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Education of forest students. Letter from the Secretary of Agriculture, in response to a Senate resolution of February 9, 1910, with a statement of the amount of money expended under the direction of the Forester in the education of forest students. March 22, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry and ordered to be printed.
The powers of the national government. Mr. Borah presented the following article on "The internal and external powers of the national government," by George Sutherland, United States senator, member of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. March 8, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
National vitality: Its wastes and conservation, by Irving Fisher. Extract from report of the National Conservation Commission (Senate Document No. 676, Vol. III, Sixtieth Congress, second session). Presented by Mr. Owen. March 8, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed, with illustration.
The public lands of the United States. Mr. Heyburn presented the following address of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, delivered on November 17, 1909. March 22, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Number of animals slaughtered and total receipts during fiscal year 1909. Mr. Lodge presented the following statistics showing the number of animals slaughtered etc., during the fiscal year 1909 at the establishments in the United States operating under federal inspection. March 14, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Wages and Prices of Commodities and ordered to be printed.
Pension funds for municipal employees and railroad pension systems in the United States. Prepared under the direction of Chas. P. Neill, commissioner of Labor. March 14, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
St. Lucie Inlet, Florida. Mr. Burton presented the following report of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, who deem it inadvisable for the United States to undertake the construction of such a channel at this time. March 14, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed.
American merchant marine. Mr. Gallinger submitted the following remarks of Winthrop L. Marvin, late secretary to the Merchant Marine Commission, before the Senate Committee on Commerce, March 3, 1910. March 14, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Lease of North American Commercial Company. Message from the President of the United States, recommending the repeal of the provision... for the renewal of the lease of the North American Commercial Company in the matter of the taking of fur seals on the Island[s] of St. Paul and St. George. March 15, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed.
Tariff: Wool and wool goods. Mr. Warren submitted the following article on the wool trade, by Theodore Justice -- statement of Tariff Committee, National Association of Wool Manufacturers -- statement of Erben-Harding Company of Philadelphia, and John G. Wright, of Boston -- item from the Boston News Bureau of November 20, 1909... March 21, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Federal and state military organizations. Mr. McCumber presented the following history of certain federal troops which, by reason of short or disputed service, have no pensionable status, and state militias which were actively engaged in the Civil War for different periods of time, but which were never mustered into the service, and which, therefore, have no pensionable status. February 22, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Petition of seamen of United States. Mr. La Follette presented the following memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives from the seamen of the United States of America respectfully petitioning for the passage of Senate Bill 6155, House Bill 11193, being substantially identical bills, etc. February 23, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed.
Average cost of fuel consumed by the Navy on torpedo boats, etc., for the last five year. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting, in pursuance of the Senate Resolution No. 176 of February 9, 1910, the amount of fuel and average cost of the same consumed on torpedo and other naval vessels for the last five years. February 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Serial set 5659 Retirement of Civil War veterans. Mr. Dick presented the following paper in relation to the retirement of certain veterans of the Civil War, to accompany a Bill (S. 1984) to regulate the retirement of certain veterans of the Civil War. April 21, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Muskogee Indian allotments. Mr. Owen presented the following memorial by Chief Tiger on behalf of certain citizens of the Muskogee (Creek) Nation of Indians for the equalization of the value of their allotments. March 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Affairs in Liberia. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter of the Secretary of State submitting a report of the commission which visited Liberia... "to investigate the interests of the United States and its citizens in the Republic of Liberia, with the consent... of said republic." March 25, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed
Yellow Fever Commission. Mr. Owen presented the following letter from the Surgeon General of the United States Army, relative to the appointment of the Yellow Fever Commission... dealing with experiments conducted for the purpose of coping with yellow fever, in support of Senate Bill 8024... May 3, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Health and National Quarantine and ordered to be printed
Report on strike at Bethlehem Steel works, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. May 4, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Education and Labor and ordered to be printed, with accompanying illustration.
Boilers of locomotives of interstate commerce. Mr. Burkett presented the following statement from Mr. H.S. Jeffrey in support of the Bill (S. 6702) to promote the safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by compelling common carriers engaged in interstate commerce to equip their locomotives with safe and suitable boilers and appurtenances thereto. March 23, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Organic act of the Philippine Islands. Mr. Lodge presented the following letter from the Secretary of War, to accompany a Bill (S. 7401) to amend an act approved July 1, 1902, entitled "An Act Temporarily To Provide for the Administration of the Affairs of Civil Government in the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes." March 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on the Philippines and ordered to be printed.
The Tariff Board. Message from the President of the United States, urging upon Congress the appropriation of $250,000 for the use of the Tariff Board, together with the statement of the Chairman of the Tariff Board. March 28, 1910. -- Read, referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed.
Improvement of the Anacostia Flats. Mr. Gallinger presented the following letter from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, transmitting the report of Mr. Hugh T. Taggart, special counsel, on the ownership of lands and riparian rights along the Anacostia River in the District of Columbia. March 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed.
Liability of common carriers to employees. Mr. Brandegee presented the following opinions... in the cases of William H. Hoxie v. the New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad Company, and Edgar G. Mondou v. the New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad Company, together with Senate Report No. 432, Sixty-first Congress, second session, "Amending Employers' Liability Act." March 31, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Laws of Porto Rico. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting... the laws enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico during the session January 10--March 10, 1910. April 4, 1910. -- Read, referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, and ordered to be printed.
Delaware Volunteers. Mr. Du Pont presented the following statement from Maj. Gen. F.C. Ainsworth, adjutant general of the United States Army, as to services and status of the Fifth and Sixth Regiments, Delaware Volunteers. April 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Pensions and ordered to be printed.
Steamship communication to South America. Reports from consular officers of the United States relating to steamship communication between the United States and South America. Presented by Mr. Gallinger. April 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed.
The penal code. Mr. Heyburn presented the following memorandum respecting proposed amendments to the sections of the penal code to accompany the Bill (S. 7645) "To Amend Sections 36, 39, 67, 68, 69, 117, 192, 211, and 272, of an Act Entitled 'An Act To Codify, Revise, and Amend the Penal Laws of the United States,' approved March 4, 1909." April 7, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed.
Shipping and tariffs. Mr. Lodge presented the following extracts from the London Fairplay, of March 17, 1910, and March 24, 1910, on shipping and tariffs. April 11, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Claims of Delaware Indians. Mr. Gore presented the following memorial of the Delaware Indians, known as the "head of the Algonquin Confederation," in support of a Bill (S. 6940) to compensate the Delaware Indians for services rendered by them to the United States in various wars. April 11, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Use of cold storage. Letter from the Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting certain data on cold storage and cold storage products, by Dr. H.W. Wiley, chief of the Bureau of Chemistry. Presented by Mr. Lodge. April 13, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Manufactures and ordered to be printed with illustrations.
