Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 6411 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year ended June 30, 1912. Volume II. 1
Serial set 6412 A Geologic reconnaissance of the Fairbanks Quadrangle, by L.M. Prindle, with a detailed description of the Fairbanks District, by L.M. Prindle and F.J. Katz, and an account of lode mining near Fairbanks, by Philip S. Smith.
Coastal glaciers of Prince William Sound and Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, by U.S. Grant and D.F. Higgins.
[U.S. Geological Survey] Bulletins Nos. 525-526.
Serial set 6413 Geology and ore deposits of Lemhi County, Idaho. By Joseph B. Umpleby. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 528.]
The enrichment of sulphide ores by William Harvey Emmons. [Bulletin 529.]
Ore deposits of the Helena mining region, Montana. By Adolph Knopf. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 527.]
Serial set 6414 Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1911. Part I. -- Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Waldemar Lindgren, chief geologist. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 530.] 1
Serial set 6415 Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1911. Part II. -- Mineral fuels. Marius R. Campbell, geologist in charge. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 531.] 1
Serial set 6416 The Koyukuk-Chandalar region Alaska by A.G. Maddren. [Bulletin 532.]
The Yentna District, Alaska, by Stephen R. Capps. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 534.]
Geology of the Nome and Grand Central quadrangles, Alaska, by Fred H. Moffit. [Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey 533.]
geologic reconnaissance of a part of the Rampart Quadrangle, Alaska, by Henry M. Eakin. [Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey 535.]
Serial set 6417 Some ore deposits in northwestern Custer County, Idaho, by Joseph B. Umpleby. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 539.]
geologic reconnaissance of the circle quadrangle, Alaska, by L.M. Prindle. [Bulletin 538]
The Noatak-Kobuk region, Alaska. By Philip S. Smith. [United States Geological Bulletin 536.]
The classification of the public lands by George Otis Smith and others. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 537.]
Serial set 6418 [U.S. Geological Survey] Professional papers. Nos. 79, 80.
Professional Paper No. 79, Recurrent tropidoleptus zones of the Upper Devonian in New York, by Henry S. Williams.
Professional Paper 80, Geology and ore deposits of the San Francisco and adjacent districts, Utah. by B.S. Butler.
Serial set 6419 Mineral Resources of the United States, calendar year 1911. Part 1. --Metals. 1
Serial set 6420 Mineral Resources of the United States, calendar year 1911. Part II. -- Nonmetals. 1
Serial set 6421 Water powers of the Cascade Range. Part II. - Cowlitz, Nisqually, Puyallup, White, Green, and Cedar drainage basins. By Fred F. Henshaw and Glenn L. Parker. Prepared in cooperation with the Washington State Board of Geological Survey. [Water-Supply Paper 313.] 1
Serial set 6422 Surface water supply of Seward Peninsula, Alaska. By F.F. Henshaw and G.F. Parker with a sketch of the geography and geology by Philip S. Smith and a description of methods of placer mining by Alfred H. Brooks. [Water-Supply Paper 314.] 1
Serial set 6423 Geology and underground waters of the Wichita region, North-central Texas, by C.H. Gordon. [U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 317.]
The purification of public water supplies, by George A. Johnson. [Water-Supply Paper 315.]
Geology and water resources of a portion of South-Central Washington, by Gerald A. Waring. [Water Supply and Irrigation Papers of the United States Geological Survey 316.]
Serial set 6424 Water resources of Hawaii 1909-1911. Prepared under the direction of M.O. Leighton by W.F. Martin and C.H. Pierce.[Water-Supply Paper 318.] 1
Serial set 6425 Geology and ground waters of Florida, by George Charlton Matson and Samuel Sanford. [U.S. geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 319.] 1
Serial set 6426 Geology and water resources of Sulphur Spring Valley, Arizona. By O.E. Meinzer and F.C. Kelton with a section on agriculture by R.H. Forbes. [Water Supply Paper 320.] 1
Serial set 6427 Annual report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year 1912. 1
Serial set 6428 Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of the United States Courts in patent and trade-mark and copyright cases. Compiled from vols. 174, 175,176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, and 185 of the Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office during the year 1912. 1
Serial set 6429 Eleventh annual report of the Reclamation Service, 1911-1912. F.H. Newell, Director. 1
Serial set 6430 Annual reports of the Department of Agriculture of Agriculture for the year ended June 30, 1912. Report of the Secretary of Agriculture. Reports of chiefs. 1