Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA1637 .A38 2006 Advances in image and video segmentation / 1
TA1637 .A38 2011 Advances in 3D geo-information sciences 1
TA1637 .A38 2012 Advances in reasoning-based image processing intelligent systems conventional and intelligent paradigms / 1
TA1637 .A38 2013 Advanced color image processing and analysis 1
TA1637 A38 2020 Advances in computational techniques for biomedical image analysis : methods and applications / 1
TA1637 .A383 1998 Advances in digital and computational geometry / 1
TA1637 .A383 2014eb Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics. 1
TA1637 .A384 2002eb Advances in image processing and understanding : a festschrift for Thomas S. Huang / 1
TA1637 .A387 2018eb Advanced secure optical image processing for communications / 1
TA1637 .A39 1994 Image and information systems applications and opportunities : 23rd AIPR Workshop, 12-14 October 1994, Washington, D.C. / 1
TA1637 .A4 2002 Advances in image processing and understanding : a festschrift for Thomas S. Huang / 1
TA1637 .A43 2012 Articulated motion and deformable objects 7th International Conference, AMDO 2012, Port d'Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, July 11-13, 2012. Proceedings / 1
TA1637 .A44 1993 Image representation and processing : a recursive approach / 1
TA1637 .A45 Algorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery.
Algorithms for multispectral and hyperspectral imagery.
Algorithms for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery.
TA1637 .A45 2008eb Advances in intelligent information processing : tools and applications / 1
TA1637 .A47 2001 Inverse problems, image analysis, and medical imaging : AMS Special Session on Interaction of Inverse Problems and Image Analysis, January 10-13, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana / 2
TA1637 .A53 2014 Analysis of images, social networks and texts : third International Conference, AIST 2014, Yekaterinburg, Russia, April 10-12, 2014, Revised selected papers / 1
TA1637 .A547 2021eb A survey of blur detection and sharpness assessment methods / 1
TA1637 .A56 2007 Fundamentals of digital image processing / 1
TA1637 .A67 1996 Applications of artificial neural networks in image processing 1-2 February 1996, San Jose, California / 1