Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
TA171 .E5 | Environment-sensitive mechanical behavior. : Proceedings of a conference ... / | 1 |
TA173 .L4 | Methods for solving engineering problems, using analog computers / | 1 |
TA173 .R6 | Analog computation in engineering design / | 1 |
TA173 .W43 | The use of computers in civil engineering education / | 1 |
TA174 |
Machine learning and optimization for engineering design / Introduction to optimum design / Quality of Experience Engineering for Customer Added Value Services : From Evaluation to Monitoring / Engineering design, planning, and management / Innovating processes : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only / HANDS-ON ENGINEERING; AUTHENTIC LEARNING EXPERIENCES THAT ENGAGE STUDENTS IN STEM (GRADES 4-6) The state of CAD 2017 : reinventing design and manufacturing / Cooperative design, visualization, and engineering : 14th International Conference, CDVE 2017, Mallorca, Spain, September 17-20, 2017, Proceedings / Design theory : methods and organization for innovation / ArchiCAD 20 : Praxiseinstieg / Design for durability and performance density Handbook of engineering practice of materials and corrosion Materials and process selection for engineering design / Design and society : social issues in technological design / Foresight for science, technology and innovation / Creative design engineering : introduction to an interdisciplinary approach / Localized damage computer-aided assessment and control : proceedings of the first International Conference on Computer-Aided Assessment and Control of Localized Damage, held in Portsmouth, UK, 26-28 June 1990 / Mechanical design engineering handbook / Design for X : Concurrent engineering imperatives / Impact of design research on industrial practice : tools, technology, and training / Topology design methods for structural optimization Hydrodynamics of planing monohull watercraft / Scalable disruptors Design Modelling Symposium Kassel 2024 / Computer-aided design and computer graphics 18th International Conference, CAD/Graphics 2023, Shanghai, China, August 19-21, 2023, Proceedings / Design research : the sociotechnical aspects of quality, creativity, and innovation / Engineering design applications V : structures, materials and processes / Optimum Design of Structures : With Special Reference to Alternative Loads Using Geometric Programming / Knowledge Intensive CAD. proceedings of the first IFIP TC5 WG5.2 International Conference on Knowledge Intensive CAD, Finland, September 1995 / Advances in engineering design : select proceedings of FLAME 2022 / Simplifying solution space enabling non-expert users to innovate and design with toolkits / AI-Powered Graphic Design : Mastering Figma and emerging tech. Getting Started with DraftSight. Architecting a knowledge-based platform for design engineering 4.0 Computer Aided Design Guide for Architecture, Engineering and Construction Practical Handbook of Warehousing / Advances in design engineering III : proceedings of the XXXI INGEGRAF International Conference 29-30 June, 1 July 2022, Málaga, Spain / Geometric modeling of fractal forms for CAD / Engineering design applications IV : structures, materials and processes / Design engineer's reference guide : mathematics, mechanics, and thermodynamics / Advanced gear engineering / Architectural draughtsmanship : from analog to digital narratives / Advances in mechanical processing and design : select proceedings of ICAMPD 2019 / Perspectives on design and digital communication II research, innovations and best practices / Advances in engineering design select proceedings of ICOIED 2020 / The future of transdisciplinary design proceedings of the Workshop on "The Future of Transdisciplinary Design", University of Luxembourg 2013 / Solid modeling and applications : rapid prototyping, CAD and CAE theory / Thought-evoking approaches in engineering problems / Up and running with AutoCAD 2014 2D and 3D drawing and modeling / Engineering capstone design / The Moral Status of Technical Artefacts Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2018 : KEER 2018, 19-22 March 2018, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia / Multidisciplinary design optimization supported by knowledge based engineering / Advanced design : universal principles for all disciplines / Design methodology for intelligent technical systems : develop intelligent technical systems of the future / Cooperative design, visualization, and engineering : 21st international conference, CDVE 2024, Valencia, Spain, September 15-18, 2024, proceedings / Advances on mechanics, design engineering and manufacturing III : proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing, JCM 2020, June 2-4, 2020 / Design computing and cognition'24. Science in design : solidifying design with science and technology / AI System Support for Conceptual Design Proceedings of the 1995 Lancaster International Workshop on Engineering Design, 27-29 March 1995 / Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering 2023 (InCITE 2023) Learning Bentley MicroStation V8i / Creating custom PCBs with CadSoft EAGLE : from design to manufacturing--creating custom printed circuit boards / Google SketchUp. Learning Bentley MicroStation V8i 3D / Innovative design, analysis and development