Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Serial set 8996 | Annual reports of the public utility companies of the District of Columbia for the year ended December 31, 1928 | 1 |
Serial set 8997 | Reports by members of grain futures exchanges. Letter from the Secretary of Agriculture transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 40 Part 1, of a report concerning the effect upon producers of grain of the suspension during the period from February 26, 1927, to October 31, 1927, of the requirement for the making of reports by members of grain futures exchanges. February 25 (calendar day, March 2), 1929. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed with illustrations. | 1 |
Serial set 8998 | Prayers offered by the Chaplain Rev. ZeBarney Thorne Phillips, D.D. at the opening of the daily sessions of the Senate of the United States during the Seventieth Congress, 1927-1929. | 1 |
Serial set 8999 | Appropriations budget estimates, etc. statements for the Seventieth Congress, second session (December 3, 1928, to March 4, 1929) (p. 559). Seventieth Congress (second session, December 3, 1928, to March 4, 1929). Prepared under the direction of the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives... | 1 |
Serial set 9000 |
Reimbursement of Nevada. Letter from the Comptroller General of the United States transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 295, a statement relative to the reopening and restatement of the balance due to the State of Nevada for moneys advanced and expended during the war between the states. January 26, 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. Remodeling Salisbury (N.C.) post office. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Treasury Department, pertaining to the Office of the Supervising Architect, amounting to $50,000. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Steamship "Vestris." Report of United States Commissioner Francis A. O'Neill on the investigation into the causes and circumstances of the sinking of the steamship "Vestris." Presented by Mr. Jones. January 3, 1929. -- Ordered to be printed. Fertilizer urea. Letter from the Chairman of the United States Tariff Commission transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 228, a report of a preliminary study of the production of fertilizer urea in the United States and in Germany. December 5, 1928. December 5, 1928. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. Indian funds. Letter from the Comptroller General of the United States transmitting pursuant to law, a report of the amount of the funds of the Indians, the investment thereof, the rate of interest thereon together with comments pertinent to the uses made of such funds. February 25 (calendar day, March 1), 1929. -- Ordered to lie on the table. Paving Dry Valley Road, Georgia. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the War Department, for paving Dry Valley Road in Georgia, amounting to $60,000. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Freedom of the road. A paper presented by Thomas H. MacDonald, chief of the Bureau of Public Roads, before the fourteenth annual meeting of the American Association of State Highway Officials, held at Chicago, Ill., from November 12 to 15, 1928. Presented by Mr. Brookhart. January 3, 1929. -- Ordered to be printed with an illustration. Railroad rates on agricultural products. Letter from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 250, a report on propriety of rates similar to the Canadian rates on grain, livestock, and other agricultural products in the northwest. December 6, 1928. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce and ordered to be printed. Proposed sale of United States lines. Letter from the chairman of the United States Shipping Board transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 317, certain information relative to the proposed sale of ships by the United States Shipping Board. January 31 (calendar day, February 2), 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Goat and kid leathers. Letter from the Chairman of the United States Tariff Commission transmitting... report on the sales of foreign manufactured leather from goat skins and kid skins in the United States since January 1, 1925, and the rates of wages paid workers in the tanning of black and colored kid... January 31 (calendar day, February 2), 1929. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. Market-news service of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Department of Agriculture to extend the market-news service of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics... January 26, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Expenses of administration of settlement of war claims act of 1928. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for expenses of administration of settlement of war claims, act of 1928. amounting to $100,000. January 28, 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Study of battle fields in the United States for commemorative purposes. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting report by the Secretary of War of a study and investigation of battle fields in the United States for commemorative purposes, together with his recommendations for further operations. December 12, 1928. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. Judgments rendered against the government by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Columbia. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting records of judgments... submitted by the Attorney General through the Secretary of the Treasury amounting to $366,009.63. January 7 (calendar day, January 8). 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Crop insurance. Letter from the Secretary of Agriculture transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 51, a report on crop insurance: risks, losses, and principles of protection. January 7, 1929. -- Ordered to be printed. Judgments rendered against the government by the United States district courts in special cases. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting records of judgments... submitted by the Attorney General through the Secretary of the Treasury, amounting to $49.756.71. January 7 (calendar day, January 8), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Models for the Supreme Court building. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation pertaining to the legislative establishment under the Architect of the Capitol amounting to $15,000. January 7 (calendar day, January 10), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Foreign trade statistics, Department of Commerce. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Department of Commerce for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, amounting to $10,000. January 14 (calendar day, January 15), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Administrative settlement of controversies with the United States and reviews thereof. Articles from the Georgetown Law Journal, April and June, 1928 entitled "Controversies with the United States," by O.R. McGuire. Presented by Mr. Norris. January 16, 1929. -- Ordered to be printed. Oil portrait of President Coolidge. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the fiscal year 1930 for the purchase of an oil portrait of the President, amounting to $5,000. January 17 (calendar day, January 21), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Maintenance, executive mansion and grounds. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation to provide for alterations in the executive office and other improvements amounting to $50,000. January 17 (calendar day, January 21), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Increase of the Navy. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting three supplemental estimates of appropriation for the Navy Department, amounting to $12,370,000. February 11 (calendar day, February 14), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Law of aerial navigation. Mr. Norris presented the following memorandum prepared for the Attorney General on the law of aerial navigation by E.E. Danley, attorney of the Department of Justice. February 11 (calendar day, February 12), 1929. -- Ordered to be printed. Cumberland Falls project. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 279, a report on the Cumberland Falls project together with other allied projects in the vicinity of the Cumberland Falls project. December 20, 1928. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. Judicial salaries. Report of the special committee on judicial salaries submitted at the meeting of the American Bar Association at Seattle, Wash., July 25, 1928. Presented by Mr. Overman. December 20, 1928. -- Ordered to be printed. Aircraft purchased by the Navy Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy transmitting pursuant to law, a report of designs, aircraft, aircraft parts, and aeronautical accessories purchased by the Navy Department during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1928. December 5, 1928. -- Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Report of the Architect of the Capitol. Letter from the Architect of the Capitol transmitting the annual report of the Office of the Architect of the Capitol for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1928. December 5, 1928. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds and ordered to be printed. Judgments of the Court of Claims. Letter from the Chief Clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting, pursuant to law, a statement of all judgments rendered by the Court of Claims for the year ended December 1, 1928. December 5, 1928. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. National Forest Reservation Commission. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting, pursuant to law the report of the National Forest Reservation Commission for the year ending June 30, 1928. December 5, 1928. -- Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry and ordered to be printed. First International Congress on Sanitary Aviation to be held at Paris, France, 1929. Message from the President of the United States transmitting report by the Secretary of State recommending that Congress authorize an appropriation of $1,000 for the payment of expenses of delegates... January 7 (calendar day, January 12), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed. Claims allowed by the General Accounting Office. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting pursuant to law, a schedule of claims allowed by the various divisions of the General Accounting Office, amounting to $180,371.43. January 7 (calendar day, January 8), 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Judgments rendered by the Court of Claims. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting pursuant to law a list of judgments rendered by the Court of Claims amounting to $921,239.77. January 7 (calendar day, January 8), 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Additional Secretary to the President of the United States. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation to provide an additional Secretary to the President of the United States amounting to $10,000. January 17 (calendar day, January 12), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Additional secretary to the President of the United States. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation to provide an additional secretary to the President of the United States, amounting to $10,000. January 17 (calendar day, January 21), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Multilateral peace treaty. Address delivered at the Williamstown Institute of Politics...The multilateral pact for the renunciation of war, by Edwin Borchard, together with an article... entitled "Should the Senate ratify the Kellogg Treaty?" by Frank H. Simonds; also an article... entitled "The meaning of the Kellogg Treaty," by Henry Cabot Lodge 3d [i.e., Jr.]