Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA368.A88 S735 ASTM D 6751-03a Standard specification for biodiesel fuel blend stock (B100) for middle distillate fuels. 1
TA368 .ANSI/NCCLS H11.A2-1992 Percutaneous collection of arterial blood for laboratory analysis. 1
TA368?b.A55 ANSI/AWWA C508-93 AWWA standard for swing-check valves for waterworks service, 2 in. (50 mm) through 24 in. (600 mm) NPS. 1
TA368\b.A55 ANSI/DIN 53515 Determination of tear strength of rubber elastomers and plastic film using Graves angle test piece with nick = Prüfung von Kautschuk und Elastomeren und von Kunststoff-Folien, Weiterreißversuch mit der Winkelprobe nach Graves mit Einschnitt. 1
TA368}b.A55 IES DG-23-14 Lighting for toll plazas / 1
TA368 .B18.2.4.6M-1979 Metric heavy hex nuts. 1
TA368 .B45 1962 True position dimensioning / 1
TA368 .E43 2015 Standards and quality / 1
TA368 .F56 2012eb  
TA368 .G56 Speaking of standards. 1
TA368 .I58x 1018 (1975) Hard coal : determination of moisture-holding capacity. 1
TA368.I61*ISO 12233-2000(E) Photography : electronic still-picture cameras : resolution measurements = Photographie : appareils de prises de vue Celectroniques : mesurages de la résolution. 1
TA368 .I76 no. 1133 Plastics : determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and the melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics = Plastiques : détermination de lìndice de fluidité à chaud des thermoplastiques, en masse (MFR) et en volume (MVR) 1
TA368 .J393 2018eb Primer on Engineering Standards : Expanded Textbook Edition. 1
TA368 .L54 2000 Life safety code handbook / 1
TA368.M4 M325 Mechanical and performance requirements for prevailing-torque type steel metric hex nuts and hex flange nuts / 1
TA368.M4 M433 Metric hex lag screws / 1
TA368.M4 M438 Metric machine screws / 1
TA368.M4 M4442 Metric series hexagon keys and bits : for socket screw products / 1
TA368.M4 T6 Torque-tension test requirements for prevailing-torque type steel metric hex nuts and hex flange nuts / 1