Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA1505 .P762 vol.2770 Superintense laser fields : Laser Optics '95 and ICONO '95 : 27 June-1 July, 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia / 1
TA1505 .P762 vol.2781 Lasers in medicine : 27-29 April 1995 Warsaw-Zegrze, Poland / 1
TA1505 .P762 vol.2956 Optics in atmospheric propagation, adaptive systems, and lidar techniques for remote sensing : 24-26 September 1996, Taormina, Italy / 1
TA1505 .P762 vol.2957 Advanced and next-generation satellites II : 23-26 September 1996, Taormina, Italy / 1
TA1505 .R165 2003 ROMOPTO 2003 Seventh Conference on Optics : 8-11 September 2003, Constantat, Romania / 1
TA1505 .R33 2000 Radio frequency photonic devices and systems 31 July-1 August 2000, San Diego, USA / 1
TA1505 .R36 1989 Raman scattering, luminescence, and spectroscopic instrumentation in technology 17-19 January 1989, Los Angeles, California / 1
TA1505 .R43 2014e Real-time photonic measurements, data management, and processing : 9-11 October 2014, Beijing, China / 1
TA1505 .R45 1998 Reliability of photonics materials and structures : symposium held April 13-16, 1998, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. / 1
TA1505 .R63 2005 Robert Shannon and Roland Shack : legends in applied optics / 1
TA1505 .R66 Conference in optics / 1
TA1505 .R66 1994 ROMOPTO '94 fourth conference in optics / 1
TA1505 .S27 1998 Saratov Fall Meeting '98 light scattering technologies for mechanics, biomedicine, and material science ; International Workshop and Fall School for Young Scientists and Students : 6-9 October 1998, Saratov, Russia /
Saratov Fall Meeting '98 : light scattering technologies for mechanics, biomedicine, and material science ; International Workshop and Fall School for Young Scientists and Students : 6-9 October 1998, Saratov, Russia /
TA1505 .S27 2000 Saratov fall meeting 2000 : coherent optics of ordered and random media : 3-6 October 2000, Saratov, Russia / 1
TA1505 .S27 2001 Saratov fall meeting 2000 : coherent optics of ordered and random media : 3-6 October 2000, Saratov, Russia / 1
TA1505 .S28 2001 Saratov fall meeting 2000 coherent optics of ordered and random media : 3-6 October 2000, Saratov, Russia /
Saratov Fall Meeting 2001 : coherent optics of ordered and random media II : 2-5 October, 2001, Saratov, Russia /
TA1505 .S284 2003 Saratov Fall Meeting 2003 : coherent optics of ordered and random media IV : 7-10 October, 2003, Saratov, Russia / 1
TA1505 .S32 2003a Optical technologies in biophysics and medicine V Saratov Fall Meeting 2003 : 7-10 October, 2003, Saratov, Russia / 1
TA1505 .S36 2002 Ultrafast photonics : proceedings of the Fifty-Sixth Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, St. Andrews, September 2002 : a NATO advanced study institute / 1
TA1505 .S36 2004 Ultrafast photonics : proceedings of the Fifty-Sixth Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, St. Andrews, September 2002 : a NATO advanced study institute / 1