Address of President Taft at the joint meeting of brotherhoods in train service at Mechanics Hall, Worcester, Mass., April 3, 1910. Presented by Mr. Lodge. April 16, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Ormsby McHarg. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in response to a Senate resolution of April 11, 1910, a copy of the contract between the Choctaw tribe of Indians and Mr. Ormsby M'Harg, together with certain related papers. April 20, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Military organizations. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to a Senate resolution of April 11, 1910, information with reference to the various militia organizations which took part in the Civil War. April 20, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Choctaw and Chickasaw agreements. Message from the President of the United States, in response to a Senate resolution of April 15, 1910, "requesting the President to transmit to the Senate contracts or agreements between the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes of Indians and J.F. M'Murray and others"... April 22, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Veto message relating to the Mesa Verde National Park. Message from the President of the United States, returning to the Senate, without approval, Senate Bill 1751, "An Act To Amend an Act Creating the Mesa Verde National Park, Approved June 29, 1906." April 28, 1910. -- Read, ordered printed, and to lie on the table.
Industrial education. The Vice President laid before the Senate the following communication from C.R. Richards, president of the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education, transmitting reports by a committee of the society on the subject... April 30, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Education and Labor and ordered to be printed.
Amending mining laws of the Philippines. Mr. Lodge presented the following letter from the Secretary of War, to accompany the Bill (S. 7399) to amend the mining laws of the Philippine Islands. March 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on the Philippines and ordered to be printed.
Indebtedness of the Philippines. Mr. Lodge presented the following letter from the Secretary of War, to accompany a Bill (S. 7400) to amend an act approved February 6, 1905, entitled "An Act To Amend an Act... and To Provide for the More Efficient Administration of Civil Government in the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes." March 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on the Philippines and ordered to be printed.
General Education Board. Mr. Gallinger presented the following memorandum concerning the General Education Board along the lines of the promotion of practical farming in the southern states; the development of a system of public high schools in the southern states; and the promotion of higher education throughout the United States. March 25, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Wool and manufactures of wool. Extract from the special report No. 13, made in May, 1866, of the United States Revenue Commission on wool and manufactures of wool. Presented by Mr. Warren. March 25, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
The right of suffrage. Mr. Owen presented the following memorial of the National American Woman Suffrage Association demanding the recognition by Congress of the right to vote for the women of the United States. May 3, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Woman Suffrage and ordered to be printed.
Popular versus delegated government. Mr. Brown presented the following speech of Hon. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., of Oregon, delivered in the United States Senate May 5, 1910, on "popular versus delegated government, and its effect on legislation." May 6, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Department of public health. Mr. Owen presented the following memorial on behalf of the American Medical Association in relation to Senate Bill (S. 6049) establishing a department of public health, and for other purposes. April 26, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Health and National Quarantine and ordered to be printed.
The merchant marine and the Navy. Mr. Gallinger presented the following paper on "The merchant marine and the Navy," by naval constructor T.G. Roberts, U.S. Navy, the same being a prize essay published in the United States Naval Institute proceedings for March, 1910. March 30, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed. April 27, 1910. -- Ordered printed with corrections.
Speech of Senator Chauncey M. Depew. Mr. Bradley presented the following speech of Senator Chauncey M. Depew at the nineteenth annual dinner given by the Montauk Club, of Brooklyn, in celebration of his birthday, on April 23, 1910. May 2, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Riparian rights in Wisconsin. Brief on the nature and scope of riparian rights in Wisconsin and limitations thereon growing out of the public nature of the water, by Eugene Allen Gilmore, professor of law in the law school of the University of Wisconsin. December, 1909. Presented by Mr. La Follette. March 23, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Dealing in cotton futures. Letter from the Attorney General, in response to a Senate resolution of April 29, 1910, directing the Attorney General to report to the Senate the names of the party, parties, or corporations that sold cotton alleged to have been bought by a pool, together with the prices. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed.
Teachers' retirement fund. Mr. Gallinger presented the following address given at Washington January 16, 1909, before the College Women's Club, by Lyman A. Best, secretary of the Board of Retirement of the Department of Education, of New York City. May 11, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Roads and canals. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report, prepared in obedience to the resolution of the Senate of March 2, 1807, respecting roads and canals.
Serial set 5660 National public health. Papers, opinions, letters, etc., relative to the national public health, in the consideration of Senate Bill (S. 6049) "A Bill Establishing a Department of Public Health, and for Other Purposes," presented by Mr. Owen. June 18, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Health and National Quarantine and ordered to be printed.
River and harbor appropriation bill. Mr. Nelson submitted the following conference report on the Bill (H.R. 20686) making appropriations for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. May 31, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
The Democratic Federation. Papers relative to the organization of the Democratic Federation. Presented by Mr. Newlands. June 25, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Appropriations for rivers and harbors. Message from the President of the United States, relative to the "piecemeal" policy of the Bill (H.R. 20686) making appropriations for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. June 25, 1910. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed.
Home economics in secondary schools. Mr. Dolliver presented the following memorial of the National Domestic Science Association on Senate Bill 4675, relative to disseminating knowledge on home economics in the secondary schools. June 15, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Steamship City of Savannah. Discussion in the United States Senate on the subject of the historic old steamship City of Savannah as the first steamship which crossed the Atlantic Ocean. June 15, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Legal status of seamen. Mr. La Follette presented the following paper, being a translation by Mr. E. Ellison on ancient maritime laws, prepared and published by the Maritime Commission of Norway. May 19, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed.
Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians. Mr. Gore presented the following brief in the matter of contracts with individual Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians before the Attorney General of the United States, and a protest by the Choctaw Nation against enrolling Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen as Indians... May 19, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed.
The "Waterways Treaty." Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State concerning legislation necessary under the treaty with Great Britain, commonly known as the "Waterways Treaty." May 24, 1910. -- Read, referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed.
Speech of Hon. Joseph G. Cannon. Mr. Crane presented the following speech of Hon. Joseph G. Cannon before the Middlesex Club, Boston, Mass., Saturday, April 30, 1910, on "Ulysses S. Grant, the modest, courageous man, the normal American." May 26, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Withdrawals of public lands. Mr. Clark, of Wyoming, submitted the following memorandum and brief on behalf of the minority of the Committee on Public Lands relative to the power of the executive to make withdrawals of public lands. June 7, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Earthquake in Costa Rica. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a copy of a note from the Minister of Costa Rica, expressing the gratitude of his government for the exhibition of good will of the United States on the occasion of the calamity at Cartago. June 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed.