practices in aerospace and automotive engineering : I-DAD 2014, February 22-24, 2014 / Engineering design applications III structures, materials and processes / AutoCAD express NT : covering release 14 / Managing engineering design. Principles of CAD a Coursebook / Introduction to Optimization of Structures / Design Theory '88 Proceedings of the 1988 NSF Grantee Workshop on Design Theory and Methodology / Rotordynamics '92 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Rotating Machine Dynamics Hotel des Bains, Venice, 28-30 April 1992 / Conceptual Design for Engineers / Multiple Criteria Decision Support in Engineering Design / Perspectives from Europe and Asia on Engineering Design and Manufacture a Comparison of Engineering Design and Manufacture in Europe and Asia / Machining Impossible Shapes : IFIP TC5 WG5.3 International Conference on Sculptured Surface Machining (SSM98) November 9-11, 1998 Chrysler Technology Center, Michigan, USA / Countering design exclusion an introduction to inclusive design / AutoCAD Express / Reliability and Robustness of Engineering Software II : Proceedings of the Second International Conference held in Milan, Italy, during 22-24 April 1991 / Integrated Manufacturing Systems Engineering / Design thinking research : innovation, insight, then and now / Evolutionary and Adaptive Computing in Engineering Design / Feature Based Product Life-Cycle Modelling IFIP TC5 / From Geometric Modeling to Shape Modeling : IFIP TC5 WG5.2 Seventh Workshop on Geometric Modeling: Fundamentals and Applications October 2-4, 2000, Parma, Italy / Software Engineering for Manufacturing Systems : Methods and CASE tools. IFIP TC5 international conference on Software Engineering for Manufacturing Systems, 28-29 March 1996, Stuttgart, Germany / AutoCAD for Windows Express / Collaborative Design : Proceedings of CoDesigning 2000 / Evolutionary Design and Manufacture : Selected Papers from ACDM '00 / Evolutionary Structural Optimization / Knowledge Intensive CAD : Proceedings of the IFIP TC5 WG5.2 International Conference on Knowledge Intensive CAD, 16-18 September 1996, Pittsburgh, PA, USA / Engineering Design Synthesis : Understanding, Approaches and Tools / Robust Aeroservoelastic Stability Analysis Flight Test Applications / Group Invariance in Engineering Boundary Value Problems / Cooperative design, visualization, and engineering : 20th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering, CDVE 2023, Mallorca, Spain, October 1-4, 2023, Proceedings / Perfecting Engineering and Technical Drawing Reducing Errors and Misinterpretations / Advances on mechanics, design engineering and manufacturing IV : proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing, JCM 2022, June 1-3, 2022, Ischia, Italy / Multi-fidelity surrogates : modeling, optimization and applications / Design for enhancing eco-efficiency of energy-related products : the integration of simplified LCA tools in industrial design education / Design computing and cognition '22 / Space modeling with SolidWorks and NX / Design thinking research : building innovators / Fundamentals of geometry construction the math behind the CAD / Theory of Technical Systems : a Total Concept Theory for Engineering Design / Design computing and cognition '12 / CAD, 3D modeling, engineering analysis, and prototype experimentation : industrial and research applications / Principia designae-- Pre-design, design, and post-design : social motive for the highly advanced technological society / Engineering design 3 checkbook / Principles of engineering design / Cooperative design, visualization, and engineering : 19th International Conference, CDVE 2022, virtual event, October 25-28, 2022, proceedings / Design praxiology and phenomenology : understanding ways of knowing through inventive practices / Cyber-physical and gentelligent systems in manufacturing and life cycle : genetics and intelligence -- keys to industry 4.0 / Innovative Design, Analysis and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering (I-DAD 2018). Advanced CAD modeling : explicit, parametric, free-form CAD and re-engineering / Integrated CAD by optimization : architecture, engineering, construction, urban development and management / Graphic imprints : the influence of representation and ideation tools in architecture / Engineering design under uncertainty and health prognostics / Engineering design applications / Mathematical modeling and optimization of complex structures / Design computing and cognition '18 / Methods and Tools for Co-operative and Integrated Design / Direct Engineering: Toward Intelligent Manufacturing / Perspectives on design and digital communication : research, innovations and best practices / Kawaii engineering : measurements, evaluations, and applications of attractiveness / Advances in design engineering : proceedings of the XXIX International Conference INGEGRAF, 20-21 June 2019, Logroño, Spain / Quantifying aesthetics of visual design applied to automatic design / Transdisciplinary engineering design process / Advances in design, simulation and manufacturing II : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, DSMIE-2019, June 11-14, 2019, Lutsk, Ukraine / Advances in engineering design and simulation : select proceedings of NIRC 2018 / Product development : principles and