Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Serial set 646 | Report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year 1851. Volume X. Part II. Agriculture. | 1 |
Serial set 647 | Indian accounts and disbursements. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copies of accounts current, &c., with persons entrusted with the disbursement of money or goods for the benefit of the Indians. May 3, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Public Expenditures, and ordered to be printed. | 1 |
Serial set 648 |
Claim against branch Mint -- New Orleans. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting letters in reference to an account against the branch Mint at New Orleans. July 7, 1852. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Clerks, etc. -- Department of the Interior. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a list of clerks. May 3, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed Life-boats. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in reference to life-boats on the coasts of the United States. May 3, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Trenholm & Belt. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting transcripts of accounts of Trenholm & Belt for printing. May 3, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Estimate Commissary Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate from the Commissary General of Subsistence, &c. May 3, 1852. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Finances Post Office Department. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a statement of the finances of the Post Office Department. May 3, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Rio Grande frontier. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information respecting disorders and outrages committed on the Rio Grande frontier. June 15, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Oregon -- location of seat of government, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copies of the correspondence between that Department and E. Hamilton, Secretary of the Territory of Oregon, in reference to the location of the seat of government, &c. May 3, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Banks in the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report on the condition of the banks throughout the Union. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. Island of Cuba. Message from the President of the United States, in reference to the island of Cuba. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Reduction of estimates -- War Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter from the Secretary of War, suggesting a reduction in the estimates submitted heretofore for that Department. May 3, 1852. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Copper coinage. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the directors of the Mint, on the subject of the copper coinage. June 8, 1852. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Foreigners -- Cuban expedition. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the First Comptroller in response to such of the Cuban prisoners as were foreigners, &c. July 7, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Estimate -- salary District Judge of the Western District of Louisiana. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimate for the salary of the District Judge of the Western District of Louisiana. July 7, 1852. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Light-house Board. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report from the Light-house Board, &c. July 7, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Frauds upon the revenue. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, calling attention to a recent decision of the United States Circuit Court of New York in reference to certain importations, &c. July 7, 1852. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Indemnity for Spanish subjects in New Orleans. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, and a communication from the Spanish minister, asking indemnity for Spanish subjects in New Orleans. June 23, 1852. Read, and referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Surveys -- valley of the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates for completing surveys between the valley of the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean. July 7, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Fisheries. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State and accompanying documents, in reference to the fisheries on the British North American coasts. August 10, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 649 |
Incidental expenses Post Office Department. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a report of the incidental expenses of the Post Office Department for the year ending the 30th June, 1851. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Amount of postage received at each post office, &c., &c. Letter from the Postmaster General, suggesting the impossibility of furnishing the report required by the act of 1825, showing every post-road which shall not, after the second year from its establishment, have produced one-third of the expense of carrying the mail on the same. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. Contracts Post Office Department -- other than those for transporting the mails. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting copies of contracts, &c. August 31, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Sloop Georgiana. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting information in relation to the shipwreck of the sloop Georgiana. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. District penitentiary. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting applications for an appropriation to repair the prison wharf. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Mint at San Francisco. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in reference to the Mint at San Francisco, and transmitting an estimate of expenses for one year. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Commission for settling land claims in California. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting papers showing reasons for an increase of the appropriation for salaries and incidental expenses of said commission. August 31, 1852. Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. Balance due Creek Indians for losses in late war with Great Britain. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a report, in explanation of the item estimated for by that Department for losses sustained by Creek Indians in the last war with Great Britain. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Raising wreck of steam-frigate Missouri. