Call Number (LC) Title Results
T-96-70 The life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth : extracted textually from the Gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English / 1
T-96-71 Le chevalier délibéré / 1
T-96-78 The American woods : exhibited by actual specimens and with copious explanatory text / 1
T-96-138 OS2 A catalogue of the Harleian manuscripts in the British museum. : With indexes of persons, places, and matters ... / 1
T96.C38 Sentidos de la formacion tecnologica una concepcion a partir de los actores institucionales en el Departamento del Cauca. 1
T100-1 Treasury Department section, Checklist of Public Documents, 1789-1909 (3rd edition) 1
T102-2 Laws and Executive orders relating to Alaska, lease of islands of St. Paul and St. George to Alaska Commercial Company and regulations governing agents of Treasury in charge of seal fisheries. 1
T102-3 [Mineral water importation from Apollinaris spring in Germany] [transmittal of correspondence on investigation into preparation, chemical content, and duty imposition] 1
T102-4 Catalogue of blank forms and blank record books used in Treasury Department 1
T102-5 Report of the Secretary of the Treasury upon bids for U.S. 4 per cent bonds of 1925 invited by circulars issued by Treasury Department, Jan. 6, 9, and 15, 1896. 1
T102-6 Present worth of outstanding bonds, upon 2 1/4 per centum basis, for month of Dec. 1900 1
T102-7 [Table containing flat prices at which 5 percent bonds of 1904, 4 percent bonds of 1907, and 3 percent bonds of 1908-1918 should be sold in order to realize annual interest of 1.726 percent; also prices of 4 percent bonds of 1925 to realize 1.906 percent; for month of Jan. 1902.] 1
T102-8 Tables showing prices of 2, 3, and 4 per cent bonds, (interest payable quarterly) corresponding to investment values of from 1/4 per cent to 3 per cent per annum, from 1/4 year to 20 and 30 years maturity of bond together with simple interest table. 1
T102-9 Catalogue of books and blanks prepared for use of collectors and other officers of customs. 1
T102-10 Revised catalogue of books and blanks prepared for use of collectors and other customs officers. 1
T102-11 Revised catalogue of books and blanks prepared for use of collectors and other customs officers. 1
T102-12 Catalogue of books and blanks used by officers of customs at port of New York. 1
T102-13 Report on the state of trade between the United States and British possessions in North America 1
T102-14 History of public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department (exclusive of marine hospitals and quarantine stations) 1
T102-15 Canadian non-intercourse reply by Secretary of Treasury to inquiry by Foreign Affairs Committee of House of Representatives. 1