Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 3.8.2-1987 American national standard criteria for functional and physical characteristics of emergency response facilities / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 3.8.3-1987 American national standard criteria for emergency response plans and implementing procedures / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 3.8.5-1992 American national standard criteria for emergency radiological field monitoring, sampling, and analysis / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS-3.8.7-1998 American national standard criteria for planning, development, conduct, and evaluation of drills and exercises for emergency preparedness / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 4.5-1980 American national standard criteria for accident monitoring functions in light-water-cooled reactors / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 5.1-1979 American national standard for decay heat power in light water reactors / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 5.10-1998 American national standard for airborne release fractions at non-reactor nuclear facilities / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 5.4-1982 American national standard method for calculating the fractional release of volatile fission products from oxide fuel / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 6.1.1-1991 American national standard for neutron and gamma-ray fluence-to-dose factors / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 6.1.2-1999 American national standard neutron and gamma-ray cross sections for nuclear radiation protection calculations for nuclear power plants / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 6.3.1-1980 American national standard program for testing radiation shields in light water reactors (LWR) / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 6.4-1985 American national standard for guidelines on the nuclear analysis and design of concrete radiation shielding for nuclear power plants / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 6.4.2-1985 American national standard specification for radiation shielding materials : / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 6.4.3-1991 American national standard for gamma-ray attenuation coefficients and buildup factors for engineering materials / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 6.6.1-1987 American national standard for calculation and measurement of direct and scattered gamma radiation from LWR nuclear power plants / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 8.1-1998 American national standard for nuclear criticality safety in operations with fissionable material outside reactors / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 8.10-1983 American national standard criteria for nuclear criticality safety controls in operations with shielding and confinement / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 8.12-1987 American national standard for nuclear criticality control and safety of plutonium-uranium fuel mixtures outside reactors / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 8.15- 1981 American national standard for nuclear criticality control of special actinide elements / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ANS 8.17-1984 American national standard criticality safety criteria for the handling, storage and transportation of LWR fuel outside reactors / 1