Call Number (LC) Title Results
T104-12.147 Amended regulation concerning ductility of steel boiler-plate 1
T104-12.148 Unclaimed merchandise 1
T104-12.149 Statistics of immigrants arriving in U.S. by railway cars 1
T104-12.15 Evidence required with applications for benefits provided by Sections 7 and 8, Act of May 4, 1882 1
T104-12.150 Statement of official services performed by U.S. consuls abroad for masters of vessels of U.S. 1
T104-12.151 Decisions in customs cases 1
T104-12.152 Reports of changes of masters 1
T104-12.153 Regulations for maintenance of quarantine inspections on northern frontier of U.S. 1
T104-12.154 Admission of candidates to grade of cadet in Revenue-Marine Service 1
T104-12.155 Decisions in customs cases 1
T104-12.156 Officers on duty under Light-House Establishment 1
T104-12.157 Amending Circular No. 77 of June 3, 1885, relative to drawback on bags 1
T104-12.158 Decisions in customs cases 1
T104-12.159 Preparation of statements of transactions under steamboat-inspection laws 1
T104-12.16 Classification of officers, clerks, and employees in Treasury Department 1
T104-12.160 Fishermen entitled to treatment in marine hospitals 1
T104-12.161 Importation of natural mineral waters 1
T104-12.162 Prompt rendition of statistical returns 1
T104-12.163 Classification of broken or granulated rice 1
T104-12.164 Decisions in customs cases 1