T 2002 .B17
Yoshikawa Eiji's Three kingdoms as Japanese literature / |
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T 2002 .B221
Demographic characteristics and beyond : do parent's language strategies and intentions influence the language development of their deaf/hard of hearing toddlers? / |
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T 2002 .B2821
Estimating real-time ocean temperature profiles from satellite altimetry for use in a coupled model of hurricane intensification / |
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T 2002 .B292
Cause-related marketing and consumer attitudes : the effects of balance and fit on cognitive processing / |
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T 2002 .B373
The impact of parental gesture on the language development of deaf and hard-of-hearing infants and toddlers / |
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T 2002 .B41
Source and effect of acid rock drainage in the Snake River Watershed, Summit County, Colorado / |
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T 2002 .B417
The informal sector in Venezuela / |
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T 2002 .B4632
Listening to the students : the three Rs of student-centered school improvement / |
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T 2002 .B469
Location technologies for E-911 Phase II and economic benefits to carriers through location-based services / |
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T 2002 .B47
Making a European city : urban politics and geo-politics in Krakow, Poland / |
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T 2002 .B623
Towards defining the conformational isomerizations required for hammerhead ribozyme catalysis / |
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T 2002 .B634
Learning object management system : a new model and tool for creating, sharing, and using instructional materials / |
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T 2002 .B645
Mechanistic studies of kinase regulation by the transmembrane aspartate receptor of bacterial chemotaxis / |
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T 2002 .B6654
Development of a low-pressure "counterflow exchanging virtual impactor" for aerosol analysis and measurement of ozone mixing ratios and meteorological parameters through the boundary layer at Summit, Greenland / |
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T 2002 .B696
Peripherality or marginality : socialization of English learners into a high school community of practice / |
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T 2002 .B728
Moral and legal issues surrounding terminal sedation and physician assisted suicide / |
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T 2002 .B731
The influence of crustal magnetic sources on the topology of the Martian magnetic environment / |
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T 2002 .B746
Single- and multiuser space-time communications / |
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T 2002 .B75
Sonic Hedgehog and Indian Hedgehog are critical regulators of primary and secondary myogenesis / |
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T 2002 .B7597
Sexual desire and relationship functioning : the effects of marital satisfaction and power / |
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