Call Number (LC) Title Results
T104-4.89 Withdrawal of salt to be used in curing fish 1
T104-4.9 Exports to Hawaiian Islands 1
T104-4.90 Redemption of 5-20 bonds of 1865, consols of 1865 1
T104-4.91 To disbursing officers of Navy 1
T104-4.92 Admeasurement of Spanish vessels 1
T104-4.93 Instructions to custodians of public buildings under control of Treasury Department 1
T104-4.94 Publishing synopsis of engineer's journals 1
T104-4.95 To collectors (to accompany advance copies of Series 7, No. 7) 1
T104-4.96 Metallic tags used on railway cars containing bonded merchandise 1
T104-4.97 Concerning transportation of internal revenue stamps, coupons, stubs, books, blanks, locks, and all other supplies and records between officers of Internal Revenue Service, and mailing of internal revenue stamps to taxpayers 1
T104-4.98 Redemption of 5-20 bonds of 1865, consols of 1865 1
T104-4.99 Redemption of 5-20 bonds of 1865, consols of 1865 1
T104-5.1 Exhibiting values in U.S. money of pure gold or silver representing, respectively, monetary units and standard coins of foreign countries, in compliance with Act of Mar. 3, 1873 1
T104-5.10 Instructions to officers of customs, prescribing manner in which copies of weights may be furnished to importers and others, and forbidding receipt of fees or gratuities 1
T104-5.100 [Directive on duties and compensation of pension agents] 1
T104-5.101 Publishing synopsis of engineers' journals 1
T104-5.102 Relative to miscellaneous expense-accounts on Form 131, for expenditures under appropriation for discovering violations of internal-revenue law, etc. 1
T104-5.103 Charges for transportation of national bank notes for redemption to be paid by senders 1
T104-5.104 Concerning return of special-tax stamps, coupons, and stubs of Series of 1877 1
T104-5.105 To supervising and local inspectors of steam-vessels, relating to seizures and fines 1