T 1976 .P216
The effectiveness of the Intensive Help Center as an alternative to the traditional junior high school in the Denver Public Schools / |
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T 1976 .P219
Ernst Toller : the European exile years 1933-1936 / |
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T 1976 .P344
Faith and skepticism in biofeedback learning / |
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T 1976 .P369
The influence of quarterly earnings announcements on stock market behavior / |
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T 1976 .P442
Learned helplessness and the attribution of randomness / |
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T 1976 .P443
A study to develop a tool for measuring outcome achievement for clients with adult onset diabetes mellitus / |
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T 1976 .P495
Analysis of flashing traffic signals as a method for conserving fuel / |
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T 1976 .P541
Concerns, fears, expectations, and concept of role change of fathers in the metropolitan Denver area in relation to the birth of their first child / |
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T 1976 .P547
HeLa cell nucleolar ribosomal proteins / |
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T 1976 .P623
Recovery and reuse of iron in water treatment plant sludges / |
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T 1976 .P648
Leni : Verkörperung eines neuen Menschenbildes in Heinrich Bölls Roman "Gruppenbild mit Dame" / |
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T 1976 .P724
Social psychological variables in EEG alpha biofeedback training / |
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T 1976 .P837
Attachment as measured by the strange situation procedure for three and one half-year olds with three child rearing histories / |
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T 1976 .P864
Predation, aggression, and activity levels in food deprived sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus and L. gibbosus) : motivational interactions / |
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T 1976 .P94
Multiple processors : their interconnection with a single memory / |
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T 1976 .P941
Supergranulation as seen in OVI / |
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T 1976 .P969
Proposal for improving rail service in South Dakota / |
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T 1976 .R167
Life-span differences in memory for classifiable materials / |
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T 1976 .R18
Studies on sclerotized structures in freshwater bryozoa and their importance in phylactolaemate systematics / |
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T 1976 .R189
A power series analogue to simultaneous approximation / |
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