tools for creating desirable and transferable designs / Product design modeling using CAD/CAE : the computer aided engineering design series / Computer-aided design international yearbook 1985 / Artificial intelligence in design '00 Decision based design / FreeCAD : 3D-Modellierung für Mechanik und Architektur : der umfassende Praxiseinstieg / A BIM professional's guide to learning Archicad : boost your design workflow by efficiently visualizing, documenting, and delivering BIM projects / Drawing product ideas : fast and easy UX drawing for anyone / Cooperative design, visualization, and engineering : 15th International Conference, CDVE 2018, Hangzhou, China, October 21-24, 2018, Proceedings / Electronic Design Automation Frameworks Proceedings of the fourth International IFIP WG 10.5 working conference on electronic design automation frameworks / Design Science Introduction to the Needs, Scope and Organization of Engineering Design Knowledge / Cooperative design, visualization, and engineering : 11th International Conference, CDVE 2014, Seattle, WA, USA, September 14-17, 2014. Proceedings / Cooperative design, visualization, and engineering : 13th International Conference, CDVE 2016, Sydney, NSW, Australia, October 24-27, 2016, Proceedings / Optimization methods, theory and applications / Advances in integrated design and production II : proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Integrated Design and Production, CPI 2022, May 10-12, 2022, ENSAM, Rabat, Morocco / Robust design and assessment of product and production by means of probabilistic multi-objective optimization Bio-inspired transportation and communication / Complexity management in engineering design -- a primer / Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Axiomatic Design 2023 / The design and development process : perspectives, approaches and models / Advances on mechanics, design engineering and manufacturing : proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2016), 14-16 September, 2016, Catania, Italy / Biomimetic design method for innovation and sustainability / Innovative design and development practices in aerospace and automotive engineering : I-DAD, February 22-24, 2016 / Cultural space on metaverse / Axiomatic design in large systems : complex products, buildings and manufacturing systems / Bionic optimization in structural design stochastically based methods to improve the performance of parts and assemblies / Residential Crowding and Design / From Knowledge Intensive CAD to Knowledge Intensive Engineering : IFIP TC5 WG5.2. Fourth Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD May 22-24, 2000, Parma, Italy / Homogenization and Structural Topology Optimization : Theory, Practice and Software / Advances in Formal Design Methods for CAD : Proceedings of the IFIP WG5.2 Workshop on Formal Design Methods for Computer-Aided Design, June 1995 / Adaptive computing in design and manufacture VI / Advances in design engineering IV : proceedings of the XXXII INGEGRAF International Conference 21-23 June, Cádiz, Spain / International journal on interactive design and manufacturing Design optimization under uncertainty / Frugal engineering advent, design and production of frugal products / Industrial and manufacturing designs : quantitative and qualitative analysis / Design computing and cognition '16 Artificial Intelligence in Design '98 / The Universe of Design : Horst Rittel's Theories of Design and Planning. Learning SolidWorks 2013 / Getting started with MicroStation 10 CONNECT : learning the interface and settings, and using tools and techniques to create 2D drawings / Proceedings of IDEAS 2019 the Interdisciplinary Conference on Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship, And Sustainable Systems / Digital fabrication in architecture, engineering and construction / Bentley Microstation V8i level 2 / Innovative technologies in engineering : from design to competitive product : IX International Scientific and Technical Conference on Engineering-Innovation: From Design to Production of Competitive Products / Advances in engineering design select proceedings of FLAME 2020 / Advances in integrated design and production : proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Integrated Design and Production, CPI 2019, October 14-16, 2019, Fez, Morocco / Advances in design and digital communication II : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, Digicom 2021, November 4-6, 2021, Barcelos, Portugal / Inventive Thinking through TRIZ a Practical Guide / Principles of Process Planning : a logical approach / Design for Configuration : a Debate based on the 5th WDK Workshop on Product Structuring / Computer aided design international directory 1986 / Engineering design and mathematical modelling : concepts and applications / Design added value how design increases value for architects and engineers / Design for Manufacturing and Assembly : Concepts, architectures and implementation / Advances on mechanics, design engineering and manufacturing II : proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2018) / Design for tomorrow : proceedings of ICoRD 2021. Game + Design Education proceedings of PUDCAD 2020 / 301 Top Tips for Design Engineers To Help You 'Measure Up' in the World of Engineering. Human Behaviour in Design