T 1959 .Sa56m
Melville's concept of the noble savage in "Typee," "Moby Dick," and "Billy Budd" / |
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T 1959 .Sa56s
A study of the production of circularly polarized bremsstrahlung by beta rays / |
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T 1959 .Se17m
Mechanization of standards & reporting in tool grinding / |
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T 1959 .Sh82s
A singular differential boundary problem / |
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T 1959 .Si64t
A time study of the activities of the field supervisors of the Denver Visiting Nurse Service / |
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T 1959 .Sm43m
Multilayer interference filters for the infra-red / |
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T 1959 .Sm57s
A study of the function and practices of couseling services in large American universities / |
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T 1959 .St24r
The role of the "overlap" in Collingwood's philosophy / |
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T 1959 .St32h
A history and an analysis of the prevailing attitudes of significant opposition toward the Owen-Glass bill of 1913 / |
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T 1959 .St45m
Mechanisms of elimination reactions : the Hofmann elimination / |
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T 1959 .St45s
A study of mysticism in the Pleiade with relation to the French Reformation / |
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T 1959 .St49c
The compilation and correlation of the P-V-T data of normal hydrogen from saturated liquid to 80⁰K / |
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T 1959 .Sw55i
The influence of Marxian and Hegelian thought upon the early development of Karl Mannheim's Wissenssoziologie / |
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T 1959 .Sw72s
A study of the universal military training campaign, 1944-1952 / |
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T 1959 .Sy57m
Membrane deflections and volume changes in tanks and domes / |
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T 1959 .S73i
Investigation of static longitudinal stability for a proposed vertical rising aircraft / |
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T 1959 .Sch34e
An experimental study of the relative effectiveness of leader-led and leader-less discussion methods in interscholastic secondary school activities / |
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T 1959 .Sch56t
Thermal control of spacecraft / |
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T 1959 .Sch65f
Familiar size and perceived distance / |
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T 1959 .Sch88i
Infinite radicals in the complex plane / |
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