Agricultural entries on coal lands. Mr. Dixon presented the following conference report on Bill (H.R. 13907) to provide for agricultural entries on coal lands. June 11, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Representative government. Mr. Owen presented the following circulars of the "Direct Legislation League" of Massachusetts and the State of Washington relative to "representative government," or initiative, referendum, and recall. June 15, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
The American post office. Mr. Gore presented the following article by Nathan B. Williams entitled "The American post office, a discussion of its history, development, and present-day relation to express companies." May 11, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Osage tribe of Indians. Mr. Page presented the following memorial of the Osage tribe of Indians against the enrollment of certain persons as members of the Osage tribe, as proposed by Senate Bill 1978. May 20, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Fur seal fisheries. Hearings before the Committee on Conservation of National Resources on Bill (S. 7242) entitled "An Act To Protect the Seal Fisheries of Alaska, and for Other Purposes." June 1, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed with illustrations.
The code of the people's rule. Compilation of various statutes, etc., relating to the people's rule system of government and for terminating the abuses of machine politics... May 31, 1910. -- Presented by Mr. Owen and ordered to be printed.
Laws of Porto Rico, 1910. The Vice President presented the following letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a volume containing the acts and resolution passed by the Fifth Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico during the second session. May 31, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, and ordered to be printed.
Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill. Mr. Warren submitted the following conference report on the Bill (H.R. 22643) making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1911, and for other purposes. June 3, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Commerce court, etc. June 14, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Disposition of public domain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from the Secretary of the Interior recommending that appeal be taken from departmental decisions to the Court of Appeals, District of Columbia, under certain conditions and in the public interest. June 21, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Public Lands and ordered to be printed.
Operations of pay department of the Atlantic Fleet on cruise around the world. Report of Pay Inspector Samuel McGowan, U.S.N., fleet paymaster. Presented by Mr. Perkins for Mr. Tillman. June 23, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Admission of fraternal publications to the mails. Mr. Carter presented the following letter from the Postmaster General, relative to the admission of periodical publications of benevolent and fraternal societies and orders as second-class mail matter in consideration of the Bill H.R. 22239. June 25, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
The constitutional status of the District of Columbia. Mr. Gallinger presented the following article prepared by George W. Hodgkin, relative to the constitutional status of the District of Columbia, reprinted from the Political Science Quarterly. June 25, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Preliminary report of the Printing Investigation Commission in compliance with public act 217, 58th Congress, 3d session, together with supplementary acts relating thereto. Presented by Mr. Smoot. June 25, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Forest reservations. Mr. Hughes presented the following address delivered before the joint session of the Colorado Legislature, March, 1909, by Hon. E.M. Ammons, relative to the rights in and uses of forest reservations. June 25, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Increase in freight rates. Letter from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission in response to Senate resolution of June 3, 1910, "directing the Interstate Commerce Commission to submit to the Senate a report concerning the proposed increases in freight rates under schedules recently filed." June 7, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce and ordered to be printed.
Title of the United States to lands in the District of Columbia. Mr. Scott presented the following report of the Commission To Investigate the Title of the United States to Lands in the District of Columbia. June 16, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds and ordered to be printed.
Spanish Treaty Claim Commission. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the final report of the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, dated May 2, 1910. May 17, 1910. -- Read, referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed.
Serial set 5661 John S. Mann et al. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John S. Mann, in his own right, and R.G. Johnson, administrator of Lewis W. Mann, deceased, against the United States. March 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Thomas C. Hawley, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of James C. Anderson, administrator of estate of Thomas C. Hawley, deceased, against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John S. Simon, administrator of George S. Simon, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John S. Simon, administrator of George S. Simon, deceased, against the United States. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Edward M. Ragland and others. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Edward M. Ragland, Mrs. Ursula Ragland Erskine, and Edward M. Ragland, as administrator of John D. Ragland, deceased, against the United States. January 19, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
William H. Bacon and Anna M. Smith. Letter from the Chief Justice of the Court of Claims, requesting that the certified findings of fact in the case of William H. Bacon and Anna M. Smith, sole heirs of Francis H. Bacon, against the United States be returned to the Court of Claims for further consideration. May 13, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
The Medical College of Alabama, of Mobile, Ala. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the Medical College of Alabama, of Mobile, Ala., against the United States. February 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Charles A. Davidson and Charles M. Campbell. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Charles A. Davidson and Charles M. Campbell against the United States. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Judgments rendered in Indian depredation cases. Letter from the Attorney General, transmitting, in response to a Senate resolution of January 31, 1910, a list of judgments rendered by the Court of Claims in Indian depredation cases. February 2, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
John R. Adams. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John R. Adams against the United States. February 14, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Eleanor G. Whitney. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Eleanor G. Whitney against the United States. January 27, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
W. Samuel Goodwyn. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of W. Samuel Goodwyn, administrator of Mary Ann Goodwyn, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Trustees of the first Baptist Church of Mansfield, La. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the first Baptist Church of Mansfield, La., against the United States. January 19, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Franchises granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting certified copies of franchises granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico, described in the accompanying letter from the Secretary of War. December 16, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico and ordered to be printed.
J.R. Allison. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of J.R. Allison, administrator de bonis non cum testamento annexo of Isaac Haynes, deceased, against the United States. February 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Fred Sinclair. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Fred Sinclair against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Judgments rendered by the Court of Claims in Indian depredation cases. Letter from the Attorney General, transmitting, in response to a Senate resolution of January 18, 1910, a list of judgments rendered by the Court of Claims in favor of claimants in Indian depredation cases. January 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
St. Peter's Catholic Church, of Hancock, Md. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of rector of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, of Hancock, Md., against the United States. December 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
James O. Turner, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of James O. Turner, administrator of Christina Turner, deceased, against the United States. February 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Charles Adams et al. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Charles Adams and sundry subnumbered cases against the United States. February 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Alexandria, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, of Alexandria, Virginia, against the United States. January 13, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Simeon P. Gillett. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Simeon P. Gillett against the United States. January 13, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
George Miller. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of George Miller against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Archie E. Galpin. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Archie E. Galpin against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
James B. Garrison. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of James B. Garrison against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Joseph Sledz. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Joseph Sledz against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Harbor at Charleston, S.C. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to a Senate resolution of December 10, 1909, an estimate of cost of further improving the Harbor at Charleston, S.C. January 17, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and, with accompanying illustration, ordered to be printed.
