Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA1750 .E4194 2015e Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems : Technology and Applications XII; and Quantum Information Science and Technology : 22-23 September 2015, Toulouse, France / 1
TA1750 .E4196 2005 Electro-optical and infrared systems technology and applications II : 26-27 September, 2005, Bruges, Belgium / 1
TA1750 .E4196 2006 Electro-optical and infrared systems technology and applications III : 13-14 September, 2006, Stockholm, Sweden / 1
TA1750 .E422 1989 Electro-optic and magneto-optic materials and applications : 24-25 April 1989, Paris, France / 1
TA1750 .E423 2004 Electro-optical and infrared systems : technology and applications : 25-27 October, 2004, London, United Kingdom / 1
TA1750 .E424 1987 Electro-optical imaging systems integration 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California /
Electro-optical imaging systems integration : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California /
TA1750 .E4245 2000 Electro-optical imaging : system performance and modeling / 1
TA1750 .E425 1983 Electro-optical instrumentation for industrial applications : April 5-6, 1983, Arlington, Virginia /
Electro-optical instrumentation for industrial applications April 5-6, 1983, Arlington, Virginia /
TA1750 .E427 2006 Electro-optical remote sensing II 13-14 September, 2006, Stockholm, Sweden / 1
TA1750 .E435 Electro-optical technology for remote chemical detection and identification / 1
TA1750 .E435 1996 Electro-optical technology for remote chemical detection and identification 8-9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida / 1
TA1750 .E44 1981 Electro-optical instrumentation for resources evaluation : April 21-22, 1981, Washington, D.C. / 1
TA1750 .E44 1994 Electro-optics handbook / 1
TA1750 .E44 2000 Electro-optics handbook /
Electro-optics handbook
TA1750 .E442 1990 Electro-optical materials for switches, coatings, sensor optics, and detectors : 16-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida / 1
TA1750 .E443 2016 Electro-Optical Remote Sensing X 26-27 September 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom /
Electro-optical and infrared systems: technology and applications XIII 28-29 September 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom /
TA1750 .E45 Electro-optics; principles and applications, seminar-in-depth / 1
TA1750 .E457 2005 Electro-optical remote sensing 26-28 September, 2005, Bruges, Belgium / 1
TA1750 .E457 2007e Electro-optical remote sensing, detection, and photonic technologies and their applications 18-20 September 2007, Florence, Italy / 1
TA1750 .E457 2008 Electro-optical remote sensing, photonic technologies and applications II 15-16 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom / 1