Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 6568 Navy Yearbook. Compilation of annual naval appropriation laws from 1883 to 1913 including provisions for the construction of all vessels of the "new Navy" with tables showing present naval strength in vessels and personnel, and amount of appropriations for the naval service. Also statistics of foreign navies. Compiled by J.B. Night. 1
Serial set 6569 Report of the Secretary of the Senate submitting a full and complete statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Senate from March 14, 1913, to June 30, 1913. December 2, 1913. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. 1
Serial set 6570 Agricultural cooperation and rural credit in Europe. Report of the American commission, consisting of delegates from different states in the United States and different provinces of Canada, assembled for the purpose of investigating in European countries cooperative agricultural finance, production, distribution, and rural life. Part 1, observations. 1
Serial set 6571 Workmen's compensation laws of the United States and foreign countries. Prepared under the direction of Royal Meeker, Commissioner of Labor Statistics. December 23, 1913. -- Referred to the Committee on Education and Labor and ordered to be printed. 1
Serial set 6572 Impounding waters and Indian tuberculosis sanitarium. Report of the Joint Congressional Commission... "For the purpose of investigating... a tuberculosis sanitarium in New Mexico for the treatment of tuberculosis Indians, and...procuring impounded waters for the Yakima Indian Reservation or the construction of an irrigation system... Presented by Mr. Robinson. December 20, 1913. -- Ordered to be printed. 1
Serial set 6573 Annual report of the Public Printer for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1913. 1
Serial set 6574 Florida Everglades. Report of the Florida Everglades Engineering Commission to the board of commissioners of the Everglades drainage district and the trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund, State of Florida, 1913. 1
Serial set 6575 Strike in the copper mining district of Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of Labor transmitting in response to a Senate resolution of January 29, 1914, a report in regard to the strike of mine workers in the Michigan copper district which began on July 23, 1913. January 30, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Education and Labor and ordered to be printed. 1
Serial set 6576 Government ownership of electrical means of communication. Letter from the Postmaster General transmitting in response to a Senate resolution of January 12, 1914, a report entitled "Government Ownership of Electrical Means of Communication," prepared by a Committee of the Post Office Department. 1
Serial set 6577 Workmen's compensation. Report upon operation of state laws. Investigation by commission of the American Federation of Labor and the National Civic Federation. 1
Serial set 6578 Report of the National Academy of Sciences for the year 1913. 1
Serial set 6579 Motor and horse-drawn passenger vehicles belonging to the government. Letters from the heads of the several executive departments and independent establishments of the government to Hon. Thomas S. Martin, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, relative to motor and horse-drawn passenger vehicles. Presented by Mr. Martin. April 6, 1914. -- Ordered to be printed. 1
Serial set 6580 Tonnage in foreign trade. Letter from the Secretary of Commerce, transmitting, in response to a Senate resolution of April 9, 1914, a detailed statement of the incoming and outgoing tonnage in foreign trade, for each customs district in the United States for the fiscal year 1913. April 15, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Interoceanic Canals and ordered to be printed. 1
Serial set 6581-1 Five per cent case. Letters from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission transmitting in response to a Senate Resolution of March 23, 1914, a copy of all evidence introduced and all exhibits received at hearings before the Interstate Commerce Commission in docket number 5860, "Revenues of rail carriers in official classification ..."In 8 volumes. Vol. 1... April 11, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. 1
Serial set 6581-2 Five per cent case. Letters from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission transmitting in response to a Senate Resolution of March 23, 1914, a copy of all evidence introduced and all exhibits received at hearings before the Interstate Commerce Commission in Docket Number 5860, "Revenues of Rail Carriers in Official ..." In 8 volumes. Vol. 2... April 11, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. 1
Serial set 6581-3 Five per cent case. Letters from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission transmitting in response to a Senate Resolution of March 23, 1914, a copy of all evidence introduced and all exhibits received at hearings before the Interstate Commerce Commission in docket number 5860, "Revenues of rail carriers in official classification ..."In 8 volumes. Vol. 3... April 11, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. 1
Serial set 6581-4 Five per cent case. Letters from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission transmitting in response to a Senate resolution of March 23, 1914, a copy of all evidence introduced and all exhibits received at hearings before the Interstate Commerce Commission in docket number 5860, "Revenues of rail carriers in official classification ..."In 8 volumes. Vol. 4... April 11, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. 1
Serial set 6581-5 Five per cent case. Letters from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission transmitting in response to a Senate resolution of March 23, 1914, a copy of all evidence introduced and all exhibits received at hearings before the Interstate Commerce Commission in docket number 5860, "Revenues of rail carriers in official classification ..." In 8 volumes. Vol. 5... April 11, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. 1
Serial set 6581-6 Five per cent case. Letter from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission transmitting in response to a Senate resolution of March 23, 1914, a copy of all evidence introduced and all exhibits received at hearings before the Interstate Commerce Commission in docket number 5860, "Revenues of Rail Carriers in Official Classification ..." In 8 volumes. Vol. 6... April 11, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. 1
Serial set 6581-7 Five per cent case. Letters from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission transmitting in response to a Senate resolution of March 23, 1914, a copy of all evidence introduced and all exhibits received at hearings before the Interstate Commerce Commission in docket number 5860, "Revenues of rail carriers in official classification ..." In 8 volumes. Vol. 7... April 11, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. 1