Call Number (LC) Title Results
T 27.17:31/decis.1 United States Public Health Service decision 1, under Section 9 of Regulations for control of manufacture, importation, and sale of arsphenamine and its derivatives. 1
T27.17..31_decis.1 United States Public Health Service decision 1, under Section 9 of Regulations for control of manufacture, importation, and sale of arsphenamine and its derivatives. 1
T27.2-19 Is your community fit? Open letter to mayors, health officers, chambers of commerce, community councils, Red Cross chapters, and citizens interested in health and welfare of their community. 1
T27.2-20 U.S. Public Health Service correspondence file : subjective classification, based on alpha-numerical system of correspondence filing. 1
T27.2-21 To patient en route to Marine Hospital, Fort Stanton, N.Mex. 1
T27.2-22 What every girl should know; message from Government. 1
T27.2-23 Hospitals. 1
T27.2-24 Report of delegation from U.S.A. to 6th International Sanitary Conference at Montevideo, Dec. 12-20, 1920. 1
T27.2-25 National Negro Health Week : annual observance. 1
T27.2-25.1 National Negro Health Week, 9th annual observance. 1
T27.2-25.10 National Negro Health Week, 18th annual observance. 1
T27.2-25.2 National Negro Health Week, 10th annual observance. 1
T27.2-25.3 National Negro Health Week, 11th annual observance. 1
T27.2-25.4 National Negro Health Week, 12th annual observance. 1
T27.2-25.5 National Negro Health Week, 13th annual observance. 1
T27.2-25.6 National Negro Health Week, 14th annual observance. 1
T27.2-25.7 National Negro Health Week, 15th annual observance. 1
T27.2-25.8 National Negro Health Week, 16th annual observance. 1
T27.2-25.9 National Negro Health Week, 17th annual observance. 1
T27.2-26 Information for guidance and assistance of registrants disqualified for active military service because of physical defects. 1