Call Number (LC) Title Results
T 1980 .D852 Leisure attitudes and leisure self-concepts of older adults / 1
T 1980 .D928 The art music of the United States during the 1920s : a study of the major issues in contemporary periodical sources / 1
T 1980 .D938 The carbon monoxide fourth positive bands in the Venus dayglow / 1
T 1980 .D952 A field study of internal, interfacing, and external communication in a sub-system of a public service agency / 1
T 1980 .D956 Pheromonal mechanisms in the social behavior and communication of the western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis biseriatus / 1
T 1980 .Ea53 Mothers in transition / 1
T 1980 .Ea83 Prediction of the critical line of binary mixtures : determination of binary interaction parameters / 1
T 1980 .Eb36 The prediction of ESR spectra as a function of ligand field geometry / 1
T 1980 .Ec59 An outcome evaluation of an outpatient drug and alcohol program / 1
T 1980 .Eg21 Articulation : relationship between selected educational institution experiences and academic achievement during the first year of junior high school / 1
T 1980 .Eh56 La Sampedrana : women and development in a Guatemala town / 1
T 1980 .EL14 Ecological systems population growth / 1
T 1980 .EL42 Paleoenvironmental interpretations of Holocene insect fossil assemblages from three sites in arctic Canada / 1
T 1980 .Er44 Interfacing the GPIB to the Nova minicomputer / 1
T 1980 .Er48 Subcultural American family conceptions among public health nurses / 1
T 1980 .Ev15 The dust of our turning : the implementation of the normalization principle in American society / 1
T 1980 .Ev27 An empirical investigation of small business selection of motor carrier service / 1
T 1980 .Ev37 Teacher cost-of-education indices for Colorado / .c by Marilyn Lord Everett. 1
T 1980 E31 The existence of stressful life events in relation to the presence of postoperative occurrences. 1
T 1980 .F147 Analysis of Berea sandstone surface composition by Auger electron spectroscopy / 1