Call Number (LC) Title Results
T27.2-27 Opportunities for life career in field of public health. 1
T27.2-28 U.S. Public Health Service : what does it do for me? 1
T27.2-29 Directions for using vaccine against Rocky Mountain spotted (tick) fever. 1
T27.2-30 Outline of summer school course for teachers on sex instruction and guidance for high school pupils. 1
T27.2-33 Final announcement of 1924 public health summer schools : Columbia University, July 7 to Aug. 15; University of California, June 23 to Aug. 2; University of Iowa, June 9 to July 18; University of Michigan, June 23 to Aug. 1 and 15; together with announcement of public health courses offered by summer sessions of various other universities of U.S. 1
T27.2-34 Report of conference with medical colleges relative to venereal disease control. 1
T27.2-37 Venereal disease menace : exhibit for business men's organizations, women's clubs, churches, Y.M.C.A.'s, Y.W.C.A.'s, parent-teacher associations, fraternal orders, granges, labor unions, and similar groups. 1
T27.2..An8_2 Anthrax in industry. 1
T 27.2:An 8/2 Anthrax in industry. 1
T 27.2:As 7/1 [Examination of candidates for position of assistant surgeon in Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, to be held Apr. 15, 1907] 1
T 27.2:As 7/2 [Examination of candidates for position of assistant surgeon in Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, to be held Jan. 7, 1909] 1
T 27.2:C 16/5/no.1 What to Know, What to do About Cancer. 1
T 27.2:C 73 Is your community fit? Open letter to mayors, health officers, chambers of commerce, community councils, Red Cross chapters, and citizens interested in health and welfare of their community
Is your community fit? Open letter to mayors, health officers, chambers of commerce, community councils, Red Cross chapters, and citizens interested in health and welfare of their community.
T 27.2:C 81 U.S. Public Health Service correspondence file subjective classification, based on alpha-numerical system of correspondence filing.
U.S. Public Health Service correspondence file : subjective classification, based on alpha-numerical system of correspondence filing.
T27.2..C16_5_no.1 What to Know, What to do About Cancer. 1
T 27.2:F 76/1 Rapid disinfection with high percentages of formaldehyd, researches conducted at Hygienic Laboratory of U.S. Marine-Hospital Service 2
T 27.2:F 76/2 Report on formaldehyd disinfection in vacuum chamber 2
T 27.2:F 77 Advice and instructions to patients [of tuberculosis sanitorium at Fort Stanton, N.Mex.] 2
T 27.2:F 77/2 To patient en route to Marine Hospital, Fort Stanton, N.Mex
To patient en route to Marine Hospital, Fort Stanton, N.Mex.
T 27.2:G 44 What every girl should know; message from Government
What every girl should know; message from Government.