Call Number (LC) Title Results
T 1991 .T366 Colorado and the interstate highways : a study in the continuity of western tradition / 1
T 1991 .T367 Flotsam and jetsam / 1
T 1991 .T554 To seek another world : Arthurian romance as cultural critique / 1
T 1991 .T574 Citizens take the initiative : the politics of state and local tax reform / 1
T 1991 .T681 Home language use patterns and language maintenance in three Denver-Thai immigrant families / 1
T 1991 .T726 Enhancing the process of identifying and quantifying intangibles in information systems proposals / 1
T 1991 .T736 Attitudes of adolescents toward taking psychotropic medications in the hospital / 1
T 1991 .T755 Contemporary North American women's fiction : utopia, dystopia, and dismantling the phallus / 1
T 1991 .T774 The effect of global change and long period tides on the Earth's rotation and gravitational potential / 1
T 1991 .T787 The finite element method for snow melting and water infiltration in a layered subfreezing snowpack / 1
T 1991 .Un2 A coupled air-bearing/suspension model for disk-head dynamic analysis / 1
T 1991 .Ur6 After summer : a collection of short stories / 1
T 1991 .V28 Atmospheric loading response of the solid earth and oceans / 1
T 1991 .V282 Genetic influences on the effect of chronic prenatal nicotine administration / 1
T 1991 .V335 The pseudodynamic test method with substructuring applications / 1
T 1991 .V586 Analysis and design of two-layer circuit elements suitable for integration with monolithic MICs / 1
T 1991 .V692 Interparental conflict and social functioning in young adulthood / 1
T 1991 .W119 Assembly interruptability robustness model with applications to Space Station Freedom / 1
T 1991 .W169 The aesthetic dimension of advertising / 1
T 1991 .W172 Flights and pursuits : persecution in the Gothic novel / 1