St. Helena Episcopal Church of Beaufort, S.C. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of St. Helena Episcopal Church of Beaufort, S.C., against the United States. January 19, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John Fitz, executor. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John Fitz, executor of Samuel Fitz, deceased, against the United States. January 19, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Vessel sloop Hiram. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting herewith the findings of fact and conclusions of law and opinion of the court in the case of vessel sloop Hiram, Sylvester Baldwin, master, against the United States. December 13, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
T.J. Coagar. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of T.J. Coagar against the United States. January 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
William Erskine. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William Erskine, administrator of John M. Doddridge, deceased, against the United States. January 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
William B. Duncan, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William B. Duncan, administrator of David S. Jones, deceased, against the United States. February 21, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Manasseh Goodwin. Communication from the Chief Justice of the Court of Claims, requesting that the findings in the case of Manasseh Goodwin, heretofore transmitted to the Senate, be returned to the court, and giving the reason for such request. February 17, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
James M. Ambler, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Edward Ambler, executor of James M. Ambler, deceased, against the United States. February 14, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Benjamin B. Blydenburgh, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Lucius B. Blydenburgh, brother of Benjamin B. Blydenburgh, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
James Chieves, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Shelton Chieves, administrator of the estate of James Chieves, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Heirs of Hiram B. Elliott. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William T. Elliott, George W. Elliott, Rachel Bain (nee Elliott), and John Elliott, heirs of Hiram B. Elliott, deceased, against the United States. February 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
A. Boschke. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of A. Boschke against the United States. February 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
James Bigler. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of James Bigler against the United States. February 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Adolf Dugue, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Adolf Dugue, administrator of Andrew B. James, deceased, against the United States. February 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Judgments in Court of Claims. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with Senate resolution of June 14, 1910, a list of judgments rendered by the Court of Claims. June 20, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Claims allowed by Treasury officers. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with Senate resolution of June 14, 1910, a schedule of claims allowed by the accounting officers of the Treasury under provisions of section 5 of the act of June 20, 1874. June 20, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Herman W. Reichow. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Herman W. Reichow against the United States. March 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Martha A. Vaughn Benton. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Martha A. Vaughn Benton against the United States. March 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Judah Bloomstein, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Judah Bloomstein, administrator of the estate of Jacob Bloomstein, deceased, against the United States. March 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Henry C. Pearson. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Henry C. Pearson against the United States. March 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Methodist Episcopal Church South, Boothsville, W. Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, Boothsville, W. Va., against the United States. March 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Mary Ellen Taylor. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mary Ellen Taylor, widow and sole heir of William Taylor, deceased, against the United States. March 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Heirs of Richard Terrell. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Cornelius F. Terrell, Cordelia I. Terrell, and Vera R. Terrell-Harper, sole heirs of Richard Terrell, deceased, against the United States. March 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Methodist Episcopal Church South of Mount Crawford, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Mount Crawford, Va., against the United States. March 7, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Thomas Foster. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Thomas Foster against the United States. March 7, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Olive Branch Christian Church, James City County, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the trustees of the Olive Branch Christian Church, of James City County, Va., against the United States. March 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Sarah Miller. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Sarah Miller against the United States. March 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Mary F. Smith, administratrix, and others. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mary F. Smith, administratrix of John W. Bowling, deceased, and sundry subnumbered cases, against the United States. March 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of W.W. Hastings. Mr. Owen presented the following memorial of W.W. Hastings, attorney of the Cherokee Nation, protesting against the enactment of Senate Bill S. 7088, "A Bill for the Relief of Frank J. Boudinot." April 4, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Veto message relating to the military record of Charles J. Smith. Message from the President of the United States, returning to the Senate, without approval, Senate Bill 5752, "An Act To Correct the Military Record of Charles J. Smith," and stating certain objections thereto. April 4, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Trinity German Reformed Church, Gettysburg, Pa. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Trinity German Reformed Church, Gettysburg, Pa., against the United States. April 7, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
George W. Buckman. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of George W. Buckman against the United States. April 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
D.H. Chamberlain. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of D.H. Chamberlain against the United States. April 11, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Estes G. Rathbone. Mr. Dick presented the following petition of Estes G. Rathbone, a citizen of the United States, for an investigation of his acts as director-general of posts in Cuba. April 12, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Cuban Relations and ordered to be printed.
Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, Warrenton, Mo. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, Warrenton, Mo., against the United States. April 12, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Improvement of Sixteenth Street. Letter from the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia submitting an estimate of the cost of extending the grading, macadamizing, and improvement of Sixteenth Street to Military Road, and also from the Military Road to the district line, in response to a Senate resolution of March 30, 1910. April 11, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed.
James M. Wood, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of James M. Wood, administrator of the estate of Christopher Wood, deceased, against the United States. April 14, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Katherine McClelland, administratrix. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Katherine M'Clelland, administratrix of the estate of Robert M. M'Clelland, deceased, against the United States. April 16, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
J.B. Verdun, Jr., administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of J.B. Verdun, Jr., administrator of the estate of Romain Verdun, deceased, against the United States. April 16, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Achille P. Rachal, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Achille P. Rachal, administrator of the estate of Ozam D. Metoyer, deceased, against the United States. April 16, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Catholic Church, Washington, N.C. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the trustees of the Catholic Church of Washington, N.C., against the United States. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Howard University and Freedmen's Hospital improvements. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate for appropriation for increasing the capacity of the heating and lighting plant of the Howard University and the Freedmen's Hospital. May 12, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Estate of Henry B. Mullins. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mrs. Sue F. Carl-Lee, Mrs. Nancy L. Frazier, and E.M. Carl-Lee, administrator of Henry B. Mullins, deceased, against the United States. May 13, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Estate of Joseph P. Mahaney. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of C. Pauline Mahaney, administratrix de bonis non of Joseph P. Mahaney, deceased, against the United States. May 16, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Patent Office Building improvements. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate for appropriation for repairs and improvements to the Patent Office Building. May 12, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Frank Bond and others. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Frank Bond and sundry subnumbered cases (Pensacola Navy Yard) against the United States. April 20, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Ringgold, Ga. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, Ringgold, Ga., against the United States. April 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Claims of postmasters. Mr. Dick presented the following statement of laws and proceedings relating to claims of postmasters who served between July 1, 1864, and June 30, 1874, for the readjustment of salaries under the act of March 3, 1883, from the standpoint of the claimants. April 13, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed. May 23, 1910. -- Ordered reprinted with additional matter.
