TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASSE 1046-1990
Performance standard for thermal expansion relief valve. |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASSE 1047-1990
Performance requirements for reduced pressure detector assembly backflow preventer / |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASSE 1048-1990
Performance requirements for double check detector assembly backflow preventer / |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASSE 1051-1990
Performance requirements for air admittance valves for plumbing drainage systems : fixture and branch devices / |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASSE 5000-1991
Professional qualification standards : backflow prevention assemblies, series 5000. |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM A343/A343M-03
Standard test method for alternating-current magnetic properties of materials at power frequencies using wattmeter-ammeter-voltmeter method and 25-cm Epstein test frame. |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM A36/A36M-05
Standard specification for carbon structural steel. |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM A370-05
Standard test methods and definitions for mechanical testing of steel products. |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM A380-06
Standard practice for cleaning, descaling, and passivation of stainless steel parts, equipment, and systems. |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM A455-03
Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, carbon steel, high-strength manganese. |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM A516-06
Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, carbon steel, for moderate- and lower-temperature service. |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM A580-06
Standard specification for stainless steel wire. |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM A931-96
Standard test method for tension testing of wire ropes and strand. |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM/ASTM D1587-08
Standard practice for thin-walled tube sampling of soils for geotechnical purposes. |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM B1-01
Standard specification for hard drawn copper wire / |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM B438-08
Standard specification for bronze-base powder metallurgy (PM) bearings (oil-impregnated) / |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM B439-08
Standard specification for iron-base powder metallurgy (PM) bearings (oil-impregnated) / |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM B557-06
Standard test methods for tension testing wrought and cast aluminum- and magnesium-alloy products / |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM B610-08
Standard test method for measuring dimensional changes associated with processing metal powders / |
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TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM B832-93
Standard guide for electroforming with nickel and copper / |
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