Call Number (LC) Title Results
T104a-41.47 Concerning collectors' office expenses 1
T104a-41.48 Instructions to assessors and assistant assessors as to their final duties under Internal Revenue Act approved Dec. 24, 1872 1
T104a-41.49 Collectors to render statement of their accounts on 19th of May, 1873 1
T104a-41.5 Quarterly returns of iron tonnage 1
T104a-41.50 [Free entry of barrels of American manufacture exported with petroleum and returned empty, regulations on shipper's declaration] 1
T104a-41.51 [Transmittal of instructions to consular officers on verification of declaration required for free entry of American-made barrels exported with petroleum and returned empty] 1
T104a-41.52 Circular letter to collectors 1
T104a-41.53 Relative to notices to mariners and correction of light-house lists 1
T104a-41.54 Custom-house fees elsewhere than on northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers of U.S. 1
T104a-41.55 Circular to collectors of customs 1
T104a-41.56 Issue of minor coins of U.S. in exchange at par for lawful money 1
T104a-41.57 Circular to collectors of customs 1
T104a-41.58 Concerning keeping by collectors of supply of check and proprietary stamps 1
T104a-41.59 Concerning advertising, etc., notice of liability to special taxes 1
T104a-41.6 Concerning internal revenue gaugers' accounts 1
T104a-41.60 Concerning distillers' bonds and notices 1
T104a-41.61 To collectors of customs, and surgeons having charge of marine patients 1
T104a-41.62 Prescribing fees for internal revenue gauging 1
T104a-41.63 Concerning gauging and weighing distilled spirits 1
T104a-41.64 Concerning collectors' bonded accounts on Forms 94, 94a, and 94b 1