Estate of Andrew Michael. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of George W. Newell, administrator of Andrew Michael, deceased, against the United States. May 21, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Methodist Episcopal Church South, Beaufort, N.C. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, Beaufort, N.C., against the United States. April 26, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Baptist Church of Shepherdsville, Ky. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Baptist Church of Shepherdsville, Ky., against the United States. May 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Frances W. Robinson. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Frances W. Robinson against the United States. May 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Estate of Pierre Zepherin Doucet. Letter from the Chief Justice of the Court of Claims, requesting that the certified findings of fact in the case of Cleobule Doucet, administrator of the estate of Pierre Zepherin Doucet, against the United States, be returned to the Court of Claims for further consideration. May 31, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Expense, Treasury Department. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, submitting estimate of additional appropriations necessary for distinctive paper and miscellaneous expenses in the Treasury Department for the fiscal year ending June 3, 1911. June 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Robert Norris. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Robert Norris against the United States. June 8, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
St. Stephen's Lutheran Church, Shenandoah County, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the St. Stephen's Lutheran Church of Shenandoah County, Va., against the United States. June 7, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Estate of Bethel G. Chandler. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John A. Chandler, administrator of Bethel G. Chandler, deceased, against the United States. June 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Estate of Peter H. Gold. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of David Z. Gold, administrator of Peter H. Gold, deceased, against the United States. June 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Camp John Hay, Philippine Islands. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copy of a communication from the Secretary of War submitting estimate of appropriation for the purchase of the site of Camp John Hay, Baguio, P.I., and for other purposes. June 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Estate of Benjamin Hawes. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of J.A. Hill, administrator of the estate of Benjamin Hawes, deceased, against the United States. June 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
State of California. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the State of California against the United States. June 11, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Estate of E. Leonidas Smith. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Augusta A. Smith, executrix of E. Leonidas Smith, deceased, against the United States. June 10, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Methodist Episcopal Church South, Corinth, Miss. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Corinth, Miss., against the United States. June 13, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Estate of William Hunt. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of W.E. Hunt, executor of the estate of William Hunt, deceased, against the United States. June 11, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
German Reformed Church, Boonsboro, Md. Letter from the Chief Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the German Reformed Church of Boonsboro, Md., against the United States. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Sons of Temperance, Portsmouth, Va. Letter from the Chief Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Sons of Temperance of Portsmouth, Va., against the United States. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Episcopal Church, Christ Church, South Carolina. Letter from the Chief Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the vestry and wardens of the Episcopal Church of the Parish of Christ Church, South Carolina, against the United States. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Harriet B. Loring and Francis B. Loring. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Harriet B. Loring and Francis B. Loring, sole heirs at law of Charles G. Loring, deceased, against the United States. March 7, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
William F. Scherff, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William F. Scherff, administrator of the estate of Anton Borchert, deceased, against the United States. March 22, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Memorial of Frank J. Boudinot. Mr. Owen presented the following memorial of Frank J. Boudinot, attorney at law, in support of the Bill (S. 7088) for the relief of Frank J. Boudinot. March 22, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed.
George W.Z. Black, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of George W.Z. Black, administrator de bonis non of the estate of Alexander Poland, deceased, against the United States. March 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Veto message relating to the military record of Aaron Cornish. Message from the President of the United States, returning to the Senate without approval Senate Bill 4571, "An Act To Amend the Military Record of Aaron Cornish," and stating certain objections thereto. March 28, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Edward H. Norton and others. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Edward H. Norton and sundry subnumbered cases (Portsmouth, N.H. Navy yard) against the United States. March 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
David C. Acuff, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of David C. Acuff, administrator of Caswell B. Derrick, deceased, against the United States. March 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Eugene B. Hagar, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Eugene B. Hagar, administrator of the estate of Charles W. Adams, deceased, against the United States. March 14, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Christ Church of Bowling Green, Ky. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the vestry of Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, of Bowling Green, Ky., against the United States. March 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Mary E. Penny and Emma Bigger. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mary E. Penny and Emma Bigger, daughters of John A. McLaughlin, against the United States. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
William H. Anderson. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William H. Anderson against the United States. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Nimrod Headington. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Nimrod Headington against the United States. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Presbyterian Church, Washington, N.C. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the trustees of the Presbyterian Church of Washington, N.C., against the United States. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Methodist Episcopal Church South, Washington, N.C. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Washington, N.C., against the United States. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John J. Nolan. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John J. Nolan against the United States. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Hiram F. Deval. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Hiram F. Deval against the United States. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Susan Sanders. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Susan Sanders against the United States. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Edward B., Emily K., and Charles R. Doran. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Edward B., Emily K., and Charles R. Doran, children of Edward C. Doran, deceased, against the United States. May 11, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
St. James Episcopal Church of Marietta, Ga. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the wardens and vestrymen of St. James Episcopal Church of Marietta, Ga., against the United States. May 16, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Ice plant for State, War, and Navy Building. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting estimate of appropriation to provide an ice manufacturing plant for the State, War, and Navy Building. May 17, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Presbyterian Church, Corinth, Miss. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Presbyterian Church of Corinth, Miss., successor of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of Corinth, Miss., against the United States. May 21, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Glacier National Park, Montana. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimate of appropriation for the administration and improvement of the Glacier National Park, Montana. May 21, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Estate of Mrs. Mary F. Swindell. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of North Memphis Savings Bank, administrator of Mrs. Mary F. Swindell, deceased, against the United States. May 21, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Harvey R. McRaven. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Harvey R. McRaven, heir of Tranquilla McRaven, deceased, against the United States. May 23, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Baptist Church of Corinth, Miss. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Baptist Church of Corinth, Miss., against the United States. May 21, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Hattie Grider, administratrix. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Hattie Grider, administratrix of the estate of T.S. Grider, deceased, against the United States. April 26, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John E. Berry and Lovey T. Williamson. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John E. Berry and Lovey T. Williamson, sole heirs of Esau Berry, deceased, against the United States. May 21, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Mrs. Belle M. Robards. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mrs. Belle M. Robards against the United States. April 26, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Ben Mahuren. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Ben Mahuren against the United States. May 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Jacob A. Paulk. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Jacob A. Paulk, in his own right and as administrator of the estate of Jonathan Paulk, deceased, against the United States. May 27, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Estate of Green Guest. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of J.H.E. Guest, administrator of the estate of Green Guest, deceased, against the United States. May 31, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Heirs of William H. Yeaton. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Edward Lasell, guardian of the heirs at law of William H. Yeaton,, deceased, against the United States. June 7, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Dry dock Dewey. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimate of the Acting Secretary of the Navy relative to the cost of raising and placing in operation the dry dock Dewey. June 17, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Judgments in Indian depredations. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with Senate resolution of June 14, 1910, a list of judgments in Indian depredation cases submitted by the Attorney General. June 17, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Bureau of Lighthouses. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of appropriations submitted by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor relative to "the Lighthouse establishment," made necessary by act of June 17, 1910. June 17, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Expense of collecting Customs. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, calling attention of the estimated deficiency in the appropriation for expenses of "collecting the revenue from Customs" on account of exigencies which have arisen. June 20, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Deficiencies in appropriations. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting supplemental estimates of deficiencies in appropriations in the general deficiency bill. June 20, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Bosman Lyons, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Maria Melanie Broussard, Nunez Lyons, May Azelima Simon, Mary Jane Campbell, Benjamin Broussard (administrator of Sarah Jane Lyons Broussard, deceased), heirs of Bosman Lyons, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John W. Hester, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John T. Hester, administrator of estate of John W. Hester, deceased, against the United States. January 10, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
