Call Number (LC) Title Results
T 2000 .C762 Examination of application performance measurement tools and their use as input into network infrastructure planning and upgrade decisions / 1
T 2000 .C773 Persons of good will : community, civility, and pluralism in the contemporary discourse on values / 1
T 2000 .C812 The re-inscription of female identity : an analysis of self-imaging in sixteenth century Italy / 1
T 2000 .C8124 High strain rate damage in ductile metals / 1
T 2000 .C816 Corticosterone modulates events that lead to the onset of hatching behavior in the domestic chick / 1
T 2000 .C818 Effects of surfactants on pentachlorophenol biodegradation by Sphingomonas chlorophenolicum sp. Strain RA2 / 1
T 2000 .C824 Seismic and geomorphic investigations of Galena Creek Rock Glacier / 1
T 2000 .C84 The machinery of living / 1
T 2000 .C888 The effects of filter and coordinate frame selection on the accuracy and efficiency of tactical ballistic missile parameter estimation and prediction / 1
T 2000 .C897 Measurements of the power spectrum and redshift distortions of the Las Campanas Redshift Survey / 1
T 2000 .C92 Craniodental variation in dwarf galagos (Galagoides) and mouse lemurs (Microcebus) and its implications for the paleotaxonomy of small-bodied eocene primates / 1
T 2000 .D173 Constraints on the surface composition of Jupiter's moon Europa based on laboratory and spacecraft data / 1
T 2000 .D185 Developments in photorefractive two-beam coupling systems / 1
T 2000 .D192 Changes in the character of effluent organic matter during soil aquifer treatment / 1
T 2000 .D228 The dynamics of altitudinal treelines in northern Patagonia : spatio-temporal influences of climate / 1
T 2000 .D241 Psychosocial predictors of HIV risk behavior in gay male couples / 1
T 2000 .D266 Silence and spaces / 1
T 2000 .D289 Hydrological and biogeochemical characteristics of alpine talus, Colorado Front Range / 1
T 2000 .D32 Assessment of bromate formation during ozonation of low bromide natural waters / 1
T 2000 .D377 A new FFT based method for general scalar diffraction calculations / 1