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, giving information of the removal of the wreck of the steamship Missouri from the Bay of Gibraltar. August 31, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Marine hospital at San Francisco. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, asking an additional appropriation for the marine hospital at San Francisco. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Apportionment of members. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting the official certificate of the number of members apportioned to each state, under the last census. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Mail contracts by steamships between New York and California. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting information in relation to contracts for transportation of the mails between New York and California. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Mail service in steamships between the United States and foreign countries. Letter from the Postmaster General, relative to ocean mail service by steamships. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 650 | Tables [of] commerce and navigation of the United States, for the fiscal year 1851. | 1 |
Serial set 651-1 | Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of March 8, 1851, the report of Israel D. Andrews, consul of the United States for Canada and New Brunswick, on the trade and commerce of the British North American colonies, and upon the trade of the Great Lakes and rivers; also, notices of the internal improvements in each state, of the Gulf of Mexico and straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the United States. | 1 |
Serial set 651-2 | [Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of March 8, 1851, the report of Israel D. Andrews, consul of the United States for Canada and New Brunswick, on the trade and commerce of the British North American colonies, and upon the trade of the Great Lakes and rivers; also, notices of the internal improvements in each state, of the Gulf of Mexico and Straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the United States. [Maps]] | 1 |
Serial set 652 |
Compromise measures. Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, in favor of the compromise measures. February 11, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed Compromise measures. Resolutions of the Legislature of Connecticut, on the subject of the compromise measures of the 31st Congress. August 6, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed Stockbridge Indians. Letter from the sachem and councillors of the Stockbridge Indians, in relation to the application of John W. Quinney for his share of the moneys of the tribe specified in the several treaties with the United States. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. National intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in relation to national intervention. June 24, 1852. Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. Falls of the Ohio River. Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, relative to a new canal, on the Indiana side, around the Falls of the Ohio River. March 3, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed. Flogging in the Navy, &c. Resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island in favor of the retention of the act for abolishing flogging in the Navy, and also for abolishing the spirit rations in all naval ships and Navy yards. February 6, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Oregon Territory. Memorial of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oregon, asking for certain alterations in the organic law of said territory. February 3, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Territories, and ordered to be printed. Kossuth and intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, relating to Kossuth, Hungary and intervention. February 3, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Red River. Resolution of the Legislature of Louisiana, asking an appropriation for the improvement of the navigation of Red River. March 10, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. list of reports to be made to Congress, at the first session of the Thirty-second Congress, by public officers. Prepared, in obedience to a standing order of the House, by the Clerk of the House of Representatives. December 1, 1851. Contingent expenses of the House of Representatives. Letter from the Clerk of the House of Representatives, transmitting a statement of the expenditure of the contingent fund of the House. December 11, 1851. Referred to the Committee on Accounts, and ordered to be printed. Assimilated rank of surgeons in the Army and Navy. Letter from the Secretary of the American Medical Association, transmitting preambles and resolutions in reference to assimilated rank of surgeons in the Army and Navy. January 2, 1852. Ordered, that so much as relates to the Army be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and so much as relates to the Navy be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Ordered to be printed. Compendium of the census. Resolutions of the Legislature of New York, relative to the appointment of a joint committee for the purpose of preparing and arranging a compendium of the first and subsequent censuses of the United States. March 3, 1852. Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union. New Mexico. Letter from the Secretary of the Territory of New Mexico, transmitting copies of the acts, resolutions, &c., of that territory. January 9, 1852. -- Referred to the Committee on Territories, and ordered to be printed. Clerks, &c. -- H. of Reps. Letter from the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmitting list of clerks, &c. employed in his office. January 15, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Oregon Territory. Letter from the Secretary of the Territory of Oregon, transmitting a copy of the journal of the Legislative Assembly thereof. February 4, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Public lands -- geological survey. Memorial of the Legislature of Alabama, asking a donation of public lands to aid in completing the geological survey of said state. February 11, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. Public lands. Resolutions of the Legislature of New York, in reference to the public lands. May 3, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Canal -- falls Sault St. Marie. Resolution of the Legislature of Massachusetts, relative to the construction of a ship canal around the falls of Sault Saint Marie, in the State of Michigan. May 5, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed. French spoliations. Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, relating to French spoliations prior to the year 1801. May 5, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Kossuth and non-intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, in relation to Governor Kossuth and the doctrine of national non-intervention. February 2, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. The Woodworth patent. Resolutions of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, against the renewal of a patent for Woodworth's planing-machine. April 8, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Patents, and ordered to be printed. Bbanch [i.e., Branch] Mint in California. Resolutions of the Legislature of California, in reference to the establishment of a branch Mint in that state. June 8, 1852. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Wheeling bridge. Resolutions of the Legislature of Pennsylvania respecting the bridge over the Ohio River opposite Wheeling. February 20, 1852. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. Light-house Minot's Ledge. Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, relating to the erection of a light-house on Minot's Ledge. May 5, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. California United States district judges. Resolutions of the Legislature of California, asking an increase of the salaries of judges of the United States District Courts of that state. March 20, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. New Orleans and Jackson Railroad. Memorial of the Legislature of Mississippi, asking a grant of land for the New Orleans and Jackson Railroad. March 15, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. Extension of the Woodworth patent. Resolutions of the Legislature of New York, in reference to the extension of the Woodworth patent. March 13, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Patents, and ordered to be printed. Land for school purposes. Joint memorial of the Legislature of Alabama, relative to the grant of land for school purposes, in lieu of the valueless sixteenth sections in said state. March 8, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. Ship canal around the falls of Sault St. Marie. Resolutions of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, relative to the construction of a ship-canal around the falls of Sault St. Marie. March 23, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed. Cemetery on grounds attached to the United States barracks at Baton Rouge. Joint resolution of the Legislature of Louisiana, in reference to a cemetery on the grounds attached to the United States barracks at Baton Rouge. March 30, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Intervention. Resolutions of the General Assembly of Delaware, upon the doctrine of intervention. March 23, 1852. Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. Wheeling bridge. Resolutions of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, relative to the Wheeling bridge over the Ohio. March 23, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Virginia land bounty warrants. Report of a committee of the Legislature of Virginia, on the subject of outstanding Virginia land bounty warrants. March 23, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. Breakwater at mouth of Delaware Bay. Resolutions of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for completion of breakwater at mouth of Delaware Bay, and to repair the piers in the river, &c. March 23, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Abuses of passengers in California steamers. Resolution of the Legislature of Maine, in relation to the abuses of passengers in California steamers. March 30, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Mail service on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Memorial of the Legislature of Tennessee, praying a change in the mail service on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. March 23, 1852. Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, and ordered to be printed. Pennsylvania contested election. Evidence taken in the Pennsylvania contested election. May 7, 1852. Ordered to be printed. Alabama -- non-intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Alabama, expressive of the sense of the General Assembly of Alabama, in relation to the policy to be pursued by our government in its intercourse with foreign nations. February 2, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Wheeling bridge. Petition of one hundred and twenty-one members of the Ohio Legislature, in relation to the Wheeling bridge over the Ohio River. April 13, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Military depot at the City of Augusta, Georgia. Memorial of the Legislature of Georgia, praying the establishment of a depot of arms in Augusta, in said state. April 13, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Pascagoula River. Memorial of the Legislature of Mississippi, asking an appropriation to remove a sand bar from the mouth of the Pascagoula River. April 13, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Lake Pontchartrain -- Grant's Pass, &c. Resolutions of the Legislature of Louisiana, in relation to the purchase of Grant's Pass, &c. April 13, 1852. Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, and ordered to be printed. U.S. District Court, District of Wisconsin. Memorial of the Legislature of Wisconsin, in relation to the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the District of Wisconsin. April 13, 1852. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. Woodworth's planing machine, and Parker's reacting water-wheel. Resolution of the Legislature of Maine, adverse to the extension of Woodworth's patent, and Parker's patent. April 12, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Patents, and ordered to be printed. Canal around falls of St. Marie. Joint resolution of the Legislature of New York, for a canal around the falls of St. Marie. April 24, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Massachusetts militia claim. Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, concerning militia claims. June 24, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Oregon -- public buildings. Letter from the Governor of Oregon Territory, stating that no part of the sum placed in his hands for the erection of suitable public buildings has been expended. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Report of the Clerk of the House of Representatives U.S., in compliance with the "Act To Authorize the Appointment of Additional Paymasters, and for Other Purposes," passed July 4, 1836. November 29, 1852. Assimilated rank. Letter from the Secretary of the American Medical Association, transmitting the report of a committee of that association, on the subject of assimilated rank. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. Contracts. Letter from the Commissioner of Public Buildings, transmitting copies of contracts, &c. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Oregon Territory. Memorial of Columbia Lancaster and W.T. Matlock, presiding officers of the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon. February 19, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Non-intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Georgia, on non-intervention. March 4, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. National Normal Agricultural College. Resolve of the Legislature of Massachusetts, concerning a grant of land in aid of national normal schools. May 5, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. Public lands in Mississippi. Memorial of the Legislature of Mississippi, praying the reduction of the price of land in the Augusta and Washington land districts. March 15, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. California civil fund. Resolution of the Legislature of California, in reference to the civil fund of that state. March 20, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Pennsylvania -- Smith O'Brien and his associates in exile. Resolution of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, relative to Smith O'Brien and his associates in exile. March 23, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Dry dock and navy-yard depot on lake frontier. Resolutions of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, asking the establishment of a navy-yard depot and dry dock on the lake frontier. March 23, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Gulf and Ship Island Railroad. Resolutions of the Legislature of Mississippi, asking an appropriation of land to aid in the construction of the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad. April 13, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Custom-house at Biloxi. Memorial of the Legislature of Mississippi, praying the establishment of a Custom-house at Biloxi, and also for the delivery of the mail twice a week between Biloxi and New Orleans, and intermediate places, and a weekly mail from Jackson to Mobile. April 13, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Falls of the Ohio River. Resolutions of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, relating to the construction of a canal around the Falls of the Ohio River at Louisville. April 13, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals, and ordered to be printed. Naval depot at New Orleans. Resolution of the Legislature of Louisiana, concerning the establishment of a naval depot at New Orleans. April 13, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed. European and North American Railway. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, in support of the memorial to Congress asking the assistance of the United States government in behalf of the European and North American Railway. April 12, 1852. Referred to two committees, Public Lands and Post Office and Post Roads, and ordered to be printed. New Orleans and Jackson Railroad. Memorial of the Legislature of Mississippi, for a donation of public lands to the New Orleans and Jackson Railroad. April 13, 1852. Referred to the Committee of Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. Wheeling bridge -- a post route. Resolutions of the Legislature of Indiana, in reference to the Wheeling bridge, &c. June 24, 1852. Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. Cherokees of North Carolina. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, transmitting information as to the amount of money paid William H. Thomas for and on account of the Cherokees of North Carolina. August 2, 1852. Ordered to be printed. Ship canal. Falls St. Marie. Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, asking an appropriation for the construction of a ship canal at the falls of St. Marie. March 4, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Woodworth's patent. Resolutions of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, in relation to the Woodworth patent. April 13, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Patents, and ordered to be printed. The compromise measures. Resolutions of the Legislature of Iowa, in reference to the compromise measures passed by the Congress of the United States. March 8, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Consulates of China. Letter from the American charge d'affaires in China, transmitting letters from consuls in reply to circulars addressed to them, &c. August 31, 1852. -- Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 653 | Digested summary and alphabetical list of private claims which have been presented to the House of Representatives from the first to the Thirty-first Congress, exhibiting the action of Congress on each claim, with references to the journals, reports, bills, &c., elucidating its progress. Compiled by order of the House of Representatives. Vol. I. From A to G inclusive. | 1 |
Serial set 654 | Digested summary and alphabetical list of private claim[s] which have been presented to the House of Representatives from the First to the Thirty-first Congress, exhibiting the action of Congress on each claim, with references to the journals, reports, bills, &c., elucidating its progress. Compiled by order of the House of Representatives. Vol. II. From H to O inclusive. | 1 |
Serial set 655 | Digested summary and alphabetical list of private claims which have been presented to the House of Representatives from the First to the Thirty-first Congress, exhibiting the action of Congress on each claim, with references to the journals, reports, bills, &c., elucidating its progress. Compiled by order of the House of Representatives. Vol. III. From P to Z inclusive. | 1 |
Serial set 656 |
Jacob Shade, Jr. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 170.) January 30, 1852. Andrew Smith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 148.) January 29, 1852. Patrick Gass. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 152.) January 29, 1852. Heirs of Bernard Todd. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 199.) February 12, 1852. Hiram Moore and John Hascall. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 193.) January 30, 1852 William J. Price. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 275.) June 1, 1852. Lewis E. Simonds. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 248.) May 5, 1852 Legal representatives of Gen. James C. Watson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 136.) January 29, 1852 J.G. [i.e., G.J.] Pendergrast. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 93.] January 13, 1852. J.C. Buckles. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 306.) July 30, 1852. Maurice K. Simons. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 185.) January 30, 1852. Elizabeth E.V. Field. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 177.) January 30, 1852. Memphis and Charleston Railroad. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 229.) March 31, 1852. Joseph Johnston. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 57.) January 6, 1852. Philadelphia Gas Works. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 203.) February 12, 1852. Hugh Wallace Wormley. January 6, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Susan C. Randall. January 13, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. David Troxell. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Elliott McCollock. January 29, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Federal courts -- fees, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 146.) January 29, 1852. Philip Miller. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 55.) January 6, 1852. Artemas Conant. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 62 [i.e., 61].) January 6, 1852. Amos Knapp. (To accompany Bill H.R. 61[i.e., 60].) January 6, 1852. Gardner Herring. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 53.) January 6, 1852. Orange and Alexandria Railroad Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 49.) January 6, 1852. John H. Piatt -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 200.) February 12, 1852. Heirs of William McFarland. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 151.) January 29, 1852. Joseph Arnow and Peter Arnow. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 198.) February 12, 1852. Capt. George Simpton. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 201.) February 12, 1852. Heirs of Semoice. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 153.) January 29, 1852. Josiah P. Pilcher. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 157.) January 29, 1852. Anthony G. Willis's heirs. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 159.) January 29, 1852. Public lands, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 74.) April 1, 1852. Mary Pearson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 279.) June 4, 1852. Virginia Woolen Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 30.) December 16, 1851. Mary Wright. January 6, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Benjamin Holland. January 6, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Thomas Whinney. January 13, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. John Kerbaugh. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 101.) January 13, 1852. Williams, Staples & Williams. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 89.) January 13, 1852. Cornelius Hughes. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 98.) January 13, 1852. William B. Ross, and others -- Arredondo grant. January 29, 1852. Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. William S. Payne. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 140.) January 29, 1852. Joseph Newell. January 29, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. William Mann. January 29, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Henry McLaughlin, of Vermont. February 12, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. William S. Foote and Charles Millington. February 12, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Richard L. Jones. January 6, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. William Batcheldor. January 6, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Sylvanus Blodget. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 59.) January 6, 1852. John W. Robinson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 52.) January 6, 1852. Silas Champion. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 54.) January 6, 1852. David C. Cash and Giles U. Ellis. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 51.) January 6, 1852. Edward Everett. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 50.) January 6, 1852. Albra Tripp. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 56.) January 6, 1852. Mary Prettyman. January 6, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Interest to the State of New Hampshire. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 4.) January 13, 1852. John Jackson -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill No. H.R. No. 95.) January 13, 1852. Hannah Sampson, widow of Daniel Sampson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 94.) January 13, 1852. John Conkin. January 6, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Passengers in merchant vessels, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 33.) January 13, 1852. Sarah Smith. January 6, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. William Greer. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 88.) January 13, 1852. Rates of postage. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 144. ) January 29, 1852. New York Chamber of Commerce. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 138.) January 29, 1852. John B. Rodgers, of South Carolina. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 197.) February 12, 1852. William H. Winder. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 192.) January 30, 1852. Wm. H. Wells and others. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 155.) January 29, 1852. Leonard Skinner. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 158.) January 29, 1852. Mrs. J.H. [i.e., Jane W.] McKee. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 202.) February 12, 1852. Heirs of Jeremiah Wingate. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 160.) January 29, 1852. George Cassady. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 172.) January 30, 1852. Henry Johnson. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. James A. Breast and other laborers on Patent Office. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. John Haren [i.e., Hazen]. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 173.) January 30, 1852. Robert Milligan. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 58.) January 6, 1852. Charles H. Pointer. January 13, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. James Ferguson, survivor. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 90.) January 13, 1852. James Wright, Jr. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 100.) January 13, 1852. John McIntosh. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 103.) January 13, 1852. Elijah Close. January 13, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Edward Quinn. January 6, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Gustavus A. de Russy. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 96.) January 13, 1852. James McCormick. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 97.) January 13, 1852. Ichabod Waymouth [i.e., Weymouth]. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 102.) January 13, 1852. Francis Tribeau [i.e., Tribon]. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 99.) January 13, 1852. Osborn [i.e., Osborne] Cross. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 137.) January 29, 1852. Joseph Robards. January 29, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Matthews, Wood, and Hall. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 135.) January 29, 1852. Ira Baldwin. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 154.) January 29, 1852. Eyre & Massey. February 12, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Lieut. Bartlett Hinds -- heirs of. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 149.) January 29, 1852. Pennsylvania contested election. April 22, 1852. Ordered to be printed. Aaron Stafford. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 183.) January 30, 1852. Brooksey Bell. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Isaac Cobb. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 167.) January 30, 1852. Henry and Robert Blow. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Catharine Clark. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 169.) January 30, 1852. Mary Perrigo. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Ship canal around falls of Ste. Marie. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 82.) January 30, 1852. Henry Click. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 181.) January 30, 1852. Hall Hutson. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Jacob J. Storer. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 163.) January 30, 1852. Heirs of Daniel Landon. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Anthony Walton Bayard. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 175.) January 30, 1852. Mrs. Lucy Morrison. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Heirs of certain Revolutionary soldiers. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Robert Henry Dyer. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Boatswains, gunners, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 165.) January 30, 1852. Securities of Benjamin F. Hart. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 166.) January 30, 1852. Reservoirs on main affluents of the Ohio River. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 68.) January 30, 1852. David Myerle. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 168.) January 30, 1852. James A. Fawns. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 164.) January 30, 1852. Captains Bush, Price, and Suarez. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 161.) January 30, 1852. Clemmons Eaton. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Henry Miller. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 178.) January 30, 1852. Thomas P. Dudley. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 171.) January 30, 1852. John O. Hodge. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Thomas Russell. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Wheeling bridge. August 12, 1852. Ordered to lie on the table, and be printed. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 207.) June 12, 1852. Mr. Houston, from the Committee of Ways and Means, made the following report: The Committee of Ways and Means have had under consideration the amendments of the Senate to the act entitled "An Act To Supply Deficiencies in the Appropriations for the Service of the Fiscal Year Ending the Thirtieth of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-two,["] and report... Jasper A. Maltby. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 274.) June 1, 1852. James Glynn. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 247.) May 5, 1852. William J. Price. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 227.) March 31, 1852. Sixteenth school sections. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 228.) March 31, 1852. Schooner Harbinger. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 269.) May 28, 1852. Ordered to be printed. Jonas D. Platt. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 180.) January 30, 1852. S. Morris Waln. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 250.) May 6, 1852. Territorial governments. May 17, 1852. William Lynch. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 179.) January 30, 1852. C.L. Swayze. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 232.) April 6, 1852. Florida, Atlantic and Gulf Central Railroad. (To accompany Bill H.R. 237.) April 21, 1852. Massachusetts -- balance due. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 313.) August 13, 1852. Kanesville, Iowa. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 276.) June 1, 1852. Mary Baury. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 278.) June 4, 1852. National armories. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 315.) August 13, 1852. John J. Skyes. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 296.) July 8, 1852. Mary Reeside. (To accompany Joint Resolution No. 21.) July 8, 1852. Harlow Spaulding. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 249.) May 5, 1852. Ordered to be printed. Joseph M. Wilcoxon. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 265.) May 24, 1852. New Mexico -- road from Santa Fe to the valley of Taos. May 19, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Winchester and Deposite Railroad. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 230.) April 1, 1852. James S. Mitchell. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Charles Staples. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 182.) January 30, 1852. B.B. Bennett. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 184.) January 30, 1852. Whitney's railroad to the Pacific. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 186.) January 30, 1852. John Davenport. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. William Dwelley. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 174.) January 30, 1852. Dr. S.R. Addison. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 162.) January 30, 1852. John King. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Moses Olmstead. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Nathan H. Darling. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 317.) August 26, 1852. Thompson Barnett. (To accompany J.R. No. 26.) August 27, 1852. William Hazzard Wigg. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 324.) August 30, 1852. Joseph C. Stoll. August 27, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Amos Proctor -- legal representatives of. August 18, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. Gilman Smith. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 318.) August 26, 1852. New Hampshire -- military claims. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 105.) August 14, 1852. John P. Converse. (To accompany Joint Resolution No. 22.) July 8, 1852. Wheeling bridge. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 297.) July 8, 1852. Mail between Jersey City and Galway, Ireland. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 295.) July 8, 1852. Seventh census. July 14, 1852. Woodworth patent. July 17, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. John Dearmitt. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 305.) July 30, 1852. R.M. Heath, agent Virginia volunteers for Mexican War. August 2, 1852. Ordered to be printed. Legal representatives of Nathaniel Patten. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 308.) July 30, 1852. Canal around the Falls of the Ohio River. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 311.) August 2, 1852. Cornelius Covert. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 303.) July 24, 1852. Thomas Ritchie. (To accompany Joint Resolution H.R. No. 23.) July 22, 1852. Michigan Railroad Company. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 302.) July 24, 1852. McAtee & Eastham. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 307.) July 30, 1852. Monroe Railroad Company of Georgia. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 147.) January 29, 1852. Robert Nelson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 150.) January 29, 1852. Nathaniel H. Wills. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. David Murphy. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 176.) January 30, 1852. Daniel Hager, Junior. January 30, 1852. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. |
176 |
Serial set 657 | Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, being the second session of the Thirty-second Congress, begun and held at the City of Washington, December 6, 1852; and in the seventy-seventh year of the independence of the United States. | 1 |
Serial set 658 | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-second Congress. December 6, 1852. -- Read, and ordered to be printed with the accompanying documents. Volume I. Part I. | 1 |
Serial set 659 | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-second Congress. December 6, 1852. -- Read. December 20, 1852. -- Ordered, that eight thousand copies of the message and accompanying documents, in addition to the usual number, be printed for the use of the Senate. Volume 2. Part II. | 1 |
Serial set 660 |
Message from the President of the United States, communicating the report of the Director of the Mint for the past year. February 12, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating further information in relation to the allegations of fraud by Alexander Ramsey, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, in the disbursement of money appropriated for the fulfilment [sic] of treaties with the Sioux Indians. February 16, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of expenditures from the Marine Hospital Fund for the relief of sick and disabled seamen for the year ending June 30, 1852. February 9, 1853. -- Ordered to lie on the table, and be printed. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, made in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, in relation to the classification and appointment of clerks in the Executive departments. December 22, 1852. -- Read, and ordered to lie on the table and be printed. Report of the Secretary of the Navy, communicating the result of an examination, made in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, of the property offered by R.B. Sumner and others as a site for a Navy yard and depot at New Orleans. December 7, 1852. -- Read, and ordered to lie on the table and be printed. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, information as to the steps taken to establish a lunatic asylum in the District of Columbia. December 30, 1852. -- Ordered to lie on the table, and be printed. Report of the Secretary of War, made in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, in relation to the classification and appointment of clerks in the Executive Department. December 15, 1852. -- Ordered to be printed. Report of the Solicitor of the Treasury, of an examination, made in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, of the claim of Joseph Nock for damages on account of an alleged violation of a contract with the Post Office Department for supplying mail locks. December 22, 1852. -- Read, and ordered to be printed. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, made in compliance with a resolution of the Senate in relation to the classification and appointment of clerks in the Executive departments. December 8, 1852. -- Read, and ordered to be printed. Report of the Secretary of the Navy, made in compliance with a resolution of the Senate in relation to the classification and appointment of clerks in the Executive departments. December 7, 1852. -- Read, and ordered to lie on the table. December 9, 1852. -- Ordered to be printed. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating a statement of the receipts and expenditures on account of the Navy Pension Fund, for the year ending September 30, 1852. December 27, 1852. -- Read, and ordered to lie on the table and be printed. Report of the Secretary of State, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, certain correspondence relative to the encroachments of the Indians of the United States upon the territories of Mexico. January 12, 1853. -- Ordered to lie on the table and be printed. Report of the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, communicating, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, relative to the coinage of the United States Mint and its branches, a report of the Director of the Mint. January 19, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed. Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate calling for information relative to a proposed tripartite convention on the subject of Cuba. January 5, 1853. -- Read, ordered to lie on the table, and be printed. Report of the Secretary of War, showing the contracts made under the authority of the War Department during the year 1852. January 17, 1853. -- Ordered to lie on the table, and be printed. Report of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, reports of an examination of the Blue Lick Springs and other sites, with a view to the establishment of a western military asylum. January 19, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate respecting the postal convention between the United States and Great Britain. February 4, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. February 5, 1853. -- Ordered to be printed. Report of the Secretary of State, showing the names and compensation of clerks and other persons employed in that Department during the year 1852. February 11, 1853. -- Ordered to lie on the table, and be printed. Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the award of the Emperor of France in the case of the brig General Armstrong. January 24, 1853. -- Ordered to lie on the table, and be printed. Report of the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the Senate respecting Arkansas bonds held in trust by the United States. January 24, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed. Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, certain correspondence in relation to Central America. January 24, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, stating why he has not complied with the resolution of the Senate of March 19, 1852, requiring certain information in relation to the commission appointed to run and mark the boundary line between the United States and Mexico. December 22, 1852. -- Read, and ordered to lie on the table and be printed. Message from the President of the United States, informing Congress of the refusal of the Indians remaining in Florida to migrate to the country assigned to their tribe, west of the Mississippi. January 20, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, further information in relation to the imprisonment of the United States consul and other American citizens in the castle of Acapulco, in Mexico. January 17, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed. Message from the President of the United States, communicating a report of the Secretary of the Interior, containing the information called for by a resolution of the Senate of the 5th January, 1853, in relation to the Mexican boundary. January 13, 1853. -- Referred to the select committee on the subject, and ordered to be printed. Message from the President of the United States, recommending the payment of the claim made by the Spanish government, in behalf of its subjects, in the case of the "Amistad." January 19, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed. Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate calling for information in relation to the establishment of a new British colony in Central America. January 4, 1853. -- Read, referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed. Report of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance with law, a statement of the expenditures for the contingent expenses of the military establishment during the year 1852. January 13, 1853. -- Ordered to lie on the table and be printed. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, calling for a copy of the report and maps of a survey between Indianola and El Paso, by the topographical engineers attached to the Mexican Boundary Commission. February 12, 1853. -- Ordered to lie on the table, and be printed. Report of the Secretary of War, accompanied by an abstract of the returns of the militia of all the states and territories, with their arms, accoutrements, and ammunition. February 5, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on the Militia, and ordered to be printed. Message from the President of the United States, relative to the negotiations pending between the United States and Great Britain, on the subject of the fisheries, of reciprocal intercourse with the British North American provinces, and the navigation of the St. Lawrence and the canals connected with it. February 8, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Report of the Secretary of War, in answer to a resolution of the Senate for information as to the quantity and kind of coals contracted for by that Department and its officers and agents during the past year. February 14, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Report of the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, for information as to quantity and kind of coal contracted for by that Department or its agents. February 1, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Report of the Secretary of the Navy, accompanied by a list of contracts entered into by the Bureau of Yards and Docks, and an abstract of offers to furnish articles under the cognizance of that Bureau. January 31, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, in answer to a resolution of the Senate relative to the allegations of fraud, by Alexander Ramsey, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, in the disbursement of money appropriated for the fulfilment [sic] of treaties with the Sioux Indians. January 27, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. January 28, 1853. -- Ordered to be printed Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate requesting copies of correspondence and documents relative to Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and the territory claimed by the Mosquito Indians. January 28, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed. Report of the Secretary of War, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, calling for information relating to Fort Jefferson and Fort Taylor. January 24, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. |
37 |
Serial set 661 | Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, communicating in compliance with the act of March 3, 1851, for the settlement of certain classes of private land claims within the Bastrop grant, a report of the Register and Receiver of the land office at Monroe, Louisiana. December 8, 1852. -- Read. December 9, 1852. -- Ordered to be printed. | 1 |
Serial set 662 |
Commerce and navigation. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report from the Register of the Treasury of the commerce and navigation of the United States, for the year ending June 30, 1852. January 1, 1853. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the state of the finances. January 20, 1853. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance -- except so much thereof as relates to light-houses and marine hospitals, which is referred to the Committee on Commerce -- and 10,000 copies in addition to the usual number, ordered to be printed; 500 of which for the use of the Light-house Board. February 8, 1853. -- Ordered, that 1,250 additional copies of that part of the report of the Secretary of the Treasury relating to the fisheries be printed for the use of the Senate, 250 of which for the author of the report. |
2 |
Serial set 663 | Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, made under direction of the Navy Department, by Wm. Lewis Herndon and Lardner Gibbon, lieutenants United States Navy. Part I. By Lieut. Herndon. | 1 |
Serial set 664 | Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, made under direction of the Navy Department, by Wm. Lewis Herndon and Lardner Gibbon, lieutenants United States Navy. Part II. By Lt. Lardner Gibbon | 1 |