S. Augusta Tasker. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of S. Augusta Tasker, widow of George E. Anderson, deceased, against the United States. February 7, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Robert Tobin. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Robert Tobin against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Estate of Joseph E. Funkhouser. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Newton E. Funkhouser and Charles E. Funkhouser, executors of will of Joseph E. Funkhouser, deceased, against the United States. May 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Lott Norton. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Lott Norton against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Smith W. Nichols. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Smith W. Nichols against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Mary E. Alcorn and others. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mary E. Alcorn, deceased, and sundry other subnumbered cases (Washington Navy Yard), against the United States. April 26, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
David Auld and sundry sub-numbered cases. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of David Auld and sundry sub-numbered cases against the United States. January 17, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John M. Wilson, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John M. Wilson, administrator of estate of Joseph Wilson, deceased, against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Charles H. Stonestreet, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Charles H. Stonestreet, administrator of the estate of Nicholas Stonestreet, deceased, against the United States. April 4, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Samuel H. Pipes. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Samuel H. Pipes against the United States. March 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
William T. Jordan. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William T. Jordan against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
J.W. Wallace, executor of Laura J. Dills, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of J.W. Wallace, executor of Laura J. Dills, deceased, against the United States. January 27, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
D.M. Carman. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copies of all correspondence between D.M. Carman, of Manila, and the Auditor for the War Department in response to Senate resolution of December 20, 1909. January 10, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Willard H. Greene. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Willard H. Greene against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Peter Fehr, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William Fehr, administrator of Peter Fehr, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John A. Briscoe, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Martha J. Briscoe, widow of John A. Briscoe, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Peter Jarrett. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Peter Jarrett against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Daniel P. Culhane. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Daniel P. Culhane against the United States. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Mary A.F. Barry and others. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mary A.F. Barry, widow of Daniel S. Barry, deceased, and sundry subnumbered cases (Boston Navy Yard) against the United States. March 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Albert Ross. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Albert Ross against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Property in possession of Sergeant-at-Arms. Letter from the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, transmitting a statement of all property in his possession belonging to the United States on December 6, 1909. December 7, 1909. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed.
Thomas J. Manning. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Thomas J. Manning, only son of John Manning, deceased, against the United States. May 11, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Nathan F. Amee et al. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Nathan F. Amee and sundry subnumber cases against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Supplemental estimates of appropriations for Department of Agriculture. Communication from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting from the Secretary of Agriculture supplemental estimates of appropriations for inclusion in the appropriation bill for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1911. February 21, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Deficiencies for Maysville, Ky., and Portland, Me. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, directing attention to the authority necessary in the deficiency appropriations relative to the construction of a sewer at Maysville, Ky., and the sprinkling of streets around the new courthouse site at Portland, Me. June 21, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed
Joseph Kuehne. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Joseph Kuehne against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Zachariah L. Windsor, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John A. Windsor, administrator of Zachariah L. Windsor, deceased, against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Silas A. Bryant. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Silas A. Bryant against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Joseph A. Workings. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Joseph A. Workings against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
James H. Perry. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of James H. Perry against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Joseph G. Myers, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Joseph G. Myers and William M. Myers, sons of Joseph G. Myers, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Andrew Jackson, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Elizabeth Jackson, widow of Andrew Jackson, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John J. Walsh. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John J. Walsh against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Joseph A. Scarlett. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Joseph A. Scarlett against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Edward E. Stone, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Louise V. Hudgins, daughter of Edward E. Stone, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Amanda M. Swain. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Amanda M. Swain, widow of Oliver Swain, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
D.F. Ellwanger, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Peter Ellwanger, administrator of estate of D.F. Ellwanger, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
William Wesley Turner, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Isaac T. Turner, administrator of estate of William Wesley Turner, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Marcus M. Massengale, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of James M. Massengale, administrator of estate of Marcus M. Massengale, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John Whittington. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John Whittington against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Jean Louis Malveau, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Jules Malveau, administrator of Jean Louis Malveau, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Stephen Bird. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Stephen Bird, executor of John Bird, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Documents received and distributed. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting statement showing the documents received and distributed during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1909. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Printing and ordered to be printed.
Augusta W. Seely. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Augusta W. Seely, widow of Henry B. Seely, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
James McDonnell. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of James McDonnell, executor of James McDonnell, deceased, against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Mulberry, Crawford County, Ark., against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Persons charged to the State of South Dakota. Letter from the United States Civil Service Commission, transmitting, in response to a resolution of the Senate of August 3, 1909, a list of names of persons in the competitive classified service charged to the State of South Dakota. December 7, 1909. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed.
Sales of condemned property. Letter from the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, submitting a report of the receipts from the sale of condemned property since December 7, 1908. December 7, 1909. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed.
Methodist Episcopal Church South. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Platte City, Mo., against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Primitive Baptist Church. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Primitive Baptist Church of Newport, N.C., against the United States. December 7, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Property account of Secretary of Senate, December 6, 1909. Letter from the Secretary of the Senate, transmitting a full and complete account of all property of the United States in his possession on December 6, 1909. December 7, 1909. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed.
City of Glasgow, Mo. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the City of Glasgow, Mo., against the United States. December 10, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, Point of Rocks, Md. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, situated near Point of Rocks, Md., against the United States. December 10, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Receipts and expenditures, Government Hospital for the Insane, 1909. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a statement of receipts and expenditures for all purposes connected with the Government Hospital for the Insane. December 10, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed.
Operations of the Juvenile Court. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the third annual report of the operations of the Juvenile Court of the District of Columbia. December 10, 1909. -- Read; referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed.
