T 1996 .C4206
Synthesis and reactivity of transition metal complexes of indole and related nitrogen heterocycles / |
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T 1996 .C421
The Polvorón phase and the Hohokam collapse / |
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T 1996 .C425
The structuring of top management action : an interpretive inquiry into top management teams / |
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T 1996 .C426
Investigation of water quality paramenters in enhanced coagulation : a look at alternative natural organic matter removal schemes / |
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T 1996 .C443
Centrifuge modeling of flow processes / |
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T 1996 .C452
D⁰ decays as a probe of CP violation and decay mechanisms / |
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T 1996 .C4525
Heat transfer for commercial underground buildings / |
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T 1996 .C4527
Water deconvolution and phase unwrapping for improvement of spectral quality in ¹H spectroscopic imaging datasets / |
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T 1996 .C457
Wireless Local Loop (WLL) in China : why WLL will play an important role in achieving China's aggressive telecommunications deployment goals / |
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T 1996 .C4621
'We mob gotta hold up this country' : Warumungu Women's ritual responsibility / |
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T 1996 .C4624
Neolithic Boiotia : environment and settlements, economy and society as evidenced from the archaeological record / |
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T 1996 .C473
The role of a nuclear PET gene in the assembly of cytochrome C oxidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae / |
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T 1996 .C492
Analysis of charm meson semiliptonic decays and charm baryon high mass states / |
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T 1996 .C547
Elastic power band development for vector prehensors / |
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T 1996 .C548
Effects of steroids and pesticides (DDT, DDE) on the gonaducts of the tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum / |
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T 1996 .C549
Autobiografía y revolución en Cuba / |
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T 1996 .C66
Three case studies using an artificial neural network approach for energy and load prediction / |
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T 1996 .C677
Culture, landscape, and the making of the Colorado ski industry / |
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T 1996 .C6974
Mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunications industry / |
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T 1996 .C738
GPS carrier phase multipath characterization and a mitigation technique using the signal-to-noise ratio / |
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