Call Number (LC) Title Results
T 1988 .Ei28 Ferroelectric liquid crystal chemistry : cyanohydrin ether and cyanoalkyl ferroelectric liquid crystals : synthesis and liquid crystal properties / 1
T 1988 .EL59 Subjective probabilities and estrogen replacement therapy / 1
T 1988 .Ep85 Burnout in shelters for battered women / 1
T 1988 .Er86 Application of membranes to solute recovery from supercritical carbon dioxide using perfluorinated ionomers / 1
T 1988 .Es585 Anisotropy and dislocations in the mantle / 1
T 1988 .F271 Switch level simulation with latent equivalence classes / 1
T 1988 .F417 Fiber optics and satellites in the integrated services digital network / 1
T 1988 .F436 Energetics of foraging by Pogonomyrmex occidentalis : costs, currencies and constraints / 1
T 1988 .F437 Diversity index usage in the geographic study of home gardens in Quintana Roo, Mexico / 1
T 1988 .F438 Newton Raphson methods for finite parametric problems / 1
T 1988 .F459 Structure and evolution of Caenorhabditis elegans collagen genes / 1
T 1988 .F491 The effects of newscaster/disc jockey interaction on credibility, appeal, and retention / 1
T 1988 .F497 Structure of the Washington convergent margin, implications for other subduction zones and for continental growth processes / 1
T 1988 .F529 Noise figure characterization of staircase IMPATT diodes / 1
T 1988 .F536 Intercalated layered transition metal dichalcogenides : a study of the structure and properties of nickel-intercalated zirconium sulfide / 1
T 1988 .F569 Franziska Reventlow : the femme fatale and Von Paul zu Pedro / 1
T 1988 .F589 Decisions as a biasing factor in the retrievability of consistent and inconsistent information in memory / 1
T 1988 .F631 Impaired antibody production associated with social defeat in rats / 1
T 1988 .F697 On the road to broadband ISDN : by Randolph Grant Foldvik. 1
T 1988 .F725 The effect of codon context on gene expression : contexts observed in weekly-expressed genes reduce gene output in vivo / 1