Abingdon Protestant Episcopal Church. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Abingdon Protestant Episcopal Church of Gloucester County, Va., against the United States. December 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Lutheran Church of Winchester, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Winchester, Va., against the United States. December 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
County court of Bath County, Ky. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of county court of Bath County, Ky., against the United States. December 16, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Second Presbyterian Church, Alexandria, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Second Presbyterian Church, Alexandria, Va., against the United States. December 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John Ament, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of E.P. Ament, administrator de bonis non of John Ament, deceased, against the United States. December 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Oak Grove Methodist Church South, Jackson County, Ala. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Oak Grove Methodist Church South, of Jackson County, Ala., against the United States. December 16, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Mount Vernon Reformed Church, Keedysville, Md. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees and consistory of the Mount Vernon Reformed Church, of Keedysville, Md., against the United States. December 16, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Lillie L. Penrod. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Lillie L. Penrod, sole heir of Mary Wycough, deceased, against the United States. December 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Survey of public lands lying within the limits of railroad land grants. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, a copy of a report from the Commissioner of the General Land Office covering the survey of public lands lying within the limits of railroad land grants between July 1, 1908, and July 1, 1909. January 17, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Lands and ordered to be printed.
John T.R. Mearns, Richard Rollins, and Mary E. Hare. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John T.R. Mearns (sub No. 176), Richard Rollins (sub No. 180), and Mary E. Hare, widow of John E. Hare (sub No. 181), against the United States. January 17, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Mill employees at Pittsfield, Mass. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation to provide for the retention of certain government mill employees at Pittsfield, Mass. January 18, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Police regulations in the District of Columbia. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copy of a recommendation from the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia submitting an estimate of appropriation for printing and binding the police regulations of the District of Columbia. January 18, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Post office at Fremont, Nebr. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation to provide temporary quarters for the officials of the post office at Fremont, Nebr. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Post office and courthouse at Charleston, W. Va. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation to provide temporary quarters for the officials of the post office and courthouse at Charleston, W. Va. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Post office and courthouse at Danville, Va. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation to provide temporary quarters for the officials of the post office and courthouse at Danville, Va. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Post office and courthouse at Jackson, Tenn. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation to provide temporary quarters for the officials of the post office and courthouse at Jackson, Tenn. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Post office at Lima, Ohio. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of appropriation to provide temporary quarters for the officials of the post office at Lima, Ohio. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Closing office of collector of Customs at Newport News, Va. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting, in response to a Senate resolution of January 18, 1910, information relative to the closing of the office of the collector of Customs, at Newport News, Va., on January 19, 1910. January 24, 1910. -- Ordered to be printed.
Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South of Gravelly Run, Virginia. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Gravelly Run, Virginia, against the United States. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Claims of certain postmasters. Mr. Penrose presented the following laws, reports, and decisions relating to claims of postmasters who served between July 1, 1864, and June 30, 1874, for readjustment and salaries under act of March 3, 1883. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Post Office and Post Roads and ordered to be printed.
Theodore Kipp. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Theodore Kipp against the United States. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Alonzo Thirlkill. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Alonzo Thirlkill against the United States. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Joseph C. Leddy. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Joseph C. Leddy against the United States. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Martin H. Avey. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Martin H. Avey against the United States. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Erwin R. Wadhams. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Erwin R. Wadhams against the United States. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Wilson Byerly. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Wilson Byerly against the United States. January 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Health Department, District of Columbia. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia submitting an additional estimate of appropriation required for the maintenance of the disinfecting service of the Health Department. January 26, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Union Presbyterian Church of Cross Keys, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Union Presbyterian Church, of Cross Keys, Va., against the United States. January 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Methodist Episcopal Church South of Germantown, Tenn. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Germantown, Tenn., against the United States. January 25, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Rosalie C. Tone, heir at law of John Calhoun. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Rosalie C. Tone, heir at law of John Calhoun, against the United States. January 27, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Claims allowed by accounting officers. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in pursuance to law, a schedule of claims allowed by the several accounting officers of the Treasury Department. January 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
East Washington Heights Traction Railroad Company. Letter from O.C. Brothers, Jr., transmitting, in pursuance to law, the annual report of the East Washington Heights Traction Railroad Company for the year ending December 31, 1909. February 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed.
Emile E. Zimmer. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Emile E. Zimmer, administrator of the estate of George Neck, Sr., against the United States. February 2, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Heirs of Thaddeus N. Ferrell, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mrs. Mattie U. Boykin, Thaddeus C. Ferrell, and Mrs. Lulu D. Meriwether, heirs of Thaddeus N. Ferrell, against the United States. February 3, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Heirs of William H. Stringer, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William H. Thompson, Ada A. Thompson, Michael D. Thompson, Andrew Thompson, Jessie D. Guthrie, and C.R. Guthrie, heirs of William H. Stringer... against the United States. February 3, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Payment for law books and manufacture of postal cards for the Post Office Department. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Postmaster General submitting and estimate of deficiency... for the Post Office Department. February 3, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
B.J. Cowart, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of B.J. Cowart, administrator of Aaron Turner, deceased, against the United States. February 3, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Administrators of Marjorie Ward, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Francis L. Ward and Eliza C. Ward, administrators of Marjorie Ward, deceased, against the United States. February 3, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Remodeling post office building at Kansas City, Kans. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, urging an appropriation of $10,000 for rent of building, etc., for post office at Kansas City, Kans. February 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Mrs. Gertrude O'Bannon. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mrs. Gertrude O'Bannon against the United States. December 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John M. Armstrong, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Francis T. Buckner, administrator de bonis non cum testamento annexo of John M. Armstrong, deceased, against the United States. December 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Myron Powers. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Myron Powers against the United States. December 20, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Mary Jane Rucker. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mary Jane Rucker, sole heir of J.W. Rucker, deceased, against the United States. February 18, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Adam Hoke. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Adam Hoke against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Rudolph L. Johns. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Rudolph L. Johns against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John J. Rodgers. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John J. Rodgers against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Joseph O. Drennen. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Joseph O. Drennen against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Timothy C. Harrington. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Timothy C. Harrington against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John Brodie. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John Brodie against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
William K. Krautman. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William K. Krautman against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Conrad Wagner. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Conrad Wagner against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Thomas Murnane. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Thomas Murnane against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
