T 72.15:01-044
Information technology Treasury web sites substantially comply with OMB privacy policies and data collection standards. |
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T 72.15:01-052
Follow-up audit of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms' special occupational tax program |
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T 72.15:01-063
Financial management review of controls over entry summaries subject to antidumping or countervailing duty. |
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T 72.15:01-066
Improvements needed in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms' administration of the certificate of label approval program |
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T 72.15:01-069
General management the Office of Accounting and Internal Control's management process related to an information technology project. |
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T 72.15:01-074
General management Customs Service employment discrimination complaint cases generally prepared according to regulations and procedures. |
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T 72.15:01-077
Protecting the public Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms' investigative case and time data needs improvement. |
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T 72.15:01-081
Protecting the public Treasury's counterterrorism funding reports were inaccurate. |
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T 72.15:01-083
Revenue collection additional corrective actions needed to improve ATF's revenue inspection program. |
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T 72.15:01-084
Narcotics interdiction Customs management action needed to ensure benefits of non-intrusive inspection technology are fully realized. |
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T 72.15:01-090
Protecting the public increased benefits possible from ATF's alcohol and tobacco laboratories. |
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T 72.15:01-091
Money laundering review of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network's use of artificial intelligence to combat money laundering. |
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T 72.15:01-095
Narcotics interdiction Treasury Forfeiture Fund reimbursements to Puerto Rico. |
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T 72.15:01-096
Narcotics interdiction United States Customs Service needed better controls over Operation Hard Line funds. |
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T 72.15:02-004
Protecting the public Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms could improve its National Instant Criminal Background Check System program. |
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T 72.15:02-013
General management better performance measures are needed for Treasury enforcement programs. |
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T 72.15:02-016
Bank Secrecy Act OCC examination coverage of trust and private banking services. |
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T 72.15:02-021
Protecting the public audit survey of ATF's planning and expenditures for the Integrated Violence Reduction Strategy. |
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T 72.15:02-026
Office of Thrift Supervision's Community Reinvestment Act performance evaluations |
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T 72.15:02-029
Information technology management's planned actions for establishing and enforcing web site practices and policies have not been fully implemented. |
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