Call Number (LC) Title Results
T 1972 .H196 The identity theory of J. J. C. Smart / 1
T 1972 .H198 The effects of session length and reversal length on successive discrimination reversal performance / 1
T 1972 .H199 Morality and society in Swift's verse / 1
T 1972 .H200 Effects of strain, castration, restraint and sex hormones upon survival time of laboratory mice subjected to lethal heat stress / 1
T 1972 .H225 Induction of neural functions : acetylcholine-induced acetylcholinesterase activity in mouse neuroblastoma cells / 1
T 1972 .H242 The infrared sensors of Boa constrictor : thermal or photochemical transduction mechanism? / 1
T 1972 .H247 An experimental study of psychomotor skill learning of a nursing procedure using two methods of critique in instruction / 1
T 1972 .H275 Housing demand : a lifetime income approach. 1
T 1972 .H281 Studies of the inheritance of lactic acid level in mice / 1
T 1972 .H292 Conformally invariant spinor equations for massive and massless particles / 1
T 1972 .H298 Dante crowned and mitered : Virgil's farewell address in Purgatory XXVII / 1
T 1972 .H325 An origin-institution enrollment student flow projection model for a state public higher education system. 1
T 1972 .H366 A subjective approach / 1
T 1972 .H369 An optimization study of John Martin reservoir operation / 1
T 1972 .H374 The utilization of microcounseling in communication skills training of prospective elementary school teachers / 1
T 1972 .H383 Sex, size, and length of test as determinants of agonistic behavior (territoriality) in the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque) / 1
T 1972 .H389 A normative model of the role of loss of value satisfaction as a motivational factor upon several components of a theory of rational political action / 1
T 1972 .H426 Weaving as an educational experience for junior high school students / 1
T 1972 .H479 The "banana trilogy" of Miguel Angel Asturias seen on two different planes. 1
T 1972 .H544 Emerging and potential state leadership roles in environmental education. 1