T 1999 .V539
A theoretical framework for understanding river networks : connecting process, geometry and topology across many scales / |
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T 1999 .V585
Urbanism on the periphery : social and spatial transformations of towns in Sonora, Mexico, 1770-1910 / |
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T 1999 .V677
Light heterogeneity and gas exchange dynamics above and within a monodominant Congolese rain forest canopy / |
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T 1999 .V819
Communications equity and information technology : a study of a community network and the experiences of the groups that it served / |
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T 1999 .V862
Laser cooling on a narrow atomic transition and measurement of the two-body cold collision loss rate in a strontium magneto-optical trap / |
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T 1999 .V94
Vibrationally mediated photodissociation of water and water containing complexes : state-to-state dynamics of intra- and inter-molecular collisions / |
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T 1999 .W125
Discourse and policy in the Philippines : the construction and implementation of a strategic IT plan / |
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T 1999 .W152
Neural network based control of a CVD barrel reactor / |
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T 1999 .W153
The tree-house and other works / |
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T 1999 .W171
A distributed firewall architecture with a load balancing algorithm / |
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T 1999 .W1834
Stochastic parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis applied to photochemical air quality models / |
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T 1999 .W184
Transport phenomena in the hanging drop crystallization method / |
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T 1999 .W21
Theoretical studies of the nematic to smectic-A liquid crystal transition in the bulk and in random environments / |
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T 1999 .W318
Tunneling through SiO₂ thermally grown on SiC and Si substrates / |
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T 1999 .W3183
Responses of algal communities to environmental change in an alpine lake, Green Lakes Valley, Colorado / |
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T 1999 .W357
Prediction and verification of internal electric current distribution in muscle from surface application / |
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T 1999 .W388
The action of translations on wavelet subspaces / |
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T 1999 .W424
Interactivity in web-based foreign language learning materials development : a preliminary case study of [sic] ATLAS Japanese Project / |
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T 1999 .W43
Symbolism : a historical study of the wall murals in Northern Ireland / |
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T 1999 .W433
Subject to change / |
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