Call Number (LC) Title Results
T 22.44/2:4286 SARSEP checklist. 1
T 22.44/2:4297 Industry Issue Resolution Program. 1
T 22.44/2:4299 Privacy and confidentiality-a public trust 1
T 22.44/2:4302 A charity's guide to vehicle donations 1
T 22.44/2:4303 A donor's guide to vehicle donations 1
T 22.44/2:4320 EFTPS tool kit, electronic federal tax payment system a complete marketing resource for paying federal taxes electronically. 1
T 22.44/2:4324 Employee plan examination process 1
T 22.44/2:4327 ITIN, individual taxpayer number ITIN, número de identificación personal del contribuyente. 1
T 22.44/2:4333/ SEP retirement plans for small businesses 1
T 22.44/2:4334 Simple IRA plans for small businesses 1
T 22.44/2:4336 SARSEP, salaried reduction simplified employee pension for small businesses 1
T 22.44/2:4338 SP/ Calificar para el EITC no es una cuestión de suerto 1
T 22.44/2:4339 Thank you for meeting with me to prepare your tax return. 1
T 22.44/2:4339 SPAN/ Gracias por contar conmigo para preparar su declaración de impuestos. 1
T 22.44/2:4344 Report of recommendations. 1
T 22.44/2:4345 Settlements, taxability. 1
T 22.44/2:4347 The new benchmark customer satisfaction study for IRS Form 941TeleFile / 1
T 22.44/2:4349 E-help 1
T 22.44/2:4351 Findings from the ... e-file practitioner attitudinal tracking study / 1
T 22.44/2:4386 Compliance checks examination, audit or compliance check? 1