Call Number (LC) Title Results
T 1989 .C72 Writing in a community : an examination of peer response to writing in a second-grade classroom / 1
T 1989 .C727 The origin and evolution of the Uranian dust rings / 1
T 1989 .C734 Using artificial intelligence to analyze handwriting / 1
T 1989 .C735 An improved method of bridge evaluation : comparison of field test results with computer analysis / 1
T 1989 .C739 A transpersonal view of social conflict / 1
T 1989 .C759 Identical linkage of oxygen and carbon monoxide binding to hemocyanin / 1
T 1989 .C762 Ethics in nursing : an exploration of the bioethical decision making process / 1
T 1989 .C774 Sex education and teacher comfort level : self-concept and knowledge acquisition of sixth grade students / 1
T 1989 .C811 Critical factors for successful computer installations in the smaller firm : a case study of ten architectural drafting systems / 1
T 1989 .C836 Experimental studies of laser generated translationally hot atoms and molecules / 1
T 1989 .C838 Comparison of attitudes of psychiatric nursing staff and patients toward the use of seclusion on inpatient psychiatric units / 1
T 1989 .C839 Aircraft conformal phased array antennas for aeronautical mobile satellite communications / 1
T 1989 .C889 The role of mediation in knowledge acquisition and retention : learning foreign vocabulary using the keyword method / 1
T 1989 .C912 Coprolites from medieval Christian Nubia : an interpretation of diet and nutritional stress / 1
T 1989 .D133 Modeling of the structure and kinetics of Ch4/NO2/O2 and CH2O/NO2/O2 flames / 1
T 1989 .D181 A knowledge based expert system for the ACI building code / 1
T 1989 .D29 Ordinary least squares estimation given nonorthogonal regressors / 1
T 1989 .D355 Expert scheduling systems applied to flight operations / 1
T 1989 .D357 Cable television signal theft : problem and solutions / 1
T 1989 .D36 Data link layer protocols for varying bit error rate environments / 1