Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 8858-7 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83 a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 14. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate May 15, 1929.]. 1
Serial set 8858-7G Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution Nos. 83 and 112, Exhibits 4048 to 4489, to accompany Parts 10 to 16, inclusive, Senate Document 92 70th Congress, 1st session. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate March 5, 1930.]. 1
Serial set 8858-8 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 83, a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits in response to S.R. 112. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 22. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate April 17, 1930.]. 1
Serial set 8858-9 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 83, a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits in response to Senate Resolution No. 112. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry Nos. 23 and 24. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate May 15 and June 15, 1930.]. 1
Serial set 8858-10 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83 a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits in response to S.R. 112. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 25. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate July 15, 1930.]. 1
Serial set 8858-11 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution Nos. 83 and 112 a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 26. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate October 17, 1930.]. 1
Serial set 8858-12 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83 a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits in response to S.R. 112. Southeastern Power & Light Co. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 27. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate November 18, 1930.]. 1
Serial set 8858-13 Utility corporations. Letters from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83 a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits in response to S.R. 112. Georgia Power Company. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 28. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate December 15, 1930.]. 1
Serial set 8858-14 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83 a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits in response to S.R. 112. Washington Water Power Co. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 29. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate January 15, 1931.]. 1
Serial set 8858-15 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83, 70th Congress, a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry. Alabama Power Co. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 30. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate February 17, 1931.]. 1
Serial set 8858-16 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83 a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits in response to S.R. 112. New England Power Association. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry Nos. 31 and 32. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate March 16 and April 15, 1931.]. 1
Serial set 8858-17 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting... a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits... The Northern American Company and subsidiary companies. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry Nos. 33 and 34. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate May 16 and June 15, 1931.]. 1
Serial set 8858-18 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting... a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry. Pacific Power & Light Company, Northwestern Electric Company, Inland Power & Light Company, Idaho Power Company. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 35. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate July 15, 1931.]. 1
Serial set 8858-19 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting... monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits... Standard Gas and Electric Company and Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 36. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate October 16, 1931.]. 1
Serial set 8858-20 Utility corporations. Letters from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83 a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits in response to S.R. 112. Louisville Gas & Electric Co. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 37. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate November 17, 1931.]. 1
Serial set 8858-21 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83 70th Congress, a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry. Middle West Utilities Company and subsidiaries. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 38. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate December 16, 1931.]. 1
Serial set 8858-22 Utility corporations. Letters from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83 a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits in response to S.R. 112. North American Light and Power Company. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 38. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate January 18, 1932.]. 1
Serial set 8858-23 Utility corporations. Letters from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83 a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry. National Electric Power Co., Electric Management & Engineering Corp., National Public Service Corp. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 40. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate February 15, 1932.]. 1
Serial set 8858-24 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 83 70th Congress, a monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry. Tide Water Power Co., Florida Power Corp., Nebraska Power Co. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 41. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate March 17, 1932.]. 1
Serial set 8858-25 Utility corporations. Letter from the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission transmitting... monthly report on the electric power and gas utilities inquiry together with exhibits... New England Public Service Co. Georgia Power & Light Co. Arkansas Power & Light Co. Mississippi Power & Light Co. [Monthly Report on the Electric Power and Gas Utilities Inquiry No. 42. Filed with the Secretary of the Senate April 15, 1932.]. 1