Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 6802 Annual reports, War Department. Fiscal year ended June 30, 1914. Report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1914. In three parts. Part 1. 1
Serial set 6803 Annual reports, War Department. Fiscal year ended June 30, 1914. Report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1914. In three parts. Part 2. 1
Serial set 6804 Annual reports, War Department. Fiscal year ended June 30, 1914. Report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1914. In three parts. Part 3. 1
Serial set 6805 Preliminary examinations, surveys, projects and appropriations for improvement of rivers and harbors. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting with letters from the Chief of Engineers, lists of preliminary examinations and surveys submitted on or before March 4, 1915, of projects then in force and of the amounts of river and harbor appropriations... January 15, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed. 1
Serial set 6806 Navidad and Lavaca Rivers, Tex. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Navidad and Lavaca Rivers, Tex. March 4, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Big Annemessex River, Md. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Big Annemessex River, Md., with a view to providing a suitable channel from Clear Creek Point to Muddy Creek Point. December 10, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Brazos River, mouth to Freeport, Tex. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of mouth of Brazos River up to Freeport, Tex., with a view to securing a depth of 25 feet. December 31, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Nassawadox Creek, Va. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Nassawadox Creek, Va., with a view to the removal of the bar at its mouth so as to connect with the bay and provide a suitable channel. December 29, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Feather River, Cal. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and plan and estimate of cost of improvement of Feather River, Cal., from its mouth up to Marysville, with a view to deepening and straightening the channel... December 29, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed.
Channel at Seadrift, Tex. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of channel at Seadrift, Tex., with view to providing a suitable connection with the Texas Coast waterway. January 21, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Wicomico River, Md. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and plan and estimate of cost of improvement of Wicomico River, Md. January 20, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Fivemile River Harbor, Conn. Letter from the Secretary or War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and plan estimate of cost of improvement of Fivemile River Harbor, Conn. December 17, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Buzzards Bay, Mass. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the examination and survey of Buzzards Bay, Mass., with a view to the removal of Cleveland Ledge and other obstructions to such depth as will be suitable for vessels using the Cape Code Canal... December 11, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Kootenai River, Idaho. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Kootenai River, Idaho, between Bonners Ferry and the international boundary line. February 11, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Ohio River at or near Elizabethtown, Ill. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Ohio River at or near Elizabethtown, Ill. February 13, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed.
Inland Waterway, Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet, N.C. - Alligator River to Neuse River. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of inland waterway from Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet, N.C.... January 8, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Nehalem Bay and River, Oreg. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Nehalem Bay and River, Oreg., including any plan for cooperation on the part of local interests. December 29, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Tres Palacios River, Tex. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Tres Palacios River, Tex. December 30, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Slades Creek, N.C. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Slades Creek, N.C. December 29, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Trent River, N.C. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Trent River, N.C., with a view to providing a depth of 12 feet from Newbern to Pollocksville. December 29, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Criehaven Harbor, Me. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Criehaven Harbor, Me. December 29, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Coan River, Va. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Coan River, Va., with a view to deepening and widening the channel at and near its main entrance. December 29, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Waterway from Corpus Christi to Baffins Bay, via Laguna Madre, Tex. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of inland waterway on coast of Texas from Corpus Christi to a suitable point on Baffins Bay. March 4, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed.
Red River of the North, Minn. and N. Dak. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with letter from the Chief of Engineers, report on preliminary examination of Red River of the North, from Wahpeton, N. Dak., and Breckenridge, Minn., to the international boundary line. March 4, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed.
Lynn Harbor and Saugus River, Mass. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, report on preliminary examination of Lynn River and Saugus River, Mass., with a view to providing a channel 15 feet deep up to the bridge at East Saugus. December 29, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed.
Minneapolis Harbor, Minn. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Minneapolis Harbor, Minn., with a view to increased harbor facilities, including a turning basin. January 23, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustrations.
Red Lake at or near Redby, Minn. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, report on preliminary examination of Red Lake at or near Redby, Minn. December 29, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Harbor of refuge at Point Arena, or elsewhere on the Pacific Coast, between San Francisco and Humboldt Bay, Cal. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, report on preliminary examination for harbor... at Point Arena, or other locality on the Pacific Coast between... December 16, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed.
Kent Island Narrows, Md. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, report on preliminary examination of Kent Island Narrows, Md. February 10, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Alsea Bay and Bar, Oreg. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Alsea Bay and Bar, Oreg. February 12, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Saxis Harbor, Va. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of harbor at Saxis, Va. February 12, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Thomaston Harbor, Me. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and plan and estimate of cost of improvement of Thomaston Harbor, Me., with a view to securing greater depth and width of basin. December 29, 1914. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Black Walnut Harbor, Md. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports on preliminary examination and survey of Black Walnut Harbor, Md. January 20, 1915. -- Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed, with illustration.
Serial set 6807 Annual report of the Isthmian Canal Commission and the Panama Canal for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1914. 1
Serial set 6808 Annual report of the Isthmian Canal Commission and the Panama Canal for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1914. Maps and diagrams. 1
Serial set 6809 Report of the tests of metals and other materials made with the United States testing machine at Watertown Arsenal, Massachusetts, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1914. 1
Serial set 6810 Annual report of the Attorney General of the United States for the year 1914. 1
Serial set 6811 Post Office Department annual reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1914. Report of the Postmaster General. Miscellaneous reports. 1
Serial set 6812 Annual reports of the Navy Department for the fiscal year 1914. 1
Serial set 6813 Register of the commissioned and warrant officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. January 1, 1915. 1
Serial set 6814 Reports of the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1914. Administrative reports in 2 volumes. Volume I. Secretary of the Interior. Bureaus, except for Office of Indian Affairs. Eleemosynary institutions. National parks and reservations 1
Serial set 6815 Reports of the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1914. Administrative reports in 2 volumes. Volume II. Indian affairs; Territories. 1
Serial set 6816 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year ended June 30, 1914. Volume I. 1
Serial set 6817 Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year ended June 30, 1914. Volume II. 1
Serial set 6818 Geology and mineral deposits of the National Mining District, Nevada. By Waldemar Lindgren. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 601.]
Anticlinal structure in parts of Cotton and Jefferson Counties, Oklahoma. By Carroll H. Wegemann. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 602.]
Geology and oil resources of the west border of the San Joaquin Valley north of Coalinga, California. By Robert Anderson and Robert W. Pack. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 603.]
Serial set 6819 Origin of the zinc and lead deposits of the Joplin region; Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. By C.E. Siebenthal. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 606.]
The phosphate deposits of Florida. By George Charlton Matson. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 604.]
The Ellamar District, Alaska. By S.R. Capps and B.L. Johnson. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 605.]
Serial set 6820 The Willow Creek District, Alaska. By Stephen R. Capps. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 607.]
The fractional precipitation of some ore-forming compounds at moderate temperatures. By Roger C. Wells. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 609.]
The Broad Pass region, Alaska, by Fred H. Moffit; with sections on quaternary deposits, igneous rocks and glaciation, by Joseph E. Pogue. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 608.]
Mineralogic Notes, Series 3, by Waldemar T. Schaller. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 610.]
Serial set 6821 Guidebook of the western United States. Part A. The Northern Pacific route with a side trip to Yellowstone Park. By Marius R. Campbell and others. [U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 611.] 1