Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 14B-1978 Standard for sliding hardware for standard, horizontally mounted tin-clad fire doors. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 14C-1978 Standard for swinging hardware for standard tin-clad fire doors mounted singly and in pairs. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 17 Standard for vent or chimney connector dampers for oil-fired appliances. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 18-1980 Standard for unlined fire hose. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 20-1990 Standard for general-use snap switches. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 21-1980 Standard for LP-gas hose. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 22-1988 Standard for amusement and gaming machines, UL 22. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 25-1979 Standard for meters for flammable and combustible liquids and LP-gas. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 30-1999 Standard for metal safety cans. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 32-1999 Standard for metal waste cans. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 33-1987 Standard for heat responsive links for fire-protection service. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 38-1981 Standard for local manually actuated signaling boxes for use with fire-protective signaling systems. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 41-1973 Standard for tests for combustibility of sweeping compounds. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 44-1991 Standard for rubber-insulated wires and cables. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 45-1990 Standard for portable electric tools. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 47-1980 Standard for semiautomatic fire hose storage devices. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 48-1981 Standard for electric signs, UL 48. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 50-1979 Standard for cabinets and boxes. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 51-1992 Standard for power-operated pumps for anhydrous ammonia and LP-gas. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI/UL 58-1985 Standard for steel underground tanks for flammable and combustible liquids. 1