Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E1782-08 Standard test method for determining vapor pressure by thermal analysis. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E1821-08 Standard test method for determination of carbohydrates in biomass by gas chromatography. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E1823-05a Standard terminology relating to fatigue and fracture testing / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E1824-08 Standard test method for assignment of a glass transition temperature using thermomechanical analysis. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E1858-08 Standard test method for determining oxidation induction time of hydrocarbons by differential scanning calorimetry. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E1873-06 Standard guide for detection of nucleic acid sequences by the polymerase chain reaction technique. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E2048-99 Standard guide for detection of nucleic acids of the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and other pathogenic mycobacteria by the polymerase chain reaction technique. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E2097-00 Standard guide for determining the impact of extractables from non-metallic materials on the safety of biotechnology products.
Standard guide for detection of nucleic acid sequences of the human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 by the polymerase chain reaction technique.
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E2254-03 Standard test method for storage modulus calibration of dynamic mechanical analyzers. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E23-05 Standard test methods for notched bar impact testing of metallic materials. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E2397-05 Standard practice for determination of dead loads and live loads associated with green roof systems. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E2398-05 Standard test method for water capture and media retention of geocomposite drain layers for green roof systems. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E2400-06 Standard guide for selection, installation, and maintenance of plants for green roof systems. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E2509-08 Standard test method for temperature calibration of rheometers in isothermal mode. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E2614-08 Standard guide for evaluation of cleanroom disinfectants. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E2635-08 Standard practice for water conservation in buildings through in-situ water reclamation. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E285-08 Standard test method for oxyacetylene ablation testing of thermal insulation materials. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E290-97a Standard test methods for bend testing of material for ductility. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E341-08 Standard practice for measuring plasma arc gas enthalpy by energy balance. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/ASTM E355-96 Standard practice for gas chromatography terms and relationships. 1