. Presented by Mr. Blaine. January 3, 1929. -- Ordered to be printed. Steamship "Vestris." Report and recommendations of Dickerson N. Hoover, supervising inspector general, made to the Secretary of Commerce of the investigation held in New York City, November 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, and December 1, 1928, of the accident to the steamer "Vestris." January 7, 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed. Stonewall Jackson. Sketch of the life of Stonewall Jackson written by Miss Anna Jackson Preston and presented to the Senate on May 10, 1928, by Hon. Cole L. Blease Senator from South Carolina. Presented by Mr. Overman. December 21, 1928. -- Ordered to be printed. January 7 (calendar day, January 10), 1929. -- Ordered reprinted with corrections. Acquisition of site and construction of the House of Representatives Office Building. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation pertaining to the legislative establishment, House Office Building, amounting to $8,400,000. January 7 (calendar day, January 10), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Phony disease of the peach quarantine. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Department of Agriculture for eradication or control of the so-called phony disease of the peach amounting to $100,000. January 7 (calendar day, January 11), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Central Bureau of the International Map of the World on the Millionth Scale. Message from the President of the United States transmitting report by the Secretary of State recommending that Congress authorize an appropriation of $50 for the payment of a contribution by the United States... January 7 (calendar day, January 12), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed. Frank Murray. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting pursuant to law, a claim allowed by the General Accounting Office in favor of Frank Murray, amounting to $3,000. January 7 (calendar day, January 8), 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Maintenance, Senate office building. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation pertaining to the legislative establishment, Senate office building, amounting to $8,400. January 7 (calendar day, January 10), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Caloosahatchee River and Lake Okeechobee drainage areas, Florida. Mr. Jones submitted the following letter from the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, transmitting to the Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate, in response to a letter dated December 6, 1928, a report on the Caloosahatchee River and Lake Okeechobee drainage areas, Florida. January 31 (calendar day, February 1), 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed, with illustrations Disabled Emergency Officers' Retirement Act. Letter from the Director of the United States Veterans' Bureau transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution 301, certain information in connection with the administration of the disabled Emergency Officers' Retirement Act. January 31 (calendar day, February 1), 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for carrying into effect the provisions of the act creating the Mount Rushmore Memorial Commission, amounting to $100,000. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Judgments rendered against the government under the Public Vessels Act. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting pursuant to law, a record of judgment rendered against the government by the United States district court for the District of Massachusetts... February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Judgments rendered against the government by the United States district courts in special cases. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting, pursuant to law, records of judgments rendered against the government by the United States district courts in special cases, amounting to $709,098.78. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Claims allowed by the General Accounting Office. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting pursuant to law, schedules of claims allowed by the various divisions of the General Accounting Office amounting to $115,896.71. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Investigations and surveys for a Nicaraguan canal and enlarging of the Panama Canal. Communication from the President... transmitting supplemental estimate... for investigation and survey for a Nicaraguan canal and survey and investigation to determine the possibilities and cost of enlarging the Panama Canal... February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Supplemental estimate, Department of State. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting a supplemental estimate of appropriations for the Department of State for the fiscal years 1929 and 1930, amounting to $1,475. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Aids to navigation, Lighthouse service. Communication from the President of the United States, transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Department of Commerce, amounting to $190,000. February 25 (calendar day, February 26), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Potash deposits in the United States. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimates of appropriation for the Department of Agriculture for the development of methods of recovering potash from deposits in the United States, amounting to $42,000. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Migratory bird Conservation Act. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Department of Agriculture, for carrying into effect the provisions of the Migratory Bird Conservation Act, amounting to $80,000. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Juvenile Court of the District of Columbia. Message from the President of the United States transmitting a letter from the judge of the Juvenile Court of the District of Columbia submitting a report covering the work of the Juvenile Court during the year ended June 30, 1928. February 25 (calendar day, March 4), 1929. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. Federal Reserve Board fund. Letter from the Secretary of the Federal Reserve Board, transmitting in response to Senate Resolution No. 323, information relative to the increasing of the rediscount rate. February 25 (calendar day, February 27), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency, and ordered to be printed. Expenses of the fifteenth decennial census. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting draft of proposed legislation affecting an existing appropriation of the Department of Commerce. February 25 (calendar day, February 26), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Enforcement of wireless communication laws. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Department of Commerce amounting to $50,000. February 25 (calendar day, February 26), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed, and ordered to be printed. Claims for damages to privately owned property and damages by collision with naval vessels. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting estimate of appropriations submitted by the several executive departments to pay claims for damages... by collision with naval vessels... February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents, District of Columbia. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the District of Columbia, to carry into effect the act of February 23, 1929... amounting to $15,000. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Claim of the City of Baltimore. Letter from the Comptroller General of the United States, transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 246, information relative to the claim of the City of Baltimore for amounts advanced to aid the United States for construction of works of defense, June 20, 1863. February 25 (calendar day, March 1), 1929. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. Drainage assessments on restricted Indian allotments, Cleveland County, Okla. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, amounting to $2,720.94. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Transfer of funds of certain departments. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting draft of proposed legislation effecting a transfer of funds from an existing appropriation for the Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, to the Treasury Department, Coast Guard... February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Immigration quotas on the basin of national origin. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a copy of the joint communication of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary of Labor... relative to the provisions of the Immigration Act of 1924. February 25 (calendar day, February 27), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Immigration and ordered to be printed. Seed-grain, feed, and fertilizer loan for crop of 1929. Communication from the President of the United States, transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Department of Agriculture, for the purpose of advancing loans to farmers in the storm-stricken areas of the southeastern United States, amounting to $6,000,000. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Construction of buildings, utilities, and appurtenances at military posts. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the War Department for construction of buildings, utilities, and appurtenances at military posts, amounting to $1,103,000. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Use of funds covered into the Treasury under the Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928. Communication from the President of the United States, transmitting draft of proposed legislation affecting the use of funds required to be covered into the Treasury under the Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928. February 25 (calendar day, February 26), 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Judgments rendered by the Court of Claims. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting pursuant to law, a list of judgments rendered by the Court of Claims, amounting to $187,720,17. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. New Coast Guard Academy. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Treasury Department, for the preparation of plans for construction of buildings for a new Coast Guard Academy, amounting to $10,000. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Mining experiment stations, Bureau of Mines. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriations for the Department of Commerce for the development of methods of recovering potash from deposits in the United States, amounting to $58,000. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Cooperative vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents of the District of Columbia. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Federal Board for Vocational Education for the fiscal year 1930, amounting to $15,000. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Oklahoma Experiment Station. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting draft of proposed legislation affecting existing appropriation for the Oklahoma Station, Department of Agriculture, for the fiscal year 1929. February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. St. Petersburg Harbor, Fla. Mr. Jones submitted the following letter from the Secretary of War transmitting in response to a resolution of the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate, reports from the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, and the board of engineers for rivers and harbors, on review of reports heretofore submitted on St. Petersburg Harbor, Fla., with a view to determining whether any modification should be made in the existing project. February 25, 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Commerce and ordered to be printed, with illustration. Calf and kip leather. Letter from the Chairman of the United States Tariff Commission transmitting in response to Senate Resolution 163 a report on the sales of foreign calf leather in the United States since January 1, 1925, and the rates of wages paid calf tannery workers in the United States and competing countries. February 25, 1929. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. Emergency Officers' Retirement Act. Opinions of the Attorney General of the United States relative to the Emergency Officers' Retirement Act of May 24, 1928 (45 Stat. 735, 736) transmitted by the Director of the United States Veterans' Bureau to Senator Lawrence D. Tyson, together with a decision from the Comptroller General of the United States. February 25, 1929. -- Ordered to be printed. Near East Relief. Report of the Near East Relief for the year ending December 31, 1928. February 25 (calendar day, February 26), 1929. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. Field service of the Bureau of Prohibition. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the United States Civil Service Commission, transmitting, in response to Senate Resolution No. 332, certain information relative to list of eligibles for appointment to the field service of the Bureau of Prohibition. February 25 (calendar day, March 3), 1929. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. Good roads. address delivered before the joint convention of the United States Good Roads Association and the Bankhead National Highway Association by Col. T.L. Kirkpatrick, of Charlotte, N.C., at Des Moines, Iowa, May 28, 1928. Presented by Mr. Overman. February 15, 1929. -- Ordered to be printed. Fatalities in the aviation service of the Army. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting in response too Senate Resolution No. 296, a list of fatalities in the aviation service of the Army during the past five years. February 15 (calendar day, February 20), 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. Internal-revenue tax on raw cotton. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting in response to Senate Resolution 302 a statement showing the amounting of internal-revenue tax on raw cotton collected in each state during the fiscal years 1863 to 1868 inclusive. January 31 (calendar day, February 1), 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. Claim of Floyd A. Newell. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting proposed draft of legislation affecting an existing appropriated fund, the Navy Pension Fund, authorizing payments therefrom in the amount of $10.61, in accordance with the Act of March 29, 1918 (40 Stat., 499). February 25, 1929. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. Porto Rico hurricane. Mr. Bingham presented the following report of the Central Survey Committee appointed by Gov. Horace M. Towner of Porto Rico, relative to the losses arising from the hurricane of September 13, 1928. December 5, 1928. -- Ordered to be printed. Deforested America. Statement of the present forest situation in the United States by Major George P. Ahern. Presented by Mr. Capper. January 31 (calendar day, February 2), 1929. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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Serial set 9001 | Annual report of the Public Printer, 1928. | 1 |
Serial set 9002 | Report of the National Academy of Sciences, fiscal year 1927-1928. | 1 |
Serial set 9003 | Aeronautics. Fourteenth annual report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1928, including Technical Reports Nos. 283 to 308 | 1 |
Serial set 9004 | Annual report of the clerk of the House of Representatives Wm. Tyler Page giving names of statutory and contingent-fund employees of the House and their respective compensations, including clerks to members; the expenditures from the contingent fund and from certain specific appropriations; the amounts drawn from the Treasury; the stationery accounts; and unexpended balances for the year ended June 30 1928. December 3, 1928. -- Referred to the Committee on Accounts and ordered to be printed. | 1 |
SERIAL SET 9005 | ||
Serial set 9006 | Twenty-eighth annual report of the Governor of Porto Rico. Message from the President of the United States transmitting the twenty-eighth annual report of the Governor of Porto Rico for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1928. December 3, 1928. -- Referred to the Committee on Insular Affairs and ordered to be printed. | 1 |
Serial set 9007 | National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Report of the Board of Managers for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1928. December 4, 1928. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. | 1 |
Serial set 9008 | Proceedings 47th annual encampment. Commandery in Chief, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Denver, Colorado. September 18, 19, 20, 1928. | 1 |
Serial set 9009 | Proceedings of the stated convention of the 30th national encampment, United Spanish War Veterans, Habana, Cuba, October 7-11, 1928. March 2, 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. | 1 |
Serial set 9010 | Proceedings of the tenth national convention of the American Legion, San Antonio, Tex., October 8-11, 1928. January 3, 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on World War Veterans' Legislation and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. | 1 |
Serial set 9011 | Journal of the sixty-second national encampment, Grand Army of the Republic, Denver, Colo., September 16 to 21, 1928. March 2, 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. | 1 |
Serial set 9012 | Acceptance and unveiling of the statue of Andrew Jackson seventh President of the United States. Presented by the State of Tennessee. Proceedings in Congress and in Statuary Hall. | 1 |
Serial set 9013 | Fiscal relations between the Government of the United States and the District of Columbia. Report of the United States Bureau of Efficiency transmitted to the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Presented by Mr. Simmons. January 11, 1929. -- Referred to the Committee on Printing. | 1 |
Serial set 9014 | Proceedings of the 30th annual encampment of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, St. Paul, Minnesota, August 25-30, 1929. | 1 |
Serial set 9015 | Twenty-fifth anniversary of the first airplane flight. Proceedings at the exercises held at Kitty Hawk, N.C., on December 17, 1928, in commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first flight of an airplane made by Wilbur and Orville Wright. | 1 |