T 1976 .Ad18
Study of EEG and single unit activity during barbiturate spindles in the optic tectum of the garter snake / |
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T 1976 .Ad19
From broken stones : the Colorado work of William Lang / |
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T 1976 .Ad33
The effect of formal task properties, forms of feedback, and task content on learning inference tasks / |
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T 1976 .Af82
A new system for intense, transmitted ultrasound : design and application / |
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T 1976 .AL15
The South Pacific system : a focus on the South Pacific Commission / |
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T 1976 .AL16
El cuento de caracter social en Bolivia entre 1935-1970 / |
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T 1976 .AL27
Play, I-Level System, and interpersonal maturity / |
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T 1976 .AL51
Final period of decay of an axisymmetric turbulent velocity and temperature wake / |
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T 1976 .AL52
The pricing of local telephone service : a comparison of one- and two-part local telephone prices / |
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T 1976 .Am93
An in-depth analysis of promising drug education programs in selected public school districts of Colorado / |
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T 1976 .An23
Rates of cirque glacier erosion and source of glacial debris : Pangnirtung Fiord area, Baffin Island, N.W.T., Canada / |
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T 1976 .An61
Paper as object / |
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T 1976 .Ar14
An econometric reappraisal of the late-Victorian economy of Britain / |
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T 1976 .Ar58
Relationship between solar radiation and ablation on the Blue Glacier, Washington / |
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T 1976 .At96
A theoretical analysis of behavior in a sequential problem solving task / |
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T 1976 .Ax22
"Sociological resources for the social studies" (SRSS) : a case study in curriculum development / |
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T 1976 .B11
A field test of the Communication Audit questionnaire / |
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T 1976 .B236
Pump wavenumber dependent effects in the parametric instabilities of a plasma / |
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T 1976 .B237
Aspects of Corneille as seen by selected 20th-century critics / |
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T 1976 .B246
The induced and spontaneous solvolysis of cis- and trans- (dimethyl sulfoxide) iodochromium(III) ions in acidic aqueous dimethyl sulfoxide / |
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