Call Number (LC) Title Results
Serial set 9091 Joint industrial control in the book and job printing industry. By Emily Clark Brown, PhD. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 481. Conciliation and Arbitration Series. December, 1926.]. 1
Serial set 9092 Labor legislation of 1928. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 486. Labor Laws of the United States Series. May, 1929.]. 1
Serial set 9093 Statistics of industrial accidents in the United States to the end of 1927. August, 1929. [Bulletin of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics No. 490. Industrial Accidents and Hygiene Series.].
Deaths from lead poisoning 1925-1927. By Frederick L. Hoffman, LL.D., consulting statistician, Prudential Insurance Co. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 488. Industrial Accidents and Hygiene Series. June, 1929.].
Serial set 9094 Wholesale prices 1913 to 1928. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 493. Wholesale Prices Series. August, 1929.]. 1
Serial set 9095 Labor legislation of Uruguay. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 494. Foreign Labor Laws Series. July, 1929.]. 1
Serial set 9096 Retail prices 1890 to 1928. [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin No. 495. Retail Prices and Cost of Living Series. August, 1929.]. 1
Serial set 9097 Forty-fifth annual report of the United States Civil Service Commission for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1928. 1
Serial set 9098 Eighth annual report of the Federal Power Commission fiscal year ended June 30, 1928. 1
Serial set 9099 Fifteenth annual report of the Federal Reserve Board covering operations for the year 1928. 1
Serial set 9100 Annual report of the Federal Trade Commission for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1928. 1
Serial set 9101 42d annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission. December 1, 1928 1
Serial set 9102 Report of the Librarian of Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928. 1
Serial set 9103 Bulletin of the Pan American Union. Vol. LXIII. [January-June, 1929.]. 1
Serial set 9104 Bulletin of the Pan American Union. January-December 1929. 1
Serial set 9105 Twelfth annual report of the United States Shipping Board, fiscal year ended June 30, 1928. 1
Serial set 9106 Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the year ending June 30, 1928. 1
Serial set 9107 Report on the progress and condition of the United States National Museum for the year ended June 30, 1928. 1
Serial set 9108 Forty-fifth annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1927-1928. 1
Serial set 9109 Additional studies of the arts, crafts, and customs of the Guiana Indians, with special reference to those of southern British Guiana, by Walter E. Roth. [Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 91.]. 1
Serial set 9110 Shabik'eshchee Village, a late basket maker site in the Chaco Canyon New Mexico. By Frank H.H. Roberts, Jr. [Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 92.]. 1