James Butler. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of James Butler against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Bellefonte, Ala. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of Bellefonte, Ala., against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Methodist Episcopal Church South of Phoenix, Miss. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South of Phoenix, Miss., against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Charles Henry McCann. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Charles Henry McCann against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John O'Neill. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John O'Neill against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Catherine Lewis. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Catherine Lewis, widow of Albert A. Lewis, deceased, against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed
Frank Broddeker. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Frank Broddeker against the United States. January 6, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
David Scurry. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of David Scurry against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John D. Cash. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John D. Cash against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Leslie E. Drake. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Leslie E. Drake against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Ignac Rosinski. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Ignac Rosinski against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Frederick Wyand, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Grant Wyand, executor of estate of Frederick Wyand, deceased, against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Edward B. Murphy. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Edward B. Murphy against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
William G. Jell. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William G. Jell against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
James F. Schenck, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Joseph G.C. Schenck and Sarah Crane, children of James F. Schenck, deceased, against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
John McGill, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John McGill, administrator of Abner Johnson Leavenworth, deceased, against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Mary K.S. Brakeley. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mary K.S. Brakeley, only child of Watson Smith, deceased, against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Joseph E. Cox, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Josephine E. Dermott, executrix of Joseph E. Cox, deceased, against the United States. January 10, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
S.H. Ayres, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of M.E. Ayres, administratrix of S.H. Ayres, deceased, against the United States. January 10, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
S. Dana Greene. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of G. De B. Greene, son of S. Dana Greene, against the United States. January 10, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Andrew J. Iverson, deceased. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Mary J. Iverson, widow of Andrew J. Iverson, deceased, against the United States. January 10, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
James S. Douglas, deceased. Letter from Stanton J. Peele, chief justice of the Court of Claims, requesting the Senate to return said findings of the court in the case of Elizabeth Talbot Belt, No. 10300, and Mary B. Douglas, administratrix of the estate of James S. Douglas, deceased, No. 10429, against the United States. January 10, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Estimate of appropriation for continuing work of Immigration Commission. Letter from the Chairman of the Immigration Commission, transmitting a statement showing the progress of the work of the Commission, together with an estimate of the appropriation necessary to complete its report. January 11, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Baptist Church of Bowling Green, Kentucky. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the Baptist Church of Bowling Green, Kentucky, against the United States. January 11, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Calvin H. Dyson, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Calvin H. Dyson, administrator of the estate of George W. Dyson, deceased, against the United States. February 8, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Relief for employees of the Isthmian Canal Commission injured while in discharge of their duties. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting certain papers relative to... injured on the Isthmus prior to August 1, 1908, while in the employment of the Isthmian Canal Commission. February 8, 1910. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Interoceanic Canals, and ordered to be printed.
John W. Knight et al. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of John W. Knight and sundry sub-numbered cases against the United States. February 10, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Heirs of John B. Brown. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Harriet A. Mills, Addison M. Brown, Willis A. Law, and Maye C. Law, heirs of John B. Brown, deceased, against the United States. February 10, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
William W.W. Dwier. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William W.W. Dwier against the United States. December 10, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad Company. Letter from John R. McLean, transmitting, in pursuance to law, the annual report of the Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad Company for the year ending December 31, 1919. February 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed.
Judgments rendered by the Court of Claims. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a list of judgments rendered by the Court of Claims requiring an appropriation for their payment. January 28, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.
Baptist Church of Culpeper County, Va. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of trustees of Chestnut Fork Old School Baptist Church, of Culpeper County, Va., against the United States. March 7, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Frederick S. Hutchison. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Frederick S. Hutchison against the United States. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Trustees of First Baptist Church of Decatur, Ala. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of the trustees of the First Baptist Church of Decatur, Ala., against the United States. January 5, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Samuel E. Calvert. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of Samuel E. Calvert against the United States. May 9, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed.
Serial set 5662 Steerage conditions. Partial report, on behalf of the Immigration Commission, on steerage conditions. Presented by Mr. Dillingham. December 13, 1909. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed.
The Immigration Commission. The immigration situation in Canada. Presented by Mr. Dillingham. April 1, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed.
Importing women for immoral purposes. A partial report from the Immigration Commission on the importation and harboring of women for immoral purposes. Presented by Mr. Dillingham. December 10, 1909. -- Referred to Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed
The Immigration Commission. Immigrant Banks. Presented by Mr. Dillingham. February 24, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed.
Serial set 5663 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Changes in bodily form of descendants of immigrants (final report). Presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 8, 1911. -- Ordered reprinted, with corrections and illustrations. 1
Serial set 5664 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Occupations of the first and second generations of immigrants in the United States. Fecundity of immigrant women. Presented by Mr. Dillingham. January 12, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed. 1
Serial set 5665 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in cities. A study of the population of selected districts in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Cleveland, Buffalo, and Milwaukee. (In two volumes: Vol. I.) Presented by Mr. Dillingham. January 31, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed with illustrations. 1
Serial set 5666 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in cities. A study of the population of selected districts in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Cleveland, Buffalo and Milwaukee. (In two volumes: Vol II.) General tables presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. 1
Serial set 5667 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in industries (in twenty-five parts). Part 1: Bituminous coal mining (in two volumes: Vol. I). Presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. 1
Serial set 5668 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in industries (in twenty-five parts). Part 1: Bituminous coal mining (in two volumes: Vol. II). Presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. 1
Serial set 5669 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in industries (in twenty-five parts). Part 2: Iron and steel manufacturing (in two volumes: Vol. I). Presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. 1
Serial set 5670 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in industries (in twenty-five parts). Part 2: Iron and steel manufacturing (in two volumes: Vol. II). Presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. 1
Serial set 5671 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in industries (in twenty-five parts). Part 3: Cotton goods manufacturing in the North Atlantic states. Part 4: Woolen and worsted goods manufacturing. Presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. 1
Serial set 5672 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in industries (in twenty-five parts). Part 5: Silk goods manufacturing and dyeing. Part 6: Clothing manufacturing. Part 7: Collar, cuff, and shirt manufacturing. Presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. 1
Serial set 5673 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in industries (in twenty-five parts). Part 8: Leather manufacturing. Part 9: Boot and shoe manufacturing. Part 10: Glove manufacturing. Presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. 1
Serial set 5674 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in industries (in twenty-five parts). Part 11: Slaughtering and meat packing. Presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. 1
Serial set 5675 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in industries (in twenty-five parts). Part 12: Glass manufacturing. Part 13: Agricultural implement and vehicle manufacturing. Presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed with illustrations. 1
Serial set 5676 Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in industries (in twenty-five parts). Part 14: Cigar and tobacco manufacturing. Part 15: Furniture manufacturing. Part 16: Sugar refining. Presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910. -- Referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. 1