Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA357.5.M84 The lattice Boltzmann method : principles and practice /
Computational transport phenomena of fluid-particle systems /
Multiphase flows with droplets and particles /
Small scale modeling and simulation of incompressible turbulent multi-phase flow /
Lattice Boltzmann modeling for chemical engineering /
Poro-elastic theory with applications to transport in porous media /
Buoyancy-thermocapillary convection of volatile fluids in confined and sealed geometries
Multiphase lattice Boltzmann methods : theory and application /
Multiphase flow dynamics a perspective from the Brazilian academy and industry /
Multiphase flow research /
Nonlinear analysis of gas-water/oil-water two-phase flow in complex networks /
Experiments and numerical simulations of turbulent combustion of diluted sprays : TCS 3: Third International Workshop on Turbulent Spray Combustion /
Handbook of multiphase flow assurance /
The history of multiphase science and computational fluid dynamics a personal memoir /
Introduction to multiphase flow basic concepts, applications and modelling /
Two-phase flow for automotive and power generation sectors /
Recommended void fraction correlations for vertical upward and downward two-phase flow in pipes /
Handbook of multiphase flow science and technology /
Computational techniques for multiphase flows /
Multiphase science and technology.
Multiphase flow analysis using population balance modeling : bubbles, drops and particles /
Introduction to multiphase flow : basic concepts, applications and modelling /
Introduction to polyphasic dispersed systems theory : application to open systems of microorganisms' culture /
Multiphase flow dynamics.
Vapor liquid two phase flow and phase change /
Statistical treatment of turbulent polydisperse particle systems : a non-sectional PDF approach /
Numerical simulation of multiphase reactors with continuous liquid /
Two-phase gas-liquid flow in pipes with different orientations
Frontiers and progress in multiphase flow I /
TA357.5.M84 A38 1990 Advances in gas-liquid flows, 1990 : presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dallas, Texas, November 25-30, 1990 / 1
TA357.5.M84 A4 2017e XV All-Russian Seminar "Dynamics of Multiphase Media" (DMM2017) : 3-5 October 2017, Novosibirsk, Russia / 1
TA357.5.M84 A73 2022 Transport phenomena in multiphase systems / 1
TA357.5.M84 B37 2010eb Critical regimes of two-phase flows with a polydisperse solid phase 1
TA357.5.M84 .B374 2015eb Entropic invariants of two-phase flows / 1
TA357.5.M84 B58 2017 Multiphase flow in permeable media : a pore-scale perspective /
Multiphase Flow in Permeable Media.
TA357.5.M84 .B67 2014 Turbulent multiphase flows with heat and mass transfer / 1
TA357.5.M84 .B684 2016eb Experimental Analysis and Modeling of Industrial Two-Phase Flows in Bubble Column Reactors. 1
TA357.5.M84 B76 2005 Fundamentals of multiphase flow / 1
TA357.5.M84 B76 2005e Fundamentals of multiphase flow / 1
TA357.5.M84 C43 2007 CFD of multifluid flows : May 21-24, 2007 / 1
TA357.5.M84 C45 2006eb Computational methods for multiphase flows in porous media 2
TA357.5.M84 C65 2007eb Computational methods for multiphase flow / 1
TA357.5.M84 C652 1996 Combustion and turbulence in two-phase flows : January 29-February 2, 1996 / 1
TA357.5.M84 C76 1998 Multiphase flows with droplets and particles / 1
TA357.5.M84 C76 2012 Multiphase flows with droplets and particles 2
TA357.5.M84 D63 1991 Theory of structured multiphase mixtures /
Theory of structured multiphase mixtures
TA357.5.M84 D66 2007 Shock wave science and technology reference library. 1
TA357.5.M84 D66 2007eb Shock wave science and technology reference library. 1