Individuals, Teams, Tools / Creative engineering design assessment : background, directions, manual, scoring guide and uses / Peer review and design competition in the NNSA National Security Laboratories / Design computing and cognition '20 / Quality of Experience Engineering for Customer Added Value Services From Evaluation to Monitoring / FreeCAD der umfassende Praxiseinstieg für 3D-Modellierung und Architekturkonstruktion / Design and analysis of thermal systems / INTERACTIVE SKETCH-BASED INTERFACES AND MODELLING FOR DESIGN. The role of prototypes in design research : overview and cases studies / Design studies and intelligence engineering / Advances in engineering design : select proceedings of FLAME 2018 / Artificial Intelligence in Design '92 / Concurrent Engineering Concepts, implementation and practice / Practice of Petri Nets in Manufacturing / Engineering Approaches to Mechanical and Robotic Design for Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) / Integrated Product, Process and Enterprise Design / Artificial Intelligence in Design '94 / Interactive Graphics in CAD / Applications of Supercomputers in Engineering II / Mechanical Design of Heat Exchangers And Pressure Vessel Components / Computer-aided Tolerancing : Proceedings of the 4th CIRP Design Seminar The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, April 5-6, 1995 / Integration of Process Knowledge into Design Support Systems : Proceedings of the 1999 CIRP International Design Seminar, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands, 24-26 March, 1999 / Discretization Methods and Structural Optimization - Procedures and Applications : Proceedings of a GAMM-Seminar October 5-7, 1988, Siegen, FRG / Design in Nature : Learning from Trees / Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces III : Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces 15-17 May 2002, Valenciennes, France / General Spatial Involute Gearing / Global Consistency of Tolerances : Proceedings of the 6 th CIRP International Seminar on Computer-Aided Tolerancing, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands, 22-24 March, 1999 / Economics of Advanced Manufacturing Systems / Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering : Proceedings of the 1st IDMME Conference held in Nantes, France, 15-17 April 1996 / Distribution : Planning and Control / Artificial Intelligence in Design / Proceedings of the Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2022 = Tagungsband zum Münchner Leichtbauseminar 2022 / Sculptured Surface Machining: Theory and applications. Developing Expert CAD Systems / Adhesives in Engineering Design / Rapid Response Manufacturing : Contemporary methodologies, tools and technologies / ArchiCAD 19 : Praxiseinstieg / Cooperative design, visualization, and engineering : 12th International Conference, CDVE 2015, Mallorca, Spain, September 20-23, 2015, Proceedings / Engineering design applications II structures, materials and processes / Surrogate model-based engineering design and optimization / Engineering design : a survival guide to senior capstone / Effective Inquiry for Innovative Engineering Design Engineering Optimization in Design Processes : Proceedings of the International Conference Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center, Germany September 3-4, 1990 / Design and engineering for low resource settings a practical guide / |
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TA174 .A317 2000 | Evolutionary design and manufacture : selected papers from ACDM'00 / | 1 |
TA174 .A318 2002eb | Adaptive computing in design and manufacture V / | 1 |
TA174 .A32 1998 |
Adaptive computing in design and manufacture the integration of evolutionary and adaptive computing technologies with product/system design and realisation / Adaptive computing in design and manufacture : the integration of evolutionary and adaptive computing technologies with product/system design and realisation / |
2 |
TA174 .A325 2011eb | Advanced design and manufacturing technology I / | 1 |
TA174 .A38 1980 |
Computer aided design : modelling, systems engineering, CAD-systems : CREST Advanced Course, Darmstadt, 8-19, September 1980 / Computer aided design modelling, systems engineering, CAD-systems : CREST Advanced Course, Darmstadt, September 1980 / |
2 |
TA174 .A38 2008eb | Advanced design and manufacture to gain a competitive edge new manufacturing techniques and their role in improving enterprise performance / | 1 |
TA174 .A38 2013eb | Advances in mechanisms, robotics and design education and research / | 1 |
TA174 .A386 2012 |
Advanced engineering design an integrated approach / Advanced engineering design : an integrated approach / |
3 |
TA174 .A39 | Advances in computer-aided engineering design. | 1 |
TA174 .A392 2006eb | Advances in design | 1 |
TA174 .A415 1994 |
Advances in design optimization Advances in design optimization / |
3 |
TA174 .A417 1999 |
Advances in soft computing : engineering design and manufacturing / Advances in soft computing engineering design and manufacturing / |
2 |
TA174 .A47 1993 | Intelligent concurrent design : fundamentals, methodology, modeling, and practice / | 1 |
TA174 .A48 1993 | Computer-aided design and manufacturing / | 1 |
TA174 .A53 2015eb | Conceptual design : interpretations, mindset and models / | 1 |