Call Number (LC) Title Results
T 1990 .B497 A comparison of three skating techniques and diagonal stride on heart rate response and forward speed in cross-country skiing / 1
T 1990 .B537 Reactivity of olefins with a cationic molybdenum sulfide dimer containing a hydrosulfido ligand / 1
T 1990 .B562 Algebraic semantics for total correctness and fairness / 1
T 1990 .B564 Some versions of early Romantic pastoral : aggression and dominance in Rousseau, Wordsworth and Blake / 1
T 1990 .B567 The late holocene fluctuations of the Kviarjökull Glacier, southeastern Iceland / 1
T 1990 .B62 A prototype system for extracting objects and relationships from natural language text / 1
T 1990 .B633 Lifetime measurement of the charmed baryon ̳[lambda]̳[c]⁺ / 1
T 1990 .B638 Habitat use by the upland sandpiper in northeastern Colorado / 1
T 1990 .B644 Characterization of catecholate and semiquinonate complexes of the iron triad metals (Fe, Ru, Os) / 1
T 1990 .B659 Symbolic knowledge representation with neural networks / 1
T 1990 .B66 Ordinary movies / 1
T 1990 .B661 Cholesterol response to a diet and behavioral risk modification program in members of the Colorado Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program / 1
T 1990 .B662 Wave propagation and scattering in layered media : application to ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of interfacial cracks and earthquake ground motion / 1
T 1990 .B667 Substance abuse in emergency medical services workers / 1
T 1990 .B677 The interaction of ethanol, corticosterone and GABA in long-sleep and short-sleep mice / 1
T 1990 .B696 Zeolites : using cation exchange to decrease permeability, with applications to waste management / 1
T 1990 .B723 Water over mountain / 1
T 1990 .B734 Functional polyphosphines : their synthesis and characterization / 1
T 1990 .B735 An evaluation of non-survey methods for estimating regional exports by industry : a case study of Colorado / 1
T 1990 .B737 Propagation and scattering of elastic waves in transversely isotropic plates / 1